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Public Speaking &

Presentation ENBB123

Travelogue Topic Selections


Local customs and traditions

Local and remarkable cuisine
Description of places of interest, local history and culture
Entertainment (Recreational activities)

Travelogue Guidelines
1. The duration of the travelogue should not exceed 15 minutes in length.
2. You may choose either one of the selections given or combination of two or
more selections but do not exceed the time limit.
3. The script must be prepared in advance, so you will know what you are going
to explain in the travelogue. Therefore, plan your trip and do some research
on the places in particular.
4. Even though the script is well-planned in advance, you are not encouraged to
simply read them during the recording. FIVE (5) marks will be deducted if
any of the group members does such a thing.
5. The travelogue must be in the form of moving video, but you may add some
pictures in it to make it more interesting. However, do not merely put pictures
without any description of the places that you have visited.
6. While editing the video, please ensure the background music does not
override the video. Make sure the narration can be clearly heard.
7. The travelogue must be done during holidays or weekends only. I will not
tolerate with students who are willing to skip any classes only for the sake of
this assignment.
8. Give your full co-operation to your group members by contributing ideas and
help each other to solve your financial constraint.
9. Bear in mind that you do not have to go to the farthest places in order to
produce such a good travelogue. Plan your budget in-advance, do not overspend and know your limit.
10.I welcome new fresh ideas from all of you and look forward for the submission
of the assignment in Week 5.



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