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June 2504

7:20 A.M
Near the planet Mar Sara's orbit
Battle Cruiser
Jake's Room

"I see no reason for me to wear this ridiculous article of clothing. Is a loincloth not
enough?" Edarium slams his fist on the wall and I flinch at the tone of his voice.

"Please understand none of my available clothing can cover your huge frame. I
managed to cut these shorts and made them fit you since these are Brave's pants."
My companion huffs even though he had no mouth. I slumped down my bed when
he gave no other complaints on the clothing he is wearing.

"I'm about to introduce you to the others and hopefully find a way to get the doctor
on our side." Somehow me smiling made the Protoss more grumpy and he became
invisible and I saw that he went outside for a walk.

"I just hope that he doesn't bump unto anyone." I stood up and slowly took my
clothes off and grabbed the towel in the makeshift wardrobe.

I heard the door slamming and looked behind me.

"I did not know you wish to reproduce with me." I turned around and covered my
lower regions with the towel and grabbed my pistol.

"I am not presenting myself to you! I was going to take a bath!" I pointed the gun at
him to make myself look intimidating but the Protoss didn't care and started walking
towards me.

"What the!" I got carried and manhandled at the bath tub while Edarium stripped
himself in the process.

"Show me how to use your primitive bathing devices." Edarium orders me like he
owns the place.

"You turn that knob over there and let it fill the tub." Why do I feel as if I'm talking to
a toddler?

Lisa's Clinic
7:20 A.M

"The subject seems to evolve rather than regenerate. Look at the marvelous
adaption of his cerebral membrane and his bones are harder than diamonds."
Larrson spoke fondly of the data he is gathering from Brave. I sneer in disgust and
made my way towards Brave who is still unconscious.

"Come on big guy. Your father is worried sick about you." The Hybrid stirs a little
when I patted his shoulder.

"Brianna! Do refrain from disturbing the specimen!" I groan at the overreacting of

the Professor. I pull my hand back and showed him both hands with only the middle
fingers up.

"Adorable. I hope that you don't get attached to these expendable people in the
ship." I held my tongue and only raised one eyebrow.

"Our mission here is to collect the Protoss and gather information about this Hybrid.
We may not be able to attain the Protoss but our little Medic managed to gather the
Log files and useful data." He makes that same shit eating grin again and I did my
best not to kick his ass on the floor right now.

"I hate when we had to pretend to be nice to these grunts. I see that you made
friends with the Arms master and Combat Medic. Do continue with your charade
with them and fetch me some good intel on our little Medic. His records seem to be
a bit strange. I had sent the data I gathered from his suit and the prototype
managed to do well in battle." The Professors spins around his chair and looks up to

"That suit he was wearing is designed for ghosts and that even if it was a prototype
he managed to utilize his Psionic energy efficiently. Something like that is only a
result of Ghost training. I've look in to his background and all I got was that he was
an orphaned child and that he joined the our ranks a year ago." This is all too new
to me and I wondered if somehow Jake is hiding something from us.

Inside Jake's Room

7:47 A.M

"No fair!" I splashed some water on Edarium's face and he only chuckled at my

"If only you sacrificed your marines then maybe you could've taken out my
Marauders and defeated me." The Protoss crossed his arms and moved his piece
making me lose the whole game.

I turned off the hologram and lay back while sinking my body further down the
bathtub and trying not to let my feet touch the cheating Protoss.

"You knew I would try and save my Marines and you made me move all my Ghosts
next to your Firebats." I grumble and blew bubbles at the alien.

"Is there anything else we can do while taking our time in this bathtub?" Edarium
asks and thought of something that would entertain the both of us.

"You could tell me more about yourself!" I beamed and the Protoss seemed to groan
in irritation.

"Do you really want to know more about someone who just came out of prolonged
stasis?" Edarium looked as if he was mocking me but deep down I knew he is hiding

"If you don't want to talk about it then how about I tell you something about myself
that I don't tell anybody." That seemed to peek his interest and he managed to give
me my personal space back if only by a few feet.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone about it?" I pointed my finger at the hulking alien
before me and he was unimpressed with me acting tough.

"I have no one to tell and I know no one in this ship aside from that violent woman
from yesterday." I guess he would think that about Brianna since she did point her
weapon first before talking yesterday.

"Don't worry. You'll get to meet more of my friends soon." That made Edarium huff
in annoyance even with the absence of a mouth.

"Now where do I begin?"

Lisa's Clinic
7:50 A.M

"Someone's coming. We better leave." I saw Lisa walking from the hallways and the
Professor was too indulged with his experimentation.

"Give me five minutes and I'll be able to clear out my things." I nod and head on

Jake's Bathroom

I heard the door slam open and quickly gape at the idiot who opened it.

"Little man! You won't belie-!" Jax had his eyes wide open at the sight before him.

"I know Brianna said you were harboring the Protoss but...are you having fun times
with him? I won't judge you man. This is just new to me." I hid my face in shame
and the Protoss beside me didn't alleviate the situation.

"If you're definition of fun is hearing a person's tragic past then I would agree with
you Terran." Jax nods and smile at me.

"I see you're having an intimate moment with this new guy." My superior wiggles his
eyebrows like a madman and I threw soap straight to his face.

"Was that necessary?" Edarium looks between Jax and I.

"You think a piece of soap would stop me from teasing you?" This time I used my
Psionic ability to levitate the fallen soap and hit Jax on his crotch.

My Protoss friend seemed to be content in watching my superior suffer on the tiles

while I started to tell Jax on how I ended up in a situation like this.

Just outside Lisa's Clinic
8:00 A.M

"So you're telling me that our little Jake has a boyfriend and that boyfriend of his is
with him right now, inside his room with him?" Lisa is one tough chick to convince
but I know for a fact she loves to mess with her friends and that any form of
entertainment she gets from them is a good way to take her mind of things (not to
mention her dumbass boyfriend).

"I can't tell you any details about it but if I were you, I would bring a camera or any
photo taking device." At the mention of bringing a camera, Lisa's eyes seem to
sparkle and I hoped that whatever is happening inside Jake's room isn't anything
stupid or embarrassing.

I smiled when Lisa turned around and started to head for Jake's room. Just as she
was about to turn right at the hallway, Lisa looks behind her and pointed at her
wrist device before continuing on her way.

I look up at my smart phone and saw that I have received a text message from Lisa

'I know everything that happens in that Clinic. Mess with Jake's child and I swear to
you that you'll regret it.'

"Bitch has spunk. I like that." I replied stating that I would tell her all about it in
private and that she should be more worried about the Professor rather than me.

Jake's room

"Let me get this straight." Jax laughed a little as he said while smiling at me.

"That guy right there? Is a not our average Protoss goodie two shoes. You managed
to save his ass and convinced him not to rip your head off?" I nod and Edarium was
too busy browsing through the spacenet.

"Terran designated as Jake. What are these two girls doing with their mouths?" Both
Jax and I turn around to see two scandaly clad women kissing each other in front of
a naked man on the holo-screen.

"Those are two hot chicks XVII." Jax whistles and I quickly changed the site Edarium
is browsing on and turned the child protection filter on.

"I said search for hot clicks and ticks!" I scold at the Protoss who had no idea what
he just saw.

"You could learn on how Terrans usually spend their time." Edarium grunts in
agreement and started watching videos of three old ladies in funny situations (I
think it was Golden Girls a favorite show of mine).

"Back to the main point. Jake that guy right there is a Tal'darim! A freaking alien
fanatic!" Jax seemed a little ticked off while the Protoss seemed unperturbed.

"What the heck makes you think he won't lop off our heads and betray us?" Jax said
no offence to Edarium but the alien was too engrossed with the show and that he
keeps praising on how much of a conqueror the character "Blanche Devereaux"
from the show is.

"Jax, we've both seen what the our precious Emperor did to this guy and he told me
something that warrants our trust." I gripped the shirt Lisa gave me before and Jax
asked what I am trying tell him.

"Our god betrayed us. He promised our ascension. We were supposed deal with our
enemy the Zerg and rule over the other planets but little did we know we are but
pawns to his little games. He left us for dead during our battle with Kerrigan." Jax
and I are speechless at what Edarium just said.

"We were trying to unravel an age old prophecy for him and when Kerrigan laid
siege to our bases back at Ulaan we were forced to fall back. Those that survived
the onslaught did our best to aid Zeratul's escape with the help of High Templar
Karass and his unit did find refuge within the moon. Shortly after he fled Kerrigan
and the Swarm followed after him. Soon after we tried to rebuild on what was left of
our squadron. A few months later your kind comes along and ransacks the whole
land and backed us into a corner capturing us and started experimenting on us. I
watched as they butchered and toyed with my allies. I respected your tactics but to
go so far as torturing my people just for some weapon is disgusting." I wanted to
apologize but Jax further questions the somewhat calm Protoss.

"Then why did you trust Jake and why didn't you just use him for an escape? What
makes you think that he won't turn his back on you like your god?" I warned Jax not
to push Edarium's buttons but I only got shushed by him.

"We both share the pain of betrayal and having to lose something precious to us."
Edarium answered as if it was something simple and Jax could only stare at me with
a raised brow.

"I wish I can tell you Jax but I can't right now." Jax must've notice my eyes watering
and he nods and told me that he can tell me anything and he's willing to wait.

"Thank you." I smile and wiped my eyes.

"Don't fret larger Terran. He did not intentionally tell me of his past but I've
accidentally glimpsed at it when we were both sleeping next to each other." Then it
all came back to the embarrassment of Jake. What did I do to deserve this?

Jax chuckles and just when I was about to tell him that I couldn't just let the alien
sleep on the floor but Lisa came barging inside my room while slamming the door
shut as she turns to us.

"Show me your bitch Jake. Where is -!" Lisa took in the scene before her and
beamed at the domesticated position that Edarium and I had, my back was against
his while I lean on him for support.

"My what?" "His what?" "I though I'm supposed to lay low." All three of us said and
Lisa only squealed in delight.

"Oh my loving God! I knew that having a large man would perfectly fit you! Even
though he's not technically human but beggars can't be choosers." Jax laughs
harder and Edarium turns to look at the newcomer in my room.

"Lisa! What the heck is wrong with you guys?" I groan and slammed my face on the

"She isn't wrong. I would certainly fit in you" Lisa and Jax laughed so hard they both
had to hold onto something for support.

"She said fit me, not fit in me!" Edarium makes no move in taking back what he said
and only continued watching Golden Girls.

Outside Lisa's Clinic

8:30 A.M

"I got all the things I need for my report. I should be heading back to Korhal. You
continue with the investigation and update me if anything comes up. You and I both
know that something isn't right. Something big is coming." The professor gave me
two seperate flash drives and a letter. He walks away and I made sure to undo any
damage he might have caused inside Lisa's Clinic.

Jake's Room
8:30 A.M

"Lisa, I think the little guy doesn't like getting dressed like a doll." Lisa huffs at Jax
and smiled at while deciding whether or not I look good in purple or red.

"I do believe the pink one from earlier suits his fragile physique." Edarium suggests
as he paused the second epusode of Golden Girls.

"You're right. His blue shorts would complement his cute little tooshie and make the
pink shirt shine brighter." I can see the cogs inside Lisa's head working and all I
could do is let her.

Lisa's Room
8:35 A.M

"I'm sorry for letting him take some of your flesh and tissues. Good thing you heal
fast huh?" I pass down a cup of coffee to the newly awakened teenager.

"Is my Father okay? Did he get injured in the mission?" For some alien hybrid, this
kid sure looks damn handsome. I comment on his new look which was also cool and
that his father is probably getting himself in an awkward or embarrassing situation.

"How so?" I scratch my cheek and thought of something to make myself look less of
a bad guy.

"I may have told Lisa that he is harboring a boyfriend in his own room and that she
should bring a camera with her." I gave Brave a sheepish smile and he only gave
me one of his scariest glare ever, albeit it is his very first glare ever.

"You should probably relax and let me fill you in with the other half of what
happened during our mission." The objects around us gently fell down their
respective locations and I saw his eyes stopped glowing.

Jake's Room
8:40 A.M

"We're supposed to attend the debriefing later and I'm going to wear this?" Jax is
laughing, Lisa looked proud, and Edarium made me feel self-conscious by staring at

Looking at the mirror before me, I see that the red Jacket that Lisa used to wear
clung to my body and the baggy Jeans that had to be worn with a belt. Lisa
complained on how the heck her pants didn't fit my hips.

"Now that we have this clothing issue solved." Jax began speaking and Edarium
grabbed me and forced me to sit between him and Lisa on the bed.

"Edarium, you know that Tal'darim are known to shoot first before letting any of our
ships reach your home planet." Lisa nods and I look at the blank face of Edarium.

"So it is true. You are all willing to aid me in my escape?" The Protoss sounded
skeptical but it is understandable.

"That little man over there managed to convince us and I owe him since he saved
my ass from that lady over there." Lisa and I held back our own laughter behind our
hands and Edarium only gave us a confused sound.

"Come on. I was going to delete the photos and videos!" Lisa defends but Jax only
rolled his eyes.

"This is against your superiors. Why do wish to aid me this badly young Medic?" I'm
not surprised by his question and merely smiled.

"You saw a glimpse of what I've been through as a young man and not a teenager."
Lisa and Jax gave looks to each other and focused on me.

"What happened to you?" A new voice comes up and we all looked at the door and
to my surprise, it was Brianna's and a larger looking Brave was with her.

"Brave!" I rose up and ran towards him while the Protoss tried to reach for me.

"My Quee-!" I couldn't believe it but I managed to tackled my rather large son to the
ground and hug his guts out.

Lisa giggled and Jax gruffed while Brianna only complained.

"Hah! Gay!" Brianna quips and Jax only laughed.

"I'm so glad you're alright!" I'm practically crying by now but I didn't care. I clung to
Brave and felt his hand soothing the roof of my head.

Everyone is silent but somehow they've all gave us our time.

"I was so scared of losing you." Brave seemed to halt for a second before continuing
with his ministrations.

"Wait a minute! What the heck made you think that you could go head to head with
a freaking Medic with mad ninja skills?" The tone of my voice might have sounded

terrifying since Lisa coughed, Jax awkwardly chuckled, and Brianna saying that
Brave is screwed.

"I-!" Brave was about to apologize and explain himself but I cut him off by hugging
him close.

We stayed like that for minutes but I remembered we had company.

"Come on. I want you to meet someone." I stood up and held Brave's hand to pull
him back up.

I turned around to face everybody and I saw that Brianna is looking at her phone. I
made Brave sit on the Bed beside me and Lisa while Edarium took his spot next to
me and wrapping a hand around my waist.

"Let go of him!" "You have no authority over me Zerg!" The room changed its mood
and every human tensed and became cautious.

"Would you both please behave? I'm still emotionally exhausted about all of this."
That seemed to shut them up and our three spectators either huffed or laughed a

"I guess it's time for all of you to know why I want to help this guy so badly." I
pointed to Edarium.

Brave held my hand and I smile.

"Let's see. It all started when I was a kid."

Years ago

Koprulu Sector
Ursa - Moon orbiting Korhal
The Junkyard behind the Forests

"Here's fifty Credits kid." The Junkman hands the money and I gladly kept it in my

"Thank you mister!" I got my hair ruffled and I gave him a toothy grin.

I head back towards the town and walked ran towards the slum area.

It took me half an hour before finding the place I'm taking residence in. A burned
down shack that managed to have a few good rooms with a roof on it.

The sounds of Lyotes(they are like dogs) can be heard as they searched for any
piece of scrap in the area.

I stashed half of what I earned and left my room to go to the place usually buy food.

I grabbed my makeshift rod and walked outside the place. I see some of the other
kids running and playing just a few feet away. I waved to them and they waved

The people who live in this district are those who managed to stray away from the
colony since it was destroyed by the Zerg. I was one of the Refugees from Tarsonis
and was forced to fend for myself after this place went rock bottom. I don't
remember anything about me but they gave me an i.d when we were given our
supplies before being shipped away to this place. I never left this place since I call it
home. I lived off being a scavenger. I search for any metal or something scientific
and I get money.

I plan on saving enough money to make my way to the city and live a life there.

"Hey kid! What will you order?" I snap back to reality and told the clerk what I want.

This is a diner near between the town and the forest which is a good twenty minute

"I want one of those um ispag-hettey?" The clerks shrugs and asked me if I want the
spaghetti and I nodded vigorously. I never really learned to read but an old woman
back in the slums teaches me from time to time.

"Oh! And can I have one of those swirly potatoes to go for later." I only got a grunt
as a response and sat on the empty table near the glass window.

I gently hum and tapped on my table and watched the citizens who lived in the
town eating their meals and interacting with one another.

A mother was scolding at her son for throwing a piece of chicken at his sister. There
was a group of ladies who are chatting to each other. A large group of mercenaries
who are laughing at a joke one of them said. A loving couple with three energetic
kids trying to calm them all down.

I bit my lip as I got a bit envious of what I'm seeing. I don't have anyone in the
slums who I can call family. Sure, everyone their seem nice but they fended for
themselves and I was forced to live by myself.

"Hey kid!" I yelp a little as a scary looking female tells me to move and I stood up
and was about to sit at the other table but she told me that she didn't mind sharing
a table.

"Hey Marty! The usual and give me two milkshakes!" The lady shouts and I patiently
waited for my order.

"You're from the slums huh?" I was too busy staring at the scar on her cheek and it
took a few minutes before I answered with a nod.

"You live alone?" I nodded and she asked me if I'm mute. I told her that I wasn't.

"Tell me. Do you know what a ghost is?" I pouted and told her that it's one of those
dead floating people. She laughed and I asked her what was funny.

"Kid. Ghosts are people who are like Marines but go solo and are capable of doing
amazing things. She made her point when she lifted her hand and blue energy
swirled around it. The condiments on our table floats and I smiled and tried to grab
one of it.

"Cool!" The lady smiles and she brought her hand back down

"I've seen what you can do kid." I stopped smiling and I almost dashed away if the
woman didn't grab me by the arm.

"It's alright. I'm not taking you away." I was scared and felt myself shake.

"Would you relax?" I almost cried if it weren't for the hand on my shoulder.

"They took away kids who can do what you just did. They say that they would take
you to that scary mountain and never come back." The lady sighs and she tells me
that nobody is going to take me away.

"Most of what you say is true kid. Orphaned children with high Psionic capabilities
are taken into custody and begin Ghost Training for the Army." She had a dark look
on her face as she continues.

"I used to be a little girl who played with her dolls until the damn Dominion took me
away. I hoped that I would get adopted at the shelter but I got recruited instead.
They got their weapon and I lost my childhood. Years later after the Great war that I
got decommissioned for losing an arm and leg. I managed to live in several places
and got myself a house here in the Town." Our orders came and we both started to
chug down our meals.

"I can help you." She smiles at me and I thought about and since I got nothing left
to lose I had agreed to it.

"Great!" By the time we got to finish our meals the waitress placed two milkshakes
on our table and the Lady offered me one.

I can't believe it. Someone wants to help me. I felt so happy and every fiber of my
being wanted me to scream for joy.

We went our seperate ways after she told me where and when to meet up with her. I
was supposed to meet up with her tonight as she also told me to pack my things
since she offered me a place to live in.

I went back to my place and searched for the bag I used for scavenging and put all
of my stuff in it. An i.d, my pouch full of credits, and clothes that I manage to own.

The night came and as I got inside the forest between the lake and the rocky
mountains a neat looking vehicle was there with the Lady from befote leaning on it.

"Hey there Sugarbits!" I told her to stop calling me that and she told me it was too
good of a name to pass up.

"Come on get it in!" I was excited and ran inside the vehicle as she closed the door
behind me.

All I hear is the noise of the whole vehicle as it started. The Lady began working on
the wheel and started to spin it while playing with the weird stick thing on her side.

We were both silent the whole trip but when I noticed that we had passed the town I
started to feel a little weird.

"You said you lived in the Town?" I ask and the lady gave me an oh sound.

"Did I say that? I meant I have a house in the city. That's where I live. I must've
mixed the two up." She said it casually and I began a slight chill in the back of my

"Don't worry Sugarbits. It's just a few good minutes before we get there. How about
I turn the radio on." She turns it on and I hugged my bag for comfort. I felt the fear I
had before, come back.

I must have dozed off since I felt myself being carried and placed on top of
something soft and comfy.

"Shh, sleep. Tomorrow you will be doing me some good." I heard the lady whisper
something but I was too sleepy to understand.

The Present
Jake's room
9:26 A.M

"When morning came. The lady prepared me breakfast and a bath. After morning
passed, she toured me around the whole city and made me have my brows plucked
and hair fixed." I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. Leaning on Brave, I
continued my story.

"It seemed like it was the best day ever but when the Night came. I got dressed in a
suit and looked like one of those bachelors on the famous dating shows even though
my hair was tied to my side." The lady told me to behave and follow everything she
said. We went back to her house and as we got inside she called someone and we
waited on the living room for an hour or so. I heard a car park in front of the house
and the Lady motioned for me to follow her as she went outside." I didn't notice that
I was shaking but somehow Brave was holding me tightly in his arms.

"There was a man in his early twenties who looked like a man in a top ten hunks
magazine." I blushed when Lisa and Jax gave me a whistle while Brianna made a
gagging face.

"I know that I promised you a bride but he's the perfect fit for your preferences. This
kid here is a clean and a virgin. He's mature enough to earn some credits, he is
capable of using Psionic energy, he is willing to learn, and he's too empathetic."
Those were the words I remember her say and I recalled the predatory look that the
man had.

"I got sold by a Human Trafficker and although she lied to me, she never lied about
being a decommissioned Ghost. I struggle to get free but she only drugged me and
threw me in the arms of the man who bought me." Biting my lip, I laid my forehead
on Brave's chest and no one still made a noise.

"I was crying the whole time that I stared at the Lady's eyes. I felt
betrayed and stupid. The man was gentle as he placed me on top of his lap
and I was forced to lie on his chest." Lisa tried to comfort me but I told her that
I'm fine and the story is still not over.

The sudden blaring of the alarm sound made us all spring up in our seats.



"YOU HEARD HER FOLKS! MOVE OUT!" Jax orders all of us and everyone began

Mar Sara High Orbit

Near the ship's pod room.
11:30 A.M

"Ship in critical level." The voice of the A.I didn't help the unit that I'm in. A guy
complains and two of our men had to drag most of our wounded inside the escape

"We need to secure this area. Everyone in this ship are risking their lives!"
I shout and threw a grenade to our side.

"You've seen them take out two Battlecruisers get taken down!" Several men agreed
and looked as if they want ro lay down and die.

"We lost most of our friends and our loved ones in this ship but if we die
here right now, those that died here would have died for nothing! Are we
not Terrans?" We all roared at our leader's rally and dispersed with vigor.

A group of Medics and Marauders managed to rush their way to us and aided us in
fortifying the escape routes.




Firebat got blasted on the side when the floor to the westwing exploded.

"Everyone! Until we have the go signal that most of our men escaped. We
will enter the drop pods." Everyone agreed and the leader ordered two of our
units to aid in searching for other members of the ship.

"I'll go search for other survivors!" I ran and cloaked myself as I disappeared in
to the darkness.

Somewhere else in the ship

11:46 A.M

"Oh shit! Everyone fall back!" A Ghost shouts and several men followed him

Several Zerglings fell down and two Marines got shot by spikes from Hydralisks.

"Oh God!" A medic falls down and began shooting against the rushing Zerglings.

A Zergling leaps and almost ripped the man's head off but a Red light managed stab
itself on the creature's head and ripped two other Zerglings apart.

"Holy shit! Is that a Protoss?" A lieutenant in the team spoke.

"Do not waste my time. Flee and rescue the others. Now!" Every nods and
continued in their tracks while some thanked him on the way.

"Edarium!" A female ghost ran towards his side.

"What is it Sniper?" Edarium back stepped and used a ripped of limb from a
Zergling to stab at three Hydralisks in such swift motions.

"You fucking idiot! I told you to wait for us." Brianna ducks and shoots the
incoming banelings while using a grenade to create a chain of explosions from the
suicidal monsters.

"I shall not wait for you. You are capable of defending yourselves. I merely
wish to ensure my Conqueror's safety. I sense a darkness brewing. Surely
you feel it as well?" The Ghost stops in her tracks and told him that she felt it too.

"The Zerg are after something within this ship. I fear that they are after
something-" "or someone!" Brianna finished the sentence and she feared just
who it was.

Ship Bridge
11:50 A.M

"Jax and Lisa. Lead these men to the escape ships and pods. I will wipe out the
brood in this area. I will continue on and search for my Queen. I fear that the
darkness that I sensed is after him."

The two friends ran with their units and the Hybrid began charging up a great deal
of energy.

Ship hallways
11:53 A.M

A large explosion shakes the whole ship. I stopped for a moment before running
towards the Clinics and searching for anyone injured being left behind.

I decloaked the moment I fired at the feasting Zerglings and lured several
Banelings to a trapped mine.

I look behind me and gaped at the Broodmother before me.

"It can't be!" If something this powerful is here then something must be up.

"You will be destroyed for the Swarm!" I cloaked and left a bomb in my wake as I
dashed to the side and began shooting at its back.

Ship Escape pods


Several members of the crew had used the ship and pods and only a few number of
people are left.

"I'm out of ammo!" Lisa backtracks while Jax offered frontal cover.

"Where the fuck is Jake?" Brianna appeared out of nowhere as she stabbed
several Zerglings and ensuring two medics pass her by.

"Where the hell are those two aliens?" Jax asked and he rolls to his while
grabbing a minigun and began firing at the larger variety of Hydralisks and Roaches.

A radio transmission made them all halt for a bit but continued fighting.

"You guys need to escape now! I can find a way by myself. You all need to
get out of here. There's a Broodmother leading all of these things. I don't

know how much longer I can hold her off. Please escape so I can-!" Jake got
cut off and his message abruptly ended.

"Holy shit! A Broodmother?" Jax tried to run after Jake but an invisible force
grabbed him and threw and Lisa inside an escape pod.

"Let go of me you Fucker!" Brianna was also lifted and thrown inside the pod.

"He wishes for all of you to be safe and I will see to it that you are all to
survive. I shall make way and retrieve my Terran. I bid you all farewell." Jax
and Lisa slams at the door and tried to free themselves but the Protoss and pushed
the large green button sending the three to enter the Planet's atmosphere.

Ship Bridge
12:06 P.M

The ship had received so much damage that the A.I notified me that there is
seventeen minutes left before the ship's power would fail.

"Why do you want to kill me this badly?" I am out of breath and barely held my
own against the large Zerg. I used the fallen debris for cover and hiding spots
during the fight.

"We have sensed a strong trace of Psionic energy from a piece of Xel'naga artifact.
The Swarm shall not allow such an object to be used by your race's disposal. You are
an immediate threat!" I wasn't fast enough when the Broodmother found its way
inside my chest, penetrating and ripping out a piece of some blue crystal out of my

"My Queen!" I hear Brave and did my best to tell him to flee. I saw Edarium follow
him from behind.

"Take that thing and Brave. Run, please" I coughed up blood as I was thrown to
the side and the Broodmother rushed after the fallen of a fragment of the Xel'naga

"Ship's self-destruct sequence initiated. Ten-." I managed to crawl and

activate the self-destruct function of the ship and did my best to use my Psionic
ability heal myself just enough to be able to throw all of my remaining grenades into
a one large bomb with the energy I used to enhance it.

"Seven, six, five -" Explosion threw the Broodmother away just a few feet away.
Giving my son a chance to run away but he ran towards the Zerg and bashed his
way through.

"Thank you." I said as Edarium grabbed Brave who was tearing the Broodmother
apart. I saw the Protoss use some kind of power to produce a bubble like electrical
field that slowed everything inside it.

Just before I lost my consciousness I heard Brave call out my name.

I expected some large sound of an explosion to greet me but all I saw was a bright
light and the clicks and growls of the Zerg behind me.

"Three, two-"
I had so many questions that I want answered and so many things to do with my
new found friends and son. At least I managed to buy them some time.


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