Virginity Is Not Enough

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The contestants in the first beauty pageant in the book of Esther were VIRGINS. They
were BEAUTIFUL, they were YOUNG, yet they had to go through the test of character to
determine who should be the queen. You dont get the best marriage or partner by just
being a young beautiful virgin, you need inner character and favour.
The ten virgins in the parable Jesus gave, were pure, yet not all entered to meet the
bride groom. The wise had extra oil, the foolish did not. Do you have extra oil enough to
carry you though your marriage?
The extra oil could be the capacity to sustain marital pressure, character, skills,
diplomacy, grace, knowledge, maturity, prayers etc. We acquire all these in preparations
towards marriage through books, seminars, mentorship, counselling, personal
Virginity is not enough, you need extra oil. Your virginity ends after the wedding, what
keeps the marriage is the extra oil you have. Virginity is important too (primary or
secondary) else the people in my two stories were called on the basis of virginity, but not
all were chosen.
You need more than just virginity to keep a marriage. While you strive to keep your
bed undefiled before marriage, either as a man or a woman, also strive to acquire the
wisdom, favour, knowledge, character, extra oil needed for the journey of marriage
because its a lifetime course which only VIRGINITY cannot sustain, so it is important to
strike the balance.
Marriages can crumble if we don't have these
extra oil.

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