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Curve: The centre line of road consists of series of straight lines interconnected by

curves that are used to change the alignment/ direction and slope of the road.

Horizontal curves: Those curves that are used to change the alignment or direction
are known as horizontal curves. Best nature of curve to be provided is circular
(Curves that form circular arcs). Smaller the radius of curve, sharper is the curve.
Curve must be flat rather than sharp ( i.e. large radius).
Type of Horizontal curves:
There are four type of horizontal curve:
1. Simple curve: Simple curve is an arc of circle. The radius of circle determine
the sharpness or flatness of curve
2. Compound curve: This curve normally consists of two simple curves joined
together and curving in the same direction
3. Reverse curve: This curve normally consists of two simple curves joined
together and curving in the opposite direction
4. Spiral curve (transition curve): This curve has varying radius. Its purpose to
provide transition from tangent to a simple curve or between the simple
curves in compound curve.

a. Simple curve

b. Compound curve

c. Reverse curve

d. Transition( spiral curve)

Element of simple curve (circular curve):
A simple circular curve shown in Fig. a, consists of simple arc of a circle of
radius R connecting
two straights AI and IB
1. Point of commencement (P.C). The tangent points T1 called the point of
commencement (P.C.) from where the curve start

2. Point of tangency (P.T): The tangent point T2 called the point of tangency
(P.T.). This is the end point of curve,
3. Point of intersection (I) or vertex (V): The point where the backward and
forward tangents intersect is called the point of intersection (P.I.),
4. Deflection angle :An angle between a forward tangent and the extension of
backward tangent at I

5. Angle of intersection : The interior angle is the angle between backward

and forward angle at I
6. External distance (E): The distance E of the midpoint of the curve from I is
called the external distance.
7. Length of curve: The arc length from T1 to T2 is the length of curve,
8. Long chord: The chord T1T2 is called the long chord.
9. Normal chord: The chord length between two peg held each of equal
length is the normal chord say chord of 20m, 30m length
10.Sub-chord: Chord length from P.C to first peg or from last peg to point of
tangency is called sub-chord generally less or equal length than normal
11.Mid Ordinate: The distance M between the midpoints of the curve and the
long chord, is called the mid-ordinate.
12.Tangent Length: The distance T1I which is equal to the distance IT2, is
called the tangent length.
13.Back tangent: The tangent AI is called the back tangent
14.Forward Tangent: The tangent IB is the forward tangent
15.Central angle: The angle drawn from two radii at centre of circle drawn
from P.T and P.C
16.Degree of curve: angle subtended by an arc of length 100 feet
17.A Radian is the angle subtended by an arc whose length equals the length
of the Radius



Tangent to Circular Curve

Tangent to Spiral Curve to Circular Curve

Formula to be used for setting and design of curve
Radius of curve R = 5730 / D

Deflection angle: To layout a circular curve, the surveyor usually uses a chain or EDM to measure
distances along the arc of the curve and a transit or theodolite to measure the horizontal angles from a
reference line to the station to be set. Before laying out a circular curve we need to know its parameters.
The radius of the curve.
The beginning station.
The distances along the arc between the instrument and the points to be set.

Knowing these basics we can determine the deflection angles between stations.
From basic geometry we know that:
Circumference = D or 2R

Where, = 3.1415926 and D = the Diameter of the circle, and R = the Radius.
We also know that there are 360 degrees in a circle.
If we say that the length along the arc is L, then we can determine the interior angle of the
circle subtended by the arc. To do that, lets calculate the fractional part of the arc to the

Fraction portion= Arc length/circumference= L/ (2 R)

This represents the fractional part of the total circle subtended by the arc. We will call the subtended
angle .
/3600= L/(2 R)
We also know that the deflection angle is 1/2 , by combining terms we can write the
deflection angle like so
=3600 L/(4 R)= 900 L/( R)
These are the formulas we would use to calculate the curve deflections for circular curves
From the formula /3600= L/ (2 R)
If L=100 feet,

then , D = 5730 / R

Radius of one degree curve

R=5730 feet
The Degree of Curve is defined as the angle subtended by an arc whose length is 100 ft.
A Radian is the angle subtended by an arc whose length equals the length of the Radius, or 57 17 44.8,
or 57.295779513.
Pi = = 3.1415926
Circumference = 2R
Degrees in a circle = 360
Radius of a one degree curve = 5729.5779513 ft.
D = Degree of Curve.
R = Radius of the curve.
= Delta, the central angle of the curve.
= Alpha, the deflection angle to the point to be set

In highway work we use the ARC definition for degree of curve

Vertical curves: Those curves that are used to change the slope are known as
vertical curves

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