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1. Citizens have the duty to respect the Constitution,(A)/the national flag and the
national anthem ,protect the sovereignty,(B)/unity of the country and safeguard
public property,(C)/from avoiding violence.(D)/No error(E)
2. It should be obvious that social perceptions in (A)/respect of normative minimum
living standard (B)/isnot precisely numerically specificable (C)/in quantitative
terms(D)/No error (E)
3. Inequality focuses,(A)/on the distribution of attributes(B)/such as income or
consumption(C)/across the whole population.(D)/No error /(E)
4. Ratio of machine work(A)/has also being considered(B)/to estimate the level of
mechanization(C)/and sum of manual and machine work(D)/No error/(E)
5. Craft industries from an important sector (A)/of the Indian economy ,and exports,
(B)/contributing substantiallly to manufacturing income ,employment,(C)/and the
scale of these contributions is increasing.(D)/No error(E)
6. In the recent Union Budget (2007-2008),(A)/agricultural has get considerable
attention(B)/with the various policy initiatives (C)/from the side of finance ministry.
(D)/No error/(E)
7. Intensive cultivation(A)/as a result of introduction of high yielding varieties(B)/on the
mid 1960's required(C)/higher energy inputs and better management practises.(D)/No
8. To reduce the cascading impact of tax on tax(A)/and to help restoring competitiveness
of service sector,(B)/a credit of the service tax paid on the input-service(C)/is allowed
from 2002.(D)/No error(E)
9. Hydro energy produces no direct waste(A)/and have a considerably lower output
level(B)/of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide(C)/than fossil fuel powered energy
plants .(D)/No error(E)
10.The National Urban Transport Policy(A)/emphasizes extensive public transport
facilities(B)/and non-motorized modes(C)/above personal vehicles(D)/No error(E)
11.The AndhraPradesh weavers represent(A)/the most extremeexample of what can
happen(B)/when possessors of traditional knowledge(C)/find them their specialized
expertise is no longer economically viable.(D)/No error(E)
12.Climate change may alter (A)/the distribution and quality(B)/of India's natural
resources(C)/or adversely affect the livelihood of its people.(D)/No error(E)
13.The Constitution has given(A)/to the union the right(B)/to legislate and collect duties
on(C)/.goods imported upon or exported from India.(D)/No error(E)
14.All receipts having the character(A)/of income are taxable(B)/unless there are
specifically(C)/exempt from taxation.(D)/No error/(E)
15.The assignment of tax powers(A)/is based on the principle(B)/of tax seperation and
the consequence(C)/are a vertical fiscal imbalance.(D)/No error/(E)
16.The fundamental rights was included in the constitution(A)/because they were
considered essential for the development(B)/of the personality of every
individual(C)/and to preserve human dignity.(D)/No error(E)

17.Local water harvesting systems developed(A)/by local communities and

households(B)/can reduce the pressure on the state(C)/to provide all the financial
resources needed of water supply.(D)/No error(E)
18.Water harvesting to recharge(A)/the groundwater enhances the availability(B)/of
groundwater as specific place and time and(C)/thus assures a continuous and reliable
access to groundwater.(D)/No error(E)
19.At last,(A)/late in the afternoon,along line(B)/of men and women were seen(C)/moving
toward(D)/the chowra Bazar.No error(E)
20.If he would have(A)/taken rest as advised by the (B)/doctor,he might(C)/not have
had(D)/a second heart attack.No error(E)
21.There is no(A)/objection to him joining(B)/the Congress(I)party ,provided he is willing
(C)/to fit in(D)/with the party's secular policies.No error(E)
22.A gang(A)/of armed thieves has(B)/raided(C)/the house of Mr Gupta late last night.
(D)/No error(E)
23.That is(A)/one of (B)/the books(C)/that islisted(D)/in the catalogue.No error(E)
24.Everyone is expected(A)/to attend(B)/the staff meeting today,but(C)/the sales
manager and I(D)/No error(E)
25.Many people in Bangladesh don't scarcely(A)/ Know about the(B)/hardships that
the(C)/Chakma refugees are experiencing.(D)/No error(E)
26.Since(A)/we live in a money-oriented society,the average(B)/individual cares little
about(C)/solving anyone's else(D)/problem.No error(E)
27.Of the(A)/two cars that you(B)/have,the new Maruti is without(C)/any question,the
cheapest(D)/to run.No error(E)
28.I always had(A)/a great interest(B)/and admiration for the(C)/works of(D)/William
Shakespeare.No error(E)
29.Between you and I(A)/,I am convinced(B)/that this painting by Neetu shows
greater(C)/artistry than that(D)/of Reshma.No error(E)
30.Being that(A)/You are interested in the(B)/outcome of the election,let us wait
till(C)/the final tally has been(D)/made.No error(E)
31.Since it(A)/was an unusually(B)/warm day ,the dog laid under(C)/the tree all
afternoon.(D)No error(E)
32.A recent(A)/poll has indicated(B)/that Binny is considered(C)/brighter than any
student (D)/in the class .No error(E)
33.The question(A)/arises as to who (B)/should go out(C)/today you or me.(D)/No error(E)
34.The company is planning(A)/a training(B)/programme for their(C)/senior officers
sometime(D)/in December.No error(E)
35.There was only(A)/a loaf of bread and two bottles of milk in the(B)/refrigerator
when(C)/we came back(D)/after a weekend in Manali.No error(E)
36.Neither(A)/the old man nor his(B)/children knows(C)/what to do about
the(D)/problem.No error(E)

37.Because of(A)/the recent strike in the(B)/mills,lessmen(C)/will be recruited in the

coming(D)/season.No error(E)
38.No sooner(A)/had he entered(B)/the hall when the(C)/lights went out and everybody
began(D)/to scream.No error(E)

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