Why Do You Think People Attend University or Colleague?

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Why do you think people attend university or colleague?

Which are the most important reasons for people if they decide to attend
colleague or university? This question generates a lot of debate because there
are many reasons why someone can choose to study in these places, but in my
personal opinion I think that the most featured are only two.
Firstly, most people were forced or advised to attend university by their
parents, obviously because they want that their children have a better
preparation to deal with the world when they start to work or because they are
expecting that their children become in what they couldnt become, for
example when I was a little boy, my mum was hopping that I studied medicine
because she wanted a medic in the family.
Secondly, having a career is a necessary requisite for most jobs in the world
because they are tittles which warrants that the person who posses it has the
appropriate knowledge in the subject, if someone doesnt have one, it is going
to be very difficult find a job where he or she can be accepted and
furthermore well paid too. But this doesnt mean that if you didnt have a
career, you wouldnt have a lot of money in the future because there are many
famous people like Steve Jobs or Alibabas president who actually didnt finish
University and became in very rich people.
In conclusion, there can be many reasons why someone attends colleague or
university, but in my opinion, there are only two which truly matter. The
influence of your parents in what do you want to do with your life and the fact
that you have to demonstrate your knowledge when you are applying for a job,
but you have to remember that having a career doesnt warrant that you are
going to have a lot of money.

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