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The Norman Transcript


Time for vaccinations


Oklahoma law requires

children to be up to date on
vaccinations before enrolling or starting child care or
school to protect the health
of all students. Children
entering kindergarten are due
for booster doses for MMR
(measles, mumps and rubella),
polio, DTaP (tetanus, diphtheria
and pertussis) and chickenpox.
Hepatitis A vaccination is required for students in all grades
in Oklahoma. Students need
at least one dose of hepatitis
A vaccine to start school. A
second dose is due six to 18
months later.
Students in grades seven
through 11 are required to have
one dose of TDaP vaccine.
Older students are strongly
encouraged to receive a dose
of TDaP vaccine if they missed
it. Adolescents and adults need
TDaP vaccine so they wont
contract whooping cough and
infect babies and toddlers.
Parents should talk to health
care providers about two
vaccines recommended for all
pre-teens at 11-12 years of age:
HPV vaccine and MCV (meningococcal conjugate vaccine).
The HPV vaccine has the
potential to prevent 90 percent
of cervical cancers. It also protects from cancers that mainly
affect boys and men.
The meningococcal conjugate vaccine offers protection
against the effects of meningococcal disease, which can
cause death in less than 48
hours and may leave survivors
with life-long problems, such as
brain damage or loss of arms
or legs. A booster dose of MCV
is recommended at age 16. It
is required for rst-time college
students who will live in oncampus student housing.
For more information, contact
a local county health department, health care provider or
visit or cdc.

Taiwanese Aborigine
Choir to perform
Southern Oklahoma Chinese
Baptist Church, 625 E. Frank
St. in Norman, will host the
Taiwanese Aborigine Choir at 7
p.m. Aug. 14. The event is free
and open to the public.
Donations to the choir are
appreciated. Doors open at
6:30 p.m. Seating is rst-comerst-serve.
The choir, also known as the
Christian Mountain Childrens
Home Choir, was established in
May 1998. M
ost members hail from
aborigine tribes in the highlands.
Rev. David Kou trained the
Childrens Choir in the Italian Bel
Canto style along with his own
vocalization techniques.
Since its inception in 1998,
the choir has not only performed throughout Taiwan, but
also traveled to Hong Kong,
Macao, Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, Norway, Mainland China,
Canada and the U.S.
This year marks their 12th
North America tour, in which
they will witness for the Lord
through their testimonies and

Free developmental
screenings offered
Rainbow Fleet and the OU
Health Science Center are partnering to offer free developmental and autism screenings for
children ages 0-6. Speech and
language pathologists, as well
as behavioral health specialists,
will conduct the screenings,
which look at areas including autism and development in areas
including language, cognitive,
gross motor, ne motor and
social skills.
The screenings will be Aug.
10 at Rainbow Fleet, 3024
Paseo. To schedule an appointment, call 521-1426 or 800438-0008. A parent or legal
guardian must accompany the
child throughout the process.
Submitted Content

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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