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An extensive study on

the importance of HR
consultancy firm for


Apart from the efforts of me, the success of this project depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude
to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project.
I would like to show my greatest appreciation to Mahtab Alam Sir and Anil Kumar Sir. I cant
say thank you enough for their tremendous support and help. I feel motivated and encouraged
every time I attend their meeting. Without their encouragement and guidance this project
would not have materialized.
The guidance and support received from my family and all the friends including Neha Tyagi,
and others, who contributed to this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am
grateful for their constant support and help.
Last but not the least; I would like to thank my seniors at Super Consultancy- Hema Mam,
Neha Mam, Shalini Mam, Mohini Mam and Manini Mam for their constant guidance and
support. They motivated me to perform well and helped me to understand my roles and
responsibilities. I feel grateful to them for being my mentor.


This is to certify that Arushi Yadav, Enrollment no. 0262061708, of BBA (Gen) 5 th SEM has
completed her summer training on the topic HR CONSULTANCY WORKING under my
supervision. To the best of my knowledge and belief, the work is based on the investigation
made and collected by her and it has not been submitted in any other university for award of
any degree or diploma.

Project Guide
Mr. Anil Kumar


This is to certify that I have completed the project titled HR Consultancy Working
under the guidance of Mr. Anil Kumar in partial fulfillment of the requirement for
the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at Trinity Institute of
Professional Studies, Dwarka. This is an original piece of work & I have not
submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Arushi Yadav
BBA(Gen)-V Sem

Certificate (Industry)
Certificate (Internal)
What is a consultancy?
Disposition of the Management
Human capital theory
Strategic human resource management
Global talent management
Why HR Consulting
What HR consulting can do for you?
Human Resource Consulting Services
Modern State of the Industry
Need of HR Consultancy in an Organization in the Present Scenario
Services offered under HR Consultancies
HR Consultancy Concern
Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)
Believe in the Best
Role of HR manager in a company
Role of HR Consulting Firm in Employee Motivation

About Anoop Consultancy
Role of HR Consultants Differentiation
Role of HR Consultants
Research approach
Research design
Selection process
The interviewees
The interview process
The interview guide
Operationalization and data analysis
Limitations of the research design
Emerging challenges for the management consulting industry


Internationalisation strategies
International HR strategies
International HRM system:
International HR roles




What is a consultancy?
Consultancy can be defined as: A professional practice that gives expert advice within a
particular field, esp. business or the work of giving such advice.
A consultant is a professional who provides professional or expert advice in a particular area
such as management, accountancy, the environment, entertainment, technology, law (tax law,
in particular), human resources, marketing, food production, immigration, medicine, finance,
life management, economics, public affairs, communication, engineering etc.
Internal Consultant:
Someone who operates within an organization but is available to be consulted on areas of
specialism by other departments or individuals.
External Consultant:
Someone who is employed externally (either by a firm or some other agency) whose
expertise is provided on a temporary basis, usually for a fee. As such this type of consultant
generally engages with multiple and changing clients.

Disposition of the Management

The following management begins with a look back at human capital theory, which is the
foundation on which concepts such as talent management and diversity management stand.
Hence, theories from various different research branches will be reviewed, for example
strategic human resource management, talent management and diversity management.
Finally, these theories will be combined using a diversity lens in order to form a theoretical
frame that will be used to take on the research question. Thereafter follows a methodology
section, where the research design, sample and methodological issues will be discussed.

Human capital theory

According to the resource-based theory of competitive advantage, companies that possess
valuable resources that their competitors cannot easily reproduce or replacement for will
break those that lack such resources (Barney, 1991). As research has progressed in describing
these types of resources, knowledge embedded in human capital has emerged as the possibly
most universally valuable one (Zander, 1992). Human capital theory is often times
complemented with social capital theory, which key proposition is that networks of dealings
can make up or lead to income that can be useful both to those and collectives. At the
organizational level, social capital signifies the value to an organization created by the
relationships formed by its members. However, the importance given to human capital as a
resource has varied over the years.

Strategic human resource management

Traditional human resource management (HRM) is often related to administrative tasks, such
as planning, staffing and compensation issues, and it includes several stakeholders such as
customers, investors, society and the organization itself. On the other hand, is focused on
building sustainable competitive advantage, which entails a focus on organizational
performance as well as the use of HR systems to solve business problems. In other words, the
strategy part of SHRM can be said to be the bridge connecting HR practices and systems to
the overall financial performance of the firm. This type of SHRM, which only concerns
managing the top talents of the firm, is known as talent management.

Global talent management

An important part of talent management, especially for large MNCs, is how to handle
talented personnel globally (Tarique & Schuler, 2010). According to Tarique and Schulers
(2010) summary of several papers regarding of global talent management they conclude that
global talent management essentially is to attract, develop and retain individuals with high
levels of human capital consistent with the strategic directions of the multinational enterprise
in a dynamic, highly competitive, and global environment. However, the multi nationality of
the context in which MNCs find themselves presents different challenges in comparison to
domestic talent management, and therefore demands additional strategic efforts. Managing a

workforce in various countries while still keeping a coherent HR-strategy is far more difficult
than on a national level and due to factors such as the scarcity as well as the flexibility of
younger, globally competent managers, the competition between multinational firms is extra
prominent (Bartlett & McLean, 2006). According to Tarique (2010), it is therefore
indispensable for MNCs to build an HR-structure that can ensure a flow of talented global
workforce throughout the firm.

Human resource consulting:

The human resource consulting industry has emerged from management consulting and
addresses human resource management tasks and decisions. HR Consultants are responsible
for assisting clients with strategically integrating effective HR processes, programs and
practices into their daily operations. Their role is also to maximize the client's performance
related to human resources by introducing or marketing "best practice" products or services
as well as to provide periodic feedback to clients regarding their performance related to
annual management objectives. To accomplish this, the HR Consultant may need to perform
needs assessments or audits and make recommendations or proposals, coordinate the creation
and implementation of an action or corrective plan, and when required, organize and
coordinate cross-functional Human Resource teams to assist the client with developing and
implementing performance improvement corrective plans, programs or processes.
Why HR Consulting
Employee satisfaction in any company is dependent on its Human Resource services
department. In order to deal with the essentials involved among the employees, to ensure
smooth functioning of HR department, & to compensate for resource availability, companies
opt for HR Resource outsourcing (HRO) or HR consulting services.
What HR consulting can do for you?
HR Consulting helps in boosting organizational performance with many strategic benefits
like rejecting the repetitive back office HR Functions, cost competitiveness and helps in
maintaining strategic HR focus.

Thus, HR consulting can

Help in structural reduction of the Human Resource Managing (HRM) cost base, by
identifying the non-value adding activities and eliminate the hidden HR operations
Help in identifying the inefficient Human Resources (HR) Administration processes
and HR practices.
Help organizations to focus on human resource performance.
Help organizations to serve their employees better, as the people come first.
Help organizations to improve efficiency, productivity, and communication &
employee confidence.
Human Resource Consulting Services
The role of human resource consulting services in an association differs with the extent of
outsource utilities. Some services go with the "all-or-nothing" approach, needful that they
handle all your HR purposes or none at all. The HR consulting collection may include
features like payroll administration, employee Benefits, human resource management, risk
History of HR Management
Management consulting grew with the rise of management as a unique field of study. The
first management consulting firm was Arthur D. Little, founded in 1886 by the MIT professor
of the same name and was incorporated in 1909. Arthur D. Little later became a general
management consultancy; it originally specialized in technical research. Booz Allen Hamilton
was founded by Edwin G. Booz, a graduate of the Kellogg School of Management at
Northwestern University, in 1914 as a management consultancy and the first to serve both
industry and government clients. From the 1950s onwards consultancies not only expanded
their activities considerably in the United States but also opened offices in Europe and later in
Asia and South America. Work carried out at McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group, AT
Kearney, Booz Allen Hamilton, and the Harvard Business School during the 1960s and 1970s
developed the tools and approaches that would define the new field of strategic management,
setting the groundwork for many consulting firms to follow. In 1983, Harvard Business
School's influence on the industry continued with the founding of Monitor Group by six
professors. The industry experienced significant growth in the 1980s and 1990s, gaining

considerable importance in relation to national gross domestic product. In 1980 there were
only five consulting firms with more than 1,000 consultants worldwide, whereas by the 1990s
there were more than thirty firms of this size.
Modern State of the Industry
Management consulting has grown quickly, with growth rates of the industry
exceeding 20% in the 1980s and 1990s.
Consulting remains highly cyclical and linked to overall economic conditions.
The consulting industry shrank during the 2001-2003 period, but grew steadily until
the recent economic downturn in 2009. Since then the market has stabilized.
Currently, there are three main types of consulting firms. Large, diversified
organizations, Medium-sized management consultancies and Boutique firms which
have focused areas of consulting expertise in specific industries, functional areas,
technologies, or regions of the world.

Need of HR Consultancy in an Organization in the Present Scenario

On the basis of literature reviewed it was found that HR department is important.
Human resources department is vital to overall productivity and efficiency of the
strong workforce in any successful company.
Good human resources can be one of the most valued and appreciated departments in
an organization; their job is people, and people are the companys most important.
The major roles of a human resources department in a successful business involve a
lot of observation and analysis.
Performance management, message creation, job recruitment and promotion decisions
take countless hours of observation and data analysis that result in the most beneficial
decisions in the end.

However, number organization cannot afford to run a complete HR department

therefore they take help of HR consultancies to facilitate their HR functions.

Services offered under HR Consultancies

Human resource consulting is an $18.4 billion industry that has emerged from
management consulting, as clients' needs have become more complex and specialized,
widening the gap between HR needs and work force capabilities, and thus
accentuating the ability of HR management consulting firms to fill this gap.
While the multi-faceted nature of business sometimes causes overlap in consulting
industries (i.e., with regards to human resources, general management, and
information technology), the following are core fields around which most HR
consultancies are based are:
Human Capital, including remuneration, employee rewards and incentive programs,
and talent acquisition and management.
Health & Benefits; i.e., orchestrating optimal employee health plans with the carriers
Mergers & Acquisitions, examining fit across culture, job-type, transaction costs, etc.
Communication, including surveying employee attitudes, satisfaction, engagement,
and other employee behaviors.
Recruitment process Outsourcing
HR Consultancy Concern:
The project titled HR Consultancy Working is undertaken with the Anoop Consultancy.
The main purpose of the project is to make a complete study of recruitment process in Anoop
Consultancy. Delhi and to analyze the difference between a consultancy and a company's way
of recruitment. Recruitment basically means the process of posting vacancies whenever there
is a requirement to invite applications from as many eligible candidates as possible. It
includes the entire process right from identifying the vacancies to selecting the candidates. It

occupies a pivotal role in an organizational set up. Without effective recruitment its not
possible for any organization to hire the talent pool which helps in its proper functioning.
Over the past three decades its importance has grown by and large.
The objectives of Human Resource Department are Human Resource Planning, Recruitment
and Selection, Training and Development, Career planning, Transfer and Promotion, Risk
Management, Performance Appraisal and so on. Each objective needs special attention and
proper planning and implementation.
With great care, the above said topics have been explained with the help of a sample which
was done during the course of two months at Super Consultancy. Recruitment and Selection
was understood by adhering to client requirements whereas, Performance appraisal was
understood by the Consultancy's modus operandi.

HR Consultancy is a form of Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) where an business
subcontracts or allocations all or part of its employment activities to an external service
provider. The Recruitment Process Outsourcing Association defines RPO as follows: "when a
provider acts as a company's internal recruitment function for a portion or all of its jobs. RPO
providers manage the entire enrolling/acquisition process from job profiling through the on
boarding of the new hire, including staff, technology, and method and reporting. A properly
managed RPO will improve a company's time to hire, increase the quality of the candidate
pool, provide confirmable metrics, reduce cost and improve governmental compliance.
Earlier fast-growing high tech corporations were hard-pressed to locate and hire the technical
experts they required, and so had little choice but to pay large fees to highly expert recruiters
in order to staff their projects. Over time, companies began to observe how they might reduce
the growing expenses of recruitment fees while still hiring hard-to-find technical consultants.
Toward this end, companies began to examine the numerous steps in the recruiting procedure
with an eye toward giving agreement to consultancies for only those portions that they had
the greatest difficulty with and that added the greatest value to them. This "search/research"

function, as it was called, generated names of competitors' employees for a company and
served to enhance the pool of possible candidates from which that company could hire.
Over time, HR Consultancies added service among Human Resource management: not only
did Consultancy reduce upstairs costs from their budgets but it also helped improve the
company's competitive advantage in the industry market. As industry markets became more
and more competitive, Consultancy became more of an acceptable option.
Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO)
The provider acts as a companys internal recruitment function for all or part of its
recruitment activities, e.g., sourcing of the right candidates, screening candidates through
tests and/or interviews, selection of candidates based on screening results, and on-boarding
and training. While the global scenario in RPO is evolving rapidly, off shoring in India has
been relatively slow to take off. There are very few homebred companies that prominent in
this space. Several other RPOs are extensions of recruitment agencies that offer their services
to prevent RPO from having a cannibalizing effect on their recruitment business. RPO
contracts generally extend for six months to a year, unlike recruitment, which is based on
successful referral, and it is an annuity. However, most recruitment companies do not have
the wherewithal to support the large-scale nature of such contracts and global clientele. Most
of the recent newsmakers in the Indian RPO space are global players that are setting up or
expanding their Indian delivery base. Some of these include Alexander Mann Solutions,
which has tied up with ABC Consultants, and Kelly Services, which is launching its RPO
services in the country. Large international players have entered the Indian market as they are
of the view that small and medium-sized companies will increase their outsourcing of noncore activities. Moreover, with the market becoming increasingly more competitive, large
players are also expected to begin outsourcing to reduce costs and increase their efficiency.
Benefits of HR Consultancy include reduced recruiter costs, no infrastructure costs, improved
productivity, compact recruiter costs, and reduced time to hire.

Believe in the Best

Anoop Consultancy is the invention of a group of experienced professionals who have come
together to set up a dynamic platform to meet the technical and non-technical requirements of
the manufacturing industry.
We offer a bunch of staffing possibilities permanent, long term and temporary. The only
evident class different in these categories is only the duration of employment not the quality
of employment and certainly not the impeccability of the employers.
We go into every assignment with a sense of partnership with our clients sharing our
responsibility in bringing on board the right and the efficient candidate.
Our Value Differentiators
We have prove to be more successful in placing
HR Manager, Construction Manager, Process Manager, Finance Manager.
Favorite dealers among most of the clienteles.
Our asset lies in deep understanding of our clients industries, our head hunting skills
and our wide network of contacts coupled with our proper standards.
We go into every mission with a sense of partnership with our clients sharing our
accountability in conveying on board the right and the effective candidate.

Role of HR manager in a company

The role of HR Manager depends on the size of the organization. In larger organizations, the
roles of Human, the manager, and the director are clearly defined. HR directors, and Sr. HR
managers, head up several different specialized departments such as training, compensation,
or the recruiting. The Changing HR role The role of the HR professional is undergoing a
change. Earlier their role was associated with personnel and administration functions which

were considered by the organization as official procedure. The HR manager is now

responsible for all of the functions that concerns the needs and activities of the organization's
people and the recruitment of employees. Employee Recruitment and Selection Process
Recruiting and selecting employees is a long process that involves many steps.

First, the HR manager is informed about an opening in any department. The manager then
obtains the job description to prepare a Job Description Sheet for publication. The HR picks
over the qualified from the unqualified applicants. Once that is done, the interview process is
coordinated. Although most of the interviews are with the hiring manager or their associates,
not all applicants meet with the department's hiring manager. The company filters out those
who are unable to impress the HR manager.

It is common for a company to clean out those who fail to impress the HR manager
Employee Training & Development The HR Consultants also looks after the skills
development of a company's employees. The HR coordinates training programs both on-site
and off-site, or in the field. Employee Compensation Benefits This includes salaries, bonuses,
vacation pay, sick leave pay, Workers' Compensation, and insurance policies. The HR
department is responsible for developing a benefits compensation system Policy Formulation
Not considering the size of the organization, the policies and procedures of a company must
be established to ensure order in the workplace. These policies and procedures are meant to
provide each employee with an understanding of what is expected from them. At the same
time, these policies and guidelines will assist hiring managers in judging the performance of
their employees. Thus HR Managers and staff are considered as an important part for
implementing the companys vision, as well as in problem solving. Labor Relations HR
Consultants are responsible for working with management and employees to provide
guidance, direction and advice about the application or interpretation of human resources and
labor policies, practices and procedures.

Role of HR Consulting Firm in Employee Motivation

The most valuable asset of any organization is its personnel and the most crucial driving force
for any person is his or her level of confidence and motivation. A highly motivated person
carries the energy and passion required to push the projects ahead and reach the predetermined goals. For any organization, if talented employees are an advantage, then
motivated employees is an equal necessity. The attitudes, perceptions, behaviors and
viewpoint of people in the organization make a great impact on the working of the company,
thereby, directly affecting the growth and success of the organization.
Predictably, it is considered that it is the liability of the administration and managers in the
organization to keep the employees motivated. But, this is easier said than done. With the
changing scenario, increasing competitiveness, and high pressures to achieve growth and
considered goals, the administration and managers within the organization find themselves
more or less lagging behind in facilitating their employees towards healthy mindset and in
creating a better atmosphere in the workplace. They may not be fully qualified in
understanding the awareness of the employees and following a non-partial approach in setting
up a positively inspiring environment in the organization.

This is the reason that many organizations are opting for the services of HR Consulting Firms
in order to drive their employees positively towards achieving the objectives of the
organizations. Such firms also prove highly effective in guiding and training the
administration and managers as well, in their search of motivating their employees.
An important method followed by HR Consulting Firms for improving the motivation levels
in the organization is by interviewing or getting questionnaires filled by the employees. This
method helps in identifying the fundamental requirements of the employees in relation to the
motivational impetus. Another important method for the same is by conducting motivational
training programmes and workshops by the HR Consultants. Such workshops and
programmes extend to a number of days and sessions covering various topics as per the
requirements of the administration.
The various characteristics analysed in by HR Consultants in identifying the gaps in the
workplace environment that lead to low motivational levels are:

Are the basic needs of the employees satisfied?

Do the employees like completing their jobs?

Is there a connectivity of the employee with his or her company and job?

Accomplishing tasks makes the employees feel good?

Do the employees feel compelled to do their jobs?

Levels of satisfaction felt by employees while working for the company

How interesting and substantial is the work for the employees?

Is working a burden for the employees in the organization?

How prompted are the employees in leaving the organization?

Which aspects of the company do the employees most appreciate?

What are the elements that employees would like to change in the organization to
make it a better place to work?

How healthy is the relation between subordinates and concerned authority?

Pressures and compulsions at workplace

Ethical environment in the organization

Some of the significant topics that are dealt with during the motivational programmes
conducted by HR Consultants include:

Attitudes and behaviors

Viewpoints - their significance and striking a balance between two varying viewpoints

Team work

Goal setting - importance and planning for the same

Time management

Resolving conflict

Strategies to win and achieve goals

Work ethics and perception

Key result areas - identification and planning to achieve them

Thus, with the help of a detailed analysis the HR Consultants identify the crucial areas that
are adversely affecting the environment in the organization and hampering the motivational
levels of the employees. By meticulously working on these areas and providing necessary
guidance to the employees, HR Consultants can facilitate the work of boosting the confidence
and motivation among the employees.



Anoop consultancy is a Mumbai based commercial firm that majorly specializes in providing
Articles, Website Solutions, and HR Manpower supply services with professional touch to
commercial clients.
We also provide Thesis consultancy services to management and PhD students thereby
assisting and guiding them to complete their assignments. We provide professional touch to
the job work with eye catching and qualified contents.
We offer our clients cutting edge expertise, in-depth industry knowledge and modern
technology for the placement processes thus leaving you free to focus on managing your core

The visionaries of this company are expert in their respective field of engineering and have
joined hands to serve quality and are committed to clients.


Inception of Anoop Consultancy
Thesis Consultancy
Notes Consultancy
Article Writing

Early 2011
Website Writing / SEO Writing
Commencement of Website Consultancy Services
Inception of Management Solution Tech for .Net Projects under the banner of Anoop

Late 2011
Reached to a successful peak of 75 clients
Successful functioning of Anoop Consultancy & Management Solution Tech
Achieved a team of 18 established writers across India and a few global writers

Early 2012
Started with Graphitech for PHP Projects under the banner of Anoop Consultancy
Late 2012

Triumphant functioning of Management Solution Tech and Graphitech

Increasing client base for website solutions service
Started with HR Consultancy Services under the banner of Anoop Consultancy
Since then we have 15 satisfied clients working with Anoop Consultancy
More than 60+ candidates had been placed in 2013
Team of 25 experienced writers
2 successful companies under the banner of Anoop Consultancy
Management Solution Tech & Graphitech

2014 - September
30 experienced writer
15 satisfied clients for website related works
Hr consultancy services [White collar jobs] 28 clients
HR consultancy services [Blue collar jobs] 4 clients

[Labour, electrician, helper, carpenter, mason, welder, fitter, painter, mechanic, office boy,
ward boy, delivery boy, housekeeper, nurse, security guard, driver, cleaner, tailors and many
blue collar jobs]
We are one of the leading firms in providing thesis consulting services to management
students and PhD students in India and across the world, majorly in UK and US.
We have a skilled team of project consultants at our backyard who can proficiently
offer you best guidance and tips for completion of your job with perfection.

Anoop consultancy provides proficient stroke to the job work with eye catching and

competent contents.
We have 250+ satisfied students
We have 100+ satisfied corporate clients
We have reached a mark of writing over 20000 articles
Currently we have over 25 writers all over India

We have 100+ satisfied clients
We have some online application software in our kitty
We are handling clients from abroad as well
HR Anoop Consultancy marked a beginning four months back with great zeal and
Our end-to-end recruitment solution covers everything from refining the job
description to the candidate joining.
By outsourcing the recruitment process to Anoop Consultancy, our clients can be
hassle free and focus only on hiring the best-qualified candidate for the job.
We have 15 satisfied clients
More than thirty candidates have been selected till date

We have immense pleasure in introducing ourselves as one of the human resource consultants
and providers, headed and managed by a team of professionals, spreading its wings by
providing the required services to various reputed establishments.
Anoop consultancy provides the complete recruitment solution and manpower supply as per
your need and expectation. We appeal your good selves to extend your valuable support and
give an opportunity for us to provide our best services.
Role of HR Consultants Differentiation
HR consultants do more than help recruit and manage employees.

Human resources consultants provide a variety of general and specific advice to businesses,
allowing you to develop a career as a generalist or a specialist, depending on your interests.
Offering more services might land your more client work, while specializing in one or a few
areas can land higher-paying contracts.
Generalists vs. Specialists
HR generalists help businesses with a wide variety of personnel needs, handling projects
themselves or hiring and managing other HR specialists for individual projects. The areas of
HR consulting a generalist might oversee include areas such as recruitment, hiring,
background and reference checks, payroll administration, benefits and compensation
planning, health and safety and legal compliance. A specialist works in one or more of these
areas, bringing an in-depth expertise of the area.
Some HR consultants focus on helping companies recruit and hire the best candidates within
the clients budget. Recruiters use a variety of practices for talent searching, including using
proprietary databases, reviewing potential internal candidates, searching social media sites
such as LinkedIn and posting positions on job boards that specialize in specific industries and
professions. These consultants work with the client from the initial meeting through the final
hiring, with the process including advertising the job, screening applicants, conducting
interviews, doing background checks, recommending compensation packages and making the
Training and Development
Helping companies improve their workers requires ongoing training and development. This
can include on-site, job-specific skill training, or development in areas such as
communications, time management, customer service, computer knowledge and leadership
skills. HR consultants provide seminars and workshops, helping businesses develop
succession plans to ensure they have qualified internal candidates to replace those who leave.
Benefits and Compensation
Another area of HR specialization is benefits and compensation, sometimes known as total
rewards. Total rewards include base pay, benefits, commissions, salaries, rewards, awards
programs and morale initiatives. An HR consultant helps businesses maximize their personnel
budgets by determining which positions should be filled by employees and what functions

should be outsourced. The consultant then reviews Industry pay scales for these positions.
Some HR consultants offer payroll services, working with benefits providers and client
finance departments.
Health and Safety
Healthy workers are more productive and acquire lower health care and insurance costs for
employers. Health, safety, security and wellness all play a role in maintaining the most
productive workforce, and HR consultants advise clients in these areas. This can include
making sure companies follow federal and state safety regulations, help improve workplace
security practices, institute wellness programs and review workers compensation claims to
look for proper classification of employees and claims patterns that might identify safety or
health issues the client needs to address.
Legal Compliance
Another area where HR consultants provide expertise is in legal compliance. Consultants in
this area are knowledgeable regarding U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidelines, as well as state rules and
regulations. HR consultants help businesses develop employee handbooks with policies and
procedures they must follow.


Role of HR Consultants
Many consultants are HR generalists, meaning they are knowledgeable in many if not all of
the HR disciplines. This also means an HR consultant can be a valuable asset to an
organization that engages her services, because she can potentially address aspects of the
entire HR department. Importantly, the role of an HR consultant is to lend expertise, not
perform the duties of the HR staff members.
Before The Consulting Project Begins
Preliminary duties of an HR consultant include constructing proposals, delivering
presentations and making recommendations to potential clients. This can consume a
considerable amount of time, depending on the size of the organization and the project. HR
consultants who are employed by consulting firms usually have access to administrative
assistance to help streamline this process.

Self-Promotion Increases Business Opportunities

HR consultants also function as subject matter experts by delivering speeches to professional
associations, functioning as conference facilitators and writing about HR trends and topics for
trade publications. These types of activities are called self-promotion--they enhance the HR
consultant's exposure to potential clients. HR professionals who attend industry conferences
have an opportunity to view the consultant's style and professionalism, which could lead to
engaging that HR consultant for future projects.
HR Becoming Part of Executive Leadership
Once engaged to perform consulting services for a client, an HR consultant may advise the
client on development of strategy and philosophies pertaining to the role of the HR
department to the organization overall. Forward-thinking organizations often engage
consultants to facilitate the integration of HR leadership and the organization's executive
leadership. HR consultants who perform this type of strategic HR work are best qualified
when they have dual expertise in HR and the client's industry.
Lending Expertise on Tactical Matters
Other HR consultants may provide services to HR departments on strategic matters, such as
how to manner compensation study, administer an employee opinion survey or perform an
HR record-maintenance audit. This manner of lending expertise aids in the professional
development of the client's HR professionals by learning and doing under the guidance of an
HR experts are almost always consulted if an employee has made a formal complaint of
workplace discrimination. In these cases, an HR consultant will conduct the investigation,
confer with the enforcement agency and the client's attorneys and prepare a position
statement on behalf of the employer.
The Importance of Business Development
Finally, an HR consultant lends more than her expertise to the client. She also engages in
business development activities to increase her client base and her existing clients' confidence
in her capabilities. Building and maintaining strong relationships with clients leads to greater
business opportunities.


HR Consultancy team is privileged to have industry connoisseurs as a part of its progressive

endeavors. With in-depth industry knowledge and hailing from various backgrounds; the
experts target the most competitive and appropriate applicants; who meet all the specified
requirements of clients. The industry specialists, practically understand the particular
requirement of an industry, and also keep in pace with the changing trends. This helps in
giving a competitive edge to clients so that they can transform their organization in
accordance to the changing needs of the corporate world.
Our experienced professionals have provided effective solutions at all industry levels, ranging
from top management to entry level positions. Immense and focused industrial knowledge is
also characterized by minimum turn-around-time, which means your needs are dealt on a
priority basis and requirements are met well in advance or within the set deadlines.


HR Consultancy represents perfection in its functional specialization. While industry-specific

experts suggest the most relevant solutions, their further specialization at individual
functional level assures the implementation of the best solution as per each function.
This functional level focused approach not only proves cost-effective for clients but also
helps them to initiate internal changes within the organization; in a smooth manner.
The core-level functional specialists present sound solutions, which are bound to succeed.
The intellectuals know the challenges faced by each function, and so their efforts are solely
targeted at providing you with passionate, skilled and qualified candidates carrying functional
experience in abundance. The root-level precision has constantly won praise from clients.
Over the years, it has earned the repute of functional-specialists across the industry.



We feel massive desire in presenting our company as the specialized administration advisers
for recruitments. Our company is associated with large Indian and Multinational firms within
Mumbai & Other Metro Cities for past Ten Years, with our well qualified proficient staff and
well prepared testing modes of individual capacity of selecting right type of personal for
required jobs exactly suitable to their personalities, their realization and above all to fall
within the field of Employers Condition.
We have shared our in complexity knowledge in such varied fields such as Automobiles,
Electronics, FMCG, Telecom, IT, Logistics to set up a resource to channel human capacities
involvement and expertise to their most satisfying goals.
Our selection is based on difficult screening of candidates skills while verifying their
backgrounds and orientation as far as possible before referring to our client.

We have been representation facilities to different MNCs since their project stage to till date.
Rather duration of last few years we have been spacing interviews for various Companies like
Samsung Electronics, Sonata, L&T, Cap Gemini, Coca Cola etc. in our own organization.
We focus on finding the best fit to meet our customers supplies for both technical and nontechnical posts. However we are specialized in technical placement viz Engineers, Diploma
Holders, ITIs production staff etc. The terms and conditions under which we renders our
services are given as under:

For white collar Jobs

[Back office, Accounts Executive, Finance Manger, Sales executive, Sales Manager, Hr
Executive, Hr manager, Software related vacancies, tele-caller and other official related

Consultancy Fees

8.33% of annual CTC (upto 6 lakhs p.a.)

Replacement Period

10% of annual CTC (Above 6 lakhs to 10 lakhs p.a.)

12% of annual CTC (Above 10 lakhs)
90 Days [If candidate leaving employment by own]
If Company removes candidates then we are not

Payment period

responsible for any replacement

30 days maximum from candidate joining


Contract Period
Service Tax

________________ to _________________
12.36% [Extra applicable]

For Skilled/Blue collar Jobs

[Labour, electrician, helper, carpenter, mason, welder, fitter, painter, mechanic, office boy,
ward boy, delivery boy, housekeeper, nurse, security guard, driver, cleaner, tailors, cook,
House maid, counter sales, and any other skilled jobs]
Sr. No.

Consultancy Fees

Rs. 5000 per hired candidate [1 to 5 candidate

[for one particular Vacancy]

Rs. 4000 per hired candidate [21 and above]
45 Days [If candidate leaves employment by own]
If Company removes candidates then we are not

Replacement Period

Rs. 4500 per hired candidate [5 to 20 candidate

responsible for any replacement

10 to 15 days maximum from candidates

Payment period



Service Tax
Note [If any]:




providing ________________ to ________________

12.36% [Extra applicable]

Sr. No.

Consultancy Fees

Rs. 750 per hired candidate per month [6 to 25

[for one particular Vacancy]

candidate requirement]
Rs. 700 per hired candidate per month [26 to 50
candidate requirement]
Rs. 650 per hired candidate per month [51 to 100


candidate requirement]
Management Rs. 20,000 per month as a salary [negotiable]

Fees [every 50 candidate we

will appoint one full time

Replacement Period

1 year [If candidate leaving employment by own

Payment period

and company removes because of any valid issues]

Monthly payment. And it can be renewed every



with Annually Renewal compulsory for per candidate


Service Tax
Note [If any]:

12.36% [Extra applicable]


Sr. No.

Consultancy Fees
[for one particular Vacancy]


Rs. 10,000 per hired candidate [1 to 5 candidate

Rs. 9000 per hired candidate [5 to 20 candidate

Replacement Period

Rs. 8000 per hired candidate [21 and above]
1 year [If candidate leaving employment by own

Payment period

and company removes because of any valid issues]

10 to 15 days maximum from candidates
And it will renew every year for every candidate



with Annually Renewal compulsory for per candidate


Service Tax
Note [If any]:

12.36% [Extra applicable]



In the past successful quarter, we have catered to various clients and across different sectors.
Blue Capital
Avishkaar Architect & Interior Designers
Wynn's Hospitality
Bombay Intelligence Security
Creative Marine
Aphelion Software Pvt Ltd
Maxiims Chairs
Dabir Industries
India Infoline
Axis Securities

Interea Interiors
Twacha Clinic
Plancess Edusolutions Pvt Ltd
Gurukrippa Tools Pvt Ltd
Tristar Industrials tools Pvt Ltd
Wellmark Technologies
Tech-Mech Engineering Co.
Emerlad India
Krimson Offshore LLP
Lumenpulse Technologies
OM Veera Ice cream Pvt Ltd
Intcom Systems Pvt Ltd
Titan Laboratories
Zenone sales Pvt Ltd

Halo Media Works Pvt Ltd

Paperplane Solutions
Country Club India Pvt ltd
Balaji Solutions
You Broadband
Sharma Construction
Shree Enterprises

Hathway broadband and data cable limited

Dil Limited
Brinks India
J. Singh & Associates
Dynalog Limited (Vita Moderna)
Multi Channel Groups
Jagdish & Co.
Ya Interiors

Our clients are from different sectors like finance, it, human resource, hospitality, BPO, and
many more.


We provide end to end delivery
Quality sourcing and screening
Interview management
Offer management
Tailored recruitment to suit your requirements
'Client first' attitude
Exceed our client's expectations
Complete professionalism

Effective and long term client relationship


1. The consultancy is operating since 1995, that's why, by now it has emerged in the
field and has learned a brand name.
2. The consultancy concentrates in motorized industry and has tie up with big clients
that show the consultancy's good record.
1. Employee turnover is high which results in additional cost for the organization.
2. Link between the Top Level and the Lower Level is through Middle Level. Middle
Level is often handed many responsibilities and work, thereby leading to overstretch.
Middle Level works for Top level and works with Lower level.
3. No adequate training provided to consultants.
4. Overemphasis on target achievement. That is, Quantity is more than Quality.
5. Job Portals used are only Times jobs and Shine. This leads to over-logging on Times
jobs that has to be reset every few minutes, thereby wasting time and also less
rsum's found. Many candidates complain of getting a call 3-4 times from the same
The consultancy has good market reputation; therefore, it should deal with different
sectors and expand its business.
Recruiters should be trained Client Management and Client Building that can help in
obtaining available portions in the field.
International Market
All over India presence

Strong alliances hence more customer base

Enter into various fields and sectors
1. Emerging consultancies are a big threat and are giving massive competition.
2. The market is ruled by big consultancies and slowly, the small ones are making there

Research approach
The purpose of this study is to gain new insights into a till now under-researched topic,
namely to investigate how global consultancy firms manage diversity with respect to talent
management. For our research question in particular, the answers are expected to be in the
form of describing systems, policies, goals and mindsets, something that would be difficult to
find using numerical measures. In general, quantitative studies provide more reliable and
replicable results, but they seldom reach the same depth in the understanding of a
phenomenon as can be provided by a qualitative approach. With this in mind we decided to
perform a qualitative research by using a multiple case study approach.
Research design
The case study methodology involves studying a specific phenomenon intensely by focusing
on one or a few of instances, or cases, allowing for more depth than a more extensive
research approach. In a case study, the data is collected from several sources, such as
interviews and historic data, and both qualitative and quantitative elements can occur. There
are apparent advantages with using multiple sources of evidence when trying to gain an
understanding of a previously unexplored topic, since it allows for a broader and more
accurate picture of what really goes on in the firm. This strategy also provides triangulation
advantages, that is, minimizing the risk of obtaining biased data or misinterpreting the results

(Saunders et al, 2009). Due to the exploratory purpose of the investigation, the main method
for collecting data was semi-structured interviews. These data were then complemented by
further interviews conducted by email with other key employees at the companies.
Additionally, secondary data in the form of written statements regarding goals, strategies and
policies were reviewed with the aim of gaining an as comprehensive as possible overview.
The initial intention of the authors of this thesis was to also conduct surveys concerning how
diverse the case companies actually were, in order to get a perception of what kind of
diversity situation the firms were facing. In this way, similarities and differences between
MNCs practices within the same sector can also be specified and analyzed, giving the study
additional depth and perhaps also pave the way to further research suggestions. Moreover, if
there are similar practices found between the different firms, these results will have a higher
generalizability than if only one case was to be used.
Selection process
In order to investigate diversity management in relation to talent management, a number of
criteria were set up in order to find the most adequate cases companies. First of all, the cases
needed to be multinational firms that hence would be affected by the competition for talent
partly sparked by the global trends described in the introduction. Secondly, due to the limited
timeframe of writing a masters thesis, it was decided that the focus should lie on the Swedish
subsidiaries of global firms in one single industry. With a more focused sample, it will be
easier to specify if and how the practices differ on a more detailed level, which might then
lead to a deeper understanding of how and why certain decisions regarding diversity and
talent management are made on a more detailed level. However, one objective of the study is
still to pinpoint different practices that could be used by other firms or at least serve as
inspiration to design their own diversity and talent management architecture. For a number of
reasons, the choice of industry fell on the consultancy sector. First, the talent shortages will
be felt the most by firms whose main asset is knowledge and whose market is characterized
by high competition. Second, it is feasible that strategically managing the workforce in a way
that can meet increased demands for international competence and other forms of diversity
will be of particular urgency for such companies. Possibly, one of the most knowledgeintensive sectors where several large multinational enterprises compete for the same
customers, as well as the same employees, is the consulting industry. It is primarily firms in
the consultancy sector that have so far been the front-runners regarding the practice of talent
management. A second selection criterion when it comes to the case companies was that it

was required that they were known for being diverse or at least for being aware of diversity
issues. This supports the initial belief that a closer look at firms in the consultancy industry
might render insights into well developed diversity management systems. With these rather
narrow criteria in mind, 13 companies operating in the consulting industry in Sweden were
contacted, out of which 3 agreed to be part of the study. All the participating firms are not
purely focused on consulting, however a large part of their operations regard consulting, and
they were deemed to fit with the research purpose.
Due to competition as well as the sensitivity of issues regarding diversity, the firms
participating in this study are anonymous. The cases are three large global firms that operate
in the consulting industry and are active in between 56 to 160 countries. They have between
190 000 and 400 000 employees worldwide and they all have local headquarters in Sweden.
The interviewees
The interviewees were selected according to their experience of work with talent
management in general, and diversity issues in particular. In two of the firms, we were able to
conduct interviews with the Diversity Leaders for the Nordic region of the firms. This
position is unique, as its specific focus lies on managing diversity and it also has an
international aspect to it since it implies responsibility for multiple countries. Although the
positions focus is on diversity, it requires close cooperation with the talent management or
human resources departments. The third firm, on the other hand, did not have a specific role
dedicated to the management of diversity. In this firm, diversity management is instead the
responsibility of all managers, and Talent and Human Resources managers in particular.
Therefore, an interview was conducted with a Talent and Human Resources manager who
had vast knowledge of the subject and was aware of how diversity was handled in the
organization. Although the first three interviewees had a great deal of responsibility regarding
diversity management at their respective company, additional employees at the companies
were also contacted. As mentioned above, this was done in order to get an even deeper
understanding of how the diversity work was carried out, not only at the strategic level or at
the Human Resources and Talent departments, but also how the work was conducted at a
different level of the firm or from the perspective of another manager. A summary of all the
cases and the respective interviewees can be found in table 2 below. In company A, the
diversity leader was responsible for all the work regarding diversity on the Nordic level, but

the firm also had different employee networks that could be linked to the diversity topic.
Hence, we chose to conduct an additional interview with one employee that was one out of
two heads of the cultural network. This perspective adds to our understanding of diversity
management and talent management, as it provides a view of how diversity is handled from a
different level within the company. In company B, some employees were, in addition to their
principal work, volunteering as gender advocates. For the same reasons as with company A,
that is, to get a glimpse of diversity management on an employee level, a second interview
with a senior manager who was also active as a gender advocate was conducted. Company C
did not have a specific position solely dedicated to diversity management. Hence, in order to
increase our understanding of how the issue of diversity was carried out in the firm, the first
interview with a Swedish Talent and Human Resources manager was 26 complemented by a
second interview with another manager with the same title. These two managers worked in
different offices and had different responsibilities, and the rationale for interviewing both was
that their knowledge and experiences with diversity management would complement each
other and together provide a thorough understanding of how diversity management in relation
to talent management.
Data collection
The interview process
The first three interviews with our main participants were held at the national headquarters of
each company in Stockholm, Sweden. The interviews were conducted face-to-face in order to
decrease risks of misinterpretations and allow for the interviewers to take gestures and body
language into account, helping to secure the right interpretation of the responses. Since all
topics that touch upon strategy and ethics can be sensitive, all respondents were offered
anonymity already at the interview request, and in addition, this offer was repeated before
and after the interview took place. Offering anonymity allows interviewees to feel
comfortable around sensitive subjects and thus speak more openly, making it less likely that
information is withheld from the interviewers. The interviews were semi structured, which
means there was room for follow-up questions when necessary. The interviews were recorded
and immediately transcribed in order to ensure that no misinterpretations were made. At the
end of each face-to-face interview, the participant was asked if there were other people at
their companies that might be able to offer different or further insight into this topic. With
these respondents we conducted e-mail or phone interviews with follow-up questions that

were complementary to our face-to-face interviews. As mentioned before, the main reason for
the complementary interviews was to get different insights into the topic, but also to provide
triangulation effects in the sense that the responses from the different employees at the same
firm could be compared with each other. However the focus lied on our three primary
interviews as those interviewees were highly knowledgeable within this field.
The interview guide
The interview questions were divided into themes in accordance with the theory. Examples of
these themes are talent management in general, global talent management, the meaning of
diversity for the firm and diversity management. Open-ended questions were used in order to
ensure that the respondents could speak freely according to their view of the topic and in
order to avoid risks associated with biased questions. The second round of interviews that
were conducted via email and telephone had different structures. Since the aim was to
complement the responses gained from the primary interviews, they were based on the results
from these interviews. In other words, these interviews did not follow one interview guide,
but were completely different depending on the area of interest that emerged from the first
interviews. Although a stricter interview guide increases the ability to replicate the study, it is
also important in explorative research to be able to diverge from the initial outset at times.
The project contains of information from two sources- Primary and Secondary sources.
Primary Data:
Primary Data or Source includes the work done by me in the consultancy. It is the research
that I carried on to understand the roles and responsibilities of a recruiter. In various sections
of Recruitment Process, I have added a sample of my work done there to give examples while
explaining the process.

Secondary data:
Secondary data are the data collected for some purpose other than the research situation; such
data are available from the sources such as books, company reports, journals, rating

organization, census department etc. The secondary data are readily available and therefore
they are less costly and less time consuming. Sources of secondary data are:
Data provided by consultancy firms
Book and Journals
Company reports
Bibliography section
Operationalization and data analysis
The study is about the management of diversity and talent, a term that might have many
different practical meanings. In this thesis, the term management begins with the case
companies overall view of diversity and talent management, and then goes on to include
more hands-on practices such as official goals, policies, programs, systems and routines. The
different themes can be found in the interview guide where talent management is first
discussed and thereafter diversity management. When analyzing the data, the results from the
different sources of evidence were organized under different themes that were derived from
the theoretical framework, and then compared and contrasted with each other.
Limitations of the research design
The main limitation of the method is related to access issues. A larger sample would maybe
have allowed for a more comprehensive view of what similarities and what differences exist
between different firms operating in the consulting industry. Consultancy firms are in general
very popular targets of student thesis projects, which was the main reason why several of the
firms that were approach declined to participate. Also, since a case approach was chosen, it
might have been desirable to have even more respondents at each firm. Still, the respondents
who did accept to take part of the study proved to be highly knowledgeable regarding the
topic of this investigation. Furthermore, as previously stated, the intention was to conduct
interviews and also to send out surveys with the participants of the talent pools of each
company in order to get a view of how diverse the talent pools at each company actually
were. However none of the case companies allowed us to send out this type of survey for
various reasons. For example, firms tend to be reluctant when it comes to sending out too
many questionnaires to the employees, and additionally, diversity statistics can be a matter of

strict confidentiality. Still, through the interviews we were provided with some information
regarding the diversity situation at the participating firms and which diversity issues were the
Problematic areas in the views of the respondents. Moreover, the qualitative method brings
some inherit limitations in itself. The qualitative method, especially in combination with a
limited sample affects the external validity of the investigation. In other words, the study will
not be as easy to replicate as if a quantitative approach was used, as the questions asked
during face-to-face interviews with open-ended questions will in many cases differ from the
interview guide due to the need to ask follow-up questions and so on. When interpreting data,
not least the qualitative kind, there is always a potential risk of researcher bias, which can
lower the internal validity of the results. In order to minimize the risk of making personal
misinterpretations, both authors of this essay were present during all the face-to-face
interviews. In this way, body language and tone of voice can also serve as cues as to what the
respondent really means to say, which then also controls for researcher bias. Whenever an
answer felt unclear to the authors, the respondents were asked to clarify what they meant. In
addition, all the interviews were recorded and transcribed immediately after completion, and
the respondents were contacted with follow-up questions via email whenever the authors felt
unsure of the meaning of an answer. Finally, all respondents were given the opportunity to
read through the essay prior to publication in order to control that they had been cited
correctly. On a related topic, another limitation with the quantitative method that applies to
this study is the potential subjectivity of the respondents. As has already been mentioned,
diversity is a highly sensitive topic, and there is a risk that respondents may, consciously or
unconsciously, try to whitewash their practices because they are used to being encouraged to
promote their company. Likewise, the secondary data used in the study mainly consists of
official documents from the case companies and also from their webpages, and one must keep
in mind that that the purpose of publishing such material is often not only informational but
can be promotional as well. In a similar vein, respondents may also withhold information
regarding their best practices due to the risk of giving away something that gives them a
competitive advantage. This risk, however, is undermined by the fact that all the respondents
were offered anonymity, which they also accepted. Finally, our research also presents an
ethical issue. This issue consists in the fact that the study is based on the assumption that
diversity is a means to an end, and not an end in itself. Diversity in the sense of giving
everyone equal opportunities and fighting against discrimination is a moral issue, and treating
it as a mere business case might undermine the important moral case. It should therefore be

clarified that the authors do not intend to encourage a revenue-focused perspective on

diversity, but merely want to shed light on the case companies views on the matter.
Emerging challenges for the management consulting industry
Efficient management of the firms internal tacit knowledge is therefore the key to effective
management and growth of a consulting firm. They given that knowledge assets are
multidimensional in nature, it is important that consulting firms invest in various human
resources (HR) configurations to manage human, social, and organizational capital. Such
firms face significant conflicts in managing the balance between routines that support
external demands from clients (innovation) and internal utilization of capabilities (efficient
deployment of specialized human assets). In sum, the challenges facing the management
consulting industry fall into three broad categories:
1. Competition and differentiation: As competition intensifies with the entry of
heterogeneous players in the market, there is a significant need for consulting firms to define
their unique identities and differentiate themselves from the rest, in an increasingly
fragmented industry.
2. Organizational design of the management consulting firm: The traditional professional
partnership organizational form is under threat with increasing globalization of consulting
firms as well as their clients. This necessitates that consulting firms consciously adopt new
organizational forms that best suit their contexts and identities.
3. Internal organization of knowledge flows to serve client needs: High knowledge
intensity of management consulting firms ensures that firms proactively manage their
knowledge flows within the firm, especially tacit organizational knowledge. Efficient
leverage of organizational knowledge is essential for creating and maintaining the balance
between exploitation of existing knowledge and creating new knowledge.
The Role of Corporate HR functions in Multinational Companies
The HR literature has been abundant in providing typologies of the roles of HR professionals
in organisations. These typologies have focused primarily on the strategic involvement of HR

departments, the management of change and organisational culture, the relationship between
employer and employee, and transactional personnel administration. More recently we have
also seen increased attention paid to HR roles in the more knowledge based economy,
identifying the importance of context in the interpretation of role typologies. The different
roles chart the progression of the HR profession over time. In this paper we focus on the
question: what roles can be identified for the current day HR department in the context of
increasing globalisation of the corporate domain? Very often the boundaries of organisations
are not limited anymore to the domestic setting. Crossing borders has become normal, which
gives rise to the issue of HRM in multinational settings and how the HR function and related
roles manifest themselves at the various plant, country, regional and corporate levels.
There are multiple typologies of HR department roles in the literature which consider the
extent to which departments are either reactive or proactive. For example conformist or
deviant innovator roles and the level of involvement in corporate strategy, such as architect
(strategic), contracts manager (operational) and clerk of works (administrative) roles, later
modified by Monks (1992) to include a fourth innovative/professional role which falls
between the contracts manager and architect roles and those that combine the two
dimensions for example, change-makers (proactive, strategic), advisers (reactive, strategic),
regulators (proactive, operational) and handmaidens (reactive, operational). It is also included
the unitarist/pluralist and conservative/traditional dimensions in his model of HRM roles.
We must consider the relevance of context to the creation of these role typologies. In addition
to considering the content of the roles, the typology of HR department roles presented by
suggests that in stable environments, a simple model of HRM practice will suffice. It is only
in complex organisations particularly undergoing substantial change where a more
sophisticated approach to practice is required. Other commentators support this linkage
between the nature of HRM practices and the needs of the organisational context. Indeed, the
typologies themselves show the range of roles which HR has developed in a historical
context. The initial role of a focus on employee welfare, and increasingly a means of
controlling employee absence, developed into the bureaucratic element of the HR role we see
today. The rise of the power of trade unions at local company level resulted in the negotiator
role, which has since declined again in line with further changes in the industrial relations
context. In the 1980s, the rise of HRM turned attention to the strategic role of HR and its role
in helping organisations manage change as the business environment became more

competitive. He suggests that advisory roles offer no more to HR practitioners than a

consultancy role lacking in real influence, administrative resource and power. The regulator
role is in decline due to the changes in the employee relations environment, however it is
also rising in importance due to increasing employment legislation. Finally, the change agent
role is the one perceived by HR practitioners most often as being their new role, although in
practice this is not necessarily being recognised.
Having considered the relevance of context-specificity, it is essential to understand more
about the multinational corporation (MNC) context. We will do so by firstfocussing on the
different stages of internationalisation in general, then continue with different international
HR strategies and then finally focus on the different HR roles. Before exploring further what
these roles entail, this paper first outlines existing typologies of HR department roles,
exploring their association with the period in which they were devised. The modern day
context of multinational organizations operating in a global market is then considered.
Subsequently, the emerging roles of HR departments in such organisations are highlighted.
We then present the results of six in-depth case studies of multinational corporations designed
to identify the activities of corporate HR departments, and the processes through which these
activities are designed, developed and implemented. Conclusions are then drawn in terms of a
contextually-based model for HR departments within multinational corporations.

Internationalisation strategies
Multinational organisations have varying reasons for global expansion, largely aiming to
increase competitive advantage by realising economies of scale or economies of scope. There
are however stages in the process of internationalisation, and choices in the strategies and
related structures adopted by MNCs. The range of MNC subsidiary strategies are described in
well-known classifications:
Ethnocentric, global strategy: control is centralised and subsidiaries resemble the parent
Polycentric, multi-domestic strategy: control is decentralised and subsidiaries conform to
local practices;
Geocentric, transnational strategy: subsidiaries and headquarters alike adhere to worldwide
standards as part of the organisational network. Based on this classification, subsidiaries can

have differing roles such as the local adaptation of products or the provision of specialised
expertise in a particular field, or they can have a worldwide mandate to provide a particular
product or service.
International HR strategies
As we have seen, the MNC is based in a particular context, and as such it has an HRM
heritage based on the resources and competencies available at head office and subsidiary
levels. This HRM competence can be considered as context specific or context generalisable,
depending on its usefulness outside the location in which it was developed (Taylor, et al.,
1996). Based on this usefulness, there is a choice to be made by top management on the
approach to the design of the overall.
International HRM system
Adaptive: low internal consistency with the rest of the firm and high external consistency
with the local environment little transfer of practices;
extortive: high integration of subsidiary HRM systems across the company replicating
practices developed at head office;
Integrative: substantial global integration with an allowance for some local differentiation
two-way transfer of HRM practices between head office and subsidiaries.
Multi-domestic: subsidiaries are seen as an independent business therefore the adaptive
approach to HRM systems is most appropriate;
Global: subsidiaries are managed as dependent businesses, therefore an extortive approach
to HRM systems is most appropriate;
Transnational: subsidiaries are managed as interdependent businesses, therefore an
integrative approach to HRM systems is most appropriate. For firms starting the
internationalisation process, or those changing from a multidomestic to a trans-national
strategy, the demands for internal consistency will generally outweigh the demands for local
responsiveness. The context generalisability of HRM systems will therefore change over time
as the company, top management and the HRM systems themselves change. If we consider
the variation of cultural and business system environments in which MNCs operate, there is
also likely to be a tendency to take an exportive approach to HRM systems where there is the
highest degree of similarity between the head office and the subsidiarys environment.
Equally, this will be the case where the most dependency exists between the subsidiary and
HQ in order to maintain control over a critical resource within the company. This means that
the HRM strategy adopted may not be the same for all subsidiaries in a firm HQ may wish

to be more exportive or more adaptive with some subsidiaries than others based on the many
factors discussed here. Likewise, when a greenfield-site operation is established, it is most
likely that HQ will export its HRM practices, and possibly senior managers, to set up the
operation. Over time, this dependency relationship may change and a more adaptive or
integrative approach to HRM may be adopted. Ultimately, there is a fundamental goal for HR
to achieve a balance between centralised control of international HRM strategy and
responsiveness to local circumstances. Centralisation refers to focusing on activities carried
out at global level, and decentralisation on activities carried out at local subsidiary level.
Coordination refers to a middle ground, balancing those activities that would best be
undertaken by local subsidiaries with those managed by global or regional centres. This is
dependent on the degree of integration or differentiation desired. Earlier research showed that
the role of HR departments in multidivisional companies was more ambiguous as a result of
increasing decentralisation. The corporate HR department was often small, with a minor
controlling role through a limited number of high-level employment policies. More recently,
a trend towards re-centralisation has been observed and global companies operating in a large
number of countries have been shown to have a high degree of co-ordination and integration
of their international operations, and have large wellresourced corporate HR departments
However, in research by irrespective of a centralisation or decentralisation strategy, all MNC
subsidiaries surveyed were found to exercise some degree of autonomy in formulating their
own HR policies but may require head office permission for significant developments
involving major expenditure. Local subsidiaries were found to develop proactively strategic
proposals and persuade head office to adopt these, as well as the corporate head office
looking to subsidiaries to learn new ideas and fill gaps in corporate policies.
International HR roles
In general, there has been limited attention paid to the role of the corporate HR function and
it has been assumed to be relatively weak given the literature on board membership which
emphasises that HR is not typically a key player in the development of corporate strategy
(Hunt & Boxall, 1998:770). There is also the danger that the HR function is not perceived as
a full partner in the globalization process due to the burden of bureaucratic central procedures
and ethnocentric and parochial HR systems and policies. However, the rapid pace of
internationalisation and globalisation is argued to lead to a more strategic and influential role
for the HR department. There are a number of activities of the corporate HR department in
the international MNC context discernable. These focus particularly on high-grade

management positions and high potential staff worldwide, managing issues such as employer
branding, talent development, performance management, project team-working, and rewards
and succession planning to develop a cadre of international managers. Organisations often
operate with a centralised policy for top managers and high potentials, but a more
decentralised policy for other employees. These centralised activities are seen as a major
determinant of international business success or failure and as such provide an arena for HR
involvement in corporate strategy formulation and implementation. Corporate HR can also
play a significant role in monitoring the implementation of corporate HR policies throughout
overseas subsidiaries. The extent of decentralisation of the organisation structure impacts on
the uptake of these activities. Decentralised companies (most popular in 1980s) have a
smaller corporate head office, hence a limited number of corporate HR executives with a
more limited range of activities, but still with the primary focus on an elite set of top
management and expatriates. The result is less of a strategic role for HR and more reliance on
informal and subtle management processes. Particularly in this environment, but also in
centralised organisations, there is thus a need for HR to become an effective political
influencer to be able to manage the internal labour market for global managers. Network
leadership is a further requirement for HR: having an awareness of leading edge trends and
developments (being well networked internally and externally), the ability to mobilise the
appropriate resources and a sense of timing and context.

The stage of internationalisation

also has an effect on the required HR role. The complexity of the corporate HR role thus
increases as a company moves closer towards an integrative HR strategy. Fundamental to HR
being able to carry out these roles and activities is the departments own level of expertise.
Should an exportive or integrative approach to HRM systems be desired, the actual transfer
of HRM systems can only occur when sufficient mechanisms are put in place. Appropriate
mechanisms include regional/global meetings of subsidiary HR directors, the transfer of
HRM materials and tools, and the mobility of HR directors between the HQ and subsidiaries.
HR excellence and knowledge transfer are thus essential factors in HR globalisation efforts.
Global knowledge transfer is coordinated through creating global centres of HR excellence as
forms of knowledge networks, facilitated by the choice of the most effective technological
platforms and agreement about the content of knowledge to be shared. This global horizontal
and vertical networking is critical to sharing information about both local conditions and best
practices. Reflecting on the above range of HR roles and typologies and the contextual
factors having an impact, there is a pressing need to supplement this theorising with empirical
data on how the HR function at different levels manifests itself in an increasingly

international business setting, and how it is involved in sharing and coordinating HR

knowledge. To explore this further, we do not focus here on how HR managers see
themselves in respect to the aforementioned typologies and roles; instead, we focus on how
HR managers at different levels are involved in initiating, implementing and coordinating HR
policies and practices. Based on these insights and analyses, we can identify the different
roles at the various corporate, regional, national and local/plant levels and the varying degree
of involvement in sharing knowledge and coordinating HRM activities. Based on the
explorative nature of this study, in-depth case-study research has been carried out among
MNCs displaying wide variation in degrees of internationalisation and the related strategies.


The main objective of the training at Anoop Consultancy was to study and to understand the
future scope in the management field specifically the human resource department which
captures my interest.
I feel inclined towards the human resource department and firmly believe that I can evolve in
the field and do well. That's why my main objective of doing the training was to understand
the working in a consultancy.
However, after working in a consultancy for some time, I wondered if the working in the
Human Resource department of the consultancy and a company would differ. I had various
discussions on the topic with my seniors on this. Whatever I have learnt from my seniors and
their view point on the difference between working in consultancy v/s company have been
incorporated in the project report.
Whatever I clutched and learnt in the duration of two months has been a very enriching
experience and helped me frame my mind to understand what I wish to acquire in life and it
has certainly helped me in discovering the path to achieve it.

The objective of the training in the Consultancy firm has been very well fulfilled. I got to
know the duties of each and every one involved in the recruitment process, how to fulfill the
duties and the most important, how to keep learning all the way while keeping the mind calm
and focused.
Therefore the main objectives are: To study the Recruitment & Selection Practices at Anoop Consultancy.
To identify the various factors companies undertake prior to the recruitment process.
To understand the field of Human Resource.
To understand difference between a company and a consultancy.
To find out need of HR consultancy in an organization in the present scenario.
To find benefits of HR consultancies.
To determine the Pros & Cons of HR Consultants.
Services offered under HR consultancies.
The scope and prospects of HR consulting industries in India.
To determine the specialized areas or area of Opportunities.



The recruitment and selection is the major function of the human resource department and
recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength and the
recruitment strategic advantage for the organizations. Recruitment process involves a
systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the
interviews and requires many resources and time. A general recruitment process is as follows:
Identifying the vacancy:

The recruitment process begins with the human resource department receiving requisitions










Post to be filled

Number of persons

Duties to be performed

Qualification required

Preparing the job description and person specification.

Locating and developing the sources of required number and type of employees
(Advertising etc).

Short-listing and identifying the prospective employee with required characteristics.

Arranging the interviews with the selected candidates.

HR Anoop Consultancy marked a beginning four months back with great zeal and
Our end-to-end recruitment solution covers everything from refining the job
description to the candidate joining.
By outsourcing the recruitment process to Anoop Consultancy, our clients can be
hassle free and focus only on hiring the best-qualified candidate for the job.
We have 15 satisfied clients
More than thirty candidates have been selected till date
We have immense pleasure in introducing ourselves as one of the human resource consultants
and providers, headed and managed by a team of professionals, spreading its wings by
providing the required services to various reputed establishments.
Anoop consultancy provides the complete recruitment solution and manpower supply as per
your need and expectation. We plead your good selves to extend your valuable support and
give an opportunity for us to provide our best services.


Company: Sun visors
Dear Sir,
We are the original equipment manufacturer of sun visors engaging in plastic injection
moulding & high frequency welding machines having turn-over around 10 crores. We are
direct supplier of Maruti Udyog Ltd., Tata Motors & Suborns Ltd.
Weve the following vacancy on the urgent basis.
1. Maintenance Engineer - A diploma in electrical engineering, with 5 to 6 years of
experience specially in injection moulding and also should have experience of maintanence
of generator and air conditioners
2. Quality Engineer - A diploma from cippet / mechanical engineering, with 1 to 2 years
experience in quality standards with a comapny having TS certification, we would require 3
to 4 engineers at this post.
3. Store Keeper - a person with 4 to 5 years experience of handling the store and is well
versed with store procedures like FIFO excise rules, maintaining record like stock
register etc.
4. Tool n Die Maker (ITI Fresher)
5. Fitter/ Weld. (ITI Fresher)
Salary is negotiable for the right candidate.

: Sun visors India Pvt. Ltd.

Plot No. 3 & 4, electronic city
Sect. 18 Gurgaon
Ph. 0124 2343183, 2341435

Contact person :

Mr. Aditya Chauhan

Aditya Chauhan (Exe.HR)

There were certain Companies that gave a List of preferred Companies and friend
Companies. So while recruiting, it was very important to consider the list.
Sample of a list given out by minda industries:-

MINDA INDUSTRIES Ltd. is an ISO 9001 certified company & manufactures of Auto
Electrical Switches for Auto Industries in India & abroad. MIL is OE suppliers to BAJAJ
Friend Companies



Preferred Companies



Dear Candidate,
Greetings of the day,
This is to inform you that we have an urgent opening in an automobile company for
GURGAON Location, so if you are interested for the same please send your updated resume.












Qualification : Any Graduate, BBA, BCA, B.Sc, BA, Diploma in Material Management





Given below are the key responsibilities:

A person with 4 to 5 years experience of handling the store and is well versed with store
procedures like FIFO excise rules, maintaining record like stock register etc
So, if you are interested for the above opening ,send your updated CV with following details:
228, B-wing, Runwal Commercial Complex, Opp. Veena Nagar bus stop, LBS Marg, Mulund
-(w), Mumbai - 4000 80.
Contact Number: 09833281371/8422920600/602/603/604/605 Ph: 022-25901371

Some Points to Keep In Mind While Short listing Resume's For Various Departments
Maintenance Dept.
Planning for preventive and predictive maint. And their implementation along with
electrical & mechanical for whole plant machinery i.e. power presses, milling m/c, drill
m/c, lathe m/c, hyd. Pn. Presses, fixtures, surface grinders etc.
Plan for reduce the break down hours in both electrically & mechanically.
Man power planning their shift scheduling according to requirement etc.

1. Responsible for Production Planning on Monthly, Weekly & Daily Basis,
2. Monitoring of Production output from Key-stations to ensure that at the end of month
Production schedule is met,
3. Material Requirement Planning
4. Inventory monitoring & Line balancing
5. Material Issue for production
6. To release Daily MIS Report
7. Production Report, Production status and Schedule Adherence.
Production Dept.
1. Responsible to plan Man power, Machine Hours requires to meet the daily and
Monthly schedule.
2. Taking corrective and preventive actions against in- house rejections.
3. Ensure suitable operations & maintenance to achieve production targets .
4. Maintaining records for changes In engineering Standards.
5. Monitoring & measurement of Processes and Product at various stages of production.
Quality Dept.

1. To Ensure Quality in process & Products through incoming , in process & final
inspection & testing.
2. To Handle Customer Complaints.
3. To find out root cause of Quality related problems.
4. Responsible for incoming Inspection.
5. Layout Inspection and measurement of components

The exhaustive list of all the departments for which work was done has not been given here
since the profiles done were too many and were referred through a booklet at Super
Consultancy. But few of them have been included at Annexure.

Given below are the questions which were asked from the candidate and sent to the

Date of Birth:
Current CTC:
Expected CTC:
Current Company
Previous Company:
Current Designation:
Location Preference:

Appeared in interview for the this company before(If yes, when?):
How many companies have you worked in before:
Notice Period:

Sample of a filled form from a candidate


Date of Birth: 16-06-1985
Current CTC: 2, 60,000
Expected CTC: 3, 50,000 TO 4, 00,000
Experience: 4.7 YEAR
Qualification: M.Com +MBA PERSUING
Current Company TATA MOTORS

Previous Company: MAHINDRA & MAHINDRA

Current Designation: OFFICER
Location Preference: PANTNAGER
Passport: NO
Appeared in interview for the company before (If yes, when?): No

How many companies have you worked in before: 1

Notice Period: 1 MONTH



Phone- +91-9851648246



Always try my level best to achieve more success and do work with
honestly which give me fully satisfaction toward my job.


1. Presently (from March 2008 to till date) working with Continental


Rico Hydraulic Brakes India Pvt. Ltd. As a store Executive. A joint

venture company of Continental Germany & Rico Auto Industries India.
A project for Hydraulic brake system as Drum brakes, Booster ABS,
Booster non ABS, and Caliper & Reservoir.
Job Profile
Material receiving and verification of material as per bill & as per
Purchase Order & storage of material as per location.
Labor & Machinery arrange for Loading/Unloading of Material.
Material receipt note, Returnable Gate pass, and Non - Returnable Gate
Maintain stock ledger and issue material as per site requirement.
Coordinate with purchase department for shortage of material.
Materials send for Job Work and Job work reconciliation.

Purchase bill forward to A/c dept.

Rejected material send back to relevant Supplier.
Material dispatch through courier & Transport.
Coordinate with CHA & freight forwarder for import shipment.
2. Two-year (From Aug. 2005 To Feb. 2008) worked experience as a
Store Asst. in Eastern Medikit I.S.O 9001-2000,G.M.P and CE
certified co. manufacturing of medical products as Blood bag, I.V.set,
B.t. set, Medimask, Medicine, I.V.cannula and etc.
Job Profile
Making MIS Report Goods Inward Note, Material Demand Note, Goods
Outward Note, Goods Returnable Note & Material planning.
Handling raw material, packing material, drug item, store & spare
items Consumable item and other stores items.
Material receiving and verification of material as per bill & as per
Purchase Order.
Material Issue as per FIFO & LIFO method & Daily stock update.
Material indent as per monthly material plan and as per inventory level.
Maintain inventory level as Minimum inventory, Re-order level &
Maximum inventory level.
Material send Quality department & Rejected Material sent back to
Materials send for JOB WORK and reconciliation of job work material.
Purchase Bill forward to A/C dept., monthly stock statement forward to
A/c & PPC dept.
Making Computer Entry on ERP and other Store Packages.

3. Six month worked experience as an auditor in Amit Srivastava & co

(chartered accountant) in Lucknow.
Audit of sales book, purchase book, cashbook, purchase bill,
sales bill also making trial balance, P&L a/c and balance sheet.

1. from H.N.B University Uttaranchal in 2005.

2. Intermediate from Uttarnachal board in 2002.
3. High school passed from U.P. board in 2000.


1. Diploma in information technology six-month computer course (Dos,

windows, MSOffice, internet, HTML) from Hiltron Calc kotdwara.
2. Tally {5.4} two-month computer certificate course from Cyber planet
3. DTP (page maker, Corel draw, PhotoShop) three-month computer course
from F.P.A.I. Lucknow.
4. Typing skill(i)

English 40 word p/m. (ii) Hindi 25 word p/m.


Fathers name

Sh. Roop chand singh rawat


Mothers name

Smt.Guddi devi

Date of birth


Marital status







Playing cricket, reading books, and

listening music.

Current C.T.C- 12K P.M.

The Next Step is Interview Scheduling

Given below is the sample of an interview schedule by Mother son Sumi System Limited for
the post of Engineer and Senior Engineer in Production Department.

Dear Candidate,
Greetings from the team Anoop Consultancy
Following is the interview schedule for the profile of Production for Mother son:

28th July 2010




9:30 am (SHARP)


Mother son Sumi System Ltd. (Noida)

C-14(A) (B) Sector-1,Noida-201301

Distt-Gautam budh nagar,U.P.(India)


Ms. Rashi

Things to be carried at the time of Interview:

One Copy of CV

2 Passport size Photographs.

Copy of Credentials

Copy of Salary slip

Copy of Interview Schedule

Best Regards,
Arushi Yadav (09311258027)


A performance appraisal, employee appraisal, performance review, or (career) development

discussion is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated (generally
in terms of quality, quantity, cost, and time) typically by the corresponding manager or
supervisor. A performance appraisal is a part of guiding and managing career development. It
is the process of obtaining, analyzing, and recording information about the relative worth of
an employee to the organization. Performance appraisal is an analysis of an employee's recent
successes and failures, personal strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or
further training. It is also the judgement of an employee's performance in a job based on
considerations other than productivity alone.

Generally, the aims of a performance appraisal are to:

Give employees feedback on performance

Identify employee training needs

Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards

Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary

actions, bonuses, etc.

Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development

Facilitate communication between employee and administration

Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal
Employment Opportunity requirements.

To improve performance through counseling, coaching and development.

A common approach to assessing performance is to use a numerical or scalar rating system
whereby managers are asked to score an individual against a number of objectives/attributes.
In some companies, employees receive assessments from their manager, peers, subordinates,
and customers, while also performing a self assessment. This is known as a 360-degree
appraisal and forms good communication patterns.
The most popular methods used in the performance appraisal process include the following:

Management by objectives

360-degree appraisal

Behavioral observation scale

Behaviorally anchored rating scales

Trait-based systems, which rely on factors such as integrity and conscientiousness, are also
commonly used by businesses. The scientific literature on the subject provides evidence that
assessing employees on factors such as these should be avoided. The reasons for this are
1) Because trait-based systems are by definition based on personality traits, they make it
difficult for a manager to provide feedback that can cause positive change in employee
performance. This is caused by the fact that personality dimensions are for the most part
static, and while an employee can change a specific behavior they cannot change their
personality. For example, a person who lacks integrity may stop lying to a manager because
they have been caught, but they still have low integrity and are likely to lie again when the
threat of being caught is gone.

2) Trait-based systems, because they are vague, are more easily influenced by office politics,
causing them to be less reliable as a source of information on an employee's true
performance. The vagueness of these instruments allows managers to fill them out based on
who they want to/feel should get a raise, rather than basing scores on specific behaviors
employees should/should not be engaging in. These systems are also more likely to leave a
company open to discrimination claims because a manager can make biased decisions
without having to back them up with specific behavioral information.

1. Establishing Performance Standards
The first step in the process of performance appraisal is the setting up of the standards which
will be used to as the base to compare the actual performance of the employees. This step
requires setting the criteria to judge the performance of the employees as successful or
unsuccessful and the degrees of their contribution to the organizational goals and objectives.
The standards set should be clear, easily understandable and in measurable terms. In case the
performance of the employee cannot be measured, great care should be taken to describe the

2. Communication the Standards

Once set, it is the responsibility of the management to communicate the standards to all the
employees of the organization. The employees should be informed and the standards should
be clearly explained to them. This will help them to understand their roles and to know what
exactly is expected from them. The standards should also be communicated to the appraisers
or the evaluators and if required, the standards can also be modified at this stage itself
according to the relevant feedback from the employees or the evaluators.
3. Measuring the actual Performance
The most difficult part of the Performance appraisal process is measuring the actual
performance of the employees that is the work done by the employees during the specified
period of time. It is a continuous process which involves monitoring the performance
throughout the year. This stage requires the careful selection of the appropriate techniques of
measurement, taking care that personal bias does not affect the outcome of the process and
providing assistance rather than interfering in an employees work.
4. Comparing the actual with the desired Performance
The actual performance is compared with the desired or the standard performance. The
comparison tells the deviations in the performance of the employees from the standards set.
The result can show the actual performance being more than the desired performance or, the
actual performance being less than the desired performance depicting a negative deviation in
the organizational performance. It includes recalling, evaluating and analysis of data related
to the employees performance.
5. Discussing Results
The result of the appraisal is communicated and discussed with the employees on one-to-one
basis. The focus of this discussion is on communication and listening. The results, the
problems and the possible solutions are discussed with the aim of problem solving and
reaching consensus. The feedback should be given with a positive attitude as this can have an
effect on the employees future performance. The purpose of the meeting should be to solve
the problems faced and motivate the employees to perform better.

6. Decision Making
The last step of the process is to take decisions which can be taken either to improve the
performance of the employees, take the required corrective actions, or the related HR
decisions like rewards, promotions, demotions, transfers etc.



Dear Team,

W.E.F 1st July 2010 management has decided to evaluate the performance on monthly basis
and appreciate it by monetary rewards.
Hence forth every month on the basis of outcome, we will be selecting one employee each for
the following categories:

Best Team leader

Best Recruiter

Note: Parameters for selecting best TEAM LEADER are:1. Punctuality

2. Regular in work by taking least number of leaves.

3. Allocation of work among the team members

4. Sharpness & Smoothness in Client interaction
5. Proper management of team
6. Total number of CVs sent
7. Total number of CVs shortlisted
8. Turn up ratio of the candidates of the whole team
9. Total number of closings
10. New Business Development

Parameters for selecting best RECRUITER are:1.



Regular in work by taking least number of leaves.


Number of CVs sent (Target is 20 daily)


Number of Cvs shortlisted


Turn up ratio of the candidates


Interaction with the Team Leader & other team members.


Number of closings (Minimum is 5)

Reward for Best Team Leader is Rs. 1000/Reward for Best Recruiter is Rs. 750/-

Appreciation certificate will also be issued to the best performers every month.
Best Regards

Anoop Mishra
228, B-wing, Runwal Commercial Complex, Opp. Veena Nagar bus stop, LBS Marg, Mulund
-(w), Mumbai - 4000 80.
Contact Number: 09833281371/8422920600/602/603/604/605 Ph: 022-25901371


The client management is done by the Top Level and the Middle Level. After the client has
given out its recruitment requirements, the top level handles the list of posts vacant to the
middle level. The middle level, that is the Team Leader, then distributes the work amongst the
To avoid confusion in the minds of the clients, the recruiters work with the name ' Zainab'.
What distinguishes one from the other is that they put their phone number along with this
name. This is done since the employee turnover is high in the consultancy and it would leave
a negative impact on the minds of the clients if they need to deal with new people daily. So
the team leader answers all calls that are meant for 'Zainab' and the recruiters work as '
Zainab'. This is how a client is managed within the consultancy.
Client Building is an emerging, important and really attention grabbing phenomenon that has
acquired momentum since the past few months in the consultancy. The Head Operations
made us wonder that if we recruit persons from certain company, let us say, Company A into
Company B, then Company A would be having openings for the post of the candidate that has
migrated to B. Therefore, while meeting the client's demands, we should also look into the
company from which maximum candidates apply. These candidates can be helpful in
arranging the meeting between the HR of that company with our Team Leader.

Hence, leading to Business Expansion.

This helps in Client Building and this duty has been decentralized to the recruiters. Now the
lower level works for the perks to add clients to the consultancy.
This is also interesting since the recruiters get more work responsibility and it cuts down their
repetitive routine of looking over the computer 9 to 6 to find candidates.


228, B-wing, Runwal Commercial Complex, Opp. Veena Nagar bus stop, LBS Marg, Mulund
-(w), Mumbai - 4000 80.
Contact Number: 09833281371/8422920600/602/603/604/605 Ph: 022-25901371

Ref No: - SCS/1019/2K4.

Date: 2 11-2009

MS. Monica Gautam
HRD M\s. HUL Ltd
Dear Sir / Madam
We are pleased to introduce ourselves as a leading Manpower placement consultant; our
company is associated with large Indian and Multinational companies.

We believe that your esteemed organization uses the expertise of various consultant of
manpower placement. Our team of professionals offers the following services: We undertake the entire process of selection, considering the requirements of our client. It
includes Manpower search preliminary Screening, Interviewing etc. We focus on finding the
best fit to meet our customers requirements for both technical and non-technical posts.
However we are specialized in technical placement viz Engineers, Diploma Holders, ITIs
production staff etc.
The terms and conditions under which we render our services are given as under: 1. Our charges for all kind of recruitment assignments are:

a. Clerk, Technical Asst. Sr. Engineer is 8.33%

b. Asst. Manager, Deputy Manager 12.30%
c. Manager , General Manager 16.67%
of the annual salary per selected candidate.
2. The payment should be made within fifteen days from the date of joining.

A copy of the appointment letter will be made available by the client organizations for

billing purpose.
4. In case the candidate quits the services of the company, by Own accord within Three
months from the date of joining, replacement will be provided absolutely FREE OF
COST However, we require minimum one

month to complete the process of


We are looking forward to have a good business relation with your organization.
Thanks & Warm Regards
For Anoop Consultancy
Anoop Mishra


Employment Generation in Different Sectors

Expected generation
Banking, Financial services & Insurance
Education, training and consultancy
Manufacturing-Machinery & equipment
Manufacturing-Non-Machinery Products
Media & Entertainment
Real estate & construction
Trade including consumer, retail & services
Transport, storage and communications

Jan-June (2011)

Employment Generation in Different Sectors

Estimated generation
Banking, Financial services & Insurance
Education, training and consultancy
Manufacturing-Machinery & equipment
Manufacturing-Non-Machinery Products
Media & Entertainment
Real estate & construction
Trade including consumer, retail &


Transport, storage and communications


Employment Generation in Different Sectors

Expected generation


Banking, Financial services &

Education, training and consultancy


Manufacturing-Machinery &


Media & Entertainment
Real estate & construction
Trade including consumer, retail &


Transport, storage and communications


Employment Generation in Different Sectors

Expected generation


Banking, Financial services & Insurance


Education, training and consultancy



Manufacturing-Machinery & equipment


Manufacturing-Non-Machinery Products
Media & Entertainment
Real estate & construction
Trade including consumer, retail &




Transport, storage and communications





services & Insurance 35500

Education, training



and consultancy






Machinery Products 93800














and communications 33800









consumer, retail &



On the basis of the data provided and literature review following observations are
The expected and estimated Employment generation in Healthcare sector is the most,
due to new medical colleges such as AIIMS coming up and many other health
programmes along with corporates also being the part of this sector.
Followed by IT & ITeS, Manufacturing and Non-Machinery Products, Real estate and
construction and the rest.
This employment generation is higher in Q1 as compared to rest.
Media and Entertainment has also shown demand due to its growth and upcoming of
new technologies like DTH and popularity of FM services.
Plans and projects of developing national highways and other infrastructures in India
has led to a demand of employment in the field of real estate and construction.
Coal, gas based power generation units are facing supply shortages, which can be the
reason for stunted growth and demand in energy sector.


1. There should be even work distribution. At Super Consultancy, the work was sometimes
too less and distributed among many recruiters thereby leading to confusion and a hindrance
in target accomplishment.
2. Most of the time, Mother son Sumi System Limited Company occupied our times. There
are various departments in it for which candidates had to be found- Production, Store,
Quality, PPC, Maintenance, etc. The work done on these profiles were meant for Noida,
Gurgaon and Faridabad branch and were done daily. This resulted in calling each candidate
many times per day by recruiters as well as calling them every day. This highly demotivated
the candidates for this company and they used to ask questions like: 'Will the opening for this
company ever close down?'
3. The recruiters are asked to be in the office at their seats from 9 to 6. They are not even
allowed to go out for a stroll in the break time. This is detrimental to the health since they are
sitting in front of the computer screens all the time.
4. During the break, I used to switch off my computer to help save electricity. But
surprisingly, my team leader asked me never to shut the computer. She never gave me any
reason and I think we should do our bit for preserving environment.
5. Another thing that was a limitation was the net access. Nobody was allowed to access any
other site than the Times jobs and Shine. In my opinion, the recruiters are mature enough to
understand the importance of target fulfillment and such restraints are demotivating.


Consultancy follow recruitment process in a very systematic way but being systematic
they have to follow various steps & it is found to be very time consuming.

Job specification and job description are well defined to all employees and they know
what is expected of them. Everything is properly documented.

There is no fix percentage of employees that are to be recruited for each vacancy.

Recruiters stand a chance to get promotion early if they can get few closings done in big
companies than many is small. The closings may be two to three but for high level.

While going through the development of this project the points that I have come across
through are:
The present scenario is depending on consultancies whether internal or external.
Big corporate houses whether it be Mahindra and Mahindra, ISRL or any other are
hiring consultancies to fulfill their needs.
Also these consultancies are catering almost all the available sectors with their
In India cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, NCR, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata,
Ahmadabad, Hyderabad etc. have shown demand employment sectors.
Corporate houses have started realizing that consultancies are actually proving
Also that they are helping in generating revenues both for themselves and
corporate houses as well.
The maximum focus is on recruitment, selection and trainings.

The data given by the consultancy is limited so the result may vary according to the
sample size.
The consultancies were not ready to provide data, out of which only one consultancy
agreed to provide data which was limited.


Various Internet Sites:


K Ashwathappa, Human Resource and Personnel Management

Decenzo A. David & Robbins P. Stephen, Personnel/HR Management

Journals:Almond, P., Edwards, T., & Clark, I. 2003. Multinationals and changing national business
systems in Europe: towards the 'shareholder value' model? Industrial Relations Journal,
34(5): 430-445.
Arkin, A. 1999. Return to centre. People Management, 6 May: 34. Bartlett, C. A., & Ghoshal,
S. 1989. Managing across borders: the transnational solution. Boston: Harvard Business
School Press.
Bird, A., & Beechler, S. 1995. Links between business strategy and human resource

management strategy in US-based Japanese subsidiaries: an empirical investigation. Journal

of International Business Studies, 26(1): 23-46.
Bjorkman, Ingmar. 2003. The roles played by the HR function in large-scale mergers
and acquisitions: the case of Nordea. 7th Conference on International Human Resource
Management. University of Limerick, Ireland.

APPENDIX: Outline Interview Schedule

Business context: What are the corporate strategy, structure, culture and vision? How do
these differ across divisions and countries? What is the history of the corporation and what
challenges does it face?
HRM practices: What are the most critical HRM practices for driving excellence and value?
What are the companys best practices (against which others would benchmark)? What are
the HRM areas which continue to raise challenges? Are practices standardised globally within
the entire company or unique to a location/division?
HR learning: How is HRM knowledge and learning transferred? What are the inhibitors and
facilitators in sharing best practice in HRM with others globally and across divisions?
HR alignment: What are the key internal and external relationships that are central for
executing the HRM practices and achieving functional excellence? How well are HRM
practices aligned internally and externally? How is commitment gained from senior
executives and line managers? How are HRM initiatives implemented and coordinated
HR department: What is the role of HR the function? How is the HR function perceived with
the organization? How does the firm define and evaluate the effectiveness of HR function?

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