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ing to do with the dffsffsdfsd

"I DO NOT in any way condone the selling or redistribution of these program,
this was NEVER my intention."fdsfsdf

R@1n does NOT take any responsibility of computer-loss or any data-errors

that may occur from using these program. Keep in mind that you are using a
third party solution to something we did not develop in the first place.

Do note that the usage of these program are legal in most countries outside
the United States, IF and ONLY IF you own a full copy of the program - then
you may use these program for backup purposes, and only that. It remains
to be seen how affected you are of the End User License Agreements
(EULAs). They can't supersede domestic laws, remember that.

According to the "DMCA ACT" in the Unites States, you have no rights to
circumvent a copy protection. Beware, they will punish you harder than if
you stole the shrinkwrapped software in a mall. Though R@1n's base of
operation does not reside in the Unites States, and thus I am NOT bound to
the US legislations like:

* No Electronic Theft Act

* Digital Millenium Copyright Act
* The Patriot Act
* "other US legislations"

You should ALWAYS buy the software that you do use.

This Software NOT encourage piracy, which is an act UNLAWFUL, as well as

being a lack of respect towards those who dedicate time and effort to the
development of applications.

I do not assume liability for incorrect use, that is NOT dedicated to a vision
for informational or educational study. With this I can tell you that I dedicate
myself to NOT piracy in any way, I care only to share and study all forms of
system and evasion.

I disagree, in any form, software piracy and are NOT responsible for a
eventale inappropriate or illegal use.

By using these program you automatically agree to the written agreement

above, and thus the responsibility regarding whatever you are affected by
any EULAs is with YOU and YOU only.

Thanks to: QAD, xinso, Hotbird64, nonosense, Nosferati87, Mikmik38,

Cynecx, heldigard, Daz, Alphawaves, Nummer for the various source codes
and the work!

Thanks to all the people who have supported the development in all its

- fullstuff
- Miky70
- Zanna

Thanks for the translation:

- azroach (English)
- Behdad Boujari ()
- roonney (Portugus)
- CraftByte (Slovenina)
- Ripdevil (Deutsch)
- vanhoivo (Ting Vit)
- BL3D1 (Shqiptar)

- alnaloty ()
- Phobos (P)
- jordan4x (Franais)
- WebMan (Romn)
- zihan ()
- Ercan KOAK (Trk)
- mireado ()
- agasoft (Srpski)
- GlgApr (Bahasa Indonesia)
- Yaron.S ()


- on Twitter: @RainReLoader

Thank you very much.

By R@1n.

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