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Posted on Tuesday, 03.16.10 Recommend (0) share email print comment reprint

Real-life communication skills are important, Top Searches: Obituaries | Horoscopes | Lottery | Calendar

even for the virtually savvy


Become a fan of Poked on Facebook We've created a generation that looks great on
More netiquette issues on the Poked blog paper, but has some trouble when it comes to real

That was the main message that stuck in my mind last week when I spoke with Rosanna Fiske, who
teaches at Florida International University's communications school.

Her students are early adapters, finding the latest technological innovation ``none of us can,'' said Fiske,
who teaches advertising and public relations students.

``They do so well because they're connected -- they've literally been connected their entire lives,'' she
said. ``But what that's also done is create a whole issue with their social skills and face-to-face

In some cases, it gets even worse.

Johnson & Wales' Maureen Lloyd-James told me she has some students who include texting language
like LOL (that's laughing out loud) in college essays.

``I think in this day and age we presume students have a lot of computing knowledge -- but it's only in a
specific area,'' she said.

Fiske counteracts this at FIU by emphasizing hands-on work. Some students have a class that features
in-person interactions, so they must meet clients in addition to create websites, do writing, research and

Both Fiske and Lloyd-James emphasized that these assignments are about creating a different mind-set
for students who have never thought about these things. MORE TECHNOLOGY

For Betsy Soler, a senior at FIU who is already working full-time, it was also about learning how to act as PayPal plans to double staff in Asia
a professional -- something every college student must learn, regardless of their generation. Google partners in China appeal for word on
In her case, that has meant getting more comfortable with using the phone for work conversations, said Actel sees better-than-expected 1Q revenue
Soler, who still puts `text-friendly'' next to her business phone number. EBay spent $415,000 on lobbying in 4Q
Jury awards VirnetX $106M in Microsoft dispute
Soler, 19, thinks part of the issue is that because younger people are viewed more as ``experts,'' they're Microsoft Bing nabs more Web searches in
being thrust into the working world at a much younger age. February
``Professionals are approaching us a lot quicker than before,'' said Soler, who started college when she
was 16. VIDEOS
What netiquette challenges do you see when working between generations? Share your stories online on
the Poked blog,

Poked is a column about netiquette, social media and the business world. E-mail us if you have a vexing
question or need advice.

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Comments (2)

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Comments: 2 Showing: Newest first

nboodhoo wrote on 03/16/2010 04:41:32 PM:

Replying to BHarrison (03/16/2010 12:48:54 PM):
"For the most part, we have become people without the ability to deal with anything except on the
basis of 30 second sound bytes. Intellectually no one will take the time to scrutinize or to explore
the details about anything. Even on the TV sit-coms they now switch amongst five or more
Thanks for your comment. One of the interesting things one of the professors told me was that she sees it as even more
important know that students have these skills precisely because they're competing with others in this economy. Feel free
to weigh in more at our blog:

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BHarrison wrote on 03/16/2010 12:48:54 PM:

For the most part, we have become people without the ability to deal with anything except on the basis of 30
second sound bytes. Intellectually no one will take the time to scrutinize or to explore the details about FACEBOOK
anything. Even on the TV sit-coms they now switch amongst five or more story lines/plots in a half hour or
hour program. We have become people who just need the falsh and dash from one storyline to another without any depth.
We've become the instant gratification generations ... well, that may change with the reality of the escalting economic
The Miami Herald Business section
problems and the impact on our ability to get instant gratifications. We've become a rather self absorbed and shallow
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society. And in Pemborke Pines only 1900 voters voted in the last election. What does that reveal about our doing our part
to ensure our best interests? Everyoone wants someone else to handle the problems or the tough decisions. The Miami Herald Business section on Facebook

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