At Home With Kowalski's

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Fall 2007
Thats Fresh Thinking.

At Homewith


Lets Talk Turkey

Whats New at Kowalskis
Confluence: Our Chefs Meet Chef Mark McGraw
Dinner Clubs...A Great Way to Connect Over Food

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Thoughts from
the Kowalskis
Admittedly, most of us are creatures of habit. We have our

We highlight new products from every department and share

morning routine, the specific way we order our favorite cof-

recipes that include new cookies, quick ideas for preparing

fee drink and how we like our steak cooked. We are entering

winter squash and a twist on some classics to create new

into a time of year that is full of routines and traditions as

Thanksgiving traditions. Linda Day Anderson wants to help

well, and we celebrate them all at Kowalskis.

you establish another tradition by gathering friends to start a

dinner club. Look for her holiday menu to make it easy to

The traditions begin with our annual Boo Bash. This highly

get started, and then go to our website for a new menu

anticipated event for the kids is an opportunity to dress in

each month.

costume, have their picture taken with our costumed characters and walk the aisles of the store gathering treats in

Let us know about your traditions and how we can help you

every department. Boo Bash will take place at your local

make the most of this busy time of the year. Together we

Kowalskis Market Tuesday, October 23 from 4:00pm-7:00pm

celebrate those traditions that are special to all of us.

(Grand Avenue: Saturday, October 27 from 10:00am2:00pm).

The Kowalskis
Jim, Mary Anne and Kris

We cant wait to see all of our young shoppers!

We get you ready for all of your holiday entertaining needs
with ideas for open houses and dinners, and a preview of
our new floral arrangements and gifts. Join us on Saturday,

November 10 from 11:00am-5:00pm for our Holiday Open

House and start making your plans.
We couldnt forget about Santa! Well have one of Santas
helpers at each of our markets on Saturday, December 15

from 9:00am-noon. Bring your camera, or have us take a

picture to document the occasion.
Our fall/winter edition of At Home with Kowalskis is full of
information to celebrate the season. Susan Moores has tips
for healthy eating to keep those extra holiday pounds off.


1261 Grand Avenue
Manager: Jean Christensen

5327 Lyndale Avenue S.
Manager: John Majewski


16500 W. 78th Street
Manager: Jeff Linder


4391 S. Lake Avenue
Manager: Doug Borsch

2440 Hennepin Avenue
Manager: Tim Adelmann

5801 Neal Avenue N.
Manager: Steve Szondy

Linda Day Anderson,
Kowalskis Markets

Visual Expressions

Karne McGary

Phil Aarrestad


Hooker & Company

8505 Valley Creek Road
Manager: Dan Klassen

5615 Chicago Avenue S.
Manager: Greg Feiock

Maggie Stopera

Kowalskis Companies,
2007 All Rights Reserved

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Focus on our Local

hen Dr. Elizabeth Klodas came to us,
and we heard the story behind her
product, fibr, we knew this was something
we had to have!

In her consultations with

her patients, Dr. Klodas found that they
wanted to eat healthy, but either couldnt
find the foods she was suggesting or didnt
know what to do with them once they were
purchased. Since she was already making
her version of the breakfast yogurt topping
for herself and her family, it made sense to
look for a way to mass produce it in order
to share it with her patients. From small
batches in the Cuisinart at home, bringing
fibr to market has been the culmination of two years of work for
Dr. Klodas and a true
labor of love.

This versatile product has many uses,

from simply sprinkling two
tablespoons on yogurt, fruit or
salads, to mixing it into
smoothies, meatloaf,
spaghetti sauce, pancakes,
quick breads or muffins. You
dont even need to change
your recipes, said Dr. Klodas.
Look for fibr in 15 oz. recyclable canisters in the Natural
Cereal Section in the Grocery
Department. Available in
Organic Orchard Blend (flax, oat bran,
wheat germ, walnuts, almonds, prunes and
apricots) and Organic Blueberry Blend
(blueberries, flax, oat bran, wheat germ,
walnuts, almonds and raisins), each canister contains approximately 22 servings.


Signature Product
The newest addition to our signature
products line is Kowalskis 100% Pure
Apple Cider. We turned to Fireside
Orchard and Gardens in Northfield,
Minnesota, a local company that was
founded 35 years ago by Robert Harvey
when he began selling apples from a picnic table in his front yard. Today, Robert
and his son, Todd, operate the orchard,
along with a retail store that offers a
variety of apples and related products.
The cider they have created for
Kowalskis is a blend of many local
apples that were developed by the
University of Minnesota. You will find that
it starts out sweet-tart at the beginning of
the season, and subtly becomes sweeter
as the season progresses and different
apple varieties become available.

To locate other local products throughout

the store, look for our new Local Signage
to identify growers and companies that are
our neighbors.


Serve it hot with a cinnamon stick or

make an Apple Cider Float by adding a
scoop of vanilla ice cream to a tall glass
of cool cider. Either way it is a treat that
is highly anticipated every fall.

The inspiration for fibr (Italian for fiber)

was twofold. Twenty years ago, Dr. Klodas
was on a trip to Italy and had
enjoyed a topping on her
breakfast yogurt that was
made up of wheat bran and
ground raisins. It didnt really taste very good alone, but
was the perfect accompaniment to the yogurt, said Dr.
Klodas. As a cardiologist, I
knew that the mixture I had
eaten in Italy contained some
of the things that we should
be eating, but didnt always fit
into our diets. So I tucked the idea away
and began experimenting with a similar
concoction when I returned home after my
travels. What she came up
with was not only more
complete and healthful,
but also tasted great!

Fibr is an organic, raw food with all the

delicious taste that nature intended.
Brimming with whole grains, healthful fats
and antioxidants, fibr is ideal for promoting and maintaining a healthy heart and
circulatory system. It is a powerful combination of natures fiber, plant sterols and
omega-3 fatty acids. It contains no additives, preservatives, sweeteners, stabilizers
or flavor enhancers. Its easy to use, naturally delicious and good for you.

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Dinner Clubs...a great way

to connect over food

books or Kowalskis magazines, and a

menu is created. We have done ethnic,
seasonal, elegant, casual, you name it over
the years, said Linda Engdahl, one of the
members. We have even gone back and
recreated our favorites. In fact, the recipes
in the article are several of the original
recipes that got the group started.

Linda Day Anderson

Director of Culinary Promotions


hat began for us almost 15 years ago

as a way to get to know other couples
of a similar age at our church, has turned
into a life-long connection with five other
couples. The gatherings have revolved
around our enjoyment of food, as well as
the chance to get together and support one
another through the ups and downs of life. I
am speaking of my special Dinner Club and
the great food and fellowship we have had
over the years.

The premise is simple: recipes are selected

from current food magazines, new cook-

named the Think Tank. We think about

good food, good wine and good company,
said Marlene. This group formed a few
years ago, and now they meet over lunch
since they are all retired.
The Think
Tank Lu
nch Group

Everyone gets a packet that includes the

menu, recipes and assignments. Each person is responsible for preparing their part of
the meal and bringing it to the dinner, either
ready to serve or with finishing touches left
to complete. Each couple brings a beverage to share, and the stage is set for an
evening of great food and conversation.
We all agree that it has become a way to
try new recipes and enjoy a special meal
without all the work of preparing every
course, says Jan Angell. We take turns
hosting, and occasionally try a new restaurant when everyone is just too busy to cook.
As we have gotten older and our children
have grown, we even spun off a MotherDaughter Dinner Group. We have really
enjoyed seeing our daughters take an
interest in cooking, and the time we spend
together is a bonus, adds Char Wahl.
Long time Kowalskis customer Marlene
Goethel is part of a Dinner Club as well,

15 Year Dinner Group:

Bruce & Teri Norby, Walker & Jan Angell, Char Wahl, Gary &
Linda Anderson, Steve & Linda Engdahl, Laurie Bentsen.

Wed like to help you form your own Dinner

Club. Check out our website at each month and use the menu
and recipes we will post to make getting
started easier. If you are already part of a
group, Id also love to hear from you. Feel
free to call me or email your cooking experiences or share new recipes youve tried.
The connections we make over food are
what Kowalskis is all about!


1 (2 lb.) bag organic red potatoes, peeled, quartered
1 tbsp. kosher salt
2 tbsp. milk
2 tbsp. butter
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 large zipper closure freezer storage bag
16 tbsp. (0.63 lb.) container Kowalskis Salsa di Parma, divided

Dinner Group:
Char & Callie Wahl;
Linda, Emily & Amy
Engdahl; Linda &
Sonya Anderson

Place potatoes in large saucepan; cover with cold water and sprinkle with 1 tbsp. salt.
Bring to a boil over high heat; reduce heat and simmer until tender when pierced with a
fork (about 20 min.). Drain potatoes; add milk, butter and egg to pan. Using hand potato
masher, mash potatoes until no lumps remain. Spoon potato mixture into storage bag;
using scissors, snip off one corner of bag making small opening. On parchment-lined jelly
roll pan, pipe potato mixture into 8 circular mounds. Using back of teaspoon, make a well
in center of each mound; fill each with 2 tbsp. Salsa di Parma. Place pan in freezer until
firm; freeze, covered, until needed.
To Bake: Arrange potatoes on parchment-lined jelly roll pan; bake in a preheated 425
oven until lightly browned on top (12- 15 min.). Serve immediately.
Serves 8.
Good to Know:

Potatoes hold their shape better during baking if they are baked frozen.



1 red bell pepper cut into
julienne strips
cup unsalted butter
2 (12 oz.) bags fresh broccoli
1 tsp. kosher salt
In small skillet over medium heat, melt butter; saut red pepper strips in butter until
crisp tender (3-5 min.). Microwave broccoli
according to pkg. directions. In large serving bowl, combine broccoli, red pepper,
butter and salt, tossing to coat.
Serves 8.

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1 pt. heavy whipping cream, divided
3 (5.3 oz.) bars Green and Blacks
Organic Baking Chocolate with
72% Cocoa, broken into small
1/2 cup light corn syrup
1/2 cup unsalted butter (1 stick)
1/4 cup sifted powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
-Crme Anglaise (below)
1 (6 oz.) container fresh raspberries
-fresh mint sprigs

Line 9x5 1/2" loaf pan with plastic wrap,

extending over sides of pan; set aside. In
heavy saucepan, cook 1/2 cup whipping
cream, chocolate, corn syrup and butter over
low heat until chocolate melts (6-8 min.), stirring constantly; remove from heat and cool to
room temperature. In large mixer bowl, beat
remaining 1 1/2 cups whipping cream, powdered sugar and vanilla on high speed until stiff
peaks form; fold in cooled chocolate mixture

on lowest mixer speed. Pour into prepared

pan; refrigerate until firm (6-8 hrs.).
To Serve: Lift mousse out of pan with plastic wrap; let stand at room temperature 45 min.
for easier slicing. Spoon pool of crme
anglaise on each plate; place slice of mousse
over sauce. Garnish with raspberries and
sprig of mint.
Serves 16.
Crme Anglaise: In medium bowl, whisk 1
doz. egg yolks and 1 cup Bakers Sugar until
slightly thickened. In medium saucepan, heat 1
qt. half-and-half over medium heat until small
bubbles form around edge of pan. Slowly
whisk hot half-and-half into egg mixture; return
mixture to saucepan and continue cooking
over medium heat, stirring constantly with
heatproof rubber spatula until sauce is the
consistency of heavy cream and reaches 170
on an instant-read thermometer (15-20 min.).
Pour sauce through a fine mesh strainer; stir in
2 tsp. vanilla. Refrigerate, covering after completely cooled.


In small saucepan, simmer water and veal demi

glace until dissolved; set aside. In large skillet,
melt 2 tbsp. butter; saut shallots until tender
(about 5 min.). Stir in mushrooms and parsley,
sauting until mushrooms are tender (8-10 min.).
Stir in mustard, thyme, salt and pepper; set
aside. In another large skillet, melt 1/4 cup butter
over medium heat; saut fillets until browned (3-4
min. per side). Season with North Woods Grill
Seasoning; remove from pan. Stir flour and tomato paste into pan drippings; cook 3 min., stirring
constantly. Slowly stir veal demi glace and wine
into pan drippings. Bring to a boil; boil and stir
until thickened (about 1 min.). Stir 1 tbsp. sauce
into mushroom mixture; refrigerate remaining
sauce, covered. On lightly floured surface, cut
each sheet of puff pastry in half. Place1/4 of
mushroom mixture onto center of each piece of
pastry; top with steak. Fold pastry around steak
as if you were wrapping a package, wetting
edges with water and pinching to seal. Place
seam side down on parchment lined baking
sheet. Refrigerate, covered, several hrs. To
Bake: In small bowl, combine egg and water
with fork; brush egg mixture over each pastry
bundle. Pierce top of pastry several times with
fork to vent. Bake in a preheated 400 oven,
uncovered, until golden brown (about 25 min.).
Reheat red wine sauce; spoon over each Wellington.
Serve immediately.
Serves 4.


Cranberry Chutney Dressing:

1 (9.4 oz.) jar cranberry chutney
3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup Kowalskis Extra Virgin
Olive Oil
3 tbsp. Kowalskis Pure Honey
1 tsp. minced garlic
1/4 tsp. dry mustard
2 (5 oz.) containers organic baby
1 bunch green onions, sliced
4 hard-cooked eggs, sliced
8 slices Applewood Smoked
Bacon, cooked, crumbled
1 cup coarsely chopped
Kowalskis Praline Pecans
1 cup Kowalskis Dried Whole

In blender container, process dressing ingredients until smooth; refrigerate, covered.

To Serve: Divide salad ingredients among
each of 8 salad plates in order listed; drizzle
with dressing. Serve immediately. Serves 8.
Good to Know:

Hard-cooked eggs can be purchased in

the Dairy Department in packages of
six eggs.

2 cups hot water

2 1/2 tbsp. Chef Sids Veal Demi Glace
2 tbsp. unsalted butter
1/2 cup minced shallots
1 (8 oz.) pkg. baby bella sliced mushrooms, coarsely chopped
1/3 cup chopped Italian flat leaf parsley
1 tbsp. Dijon mustard
1 1/2 tsp. snipped fresh thyme
1/4 tsp. kosher salt
1/4 tsp. Kowalskis Cracked Black
1/4 cup unsalted butter
1 lb. beef tenderloin, cut into 4 pieces
-Kowalskis North Woods Grill
3 tbsp. Wondra Flour
2 tbsp. Italian double concentrated
tomato paste
1 1/2 cups red wine
1 (17 oz.) pkg. puff pastry, thawed
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp. water



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Healthy Eating
for the Holidays

Lighten up and eat the foods

you like.

Susan Moores, M.S., R.D.

t can be a love hate relationship when

the holidays roll around. We love the
traditions, special foods and merriment,
yet we despise the possibility our
waistlines will expand. This year, greet
the festivities and joys of the season
with a new frame of mind take a
lighten up approach to holiday time.

Research suggests that whether or not

we enjoy what we eat may affect how
well we absorb the nutrients in those
foods. Several years ago, scientists in
Sweden and Thailand found that when
women liked the foods they were eating, they absorbed more iron from
those foods than from foods they were
told to eat but did not like. Enjoying the
foods we eat may trigger our bodies to
release more digestive enzymes, which
in turn may help at least certain nutrients in foods be better absorbed.

Lighten up on the guilt.

Many of the foods considered holiday
traditions are actually pretty nutritious,
such as turkey, cranberries, winter
squash and sweet potatoes. Add to
that pumpkin, apples and pears,
clementines, pomegranates, nuts and
more, and youll see there are plenty of
good things to be said about holiday
foods. All are brimming with vitamins
and phytonutrients; all offer plenty of
healthful substances to benefit your
body. Instead of feeling bad about eating holiday fare, pat yourself on the
back for taking advantage of foods that
are both delicious and nutritious.

The waistline expands when were

unable to lose the weight we gained
from one year to the next. Pace yourself
for the next several weeks:
Take a healthful approach when it
comes to day-to-day food choices.
Put a greater emphasis on fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains
foods that are not as likely to be on
party menus. This will help offset what
you choose to eat come party time.
At parties, enjoy foods unique to the
holidays over those you can get any
time of the year. Earmark your calories
for something special.
Take the edge off your appetite
before hitting the party circuit. Eat a
tasty salad, dish of fruit, bowl of soup
or some other lower calorie, somewhat filling appetizer.
Grab small plates, small portions and
small helpings of alcohol. All will lighten
up the calorie load and when it comes
to alcohol, drinking less of it should
improve your resolve to eat well.
Lighten up everyday living.

Lighten up on the amount of

food you eat.
The rule of 5 says that between
November and January the average
person will gain five pounds. Not so,
counter experts. The average weight
gain during the holidays is more along
the lines of one to two pounds.


Getting enough sleep and keeping

physically active each day makes a
world of difference toward enjoying
the holidays. Too little rest and too little activity are sure-fire ingredients for
weight woes. Stress is no friend
eitherit affects how and what we eat.
Seek simplicity this holiday season.
The lighten up approach can help.
Besides adding more enjoyment to the
months ahead, it will help keep you
light (or at least lighter) on your feet.

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Confluence: our chefs meet

Chef Mark McGraw
Nestled in the beauty of the St.
Croix River Valley, Chef McGraws
small restaurant is based on the
theory that less is more, from the
dining room dcor, to the style of
service, to the clean, simple food.
The end result is a gathering
place where town and country
fade into one another in a sophisticated urban dining room.

hen we found out that Chef

Mark McGraw of Confluence
in Prescott, Wisconsin shopped
at our Woodbury Market, we
knew that we had to visit his
restaurant and have our chefs
sample his seasonal, new
American cuisine.

Most are available from his suppliers, but in larger quantities than

On a late summer afternoon, the

Kowalski chefs paid McGraw a
visit at Confluence and learned
about his vision and philosophy of
food. They also had the opportunity to sample dishes from his
menu, as well as wines from his
growing list of predominantly
California wines.

Kowalskis Chefs with Chef Mark McGraw

outside Confluence Restaurant in Prescott, WI.
At right: Mark shopping at Kowalskis

If you are looking for an intimate,

personalized dining experience,
take the short drive from the Twin
Cities to Prescott. Dinner is
served Tuesday through Saturday
beginning at 5:00. We suggest

Chef Mark McGraw

The menu changes frequently

and McGraw often needs small
amounts of specialty ingredients
for some of the dishes he is
preparing that evening.

he can use, so Kowalskis has

become his source for some of
these unique ingredients. After
sampling the incredible flavor
combinations he creates with
these quality ingredients, all we
can say is that we are only too
happy to help!

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Around the Store


This brilliant, sparkling ornament is the perfect holiday keepsake that will last for years
to come. Buy several to decorate your
tree, share as gifts or to accent your holiday packages. Available in the Gift



Look to Kowalskis for unique floral

arrangements for holiday decorating,
or to send to the special people in
your life. Check our website at for flowers for
every occasion, or let our designers
create something just for you.
Available in the Floral Department.

We have redesigned our popular

Minnesota Gift Box offered last year and
added three new varieties that will make
great gifts for business associates or
those hard to shop for people on
your list. The beautiful box needs no
wrapping and is easy to ship. Stop
by the store or go online at to view and order.

Enjoy your favorite chocolates in decorative holiday packaging for gifts to fit everyone on your list. Look for the special
Godiva Chocolate display in the front of the
store, and dont forget to treat yourself!

The Caldrea line of home fragrances, candles, liquid dish
soap, counter cleaner, hand
soap and hand lotion are available in two new limited edition
fragrances; Seville Orange
Amber and Italian Apple and
Pear. Made with a unique blend
of essential oils and fragrances,
they will add a refreshing aroma
to every room in your home.
Available in the Gift Department.


Add a little fun to your holiday entertaining with the red and green etched
glass collection from Lennox.
Available in low ball, martini and wine
glasses in the Gift Department.


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Around the Store





This line of unsweetened green tea products
maintains the integrity of the tea, provides
health benefits and gives authentic tastes.
The line includes ready-to-drink tea, looseleaf tea bags and loose green tea. Their
mantra is InTEAgrate your life!, which beckons you to incorporate the benefits of tea into
your daily health regime. Available in the
Grocery Department.



Make your drink work for you! Function

Drinks are physician-developed beverages that promise to fight hangovers,
boost memory, ease muscle soreness or
produce various benefits depending on
the flavor you choose. Look for flavors
such as Brainiac, Urban Detox and
Youth Trip in the Beverage section.

Divine Chocolate is a pioneering Fair Trade

chocolate brand owned in part by the farmers of
Kuapa Kokoo in Ghana. Each creamy bite of
Divine Chocolate guarantees a long term trading
relationship which helps cocoa farmers work
their way out of poverty. Look for these delicious
bars in the Specialty Chocolate display in the
Grocery Department.


The champagne of ice cream!
Talenti Gelato is hand-made in small
batches with no mixes, preservatives,
additives or artificial flavorings.
Choose from eight flavors including
Double Dark Chocolate, Italian Caf
Mocha and Lisbon Lemon in the
Frozen Foods section.

Local choclatier, B.T. McElrath has

handcrafted beautiful chocolates
with the flavors of autumn including real maple sugar, chopped
pecans, pumpkin and spices.
Their festive assortment of holiday
truffles and the popular B.T. Berry
Poinsettias are packaged for gift
giving, or make great additions to
any cookie platter. Available at the
check stands or in the Deli.

Gingerbread is the scent of this holiday

seasons Clean-Up Kit from Mrs. Meyers.
It contains mini-size bottles of countertop
spray, dish soap, all purpose cleaner and
hand soap. The handy carrying case
makes this an ideal gift for friends and family. Available in the Grocery Department.

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Autumn Harvest
Brings Locally Grown

Winter Squash
raw, presumably how they ate them. Today
we prefer to eat our squash cooked, and
roasting, baking and pureeing are ideal
ways of preparing it. Almost any cooked
winter squash can be enhanced with just a
touch of flavored oil. After roasting, steaming or pureeing, add a quick drizzle of
pumpkin seed, walnut or truffle oil.

s the days get shorter and the air

begins to cool, the local crop of winter
squash starts to arrive at our markets, and
the colorful displays attract a lot of attention. For some its the curiosity of the
unusual shapes, but for others it is the
adventure of trying something new and
different. From the more well-known Acorn
to the unusually-shaped Turban, squash is a
vegetable that can be simply prepared and
adds depth of flavor to our hearty fall meals.

The hard shells of winter squash can make

cutting them a treacherous proposition! We
have found that piercing the shell with a
fork, then placing the uncut squash in the
microwave for several minutes, will soften
the shell and make cutting easier.

These edible gourds got their name from

the Pilgrims who shortened the Iroquois
phrase isquotersquash, which meant eaten





Cubes of butternut squash can be sauted

in butter or olive oil to form a crisp crust on
the outer edges and finished off under the
broiler with a topping of creamy blue
cheese and a drizzle of maple syrup.
Winter squash comes in so many varieties
that it is hard to give the exact nutritional
value, but in general, the darker the flesh,
the more nutritious. The deep orange varieties have both alpha and beta carotene,
which convert to vitamin A and are thought
to be powerful cancer fighters. Winter
squash is also a good source of vitamin C,
manganese, potassium and fiber. It is also
low in calories, just 40 calories in 2/3 cup
diced butternut squash.


The simplest preparation is to cut the

squash in half and remove the seeds. Then
bake it in a 400 oven, cut-side-down, for
30 min. Turn the squash cut-side-up and
brush the surface with butter; continue baking until the flesh is tender when pierced
with a fork. Maple syrup, brown sugar and
butter make a flavorful addition to the cavity
of the squash and bring out the sweet flavor of several varieties.

You can store whole squash in a cool, dry

place with good ventilation for up to two
months. If your squash still has a bit of
stem attached, it will keep longer.
Experiment in the months ahead with new
squash varieties for an adventure in eating!

Squash Variet
1. AMBERCUP: A relative of the buttercup squash that resembles a small
pumpkin. The bright orange flesh has a dry sweet taste.
2. GOLDEN ACORN: This variation of the easily found Acorn squash has a
slightly fibrous flesh and sweet taste.

8. TURBAN: The golden-yellow flesh has a flavor that hints of hazelnut.

Hollow out the shell and use it as a soup tureen for a spectacular presentation.
9. CARNIVAL: Often described as having a buttered popcorn flavor. A
cross between Acorn and Sweet Dumpling.

3. FESTIVAL: Similar to Acorn squash in color, texture and flavor.

4. ACORN: Moist, tender flesh thats distinctly nut-like, yet mild and sweet.

10. BUTTERNUT: Shaped like a vase, the deep orange flesh is very sweet,
similar to a sweet potato, with hints of butterscotch.

5. SPAGHETTI: Mild, lightly sweet and fresh tasting. Microwaves easily and
can be used with your favorite spaghetti sauce as a substitute for pasta.

11. PIE PUMPKIN: The flesh from these smaller pumpkins is more tender
and succulent.

6. SWEET DUMPLING: This small, mildly sweet-tasting squash resembles a

miniature pumpkin with its top pushed in. It is the perfect size for stuffing
and baking as individual servings.

12. BUTTERCUP: Part of the Turban squash family, Buttercup has a much
sweeter flavor than other winter squash and creamy orange flesh.

7. DELICATA: The creamy flesh has a taste that combines the flavors of
corn, Butternut squash and sweet potato. The skin of this heirloom variety
is thin and becomes tender enough to eat when cooked.

13. PUMPKIN: Used more for decorating, the larger pumpkins can weigh
over 100 pounds. Many people remove the seeds when carving and
roast them for a snack.


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Recipe for your

Holiday Planters
As we transition from one season to the next, its time to
pull the dead flowers out of the outdoor planters and
make them ready for the holidays. Our floral designers
have created a beautiful planter full of a variety of evergreens and natural plant material that can withstand the
cold and snow. You might even have some of the items in
your yard, so put on your jacket and head outside with
clippers in hand to create seasonal planters that will be
the envy of the neighborhood!

Large planter


just a little somethingfor the

hen you are invited to someones home, especially during the holidays, it
is always a nice touch to bring a little gift to show your appreciation. You
may not have thought of the grocery store as a source for that gift, but our
departments are full of ideas that will please any host.

You cant go wrong with an ornament for the tree. Our gift buyers have sought
out a wide assortment of ornaments to fit every taste from traditional to whimsical. It is a keepsake that the host will remember for years to come.
Coasters, cocktail napkins, tea towels, candles or a unique picture frame to
match the decorating tastes of the host are always welcome.
Truffles or other specialty chocolates come in special holiday packaging and are
fun to pass and share with coffee after dinner; and who can resist chocolate?
Bramblewood Cottage Shortbread Cookies come in several flavors and can be
paired with a specialty tea or a single serve pouch of coffee. A holiday mug will
complete the gift.
Kowalskis Special Chocolate Dipped Pears are a conversation piece because of
their size and beautiful presentation. Dipped in caramel and enrobed in walnuts,
this will definitely fit the bill!
A wedge or two of imported cheese along with a box of specialty crackers can
offer a tasteful gift as well as an additional appetizer for the host to serve. Ask
one of our knowledgeable Cheese Specialists for a recommendation.


(pedestal planters like the one in the picture make a striking

Soil to hold the materials (best to do before the soil freezes)
Tree toppers and a variety of evergreens (Spruce Tips, Cedar,
White Pine)
Dogwood branches (you can cut these off your bushes)
Dried honeycomb
Magnolia Leaves
Viburnum or Holly Berries
(dont use artificial berries because they are harmful to the birds)
Water after the arrangement is complete to keep the product
fresh until it freezes.

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Page 9

Cheese isnt just

for Appetizers
ave you ever thought of serving cheese as a dessert?
In Europe, this is the norm rather than the exception!
Our Cheese Specialists sat down and put together some of
their favorite combinations to give you the inspiration to try
cheese in a different way.

Our Imported Cheese Departments are featuring some

unique chocolates for baking or eating as well. A new line of
chocolate bars by Michel Cluizel, widely regarded as one of
the worlds premier chocolate manufacturers, are made from
cocoa beans selected from the best estates around the
world. A great stocking stuffer is the Pralus pyramid of ten
squares of chocolate, each from a different region to create a
chocolate flight. We also found a line of hand made truffles
that were good enough to carry the Kowalskis name. Look
for holiday wrapped boxes of hand made truffles and wine
filled truffles. The map of flavors on each box will identify the
varieties and allow you to pick your favorites.
If baking is your thing, you can select from packages of
Valrhona Chocolate Feves that were previously only available
to professionals. They take special care in the tempering
process so that the finished product is less prone to breaking than other chocolates. For this reason, Valrhona is the
top choice for use in baking, candy making and cooking.

Kowalskis Cheese Specailists: Scott Zeinart, Dexa Franks, Jill Forster, Amy
Ellis, Don Doncits. Not pictured: Carol Brooks

s Recommend:

For a special brunch, serve Calabro Hand-Dipped

Ricotta drizzled with honey and your favorite
champagne. Spread some on biscotti and you will
fall in love!
Vacerin Mont DOr, Vermont Shepard, French
Munster and Colston Basset Stilton pair very well
with any sparkling wine, Banyuls or
Gewurztraminer wines.
Nancys Hudson Valley Camembert served with
cranberry compote, cranberry chutney or Amarena
Cherries from Italy, along with Marcona Almonds
and a few pieces of cinnamon bread.
Vintage Five Year Gouda served with port and
caramelized walnuts.
Combine blue cheese, chocolate and Sauterne to
create a taste like a peanut butter cup!
Panettone Bread served with Robiola due latti and
dried cherries with Banyuls wine.
Pear slices, honey and Parmesan Reggiano or
Piave with champagne or Moscato dAsti.
Constant Bliss from Jasper Hill with strawberries
and chocolate.

Our Cheese Specialists are available at the Imported Cheese

Counter in each of our markets to answer your questions
and make recommendations that will expand your horizons.
We invite you to explore the world of cheese and chocolate
with Kowalskis!


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Page 8

Holiday Cookies
a Family Tradition
One of our favorite aspects of the
holiday season is the traditions that
have evolved around food, and the
recipes that have been passed down
from one generation to the next. Who
among us hasnt tried to recreate a
childhood memory or start a few new
holiday traditions for our families?

2 cups butter, softened
1 cup powdered sugar, sifted
2 tsp. vanilla
4 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 (8 oz.) pkg. Heath Milk
Chocolate Toffee Bits
1 cup chopped pecans
1 (8 oz.) container Dolci frutta
hard chocolate shell
- small zipper closure
freezer bag

In large mixer bowl, beat butter, powdered

sugar and vanilla on medium speed until

creamy; beat in flour and salt until blended. Stir in toffee bits and nuts by hand.
To Bake: Shape rounded tablespoons
of dough into 1 balls; place 1 apart on
ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in a preheated 400 oven until slightly browned
around edges (8-9 min.). Immediately
remove from cookie sheet to wire rack to
cool completely. Place Dolci frutta disks in
freezer bag; microwave according to pkg.
directions, squeezing bag every 15 sec.
until completely melted. With scissors,
snip small corner off of bag. Drizzle melted
chocolate over cookies; let chocolate set.
Store cookies in airtight container.
Amount: 6 doz. cookies.


1 (15 oz.) pkg. refrigerated pie
crust sheets
1 egg white, beaten
- granulated sugar
1 (8 oz.) carton Dolci frutta
creamy white shell
- small zipper closure freezer bag
1 (7 oz.) jar darbo All Natural
Double Fruit Garden Strawberry
or Lingonberry Jam

Unroll each pie crust onto counter. With 4" cookie

cutter, cut 30 shapes of your choice, re-rolling
trimmings as needed. Using a 1 1/2" cookie

cutter of the same shape, cut out centers of half

of cookies; arrange all on ungreased cookie
sheets. Brush each cookie with egg white; sprinkle generously with sugar. Bake in a preheated
400 oven until lightly browned (6-7 min.); cool on
cooling racks. Place Dolci frutta disks in freezer
bag; microwave according to pkg. directions,
squeezing bag every 15 sec. until completely
melted. With scissors, snip small corner off of
bag. Drizzle melted chocolate over tops of each
cookie; let chocolate set. Spread strawberry jam
over cookies that do not have the center shape
removed; place cookie with cut out center over
jam to form cookie tarts. Store in air tight container.
Amount: 15 cookie tarts and 15 mini cut outs.

2 cups powdered sugar, sifted

2 cups butter, softened
2 eggs, separated
1/4 cup milk
2 tsp. pure vanilla
2 1/2 cups flour
1 cup unsweetened cocoa
1 tsp. salt
2 1/2 cups chopped pecans
1 (9.7 oz.) jar Made in Napa Valley
Vanilla Caramel with Chardonnay
1 (8 oz.) carton Dolci frutta hard
chocolate shell
- small zipper closure freezer bag
In large mixer bowl, beat powdered sugar and butter on medium speed until creamy; beat in egg
yolks, milk and vanilla until thoroughly combined. In
medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa and salt; add to
butter mixture, beating until blended. Refrigerate
dough until slightly firm (about 1 hr.).
To Bake: Beat egg whites in small bowl with
fork. Shape rounded tablespoons of dough into
11/2" balls; dip each ball into egg white, then roll in
nuts. Place 1" apart on ungreased baking sheet;
press thumb into center of each cookie to make
indentation. Bake in a preheated 350 oven until set
(10-12 min.); quickly remake indentations with a
rounded 1 tsp. measuring spoon if necessary.
Carefully remove cookies to cooling rack to cool
completely. Fill thumbprints with 1 tsp. caramel
sauce. Place Dolci frutta disks in freezer bag;
microwave according to pkg. directions, squeezing
bag every 15 sec. until completely melted. With
scissors, snip small corner off of bag. Drizzle melted
chocolate over cookies; let chocolate set. Store
cookies in airtight container in the refrigerator until
Amount: 5 doz. cookies.
Good to Know:
The plastic cork from a wine bottle will make
perfect indentations in each cookie.


With that thought in mind, we have

taken some classic cookie recipes and
changed them up a bit to offer holiday
treats that just might become your new
traditions. The convenience products
we have included will help to simplify
the whole process. Since many
hands make light work, you could
even make it a family project!

To make holiday baking even easier,

why not start a cookie exchange? To
insure that you will end up with a nice
variety of sweet treats, generate a list
of cookies and candies that will create
a colorful assortment with a variety of
flavors. Email the recipes to the group
and have each person sign up to make
one, then get together the first week in
December to make the exchange.
Prepackage your creations in
disposable containers to simplify the
exchange and provide for easy
storage. It is a fun way to connect
with friends during the holidays and
have a great assortment of cookies
and candies as well!

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Page 5

Lets Talk

hen it comes to Thanksgiving turkey,

you certainly have a lot more options
today than in the past. To help clear up
some of the confusion and make the selection process easier, we want to highlight our
top picks.


Heritage turkeys are actually the descendants of the first domesticated turkeys in
the United States. Once on the verge of
extinction, these pasture-raised, antibioticfree, all-natural turkeys have been brought
back. The genetic preservation and careful
farming techniques used to raise them help
to ensure a deeper, more intense flavor and
a firmer texture. Due to the limited availability, we suggest you order a heritage turkey
in advance so you wont be disappointed.
Our Kowalskis Organic Turkeys are raised
locally and certified organic by a USDAaccredited agency, which means that they
are raised on organic feed, are free-range
and have never been treated with any
antibiotics. These fresh turkeys are also
available fully-cooked in our Thanksgiving

Dinner fromthe Deli
A growing trend we are seeing is to purchase
your Thanksgiving turkey dinner ready-to-heat
and serve. Ours was selected for its flavor
and value as the best in town by a local TV
station, and our customers agreed! So if you
want to relax and enjoy the holiday along with
your guests this year, we invite you to allow
us to do the cooking for you. Our dinner
serves 10 to 12 and includes:
Roast Turkey Mashed Potatoes and
Gravy Bread Stuffing Mixed
Vegetables Sweet Potatoes
Cranberry Relish with Brandy and
Walnuts Dinner Rolls Pumpkin Pie

Dinner from the Deli for an additional

charge. Be sure to ask for the organic
option when ordering your dinner.
Kadejan, our local grower of free range
turkeys, produces birds that are allowed to
roam and feed without confinement, as


1/4 cup cranberry chutney
1 (7") Kowalskis Ciabatta Roll,
sliced horizontally
2 oz. sliced turkey
1 oz. Gruyere cheese slice
2 slices Applewood smoked
bacon, fried crisp
- Kowalskis Extra Virgin Olive Oil


1/2 cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp. fresh squeezed lemon
1 tbsp. milk
1 Granny Smith Apple, thinly sliced
1 Fuji or Gala Apple, thinly sliced
1 cup chopped celery (2 ribs)
1/2 cup Kowalskis Dried
1/4 cup pecan halves, toasted
- red tipped leaf lettuce


opposed to the majority of commercially

bred animals, which are caged. The space
allowed for roaming is what makes the difference in the quality of the meats texture.
The turkeys are fed whole grains, not fish,
bakery or animal by-products. They are
also grown without antibiotics or growth
stimulants, which is important to us.

Spread chutney on cut surfaces of ciabatta

roll. Layer turkey, cheese and bacon over
chutney on bottom half of roll; cover with
top half of roll. Brush outer surface of ciabatta roll with olive oil. Grill on panini grill or
George Foreman Grill until cheese is melted
(2-3 min.). Cut in half on the diagonal;
serve immediately.
Amount: 1 sandwich.

In small bowl, combine first 3 ingredients;

stir in apples, celery, cranberries and
pecans. Serve on lettuce lined salad plates.
Serves 4.
Good to Know:

If the salad is made ahead, store in the

refrigerator until needed. Stir the pecans
in just before serving.
To toast pecans, place in a pan in a preheated 350 oven until lightly browned
(5-10 min.), stirring twice.

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Page 4


2 cups kosher salt

1 cup sugar
2 qts. water
6 qts. water
1 (10-12 lb.) turkey
1/2 cup melted butter

In large stock pot, combine first 3 ingredients. Bring to a boil over high heat; remove from heat.
Stir in 6 qts. water; cool completely. Put brine and turkey into a container large enough so liquid completely covers turkey; refrigerate 8 hrs. or overnight. To Roast: Remove turkey from
brine; pat dry. Place on rack in roasting pan, breast side up, tucking wings under body and
tying legs together with butchers twine; brush turkey with butter. Roast turkey, basting every
30 min., until deep golden brown and thermometer inserted in thickest part of the thigh registers 165 (2 1/2-3 hrs.). Let rest, covered, 20 min. before carving.
Serves 8-10.


2 cups water
2 cups Bakers Sugar
2 (8 oz.) bags frozen organic whole
cranberries, thawed
1/2 cup chopped dried mango
1/4 cup Kowalskis Dried Cherries
1 tbsp. orange zest
1/2 cup pecan halves, toasted

In medium saucepan, bring water and sugar to

a boil over medium heat; boil and stir 5 min. Stir
in cranberries; return to a boil and continue
cooking until cranberries pop (about 5 min.). Stir
in mango, cherries and orange zest; refrigerate,
covered, until cool (at least 2 hrs.). Stir in pecans
just before serving.
Serves 8.
Good to Know:




Praline Topping:
3/4 cup butter
1/3 cup heavy whipping cream
1 1/2 cups firmly packed brown
1 cup pecan halves
1 (18.25 oz.) pkg. Betty Crocker
Yellow Cake Mix
3 eggs
1 (15 oz.) can pumpkin
1 cup water
1/3 cup crme fraiche
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 cups heavy whipping cream
1 (.35 oz.) envelope Whip It
1/4 cup powdered sugar, sifted
1/4 tsp. vanilla

In small saucepan over low heat, cook butter, 1/3 cup whipping cream and brown
sugar until butter is melted, stirring constantly. Pour mixture into 13x9" cake pan;
sprinkle evenly with pecans. In large mixer
bowl, combine cake ingredients on low
speed until moistened; beat 2 min on medium speed. Carefully spoon batter over
pecan mixture. Bake in a preheated 350
oven until cake springs back when touched
lightly in center (29-34 min.). Cool 5 min. in
pan; run knife around edge of pan to loosen.
Place jelly roll pan or serving platter over
pan and invert onto platter allowing all of
caramel to spread over top; cool completely.
In small mixer bowl, beat 1 1/2 cups heavy
whipping cream until soft peaks form. Add
Whip It, powdered sugar and vanilla; continue beating until stiff peaks form.
To Serve: Cut cake into serving-sized
pieces; top with dollop of whipped cream.
Refrigerate any remaining cake and topping.
Serves 12.


1/2 cup butter

1 lb. pork sausage
1 1/2 cups chopped celery (3
3/4 cup finely chopped onion
3 cups peeled, chopped apples
8 cups cornbread cubes (2
Kowalskis Cornbread cut
into cubes, dried for 48 hrs.,
uncovered, at room temperature)
1 1/2 tsp. snipped fresh sage
1 1/2 tsp. snipped fresh thyme
1/4 tsp. Kowalskis Cracked
Black Pepper
1/2 cup organic free range
chicken broth
In large skillet, melt butter over medium heat.
Stir in sausage, celery, onion and apples; cook
until sausage is no longer pink (about 15 min.).
In large bowl, thoroughly combine bread
cubes and seasonings. Stir in sausage mixture
and broth until moistened; spoon into a buttered 2 1/2 qt. casserole. Bake in a preheated
325 oven until heated through (45-55 min.).
Serves 8-12.

To toast pecans, place in a pan in a preheated

350 oven until lightly browned (5-10 min.),
stirring twice.

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from the

Page 1

Signature Products

Individual Egg Strata, available in Cheese or Bacon Jalapeo

Cheddar, is ready to warm in the oven or microwave and pair
with juice, fresh fruit and your favorite breakfast pastry for an
easy brunch.
Kowalskis Fresh Soups come in five flavors including Tomato
Bisque, Rotisserie Chicken Noodle, Turkey Wild Rice, Vegetable
Minestrone and Vegetable Beef Barley. Purchase them ready to eat
from the soup kettles or in take-out containers to enjoy anytime.
New flavors will be added to the line throughout the fall. For your
convenience, Kowalskis soups are also available frozen. Look for ten
varieties of soup and two varieties of chili. They are guaranteed to
take the chill out of a cool fall day.

The newest addition to our signature products line is Kowalskis
100% Pure Apple Cider. (See story on page 3.)
A sign of the season is Kowalskis Caramel Apples. Youll find they
arent your run-of-the-mill apples, but rather Granny Smith
apples dipped in caramel and chocolate, then enrobed in either
Almond, Cranberry Walnut, Rocky Road or Butterfinger. Eat them on
the stick or slice off wedges to share.

Good 2 Go Kids Meals are ready for your childs

lunch box or whenever you need something
healthy on the go. Choose from PB&J, Fruit &
Veggie Dipper, Chicken & Cheese, Kids Favorite
Mac & Cheese, Sophies Special, Organic
Spaghetti & Meatballs and European Breakfast
Sampler for adults and kids alike. Stop by
the Grab & Go section of the Deli to
choose your favorite.
Kowalskis Monthly Chef Menu lets you plan
your lunch and dinner all week long.
Available online or at the hot food case in
each of our markets, you will know the featured dinner,
soup and sandwich for each day of the week. Menus change
each month and give you the chance to try our chef-created
meals. Let us be your personal chef.
Kowalskis Signature Rotisserie Ribs are dry rubbed and slow
roasted to lock in the juices and give them a classic smoky flavor.
Serve with Kowalskis Signature BBQ Sauce for some of the
best ribs around.

from the

Single layer Carrot, Spice and Pumpkin Cakes

are just the right size and offer the flavors of
autumn. Beautifully decorated to depict
each flavor, they are great to take to the
office or serve your family.

With a chill in the air, the time is right for the introduction of
Kowalskis Signature Soups. Buy them hot from the soup
kettles in the Deli, cold in Grab-And-Go containers or frozen for
convenient meals.

Kowalskis Signature Spices can be purchased in convenient gift

boxes for the baker or seasoned cook, or individually in the
spice section of the baking aisle. These high quality spices will
add fresh flavor to everything you make.

Kowalskis Biscuits are light and fluffy and

come in regular, herb and cinnamon varieties. Available on the Artisan Bread Table,
choose as many as you like to accompany
your hearty winter meals.
Kowalskis Macaroons, a classic cookie, are
crisp on the outside and chewy on the inside.
The almond flavor is a favorite and makes a
great addition to a plate of holiday cookies.
Kowalskis White Chocolate Cranberry Bar Cake
makes the perfect dessert for a holiday
buffet or elegant dinner. The flavors of white
chocolate and cranberries are layered
between moist white cake slices for a
beautiful presentation.

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