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Pregnancy discriminationa type of employmentdiscriminationthat occurs when expectant women are fired, not hired, or
otherwisediscriminateddue to theirpregnancyor intention to becomepregnant.

Canlas, Ma. Kyla Joy E.


What is Discrimination?
Gender is discrimination toward the opposite sex. Stereotyping held by society is many ways women workers
still are getting paid only 70% of what the men make. It is hard to get a pay raise or climb the corporate ladder.
Many employees do give the promotions in the increasing gender society, but there are people out there that
think the women should stay in the kitchen.

Racism is discrimination against people of color. It is distinguishing the differences between human being. To be
in a position that prohibits someone to do their job because of their race or color of their skin; is discrimination.
There are many ways people can (beat around the bush) If I may say. by just giving that disgusting look that
people get when something smells bad; you can sense that you are getting treated in a different way. It hurts
when someone gets put down because of their color.
Religion is discrimination, although people who believe in god or Mary are the one who are going to be saved. There is a discrimination
of the different types of beliefs that one will say god will save us and another would say that Mary will come to save us all. There are
many ways in which you could say that one religion is better than the other, but matter at hand of discrimination each religion has
different out looks on how the world was created and how we are all going to be saved.

Age is discrimination that adolescent or minorities have a lower standard of grasping the whole concept of
having responsibilities that many are put in a group of the careless teenagers. Even employer have
discrimination against the age of the work force, although in todays society many minorities are responsible

enough to become one of the best employees at a job.

Nevertheless, there are many who have discrimination against a person over the age of 50; many
employers do not like to hire a person who is at of age or they are ready to retire. The employer has
discrimination against people who cannot keep up with the work force. They believe that the person cannot
perform the techniques that the job requires.

Disability discriminationwhen a person with adisability is treated less favorably than a person without thedisability in the same or
similar circumstances. For example, it would be 'directdisability discrimination' if a nightclub or restaurant refused a person entry
because they are blind and have a guide dog.

To give disrespect of another person by judging someone by their nature or origin is how it becomes part of everyones life. Have you ever heard
the term never judge a book by its cover? Discrimination is an issue that everyone has concerns about; weather it be age, race, religion, gender
or any person different than another. To judge a person on how they look, how they act, or even how they smell is discrimination. Many do not
want to bring up the topic or words because of the past and the outcome of the future. There are many different way we can use discriminating
words. How we treat people in today society is how we can overcome our fear of letting people know that our world has different cultures and not
to judge a person on the outside; it is what is on the inside that counts.

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