Final Mam Delosa

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Discuss the Executive Branch and Judicial Department of the

Philippine Government.
The executive branch is headed by the President, who is
elected by a direct vote of the people. The term of office of the
President is six (6) years. As head of the Executive Department, the
President is the Chief Executive. He represents the government as
a whole and sees to it that all laws are enforced by the officials and
employees of his department. He has control over the executive
department, bureaus and offices. This means that he has the
authority to assume directly the functions of the executive
department, bureau and office or interfere with the discretion of its
officials. Corollary to the power of control, the President also has
the duty of supervising the enforcement of laws for the
maintenance of general peace and public order. Thus, he is granted
administrative power over bureaus and offices under his control to
enable him to discharge his duties effectively. The President
approves and carries out laws passed by the legislative branch. He
appoints or removes cabinet members and officials. He negotiates
treaties, and acts as head of state and commander in chief of the
armed forces.
The executive branch also includes the a) Vice President according to the constitution, the vice president may concurrently
assume a cabinet position should the President of the Philippines
offer the former one. The vice president will become a secretary
concurrent to the position of vice president. Aside from the cabinet
post, the vice president is mandated to assume the presidency in
case of the death, disability, or resignation of the incumbent
President. b) The Cabinet- cabinet secretary is the alter ego of the
President in their respective departments. Thus, they posses the
power to issue directives relative to their departments, such as
department orders. C) Local Government Units - According to
Article X, Section 4 of the constitution, the President of the
Philippines is mandated to supervise local governments all over the
country. However, because of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise

known as the Local Government Code of 1991, local governments

enjoy relative autonomy from the national government.
Its line of succession is The Vice-President Senate
President Speaker of the House of Representatives.
The judicial power is vested in the Supreme Court, as well as
in lower courts as my he established by law. The inferior courts
include: the Court of Appeals, the Court of Tax Appeals; the
Regional Trial Courts the Metropolitan Trial Courts; and the
Sandigan bayan, and the Office of the Ombudsman.
Judicial power includes the authority of the courts to hear
and settle disputes. Such disputes may involve conflicts between or
among private persons. They may also be between private citizens
and the government or between one agency of the government and
The Supreme Court is the highest tribunal in the Philippines.
It consists of the Chief Justice and 14 Associate Justices.
The Executive and Judicial branch of government are
supreme on its own sphere but with constitutional limits and a
firm tripod of checks and balances.

Explain how a Bill becomes a Law.

Here are the step-by-step guide as to how a bill becomes law.
The proposed bill is signed by its author and filed with the
Secretary of the either the Lower House (for congressmen) or the

Senate (for senators). The bill will go through three readings. On

the First Reading, the number and title of the bill is read, followed
by its referral to the appropriate committee for study. On the
Second Reading, the bill is read in full along with amendments
proposed by the committee who studied it. The bill is then
subjected to debates and discussion by the members of the House
where it was filed. After extensive discussion, the bill will be voted
on. If approved, it would go through a third reading. On Third
Reading, the bill will be submitted for a final vote. If approved
again, it shall be transmitted to the other House for concurrence.
The other House will go through the same process of having three
readings. If the other House introduces amendments and the
House from which the bill originated does not approve of the
amendments, the differences will be settled by a meeting of the
Conference Committees of both Houses, whose recommendations
will have to be approved by both Houses. Once the bill is approved,
it is transmitted to the President of the Philippines for
signature. The President may then either sign the bill to indicate
approval, or veto the bill to indicate disapproval. If approved, the
bill officially becomes a law. If the President decides to exercise his
veto powers, the Congress may re-pass the vetoed bill if two-thirds
of both Houses, voting separately, approve its enactment. In this
case, the bill also officially becomes a law.

Discuss the crucial role of COA against corrupt public servant

Commission on Audit (COA), one of three constitutional
commissions, which prevents the irregular use of government
funds or properties. Armed with this crucial mandate, the COA is
the praetorian of the national treasury. It is endowed with
constitutional dependence and fiscal autonomy. The COA is the

watchdog of the financial operations of the government. It

is empowered to examine, audit, and settle all accounts pertaining
to the revenue and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of funds
and property under the custody of government agencies and
instrumentalities. It promulgates accounting and auditing rules
and regulations for the prevention and disallowance of irregular,
expenditures, or use of government funds and properties.
COA plays a critical role in the fight against corruption by
promoting transparency and accountability in public financial

Discuss the accountability of public officer or public official as

mandated in the Philippine Constitution.
Under Sec. 1 of the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the
Philippines Article XI - Public office is a public trust. Public
officers and employees must, at all times, be accountable to the
people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity, loyalty,
and efficiency; act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest

As public servant we should serve the public with

competence, compassion, loyalty and integrity. That all services be
delivered efficiently and effectively and be transparent in all
transaction because the public entrusted us to work in the
government service. For me its a privilege being a public servant
therefore we should give our best services we can to satisfy them
and treat all clients fairly without prejudices.

Discuss grounds for impeachment.

The grounds for impeachment are: culpable violation of the
Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other high
crimes, or betrayal of public trust. These grounds are exclusive and
offenses not falling within these parameters shall not be sufficient
for impeachment purposes.
Treason - any person who, owing allegiance to the Government
of the Philippines, not being a foreigner, levies war against it or
adheres to its enemies by giving them aid or comfort within the
Philippines or elsewhere. (Article 114, Revised Penal Code).
Bribery - any public officer who shall agree to perform an act
constituting a crime, in connection with the performance of his

official duties, in consideration of any officer, promise, gift or

present received by such officer, personally or through the
mediation of another. (Article 210-211, Revised Penal Code).
Other high crimes - Offences which, like treason and bribery,
are indictable offences and are of such enormous gravity that they
strike at the very life or orderly working of government (Bernas, J.
The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A
Commentary. 2003 ed, p. 1112)
Graft and corruption - A public official found to have acquired,
whether in his name or in the name of other persons, an amount
of property and/or money manifestly out of proportion to his
salary. (RA 3019)
betrayal of public trust - Betrayal of public interest,
inexcusable negligence of duty, tyrannical abuse of power, breach
of official duty by malfeasance or misfeasance, cronyism favoritism,
etc. to the prejudice of public interest and which tend to bring the
office into disrepute. (Record of the Constitutional Commission of
1986, p. 272)

What is authority delegation?

A manager alone cannot perform all the tasks assigned to
him. In order to meet the targets, the manager should delegate
authority. Delegation of Authority means division of authority and
powers downwards to the subordinate. Delegation is about
entrusting someone else to do parts of your job. Delegation of
authority can be defined as subdivision and sub-allocation of
powers to the subordinates in order to achieve effective results.
The elements of delegation are: 1) Authority - can be defined
as the power and right of a person to use and allocate the
resources efficiently, to take decisions and to give orders so as to
achieve the organizational objectives. Authority is the right to give
commands, orders and get the things done; 2) Responsibility - is
the duty of the person to complete the task assigned to him.
Responsibility without adequate authority leads to discontent and
dissatisfaction among the person; 3) Accountability - means

giving explanations for any variance in the actual performance

from the expectations set. Accountability cannot be delegated.
Being accountable means being innovative as the person will think
beyond his scope of job. Accountability, in short, means being
answerable for the end result. Accountability cant be escaped. It
arises from responsibility.

Delegation of authority is the base of superior-subordinate

relationship, it involves following a) Assignment of Duties; b)
Delegation of authority is one vital organizational process. It
is inevitable along with the expansion and growth of a business
enterprise. Delegation means assigning of certain responsibilities
along with the necessary authority by a superior to his
subordinate managers. Delegation does not mean surrender of
authority by the higher level manager. It only means transfer of
certain responsibilities to subordinates and giving them the
necessary authority, which is necessary to discharge the
responsibility properly.
In your own opinion, why personal integrity is very important
whether you serve in the private or the government sector.
In my own opinion personal integrity is very important in
any workplace because it will be benefited by the employers and
co-employees. Individuals who show integrity in the workplace not
only understand right from wrong but they practice it in all they
do. Honesty encourages open communication between employers,
employees and co-workers. It leads to effective relationships in an
organization. When workers are honest about the various aspects
of their jobs that need improvement, employers can take action.
Integrity is one of the fundamental values that employers
seek in the employees that they hire. It is the foundation of the
individual on how efficient and effective they are in the job. The
success of the company rely on the workers behavior.

Explain a public office is a public trust.

Public office is a public trust it means that all official and
employees of the government are being trusted by the people thus,
as a public servant we ought to serve with utmost integrity,
responsibility and loyalty to the people. We must give them
transparent services/transactions. Prioritize what the public needs
rather than our personal needs.
Government is a trust, and the officers of the government
are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for
the benefit of the people. We are here in the public service to give
services efficiently and effectively to the people.

What is the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard very important

for us public servants?
As s public servants the Code of Conduct and Ethical
Standard is very important because it is a management tool for
setting out an organization values, responsibilities and ethical
obligations. The code of conduct provides employees with guidance
for handling difficult ethical situations related to the work. It will
serve as our bible to remind us what is right and wrong as public
employees. Having a code of ethics can lead to improved employee
behavior and it will help to have a good relationships with staff,
management and clients.

Choose one agency that you know and give importance of the
Philippine Administrative System.
The importance Philippine Administrative System to the
Cotabato Regional and Medical Center (CRMC) is that, CRMC
National Government Agency (NGA). An organization with specific
rules, goals, structures, resources and programs. It includes the
internal processes of and the interaction between and among
public organization since the CRMC is a health service provider lot
of Government Agency, NGO, and Private Organization they
networking to help in delivering medical services to the people and
implement all the projects and programs.

Explain why bureaucracy is an organization of government?

According to Henry Fayol, Bureacruacy is the most efficient form of
organization. The organization has a well defined Bureaucracy is a
large administrative organization that handles the day-to-day
business of a government and the administrative heart and soul of
government. Bureaucracy is an organization because it enhances
efficiency by providing a hierarchical division of labor, allocating
jobs and resources, and promoting the accumulation of expertise.
It represents a significant human achievement, in which public
aims can be accomplished by dividing up tasks and matching them
to a specific labor force that develops specialized skills, routinizing
procedure, and providing necessary incentive structures and
oversight arrangements. Bureaucracy refers to the actual offices,
tasks, and principles of organization employed in the most formal
and sustained administration.

Why a government CEO must create a strong agency culture and

how shall it be done? Discuss
The government CEO must create a strong agency culture

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of committee.

A committee is a group of people assembled by the management to
take decisions or advise on a particular issue. Committees perform
some managerial functions and have their own definite structure.

They have some authority and responsibility and depending on

that it may be line or staff committee. The biggest advantage of
committee is that it provides a convenient means of a larger
number of people exchange, ideas and information ad take a joint
decisions, it is possible to bring together a wide range of ideas,
expertise and interests together. Major disadvantage of committee
is that they usually require considerable expenditure of total
manpower in the committee work. The committees are also known
to cause excessive delays in decision making and in taking action.
Frequently, an absence of a clear cut authority and responsibility
for results, the committee becomes tend to take decision that
represent compromise between dissenting views rather than an
optimal balance of conflicting requirements.

Why there is need for us to understand contingency theory

developed by Fred Fiedler and how will it affect an organization

Discuss the 3 forms of decentralization.

Why Hawthorn study was in opposition to the scientific and

universal theory of Taylor and Fayol.

What is Global Organization. (explain)

What are the factors affecting organizational structure. (explain)

Discuss the positive contributions of the Open System Theory to

the public administration.

Do you think Frederick Taylor management theory is still

applicable today? Why?

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