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Korean Wave

Korean Wave and Its Negative Effects

on Vietnamese
Nguyn Th Thy Tin
Student ID:
Instructor: Trng Th Kim Lin
Composition and Modern English II (ENG1102-ILAA)
November . , 2013

Korean Wave

1. Introduction
Korean wave (Hallyu) is a cultural phenomenon which not only becomes popular in
Asian but also spreads to South America and Europe. Although Korean wave is a symbol
for modernity in Asia and shares common values with its neighboring countries, it still
has unpredictable influences on many aspects in contemporary culture of Asian nations,
particular in Viet Nam. Personally, I am very interested in Korean culture, especially
movie and pop music. Hence, I would like to explore more information about the Korean
wave and its negative effects on Vietnamese people at present. I hope a curiousness can
widen my knowledge on this transnational cultural phenomenon more specifically as
well as understand the impacts of it in the objectively eyesight.
2. Summaries
Dang. H. T. T. (2009, June 7). Hallyu and its effects on young Vietnamese. Retrieved
October 15, 2012, from -and-its-effects-on-youngvietnamese.html

Beginning with the media landscape and consumption in Viet Nam, this paper
focuses on the impacts of Korean popular culture, policies issues regarding media
content imports and establishing a common ground and vision to build a pan-Asia
cultural content community. First of all, the Economic Renovation launched by the
Vietnamese Government in 1986 transforms Viet Nam from subsidized period to open
market economy. As a result, media in Viet Nam has vital changes from newspaper, radio
network to television and the Internet. The increase of media organizations and
productions is a great factor on the development of domestic media. Excluding the
reasonable price of Korean popular dramas compared to Japanese and Hong Kong ones,
the attractiveness and content have power to enchant Asian production companies and
viewers. In Viet Nam, Korean television drama is a part of the daily program of
Vietnamese television stations and their ratings surpass the local dramas. Young viewers

Korean Wave

are appealed to the modern images projected on TV. They are eager to imitate and
emulate Korean lifestyle from fashion, food, consumption pattern to even plastic
surgeries. To audiences in Viet Nam, the Korean dramas are more suitable than from
America because it retains traditional values when portraying issues about the
importance of family, respect of elders, true love, filial duty and achieves the technical
excellence with fantastic scenes and plots, beautiful locations and lovely artists.
Moreover, the successes on economy and cultural export of Korea bring Vietnamese a
dream about the dynamic and developed country. Critics raise many arguments on the
negative or unexpected effects on Vietnamese young people's behaviors, thoughts and
lifestyles. Responding to these tenses, the Vietnamese government announces official
documents so that they can prevent the expansion of Hallyu boom. Building a pan-Asia
cultural content community faces many challenges. Korean seems to be in the
advantage position on the race with other movie industries because its products remind a
sense of familiarity among people in Asia. Nevertheless, there are many debates and
suspicions about the Korean wave in native countries. In addition, the media
liberalization in many Asian nations is managed closely by limiting broadcast foreign
shows. Last but not least, each Asian culture has distinctive ways on developing their
own cultural identities. In conclusion, creating a fertile ground for the evolution of the
Korean wave into an Asian wave as well as promoting Asian culture and identity is
crucial duties which need more attention and cooperation among Asian countries.
Kim. (2012, July 20). Vietnamese students support the K- invasion. Thanh Nien Daily.
Retrieved October 10, 2102, from

The article mentions about the 2012 D-group university entrance examination which
is considered as the introduction of many controversies on admiration to idols. Some
Vietnamese students, especially K-pop fans, ignore to answer this question because they
believe that it is critical implication to their Korean idols and celebrity worships. These
examinees raise a storm of protest not only by refusing the question but also by

Korean Wave

expressing their angers via the Internet such as online forum and social network websites.
Le Minh Hos open letter to the Ministry of Education and Training posted on
causes quite a stir because of his shocked speech. He requests the authorities to issue an
official apology for insulting local K-pop fans. He remains loyal to his idols so
completely that he threaten to flood Viet Nam with blood and tears if the ministry does
not offer the apology. Another controversial recent event comes from a netizen who
asserts that the love for her idols (Korean boy-band Super Juniors) is more sacred than
any mundane affections, including blood ties. To author, the teenage admiration for stars
is totally normal because it is a part of their salad days. However, if that adoration is not
controlled, it will spoil their life. In fact, it is nonsensical to stop them from expressing
their love or to forbid them in this case. According to Nguyen Huynh Chau, an analyst at
the Young of State Capital Investment Corporation, local media also contributes to the
popularity of Hallyu. Besides K-pop, K-movie and K-drama, Korean culture inspires
online game, comics, cartoon, tourism, traditional medicine and literature overwhelm in
Vietnamese market. This article comments that the absorption of Korean wave in our
country should be studied more closely to assess any negative impacts it might have had
on local youth.
Phan. H. T. T. (2012, September 10). Feminitive attraction of Hallyu (Korean wave) in
South East Asia. Retrieved October 15, 2012, from

In the first part, author describes the manifestations of Hallyu in South East Asia.
Korean wave directs toward women, both educated young persons and preservative
middle age. The high percentage of female viewers, fans and customers is a result of
focusing on female targets- a strategy from Korean managers and producers. Hallyu's
cultural products such as movies and pop music are feminine fascination. In term of film,
Korea's products meet emotional and entertaining needs of people regardless their age,
sex or background. The combination of ancient culture and contemporary urban
civilization is considered as the most attractive feature of Korean films. Besides movies,

Korean Wave

pop music also is a great attraction to the masses, especially the young. This fascination
originates from visual and auditory elements of Korean music. The craze for Korean
culture also spreads wide on consumption pattern of made in Korea, namely,
cosmetics, clothing, food, electronics, tourism. This paper points out three main reasons
to explain the considerable spreading of this phenomenon. Firstly, because of the impacts
of the war in the past, some South East Asian people have anti-Japanese and antiAmerican sentiment. Korean wave certainly becomes superior due to the smooth
relationship with South East Asia. Secondly, through Korean media products, viewers
find it as a model worthy to follow. The wonderful development in economy and the
succeeded in cultural conservation are very attractive to the area. Furthermore, Korean
contemporary society is a healthy model satisfied the South East Asian's needs. The third
part shows the positive and negative effects of Hallyu. In economic relation, Hallyu
pushes up Korean export and tourism that brings to this country 4.5 billions USD every
year. In political aspect, it is supposed to improve relations between Korea and other
Asian nations as well as to construct an Asian community based on mutual
understanding. However, negative consequences are unavoidable. An excessive
commercialism will damage the development of this wave. In the writer's comparison,
Hallyu represents a goose that lays golden eggs and which is on the verge of being
butchered by the greedy farmer. In addition, stressing too much on the Korean label
such as authentic culture causes hostilities of Korean wave overseas. Many scholars
bring the declining of Korean wave into question. The explanations for this are not only
from the negative effects of Hallyu but also from the gap between ideal Korean image
and reality. In Viet Nam, the phenomena of Korean- Vietnamese marriage is a
controversial issue. Therefore, diversifying the cultural tastes of the masses to please
various subjects and promoting exchange and cooperation between Korea and Asia will
be valued as the strategy to develop Hallyu for the future.
Thai. G.. H. T. (2010, September 13). How Korean popular culture presented through
Korean TV dramas affects young Vietnamese people's lifestyle and identities in urban

Korean Wave

area. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from

According to this article, one of the main factors make up the attraction of Korean TV
dramas is the variety of contents. Korean TV dramas offer new experiences with different
genres, diverse themes, unique stories and surprising situations. Common Asian cultural
values are also important themes in Korean dramas. It is the fact that both Viet Nam and
Korea have experienced Confucian thoughts through many stories, myths, legends and
folktales. Thus, watching Korean dramas makes Vietnamese audiences feel familiar with
interests and values here. Next, some Korean TV dramas reflect common social issues in
modern period which Viet Nam are experiencing. For this reason, viewers feel close to
Korean culture and someway see themselves through characters. Another considerable
point is the high quality of production and the beautifulness in the dramas. Viewers are
always fascinated with the professional acting skills, high technology of productions and
catchy sound tracks. Besides, Vietnamese people admire the good looking appearances of
artists and the beautiful scenes of the drama. Lastly, the reflection of ideal Asian modern
society is a motivation to keep local viewers sitting hours before television screen. The
author points out that Korean TV drama portrays images that represent both traditional
and modern values in characters, especially in female characters. Those create an ideal
image of a modern woman that many women want to become. More importantly, most
Asian countries are developing nations and a modern life as same as Korea's in dramas is
what they are dreaming and it helps them feel more hopeful for their future. Idolization
of behaviors, personalities and the beautifulness in dramas makes the viewers percept
them as a pattern and standard to follow. Korean fashion trend, hairstyle and beauty are
inspiring Vietnamese young people so much, especially teenagers. They are adopted and
willing to learn new things and apply consciously them on their real life. One of the
negative adoptions of Vietnamese young people is the anti-fan culture. In addition, the
confusion of reality and imagination is another bad outcome of watching Korean TV
dramas. The writer concludes that the changes in appearances might damage the ethnicity
and identity of Vietnamese people. The influence of Hallyu on the way using language

Korean Wave

like the mixture of Korean words and Vietnamese sentences in many online forums for
teen and in their daily conversations also is a noticeable problem. Mixing up language
will threaten with the values of Vietnamese literature as well as shows the low respect for
the national characters when the youth prefer using foreign languages to their mother
The Korean Wave. (2012, February 22). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from

The term Hallyu literally means Korean (Cultural) wave/ culture and was named by
the Chinese media in the late 1990s. In the other word, Korean wave is the phenomenon
of sweeping the popularities of Korean popular culture in other countries, especially in
Asia, which is made by the South Korean state through culture industry. The culture
industries like film, television drama, pop music play an essential role in Korean wave
invasion abroad. Why Korean pop culture becomes so popular is the question that has
various interesting answers. An obvious key factor is the beauty attract because the
majority of artists in Korean showbiz have a good looking appearance. More reasonable
price of dramas compared to America and Japan's is also a contribution to the popularity
of the wave. Most importantly, this cultural wave is a perfect mixture of the Korea's
history, the Korean emotive culture as well as harmony of traditionalism and modernism.
Korean wave partly improves the national image and grows the Korean economy. K-pop
idols have tremendous influences on tourism sector because of their successful dramas.
Similarly, they create a big impact on consumer culture such as food, fashion, and even
plastic surgery. Moreover, Korean pop stars shoulder the responsibilities to improve
Korea's foreign affairs. Rakuen Korean, a Korean match-making service, also raises its
popularity rapidly in Asia because a lot of female fans dream of finding a sweet and
romantic lover as their favorite characters in dramas. However, together with positive
effects, the wave recently causes a few negative opinions and criticisms. In China, a news
magazine accuses South Korea government of nurturing the ambition to present itself as
the essence of Asian culture. Some states in the area limit the amount of airtime given to

Korean Wave

Korean dramas and the import of Korean products in entertainment field. Japan is under
the attack of Hallyu- Japanese women go crazy because of the handsomeness and
romanticism of Korean actors men prejudice them because they are afraid that women in
their country will blindly chase their fallacy of perfect husband in Korea and do not want
to get married early. Another remarkable side-effect of the Korean wave in Japanese
society comes from the manga called The anti-Korea with the theme on KoreanJapanese disputes and anti- Korean sentiment in modern society of Japan. Korean wave
has backward steps now because of the repetition and the increasing cultural hostilities of
some countries. This research suggests that Korean culture industries should learn from
Japan in making creative and interesting media content instead of learning from Western.
3. Conclusion
From the wave of cultural globalization, Korean wave appears as an unprecedented
phenomenon. The success of this cultural tsunami results from many complex factors
with the key role belonged to the Korean governments policies and Korean showbiz
artists. In Viet Nam, the absorption of Korean culture grows simultaneously with many
negative influences and shortcomings on Vietnamese society and people. To me, the
Korean wave should be considered on different aspects. On the one side, Hallyu is a
valuable lesson about preventing the threat of Western cultural invasion while improving
the national image and economy. On the other side, its expansion reminds us about
national culture integration and preservation. In the age of globalization, adjustment and
exchange is necessary but maintaining our cultural characteristics and identities is also
very important.

Korean Wave

Dang. H. T. T. (2009, June 7). Hallyu and its effects on young Vietnamese. Retrieved
October15, 2012, from -and-its-effects-on-youngvietnamese.html

Kim. (2012, July 20). Vietnamese students support the K- invasion. Thanh Nien Daily.
Retrieved October 10, 2102, from

Phan. H. T. T. (2012, September 10). Feminitive attraction of Hallyu (Korean wave) in

South East Asia. Retrieved October 15, 2012,


Thai. G.. H. T. (2010, September 13). How Korean popular culture presented through
Korean TV dramas affects young Vietnamese people's lifestyle and identities in urban
area. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from

The Korean Wave. (2012, February 22). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from

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