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Asian Architecture (ARC 2234 / ARC60403) Project 1: Case Study Paper

Topic & Issue Proposal (10%) Due Date: 30 Sept 2014

Student name and ID: Firasat Mamun Mohammad
Tutor: Puan Nor Hayati Ramlee

An analysis of thermal heat gain using ventilation as a strategy, in

Sekeping Serendah compared to traditional Malay Vernacular







Research Method:

Visual observance of the site conditions, indicate the presence of open spaces
and nature.
Finding the wind speed of outside in relation to the interior.
Using thermometers to check the temperature in a vegetated space and

Research objectives:
1) To find out how ventilation strategies in a design could affect the heat gain in a space.
2) To find how much a roof design contributes to overall thermal heat gain.
3) To find a relation between vegetation and indoor air quality.
Research Question(s):
1) How does the ventilation strategies affect the temperature control in the retreat?
2) What design strategy is taken for the roof structure to control heat gain?
3) How does the vegetation in the retreat co-relate with ventilation strategies in thermal
heat gain?

Vernacular architecture in Malaysia has had a very important role in giving shelters to humans
for centuries. The conventional Malay house is one of the wealthiest parts of Malaysia's social
legacy. Planned and built by the villagers themselves, it shows the innovative and tasteful
abilities of the Malays. This is a close great house form which is proper to neighboring climatic
conditions and communicates the lifestyle of its tenants. The house is amazingly all around
intended to suit the warm and humid Malaysian atmosphere and for the multifunctional
utilization of space. Its configuration is moreover adaptable as it takes into account the
generally diverse needs of the users and it has an expansion framework which permits the
house to be stretched out to meet the developing requirements of every individual.
The research will look into the matter of how Sekeping Serendah, a retreat away from the
bustling city life incorporates such vernacular designs and strategies. Some of which is in a
hybrid manner emphasizing a further enhancing the traditional methods of ventilation with the
help modern materials and design. The complexities and incorporation of stills and an
abundance of openings to the surroundings catches the attention of the research. This paper
will also show a deeper understanding of how the vernacular architecture in Malaysia is evolving
and yet maintaining the traditional design strategies to preserve the vernacular standards.
The findings and analysis will show a thorough understanding as to how the retreat enhances
thermal comfort along the lines of sustainability and efficacy. Hence the study for ventilation
strategies play an important role in thermal control in Malay vernacular architecture.

Annotated Bibliography
1) Nasir, A. H., & Teh, H. H. W. (2011). The Traditional Malay House. ITBM.
Understood and learned the basic typologies of a Malay vernacular house.
2) Sahabuddin, M. F. M., & Gonzalez-Longo, C. (2012). Traditional Values and Their
Adaptation in Social Housing Design: Towards A New Typology and Establishment
of Air HouseStandard in Malaysia. The University of Edinburgh, UK.
Understood the spatial layouts of a traditional Malay vernacular house.
3) Kubota, T., & Toe, D. (2015). Application of Passive Cooling Techniques in
Vernacular Houses to Modern Urban Houses: A Case Study of Malaysia. Procedia Social And Behavioral Sciences, 179, 29-39.
Helped with statistics of temperature differences in comparison of standard terraced
houses to traditional Malay house.
4) Sim, S. (2010). Redefining the Vernacular in the Hybrid Architecture of Malaysia.
Picked up few points on the evolution of Malay vernacular designs overtime due to
sociocultural, etc.
5),. 'Tropical Architecture'. N.p., 2014. Web. 1 Apr. 2014.
Usage of sectional diagram representing the main elements of Malay vernacular

6) Toe, D. H. C., & Kubota, T. (2015). Comparative assessment of vernacular passive

cooling techniques for improving indoor thermal comfort of modern terraced houses
in hothumid climate of Malaysia. Solar Energy, 114, 229-258.
Information on quantitative data in to improve indoor thermal comfort in hot humid
weather of Malaysia.

7) Yuan, L. J. (2001). The traditional Malay house. United Nations Development

Programme, Special Unit for Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries,
Sharing Innovative Experiences, 2.
Got important definitions and basic details of Malay traditional houses and its form.

Source:,. 'Tropical Architecture'. N.p., 2014. Web. 1 Apr. 2014.

Source: The Malay house : rediscovering Malaysia's indigenous shelter system by Lim Jee Yuan

Source: All pictures of Sekeping Serendah taken by David Lok Photography.

Source: Ng, Tommy. 'Sekeping Serendah Retreat, Malaysia'. N.p., 2015. Web. 2015.

Source: courtesy of Annuar YG from pinterest.

Source: courtesy of Travellingscorner

Source : courtesy of Tessellar

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