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Matt & Callie | Newsletter | Summer 2015

We got married!
First of all- as most of you
know- we got married at the
beginning of beginning of this
summer on May 22. We were
so thankful to have some of
you there to celebrate with us.
Thank you so much for your
love, prayers, and continued
support! We are so excited to
include you as part of our

Whats next?

Always on mission.

We will be starting on campus

in a few short weeks! Our
assignment is North Orange
County and Long Beach. Callie
will be focusing on the dorm
outreach and freshmen at Cal
State Fullerton and Matt will be
focusing on relaunching our
teams Cal State Long Beach
movement with Callies help.

While on our honeymoon in Costa Rica, we decided to venture into an

painting class that our resort oered. As we started painting Costa
Rican flowers and scenery, we began getting to know our art teacher,
Raymond, a University student working at the resort for the summer.
His English was fairly good (much better than our Spanish!) and we
eventually got to talking about faith. After asking if he'd be interested in
hearing the basic message of the Bible, Matt tried explaining, in English,
the basic points of the gospel. Raymond understood the majority of it,
but admitted that there were some things he couldn't comprehend. Not
having our phones on us at the time, we told him we'd come back to
work on the painting the next day and bring Matts phone which has a
Cru app* with a Spanish version of Crus Knowing God Personally
booklet, which has a basic presentation of the gospel. The next day
Matt opened the Spanish KGP on his phone and had Raymond read
through it as we painted. He understood it much more and he
continued to ask us clarifying questions about our faith. Over the next
couple of days we encouraged him to read the book of John in his
Spanish Bible, which he started while we were there. The day we left, he
told us "Thank you for talking with me about God. I want to keep
reading the Bible, because sometimes I feel empty inside, and maybe
God can help. Thanks for co-laboring with us for the Kingdom!

Fall kickoff at Cal State
Fullerton as we prepare to
reach incoming freshman
Wisdom in marriage and
learning to love each other
Students at Long Beach to
have interest in helping us
relaunch and lead the
movement there

*You can download this app too. Just search GodTools on your
smartphone app center and share the gospel in dierent languages!
Check it out!

Our wedding party- what a great day!

May 22, 2015

North Orange County/Long Beach sta team with

Pomona Valley sta team for fall planning time!

Together at the national Cru sta conference this

summer in Colorado!

Inside the auditorium at the national sta

conference- over 5,000 sta attended!

Our mission team with our church (Ambassador

Church) in the Philippines in late July.

Matt giving a talk on Your Work Matters

during our mission trip to the Philippines.

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