Conditionals EPCAR Ok

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1) Assinale a alternativa que preenche
corretamente a lacuna da frase a seguir:
If he put it this way, everybody with him.

b) passed
c) have passed
d) would have passed
e) had passed

6)If she had gone to the movies,

a) would agree
b) should have agreed
c) will agree
d) would has agreed
e) agreeded

2)If senior citizens

toward technology, Web developers and
to emphasize two
things: ease of use and value.

a) she might be sick now

b) Jane would be busy
c) she would like to call Jane
d) she would have met Jane
e) Jane will be happy

7)If I

my raincoat, I

a cold.

a) had worn wouldn't have gotten

b) wear would have get
c) didn't wear wouldn't have get
d) am wearing would have gotten
e) hadn't wear couldn't have get

a) became have
b) become have
c) became would have
d) became will have
e) became had

3) Lady Astor MP: "If you (I) my husband I

(II) poison your coffee".
Churchill: "If you (III) my wife I (IV)
drink it."
Os termos que melhor preenchem as

lacunas I, II, III e IV so:

a) were (I), would (II), were (III), had (IV).
b) was (I), would (II), was (III), would (IV).
c) were (I), had (II), were (III), had (IV).
d) was (I), could (II), was (III), would (IV).
e) were (I), would (II), were (III), would (IV).

4) The alternative that does not finish the

sentence "If it rains we..." correctly is:
a) couldn't go out.
b) won't go out.
c) mustn't go out.
d) shouldn't go out.
e)can't go out.

8)The sentence "If you run into someone on

the street in Taiwan, he's likely to greet you
by asking 'Have you eaten?'" in the THIRD
a) If you had run into someone on the street

in Taiwan, he might have probably greeted

you by asking 'Have you eaten?'
b) If you ran into someone on the street in
Taiwan, he would have been likely to greet
you by asking 'Have you eaten?'
c) If you ran into someone on the street in
Taiwan, he would likely greet you by asking
'Have you eaten?'
d) If you had run into someone on the street
in Taiwan, he would have been likely to
greet you by asking 'Had you been eaten?'
e) If you could run into someone on the
street in Taiwan, he would have likely to
greet you by asking 'Have you eaten?'

Candidates who get a poor result always

5) If
sitting for the test,



a) would pass

9 de julho de 2016

13)Select the best alternative to complete
the sentences below:
I. If they

money, they will build a big

II. If you
out more, you would
meet a few people.
III. If he
his restaurant, he would
have got more customers.
IV. If she
so fast, she wouldn't have
crashed her car.
V. If we
a car, we wouldn't have to
spend all our time waiting for buses.
a) have; went; had cleaned; hadn't been

9)The sentence that contains "if-clauses"

correctly used is:
a) If you don't vote, you wouldn't have a

say in the future of your country.

b) Would you get married if you had been in
c) George might have become an architect
if he went to school.
d) If she was traveling far, she always flies.
e) Had I had money, I would have moved.
10)I'd have gone to that party if they
a) have invited
b) had invited
c) will invite
d) are inviting

11)They felt as if they

driving; had
b) have; go; cleaned; wasn't driving; have
c) had; went; was cleaned; hadn't driven;
d) have had; have gone; had cleaned; hadn't
been driven; have had
e)have; have gone; has cleaned; hadn't
driven; have
14) Complete meaningfully the
following sentence: Had they
studied hard, they
a) would pass
b) wouldnt have passed
c)would have passed
d) would have pass
e) would havent passed

15)Were he not busy, he your cousin.

on thin ice.

a) are walking
b) have walked
c) were walking
d) will walk

a) will accompany
b) can accompany
c)would accompany
d) had accompanied
e) should accompany

12)In the sentence "IF THE CRITERIA OF

EXACTING, a canon may emerge ..." the part
in capital letters is a/an:
a) relative clause.
b) conditional clause.
c) noun clause.
d) restrictive clause.

9 de julho de 2016

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