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SUBJECT: Public Personnel Management

PROF: Teng A. Alim, Ph.D.

STUDENT: Mardionella N. De Dios
1. Discuss the nature of Public Personnel Management?
Answer: According to Huddlestone describe public personnel
Administration as that subfield of public administration which is sometime
more descriptibely known as human resources management. Its is the job
of the personnel administrator to ensure that the public institution has the
most competent people working for it; this involves not only recruiting and
selecting the best employee but also ensuring that there employee acquired
the skills, knowledge and competence to perform their task effectively.
Public personnel management focuses on the application management
practice and techniques in the public sector. Futhermore, with regards to
content or focus of the subdiscipline, public personnel management goes
beyond the scoreof peronnel managment to include an understanding of the
particullar political and government in which decision and action regarding
the management of employee take place.
2. Enumerate and Discuss the Function of personnel Managment
2 categories of function
1. Operative function - essentially belong to such activities concerned woth
procurring, developing compensating, utilizing and maintaining an
efficient work force.
A. Procurement - means recruiting the required number of employee with
due qualification and and exprecience keeping in view the important of
achieving the objectives set before the organization. Mainly concerned
with hiring the right people in the right place at the right time.
B. Development - means activities meant to increase the efficiency and
skills of the workers through training and education. It includes the
activties like training, seminars group dicussions, educaion.
C. Competency - deals with the method and standards of remunumeration
and terms of employement
D. Utilizing - using the services of the employees it includes incentives

schemes for sharing the profit from higher productivity.

E. Maintaining - aim of maintaining good working condition for the
employee. It includes preparation and implmentation of health scheme,
safety systems.
This operative function was being practice by our agency the Cotabato
Regional and Medical Center (CRMC). The mangaement sent employee to
training and seminar for the updates and additional knowledge and
enhancing technical skills receiving of monthly medicare parting through
out Philhealth admission. Hiring of new applicants that pasess the right
qualification set by management. Free medication being employee of
2. Managerial Functions - Includes activities like planning, organizing,
coordinating directing and controlling the employee. They are performed by
are types of manager includeing personnel manager.
A.) Planning - predetermined course of action to accomplish the set
objectives. It specifies what and how operative personal functions are to
be performed.
Following steps are taken in planning process:
1. Recognizing need for action
2. Gatering necessary information
3. Laying down objectives
4. Determining planning premises
5. Examining alternative course of action
6. Evaluation of action patterns
7. Determing secondary plans
8. Implemetation of plans
B.) Organizing - calls for gathering of personnel activities, assignment of
different activities to diffrent individuals.
C.) Coordination - concerned with harmonuos and unified action directly
towards a common objectives. It insures that are work efficiently,
economically and in harmony. Person to person communication is most for

D.) Directing - involves managing managers, workers and the work

through motivation, proper leadership, effective communication as well as
coordination. A personnel manager must develop the ability to command
and direct others.
Characteristics of Direction
1. Pervasive Function - Directly is required at all levels of organization.
Every managers provide gudance and inspiration to his subordinate.
2. Continuous Activity - direction is a continuous as it continuous
throughout the life of organization.
3. Human Factors - directing functions is related to subordinate and
therefor it is related to human factors. Since human factor is complex
and behavior is unpredictable direction function becomes important.
4. Creative Activity - direction function helps in converting plans into
performances. Without this function people become inactive and
physical resources are meaningless.
5. Executive Function - direction function is carried out by all managers
and executive at all levels through out the working.
6. Delegate Function - direction is supposed to be function dealing with
human beings.
E. Motivating - is the key to successful management of any enterprices a
manager must include in the workers a keen appreciation of an
organizations policies.
F. Controlling - process a measuring actual results with some standards of
performance, finding the reason for deviation of actual from desire
results and taking corrective action when necessary thus enables the
realization of plans.
Cotabato Regional and Medical Center is a tertiary hospital and headed by
Dr. Aurora Helen P. Yambao, FPOGS. Sha manages the CRMC
sucessfully.because of proper planning the task given or assigned are
being performed were based on the policies and rules set by the

organization . Proper coordination is being exercise because were

dealing the life of patient. Patient is informed will regarding his/her
health problem. Department heads and supervisors have their own task
to follow accordingly.
3. Discuss the elements of Public Personnel Management
Elements of personnel management
1. Organization - according to DS Kimbal Jr, is a subsidiary to
management, it embraces the duties of designating the department and
the personnel that are to carry on the work, defining their functions and
specifying the relations that are to exists between department and
2. Job - tell us the activities to be performed in the organization
Types of job
1. Physical jobs
2. Creative jobs
3. Proficiency jobs
4. Intellectual jobs
5. Consulting jobs
6. Technical jobs
3. People - in an organizational structure where the main aim is to
achieve the goals the presence of man power becomes vital. In order to
achieve the goals different skills are appointed.
Importance of people
1. Organizational structure is meaningless without it.
2. Helps to achieve the goals of the enterprices.
3. Helps in meaning the functional areas.
4. Helps in achieving the functional departmental goals.
5. Make a concern operational
6. Give life to a physical organization.
Different types of people with are generally required
A. Physically fit people
B. Creative people

C. Intellectual
D. Technical people
E. Proficient and skilled people
In personnel management, a manager has to understand the relationship of
the three elements and their importance in organization. He has to
understand the relationship between organization and job, relationship
between job and people and relationship between people and organization.
Understanding the thrill relationship makes the organization effective
and significant, makes the job itself important and gives due important to
organizational structure and the rule of people in it.
4. Discuss the role by the Human Resource Management officer?
Answer: the recruitment process begins when you know you need someone
new in the organization, either because an existing staff members has left or
because there is new work to be done. It doesnt finish until after the
appointment has been made.
Stages of recruitment process
1. Identify vancancy
2. Prepare job description and person specification
3. Managing the reponse
4. Advertise
5. Shortlylisting
6. References
7. Arrange interviews
8. Conduct the interview
9. Decision making
10. Appointment action
11. Convey the decision
Role of the management officer is to sugggest to the management team, how
to strategically manage people as business resouces. This include managing
and hiring employee. Coordinating employee benefits and suggesting
employee training and development strategies. In all levels managers and
HR professional work together to develop employee skills. The purpose of
human resources management is to hire, train and develop staff and when
necessary to discipline or dismiss them. Through effective training and
developement, employee achieve promotion and reach their full potential.
Skilled workers and trained employee reduces the need for external

recruitment and utilizing existing talent. The cost effective way to manage
its workers. Not only manage existing staff, it also plans for changes that
will affect its future needs and this is called workplace planning.
5. Discuss briefly the recruitment process
Five process of recruitment
1. Recruitment planning - first step involved in the recruitment process
is planning. It involves to draft a comprehensive job specification for the
vacant position, outlining its major and minor responsibilities, the skills,
experience and qualification needed grade and level of pay, starting date,
whether temporary or permanent; and mention of special condition.
2. Strategy development - identify the required needed candidates and
evise a suitable strategy for recruiting the candidates. The strategic
considerations as be considered whethere to prepare the required candidates
themselves or hire it form outside.
3. Searching - steps involves attracting jobs seekers to the organization
sources used to attract candidates
1.) Internal sources
2.) External sources
4. Screening - starting point selection considered as integral part of
recruitment. Job specification is invaluable in screeening application are
screened aganst the qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities, interest,
and experience mentioned in the job specification. Those who do not
qualify are straightaway eliminated.
5. Evaluation and control - given considerable cost involved in the
recruitment process, its evaluation and control is imperative.

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