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Topic : Volunteering

General Purpose : To persuade

Specific purpose : To persuade members of audience to volunteer in their local
Thesis Statement : All college students should start participate in some volunteer
work as

A. Attention Getter: Whose responsibility it is to take care of the homeless? Is it
yours? Or it is mine?
No, its those people out there who runfood banks and organizations right?
They will deal with all those needy people out there? Well, you couldnt be
more wrong!
The fight to end homeless is up to all of us. And, many of us did not know
that adults who began volunteering as youth are twice as likely to volunteer
as those who did not volunteer when they were younger.
B. Reason to listen: Volunteering in your local community will help those around
you and help you feel like you have contributed something positive.
C. Credibility Statement: I can attest through my own personal experience that
D. Preview of Main Points: Today, I want to urge you to start volunteering as well
by demonstrating
the benefits it has for everyone involved.
1. Firstly, I will talk about the needs of the homelessness
2. Secondly, I will show you the ways to help the homelessness by
being a volunteer.
3. Lastly, I will discuss on why taking action to help homeless
personally changes and benefits the person volunteering.
If we all did our part to help those in need, our community would be a better and
safer place to live. By doing this, we can achieve a greater sense of
A. Homeless families living in poverty in our community have significant needs
which need to be addressed.
1. Most of these homeless usually will gamble, collect recyclable trash and
even borrowed money from a loan shark to support their live.
a. The number of homeless people increased by three-fold in Kuala
Lumpur on early February 2016 (Malaysiandigest/Arief, 2016)

b. Eventually, Malaysian must unite to volunteer themselves in helping

those less fortunate people.
2. This also causing the increase rate of poverty that has been especially
tough on children.
a. An article reported by CNN News has mentioned that homeless
children is the hard times generation facing as they are falling victim to
the financial crisis.
b. This is the reason on why youth nowdays should learn selflessness be a
volunteer to help those less fortunate children.
c. Volunteerism also may be included into the co-currcicular programmes
of schools (Thestar, 2016)
Transition: Clearly, our local community is in great need but everyone should have a
sense of humanity by joining the voluntary work to help those in needs.
B. We may help those homeless people by being a volunteer in any
organizations whose focus is to end the homeless and hunger in Malaysia.
1. For those of you who have time to spare, you can volunteer yourselves in
organization to give out foods to homeless in the streets.
a. A recent project called Projek Nasi Kukus done by Yes Alumni Malaysia
b. Students may donate their money or cloth and basic things need by
the homeless people to any of non-profit organizations that depend
greatly on donations.

We as student should imagine that by putting themselves in someones

shoes in this case being a homeless people, we know that they are
vulnerable and they need the help of others to live their life. Make it a
small baby steps. For instance, we held an organization for the homeless
people and eradicate it throughout our community. We start small. Mula2
from our neighborhood then school we encourage the people through
social media. Live for others, care for others, thats the motto our future
generations should implement in themselves so that when they see or are
facing with this homeless people they would feel empathy towards them
rather than feeling disgusted. How do we encourage? Well once said
actions is louder than words.. so why dont we/students hold a charity or
trus funds to make full use of it. For instance, just like what we see ontv,
we can build them house maybe some beneficial facilities for them for
free. With the help of gov the homeless people can live a better life
because not a single human being should feel as though they dont belong
in this world. If we want to encourage people to volunteer we have to
make them expose on what is the true meaning of beinga homeless
person. Its not just a people without a home its actually more the meets
the eye. The in depth of bein homeless and the consequences of being
one is immensely deep

A. Volunteering for homeless people brings fun and life satisfaction.

1. First, involving in voluntary work to help homeless people will make
your life become more meaningful
a. By volunteering, it can strengthen our community
b. It is the way to give back and stay connected with homeless
people from diverse backgrounds
c. Helping out with even the little things will make a real difference
and a brand new life towards homeless people.
d. This action would give us a sense of humanity (Cooke, 2002)
2. Secondly, it gives us a career experience.
a. Volunteering can greatly enhance and develop your social skills.
b. Increase self-esteem and boost up your confidence to deal with
life situations of homeless people
c. If youre looking for a job, volunteering helps to give you a sense
of accomplishment especially if you are not getting many

interviews. It acts as a medium to show your real attitude

around which if often comes through employers (Green, 2012)

Only mention 2 ways

Just mention any of organisations

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