August 6 2016 Bulletin

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Song Service..


Opening HymnFar and Near the Fields Are Teeming..#358

1. A warm welcome to all our visitors and guests

today! If you are visiting for the first time, or if
you are returning to worship, we pray that you
will be blessed and find the love of Jesus here

Opening Prayer..Aloma Martin

Special Emphasis..John Ruhinda
Special Music....Gordon Baptiste & Dale Beckles
Lesson Study .......Jesus Mingles With PeopleClasses
Closing RemarksEdwin Onyango

WORSHIP HOUR - 11:00 am

Praise & WorshipTeam 2

Hymn of Praise...........The Lord in Zion Reigneth...........#7

Congregational Prayer...........Elder Bob Reeve
Today praying for:
Northern California Conference, Elderly and Homebound,
Next week: Southeastern California Conference, Youth revival and
commitment, Peace in Families and Proclamation of Truth Series -
Elder Sheldon Bailey

Childrens Story..........Simone Shepherd

Offering...Church Budget..........Elder Cameron Munro
Next Weeks Offering Andrews/Loma Linda University

Scripture Reading ..Psalm 147:1-12......Gorette Sampaio

& Dawn Williams
Special Music. Band
Spoken Word...Elder Sheldon Bailey

Be Still and Know!

Hymn of Consecration.....Rejoice the Lord is King.......#221
Benediction...Elder Clara Baptiste
Sunset Today: 8:40 p.m. Next Friday: 8:32 p.m.

2. Wednesday evening is a special

time! Join your church family and bring
a friend as we study, share and pray
beginning at 7:00 pm.
3. Please note, Pastor James and family will be at
Camp Frenda August 7 17. You are invited to join
them from August 12 -14 for a weekend of fun and
worship - $50 per adult and $40 per child. Just text
or email Pastor James today, or see the sign-up
sheet on the main bulletin board.

4. Hayride, Bonfire and Potluck supper at
the Boskovic place 323488 Mt. Elgin
Road. Sunday, August 14th beginning
at 4 o'clock. Please bring lawn chairs
and your friends.
5. London church team will meet Windsor
and Sarnia churches for a soccer
tournament at Edwards Soccer Pitch in
Petrolia, (for GPS: 4035 EDWARD ST,
Petrolia, ON) on August 21, 2016.
6. Church Campout August 26-28 at
Fanshawe Conservation Area. Cost:
$47 per night, up to 6 persons, and one
vehicle, additional vehicle $13 per night.
Day use $6.50 per vehicle,
preferably prepaid, or at the gate, please
let the attendant know that you are with the
Seventh-day Adventist Church. Pre-Registration
recommended, contact Don Topper for details.
Please note, our church will be closed this
Sabbath, to encourage all to attend our
campout, even if just for the day. See you there!

7. Womens Ministry Retreat Sep 2-4, 2016,

Nottawasaga Inn, Alliston. Surprised by Gods Love
with Elizabeth Talbot. Registration closes August 15,
2016. We are now offering 50% discount (off the regular
price) for one person who is able to fill two rooms of (8
persons) at the regular rate (this does not apply to any
person who already registered for the early bird special).
More details and registration available at:
8. September 16-18, 2016: Regional Family,
Women and Youth Ministries Retreat in
Windsor. More details to follow Facilitator Dr. O
Samms Family Life Expert.
9. Cotillion and Beautillion ages 13-17, Training in
Spiritual and Social Graces, Sep 30-Oct 2, 2016.
Notice this is specialized training for both young
ladies and young men. Deadline for registration is
Sep 16, 2016. Further detailed information and
registration at: (
10. City-Wide Evangelism is coming to London,
Autumn of 2017! We need your input for the citywide reaping coming in 2017! Pastor Bill Santos
will be speaking for this exciting event, and wed
love suggestions for a theme, or key word to use in
our advertising and promotion. Please send all
suggestions via email or text to Pastor James in the
coming week, and together with the Steering
Committee, well prayerfully review all the
submissions as we develop a strategy to promote
this event to our churches and city.

11. Costa Rica Mission Trip November 21 December

5, 2016. Choose one week or two weeks. Limited
space available. Be sure to check the website for
detailed information and registration:
Thought for the Day
Everything that happens to you is either an opportunity to
grow, or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to
-Wayne Dyer
Birthday Wishes for August
Aug 2 Edwin Onyango
Aug 3 JosephTavares
Aug 4 Dante Lima
Aug 8 Don Topper
Aug 8 Tiago Violante
Aug 10 Michelle Taylor
Aug 12 Jonathan Bartosz

Aug 14 Jonathan VanLeeuwen

Aug 15 Mercy Nleya-Ncube
Aug 17 Aiden Tirok
Aug 18 Ruth Stoddard
Aug 21 Filip Maletic
Aug 23 Bob Reeve
Aug 23 Gerson Dariel Gomez

Aug 24 John Ruhinda

Aug 25 Joela Ruhinda
Aug 25 Dale Beckles
Aug 29 Benjamin

Communication Card
In order for us to serve you better, please complete this
Communication Form, detach and give it to the Pastor or
place it in the Offering Plate.
Name: _________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________
Email: _________________________________________

Is ill at home
Requests Visitation
I want to be baptized
Seeks transfer of membership
Is in ____________________ Hospital
Is interested in Bible Studies Has a Prayer Request
Other: _______________________________________

Character the Result of Single Acts

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much. Luke 16:10.
It is conscientious attention to what the world terms little things that
makes life a success. Little deeds of charity, little acts of self-denial,
speaking simple words of helpfulness, watching against little sinsthis is
Christianity. A grateful acknowledgment of daily blessings, a wise
improvement of daily opportunities, a diligent cultivation of entrusted
talentsthis is what the Master calls for.
He who faithfully performs small duties will be prepared to answer the
demands of larger responsibilities. The man who is kind and courteous in
the daily life, who is generous and forbearing in his family, whose
constant aim it is to make home happy, will be the first to deny self and
make sacrifices when the Master calls.
We may be willing to give our property to the cause of God, but this
will not count unless we give Him also a heart of love and gratitude.
Those who would be true missionaries in foreign fields must first be true
missionaries in the home. Those who desire to work in the Master's
vineyard must prepare themselves for this by a careful cultivation of the
little piece of vineyard He has entrusted to their care.
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Many thoughts make up the
unwritten history of a single day; and these thoughts have much to do
with the formation of character. Our thoughts are to be strictly guarded;
for one impure thought makes a deep impression on the soul. An evil
thought leaves an evil impress on the mind. If the thoughts are pure and
holy, the man is better for having cherished them. By them the spiritual
pulse is quickened, and the power for doing good is increased. And as
one drop of rain prepares the way for another in moistening the earth, so
one good thought prepares the way for another....
The longest chain is composed of separate links. If one of these links
is faulty, the chain is worthless. Thus it is with character. A well-balanced
character is formed by single acts well performed. One defect, cultivated
instead of being overcome, makes the man imperfect, and closes against
him the gate of the Holy City. He who enters heaven must have a
character that is without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. Naught that
defileth can ever enter there. In all the redeemed host not one defect will
be seen.
God's work is perfect as a whole because it is perfect in every part,
however minute. He fashions the tiny spear of grass with as much care
as He would exercise in making a world. If we desire to be perfect, even
as our Father in heaven is perfect, we must be faithful in doing little things.
---Reflecting Christ, pg. 309
Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to


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