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GDPI Mid-course Consultation Form

You are asked to reflect on your progress up to this point in this course. Please share this reflection with your instructor by doing the following:
1. Download and complete this form. Write a reflection of your learning and highlight the associated criteria on the rubric (Specifically
focusing on the participants refection section)
2. Ensure that your reflection makes reference to the Professional Inquiry rubric (See below)
3. Save and name your file (e.g. YOURFIRSTNAME_midcourse)
4. Upload your Mid-course consultation to the Dropbox Mid-course Consultation
5. Monitor the Dropbox for a response from your instructor
6. Possible virtual face-to-face conference (e.g. D2L Online Rooms)
Please complete this form and submit it to the Dropbox folder, Mid-course Consultation. After you have submitted this assignment your
instructor will send a response related to your reflections and your progress to date. Where possible an on-line conference will be setup.
Participants reflection:
Name: Candice Brown
Date: July 26th 2016

Having completed the first half of the course, please reflect on the growth in your understanding and practices related to professional inquiry.
Please pay close attention to the 5 elements of inquiry represented on the rubric (see rows below), to construct a profile of the quality of your own
professional inquiry to date. This can be done by selecting the appropriate descriptor for each element of the rubric (see the descriptors being
used to describe Beginning, Developing, becoming Competent and Excellent in inquiry). In your paragraph(s), record the key ideas you have
learned to this point in this course. What issues have you encountered with respect your interaction with the content of this course? What plans
do you have for your participation in the second half of this course?
Guidelines from instructor:
You are required to complete a self-assessment that considers several of the outputs from the other modules (i.e. 1, 2 & 3). Your outputs will be
reviewed by completing a mid-course consultation self-assessment which includes highlighting the rubric (provided) and writing 3-5 sentences of text
about your learning. Be prepared to write about the element of self-regulated learning that you are purposefully focusing on to support your inquiry and
the goal for your inquiry and why this is meaningful for you.

Thus far I have really enjoyed participating in this course. I enjoy how informative the readings are and how we are
able to read the thoughts and opinions of others based on the same readings in order to broaden our own ideas and
see something from someone elses perspective. I have really enjoyed working on the final assignment as I find that
it really brings together everything that we have been doing over the entirety of the course. One thing that I have
gained over this course so far is knowing just how important setting goals are and how they can effectively guide
you towards achieving your overall objective. This is something that not only can help me in completing my masters
and in my career, but also assists me when it comes to developing and planning lessons and activities for my
I have selected to discuss what some of the best practices are in order to implement self-regulated learning into
elementary school classrooms. This is something that is very important to me because I think that this is something
that is lacking within my own school and I believe that the students are suffering because of it. It is my hope to
educate my colleagues on self-regulated learning and provide them with resources in order to assist them in
transitioning to using it in their classrooms and increasing their students success.
In terms of the 5 elements of inquiry I have outlined where I think I fall below.
In Content and understanding I ranked myself competent because I believe that I have used the information
provided in order to deepen my understanding of self-related learning and have demonstrated that in my
responses. During the send half of the course I think that I can develop this even more and provide more examples
from different sources in order to achieve a higher level of thinking.
In contemplating and conceptualizing I gave myself a developing as I think that I need to provide more evidence
of critical thinking and connect more thoughts and ideas together.
Within the communication section I gave myself a competent as I think that I have continued to participate

regularly but I think that I could increase this even more during the second half.
In connecting I gave myself a competent and developing I think that in the first half I used the information to
integrate new ideas but that I could connect these ideas more to my own experience. I think that in doing that it will
allow me to get the most from this course and be able to use the information in my daily practice.
Finally in collaborative/creating/co-creating I ranked myself developing because I feel that I can develop and grow
my current opinions more so in the second half of this course.
As this is my first PME course I struggled at the beginning with time management and ensuring I was completing
the assignments correctly. Over time and with the help of the information provided in this course, I set little daily
and weekly goals for myself, which assisted with this. In the second half of this course I would like to participate
more in discussions and continue to develop and work on my final project in hopes of creating the best possible
resource for other educators.

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Used theory, research or

practice to show some of the
key concepts, facts, terms and
Gained an adequate
understanding of ideas, issues
and relationships
Indicated an awareness of
evidence and data related to
the course, but data was not
integrated into ideas

insufficient knowledge of
the key concepts, facts,
terms and definitions
Shown limited
understanding of ideas,
issues and relationships
Based understanding
exclusively on personal
experiences and
anecdotal information

Provided few if any links

to course content, or
connections to course
content were difficult to
Demonstrated thinking
by describing and
explaining approaches

In course discussions and in course assignments the candidate has:

Provided examples of a high level of
knowledge of key concepts, facts, terms
and definitions that were informed by best
available research and practice
Articulated a strong understanding of ideas,
issues, relationships and questions

Used theory, research and practice

to demonstrate knowledge of key
concepts, facts, terms and
Expressed a clear understanding of
ideas, issues and relationships

Crafted information that is evidence-based

and data- driven; multiple sources have
been consulted to gather information and
check for understanding

Documented evidence and

consulted scholarly sources to
demonstrate understanding

In course discussions and in course assignments the candidate has:

Embraced new ideas; connected theory to
practice and supported thinking with

Acknowledged new ideas; opinions

were linked to theory and practice

Linked ideas to course content

but did not go beyond those

Engaged in a deep and truly reflective

examination of course content to
conceptualize new ideas, issues or

Provided evidence of critical thinking

in ideas; issues and questions were
synthesized and analyzed

Applied and analyzed ideas;

issues and questions were
related to course content


In course discussions and in course assignments the candidate has:

Communicated frequently and in an
engaged manner to further independent
learning and to foster a community of

Maintained regular communication;

engaged in individual learning and
contributed to the learning of others

Communicated occasionally
and participated in the learning

infrequently or
responded infrequently
to others

Demonstrated advanced communication

skills that demonstrate a sense of purpose
and audience as an important part of a
collaborative, supportive, and inclusive
learning environment

Conveyed a sense of purpose and

audience in communications that
were supportive and inclusive

Shown an understanding of
purpose or audience as a
collaborative learner

Conveyed an unclear
sense of purpose or
audience that may have
inhibited participation in
collaborative learning






In course discussions and in course assignments the candidate has:

Shown practical connections that were
made to the content and the changing
ideas, questions, growth and new
understanding related to course content
Extended the use of information and
beyond the course by connecting in a
substantial way with their professional

Used course information to integrate

new ideas and questions into theory
or practice

Used ideas from the course to

clarify understanding

Identified connections to the course

by drawing on personal experiences
in their professional community.

Begun to document
connections between the
course and personal or
professional experiences

Identified ideas from the

course content without
applying them to theory
or practice
Difficulty applying
course concepts to
personal or professional


In course activities and in course assignments the candidate has:

Collaborated with others in a way that
builds on ideas or pre-conceptions;
challenged ideas and when appropriate,
replaced them

Explained opinions and linked them

to course content; in collaborative
discussion noted consistencies and

Identified personal opinions

but did not demonstrate
growth in these opinions

Expressed ideas and

opinions that were
indirectly related to
course content

Collaboratively co-created or individually

created outcome artifacts that
incorporated the content of the course in a
manner that extends our view of
professional inquiry.

Collaboratively co-created or
individually created outcome
artifacts that incorporated the
content of the course

Begun to collaboratively create

outcome artifacts that include
content from the course.

Difficulty applying
course concepts in the
development of
outcome artifacts.

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