Catalog Final Klaster Mehatronika

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Full Name:

Institutional, Business and Educational integration in the

area of Advanced Technologies and Mechatronics (ATM)


ATM Integration

Axis 2: Enhancing capacity for joint planning, problem
solving and development
Key Area of Intervention: 2.1. Links and networking on institutional, business and
educational levels
Duration in months:


Cross-border impact of the project

The project aims to enhance cross-border business
cooperation in the ATM field and envisages activities
that deploy the existing potential for competitive participation in the EU market. Thus project impact is spelled
out in increased capacity of the stakeholders to crossborder cooperation trough joint business, R&D and
manufacturing projects or other forms of business
partnerships. It will also have a collaboration web-

based platform, and a cross-border Expert Council

with continuant operation beyond project life providing
access to consultancy on market opportunities.
Project objective(s):
Overall objective: to enhance cross-border business
cooperation in the field of Advanced Technologies and
Mechatronics (ATM) and deploy the existing potential
for competitive participation in the EU market.


Kick-off conference, 15.04.2013, Sofia, Bulgaria

Specific objectives:

Main weaknesses:

1. To identify areas of common business interest and

thus strengthen territorial ties for raising economic synergy in the region.
2. To build capacity and pool expertise for setting up
joint business and project undertakings based on good
3. To enhance second-level cooperation (between
business-support organisations) as well as institutional
cooperation between educational/R&D and business
4. To establish a cross-border mechanism for provision
of training and consultancy expertise in the area of ATM.

1. Weak capacity for business internationalisation,

2. The target CBC regions have less intensive businesssupport networks for increasing economic cooperation
as compared to other regions in Republic of Bulgaria
and Republic of Serbia.
3. Limited availability of financing - expensive loans, lack
of operational VC funds.
4. Low mobility of labour force.

Needs, strenghts, weaknesses and constraints of

the target group(s) and target region(s)
The problem addressed is the non-deployment of the
potential for CBC in the area of ATM, which by default is
highly innovative and competitive. Strengths of the sector: high R&D and commercial potential & highly educated work force.

the consortium in a well balanced mix;

it makes trainings needs assessment and provides
training tailored to the needs identified
it makes screening of the SMEs business requests
and business offers, on the grounds of which partnership opportunities are identified to best match business
demand and supply;
the matching process is facilitated by

1. a web-based collaboration platform and

2. business advice by the ATM Expert Council
both of them meant to sustain and extend

their operation beyond project life;
A market study of third markets will be made to identify market niches where business cooperation and
partnerships shall have the potential to further expand.
Continuity and impact of the above approach is spelled
out in Partnership Agreements for joint business, R&D
or manufacturing projects between companies on the
two sides of the border. The business support organisations members of the ATM consortium shall build
capacity on project cycle management and on delivery
of qualitative business-support services to their client

Brief description of the project strategy

The project concept was generated on the basis of
the partners in-depth knowledge and understanding
of the SMEs needs. To address the above-mentioned
strengths and weaknesses in the ATM domain, along
with the need for deploying the existing potential for
joint business initiatives along the border, the ATM Integration project adopts a demand-driven businessbased approach:
it deploys the potential of both the research and the
business communities by having them represented on

Faculty of Economics

University of Nis (FEUN), lead partner


11, Trg Kralja Aleksandra


Nish 18000, Serbia


+381 18 528 601


Contact person and


assoc. prof. d-r Igor Mladenovic Project manager

The Faculty of Economics in Ni is an institution of higher education within the University of Ni which by performing its activities combines educational, scientific and
research work as a part of a unique process of higher education. The Faculty was
founded by the Alteration and Supplement Act of the University Law. The founder
of the Faculty of Economics in Ni is the Republic of Serbia. Until 1973 the Faculty
was a part of the Faculty of Law and Economics, later on it became an independent
University unit.
At the Faculty of Economics the studies have been held on basic, postgraduate and
doctoral level. Since the founding of the Faculty of Economics till the acquisition of a
new syllabus, i.e. study programs on 23 November, 8.145 students have graduated,
90 have completed an M.Sc. degree and 43 have obtained a Ph.D degree. Given the
number of enrolled students, the quality of education offered, the results of science
and research work, cadre potential, the Faculty of Economics in Ni has become a
recognizable and respectable institution of higher education in Serbia and the surroundings. For the purpose of following the contemporary trends in the development of higher education and economics, the Faculty of Economics has permanently
changed its syllabus and curricula, has adopted new study literature, has enlarged
library holdings, has admitted of new associates and researchers.
For the purpose of adjusting the syllabus to the Bologna Process and Higher Education Law brought in September 2005, the Faculty of Economics in Ni has begun to
redesign its syllabus i.e. new study programs. The main objective of the new study
programs is the integration of the Faculty of Economics into a unique European educational area.
The Faculty of Economics in Nis is fully equipped with information equipment, personal computers as well as information network that is linked to the Information System of the University. The faculty has two computer rooms (one with 40 computers,
other with 24) equipped to meet students needs.
These facilities are used for lectures in informatics, but can also be used for indi6

vidual work. At students request, the faculty issues the internationally recognized
certificate in computer skills better known by its abbreviation ECDL. The Faculty
of Economics has a license for issuing the Certificate. It should be emphasized
that lectures in informatics are conceived to fully provide students with the knowledge necessary for acquiring the Certificate.
The Library of the Faculty is intended for the purposes of scientific and eductional work. The Librarys holdings are used by teachers, ascates, students and other
users. The Librarys holdings iclude over 33.000 books, about 6.400 foreign and
domestic periodicals. Complete text-book materials for exam preparation at under-

graduate study level can be found in the Library of the Faculty of Economics. Within
the Librarys facilities, there is a reading room intended for students individual study.
Quality of performing educational and scientific activities is supported by the work of
appropriate administrative departments organized within the Faculty.
Administration consists of the following administrative departments:
1. Administrative Department for General Affairs,
2. Administrative Department for Academic and Students Affairs,
3. Administrative Department for Financial Affairs,
4. Administrative Department of the Institute for Economic Research,
5. Administrative Department of the Library with a reading room and documentation.
Scientific-research work at the Faculty of Economics is implemented through the
Center for Economic Research. Our intention is to model the scientific-research work

Faculty of Economics, University of Nis

at the Faculty on the developed, educational, scientific

and research setting of the
surrounding countries as well
as the EU member countries. Individual work of each
teacher and associate gives
contribution to the work of
the Center, i.e. development
of scientific-research work of
the Faculty itself.
One of the main work objectives of the Center in the following period is making the scientific-research work more intense, organized
and broader and thus satisfying one of the conditions for the verification of the
Faculty as a scientific institution. Also, the development of a new scientificresearch generation of the Faculty, i.e. students of graduate as well as undergraduate studies and their involvement into the process as main drivers remain
the basic objectives of the Centers research work.

ulty of Economics in Nis, the Faculty of Economics in Belgrade, Agricultural Faculty

Lesak, Economic Institute in Belgrade, the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Nis.
Inclusion of new projects at the Republic and local autonomy level.
Proceedings of the project realization financed by international organizations and
institutions (e.g. TEMPUS). Within this activity the study visits of our teachers and associates to the universities of the EU country members-project partners, are realized.
Development and application of new projects-international and national.
Development of study projects within the registered activities of the Faculty.
Applied and development researches.
Establishment and development of cooperation within the Erasmus-mundus project and organization of the mobility of students.
Establishment of cooperation with research institutions of the University of Nis for
the purpose of the advancement of business efficiency of economic subjects and
institutions on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Organization of scientific conferences of an international character above all.
Organization of symposiums and instructional seminars independently and/or in
cooperation with other institutions, for users who perform various activities in the
fields of customs and fiscal system, telecommunications, health insurance and other.
The purpose of educational seminars is the knowledge innovation of its attendants in
the area of economic sciences.
Consulting services.

Center for Economic Research

Within its range of operations, the Center for Economic Research will focus its
activities on:
Proceedings of the project realization financed by the Ministry of Science and
Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia-the teachers and associates
of the Faculty participate as researchers in the projects undertaken by the Fac-

The objective of the program realization of the work of the Center for Economic
Research at the Faculty of Economics is the acquisition of its competitiveness on the
market, as a permanent research unit of great importance particularly for the town of
Nis and the Region. Professional body of the Center is the Council of the Center for
Economic Research, consisting of 11 members. The Council of the Center for Economic Research consists of:
- Two representatives from each department (a teacher and an associate);
- Vice-Dean for scientific work;
- Two student members.

Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies (NICAT)


80, Bulevar Sv Cara Konstantina,


Nish 18000, Serbia


+381 62 442 674


Contact person and


Goran Mladenovic Cluster Manager

Region of South East Serbia is center of development of Advanced Technologies on
the Balkans.
Established in 2011 (in region with great industrial tradition) as bottom up (initiative of
SMEs in Nis region) and top down initiative (international SECEP project).
Who we are
25 successful SMEs
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Regional Development Agency South, Regional Chamber of Commerce Nis, Business Incubator Center Nis
Fields of Operation
Electronics and Automation
Mechanical Engineering

Strategic directions

1. Cluster Development
2. Increasing competence and standardization, certification
3. Projects
4. Internationalization and Marketing
5. Encouraging innovation and Research and development
6. Branding NiCAT and the City of Nis
7. Lobbying
Our Goals
Turnover increase of cluster members in national and international market.
Strengthening the capacities of cluster companies for technological development
and innovations and the development of new technological products and services.
Promotion of the City of Ni as a favorable location for business operations in the
advanced technology field.
As for our key success indicators, we can proudly say that:
NiCAT is fully self-sustainable form day one with professional, paid staff.
NiCAT is part of the group of 6 best clusters in Serbia.
Platform for future self-sustainability and profit has been set: NiCAT Cluster Academy.
NiCAT is successfully expanding. In 2010 2013 period, number of NiCAT members has increased from 13 to 25.
Starting 2010, NiCAT members have recorded permanent growth in turnover, export and number of employees.
Trainings and educational programs have been implemented.
130.000 EUR worth of projects were implemented independently or in partnership.

Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies (NICAT)

Center of Excellence and Innovations.
CBC Serbia-Bulgaria ATM Integration project.
Ni CAT Intersector project.
Application for TEMPUS.
A plan for future attraction of funds has been created: Roadmap to EU funds has been developed.
A substantial network of contacts around the world
has been created.
A model of systemic cooperation with universities
has been initiated.
NiCAT is the best promoter of advanced technologies with lobbying and influencing decision makers,
advanced technologies have been identified as key
priority for the regions future development by the government.
NiCAT has been recognized as a key innovation and
business development partner in the region - part-

nership and cooperation with many international development programs and leading clusters in the country
abroad have been created:
- ICIP project;
- IISP project;
- Belgrade Venture Forum;
- Inovation Fond.
NiCAT has a transfer of know-how attendance of the
cluster manager to several domestic and international
conferences presenting NiCAT work and results as an
example of good practice.

Cluster Mechatronics and Automation (CMA)

9, Assen Yordanov Blv.


Sofia 1592, Bulgaria


+359 2 973 87 62


Contact person and


Ventsislav Slavkov, PhD Chairman of the Cluster


Cluster Mechatronics and Automation (CMA) was

established in the end of 2006 by an initiative committee, including companies representatives, scientific and non-governmental organisations. Active participants were also the Bulgarian Industry Association,
representatives of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and
Tourism. The cluster was first registered as a company
under the law of obligations and contracts with leading
company Vaniko, Blagoevgrad.
In 2009, the cluster was registered in Sofia under the
law for non-for-profit entities.
The cluster is of national importance because of its regional representations Blagoevgrad, Velingrad, Varna,
Gabrovo, Samokov, Vratza, Plovdiv.

In 2013, Cluster Mechatronics and Automation was

awarded with Bronze Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis.
In 2014, we plan the extension of the activities for consolidation of the regional structures.
Until now, the structure of the cluster includes the following companies, scientific and non-governmental organisations, totalling to 24 participants.
The main goal of the cluster is the formation of conditions for better quality of products, better efficiency, extended export opportunities, higher added value of the
mechatronic products and services, while preserving
the individual independence of each participant.
The most important aim of the technological structure
of the cluster is the creation of optimal settings for education and qualification of young specialists, who would
be able to accomplish a comprehensive fullfilment.
The management body of Cluster Mechatronics and
Automation is comprised of Management and Control
Board. It is operating under a statute. The supreme
body is the General Meeting, which takes place minimum once a year. The General Meeting decides on
accepting new members, the development strategy for
the next programming period, current and strategic issues, the focus of the members efforts, as well as, the

participation of the cluster in exhbitions or other activities.

Cluster Mechatronics and Automation is a national clus
ter with total capacity of over 1500 people from which
over 150 habilitated people, around 100 doctors of various engineering specialities and over 800 specialists
with higher education.
Cluster Mechatronics and Automation has the
following tasks:
Support the development of innovative products, processes and technologies with high added value that
can enter the market successfully;
Support the members of the CMA in the preparation
and implementation of innovative projects, as well as,
projects for the setting of international standards;
Encourage the increase of effectiveness of the investments made for stimulating the innovation, competititveness and economic growth; encourage the creation of new work places in the companies, members
of CMA;
Encourage the development of a wide cooperation for
exchange of information about common initiatives and
the responsible and ethical communication between
other clusters in Bulgaria and abroad.;

Cluster Mechatronics and Automation (CMA)

Help with the organisation of the members through
close cooperation and interaction between them,
attract new members;
Represent the members of CMA in the correspondance with public organizations for the implementation
of the main goal of CMA;
Initiate the creation of a network for exchange of professional experience and information for mutual supply
of organizing and expert support;
Protect the common interests of CMA in public, in
accordance with the national wealth;
Support the adoption and implementation of national
standards and good practices for the fulfillment of the
politics of clusterization; support the access to participation in projects, focused on the apllication of the
European practice in the creation and development of
clusters in Bulgaria;
Encourage the creation and enhancement of relationships with susccessful clusters abroad;
Collect, preserve and spread information about existing national and foreign investments, credit or humanitarian institutions and their conditions for investing,
crediting and help;
Encourage the enterpreneurship and support setting
up new companies, help improving their competitiveness; help companies to approve their market share
and steady development;
Support local government bodies in case of identification of current issues of the community and help with
the resolution;
Help the formation of civil society and its active participation in the socio-economic life of Republic of Bulgaria.

mental and mechatronic production schemes.

The strategic priorities and aims of the cluster are the
basis of the creation of a vision. The vision is the image of the future, agreed by all members, representing the directions for the development in the long run.
Moreover, it presents the potential for the development
of innovations, the improvement of the competitiveness
and last, but not least, the social development of the
The development of the cluster will be focused towards
finding export oriented market niches for the realization
of high-tech products and services with high added
value. The main focus will be on the mechatronic production systems, automation of continuous production,
software products for operation of units, productions
and factories (numerical control, MES, ERP, etc.)
The cluster aims to attract new members. It will constantly seek to incorporate research and development,
technological, productional and export opportunities.
To develop, the cluster needs to take part in competitions for innovative productions in Bulgaria under the
operational programmes of the EU. The penetrating
high tech mechatronics and automation will impact the
development and competitiveness of companies in Bulgaria.
Strategic Priorities

Mission, vision and strategic priorities of CMA

A main stage in the formulation of strategy for development is outlining its strategic priorities. They represent
the most wanted areas for development and defines the
directions for the realization of the strategy:

The mission of CMA is to help its clients improve their

productivity and competitiveness, as well as, improve
the work conditions through automation of the funda-

Creation of new innovative products with high added

value and improvement of the qualification of the specialists by research and development and educational

Technological and productional cooperation between
the companies within the cluster for adequate usage
of materials, labour resources; intensifying the relationships within the cluster in order to cut costs and save
Penetration into new markets;
Building infrastructure of the cluster, where main focus will be on the the creation of information system for
National and regional support for the cluster, as it will
be a guarantor for attracting investments for both the
cluster and its members;
Attracting new members on the basis of mutual interest and trust;
Currently, the main activity of the members in the cluster
includes the production of mechatronic products and
additional parts, as well as, engineering services.
The mechtronics and automation are wide areas in the
scope of science and production, where mechatronic
products, systems and services on the basis of combining mechanic, electronic and software products and
modules. This is why, members of the cluster are also
research and development entities from the Bulgarian
Academy of Science and the Technical University of Sofia, as well as, nongovernmental organisations.
Through its members, CMA offers a wide range of
products in Bulgaria, the EU, Asia and USA:
1. Specialized systems for automation of production
and robotics systems for various industries.
2. Electrical equipment for the chemical and cemental
industries, energetics and mining industry.
3. Information and communication systems.
4. LED technologies and electronic components.
5. Tools equipment and products for machine building
6. Induction installations.
7. Products with special application.

GIS - Transfer Center Foundation

Bl. 4, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 870 6 264


Contact person and


Prof. Kostadin Kostadinov

Chairman of the Management Board

GIS-TC mission is:
To realize the transfer of scientific results and technologies obtained and developed by public funded scientific-research teams, laboratories, institutes universities and related Bulgarian structures
To support and promote scientific research related to the
creation of competitive research products and innovation
To commercialize competitive research products and
processes by an independent structure of transfer centers, keeping the principles of market-oriented economy
To realize an effective link between the scientificresearch structures, economic subjects and governmental bodies and institutions
Study, consultations and recommendations, regarding SME needs for competitive products and technologies and transfer support.
Identification of results of applied research, support of
the transformation of the results into technologies and
competitive products by organizing workshops, seminars and other events.
Realization of contacts and cooperation with similar
Bulgarian and foreign organizations, scientists and specialists that deal with transfer of technologies.
Maintenance of business cooperation with govern12

mental bodies and institutions to support the innovation

activity, aiding the formulation of governmental policy
and priorities in the field by proposing solutions and
Consultations and expert support for innovations and
transfer of technologies.
Coordination and realization of projects of technology
Organization and coordination of the participation of
Bulgarian scientists, teams and companies in projects
sponsored by the European Commission and by other
European institutions and programs that are directly or
indirectly related to the Foundation.
Creation of database of research results; support of
the product market realization. Study and analysis of
the needs of local SME for new technologies and consultations; support for SME in finding adequate solutions.
Support the development of the following services:
Personal consultations and information exchange between specialists. Thus, a specific company could find
the right person who could work following special requirements or could develop specific technical or technological problem.
Study and development direct transfer of technologies and/or information; The Foundation goal is to realize new processes and systems optimization that are

part of projects already in progress, to develop pilot

projects and prototypes, new market-oriented and
competitive products and innovation ideas, etc.
International technological transfer based on the
practice of similar world transfer centers and the cooperation with Steinbeis Technology transfer network and
European Enterprise Network.
Realization of post-graduate studies maintenance of
cooperation, organization of teaching courses educating and additionally qualifying specialists and managers
from all fields and especially hi-tech specialists.
Preparation of expert and evaluation reports.
Realization of any othe activities that could support
innovation and technology transfer.
The foundation experts participated in the development
and implementation of over 30 innovative and technological projects in chemical industry, machinery, energy,
incl. renewable energy sources (for bioethanol, biogas,
biodiesel, hydro, etc.) Food Technology, etc.

Moments of collaboration


Market study for third markets

The first step for development a strategy for
the clusters CMA and NICAT
This work is a result of the contract for external expertise for the project No
2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-29 - Institutional, Business and Educational integration in
the area of Advanced Technologies and Mechatronics (ATM), finaced from the European Union through the Bulgaria-Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme. At the suggestion of the Expert Council to the project, Market study for third markets focuses
on Germany, because it is now the economic engine of the European Union and sets
out guidelines for medium-term development of the entire European Union.
At the suggestion of the manager of Cluster Mechatronics and Automation (CMA) the
volume of this work has been extended in order to set up the basic points for development strategy and marketing strategy for Cluster Mechatronics and Automation
and for the collaboration between CMA and NiCAT - Nis Cluster of Advanced Technologies.

Millions EUR

Foreing trade
Germany Bulgaria, Germany Serbia
2006 - 31.10.2013

Bulgaria < DE Exp TO


Serbia < DE Exp TO


Serbia >DE Imp FROM










The results of the project can be summarized as follows:

- 209 direct meetings between companies of the both clusters
- 22 contracts for some form of cooperation
- 5 contracts for delivery and co-production

Bulgaria > DE Imp FROM



The content is divided into 4 parts:

In Part I. - Some theoretical aspects of marketing and the role of cluster idea the basic definitions of marketing, marketing mix and cluster idea are described.
In Part II. - Methodology of defining the products and technological potential of clusters CMA and NiCAT a short analysis of the structure, the product range and the

technological potential of the firms in both clusters;

Methodology for future detailed steps for finding the directions for development and
collaboration of the clusters.
During the project, Bulgarian and Serbian companies, members and potential members of clusters CMA and NiCAT had the opportunity to held B2B meetings in different formats:
- Expert council (the members are managers of firms or directors of institutions).
- Company missions in Nis, Sofia, Plovdiv.
- Brokerage days in Nis, Sofia.
This is the first very important step introducing the partners to each other before
starting any collaboration.
In this sense the project had played a very positive role and results summarized by
the Cooperation matrix enable visual presentation of the possibilities and guidelines
for enhanced future cooperation between firms.

In Part III. A study of the German market - macroeconomic data; trends and information sources for possible business relationships with German partners.
In Part IV. Recommendation for market activity and strategic priorities for CMA and
NiCAT; detailed description of the important strategic directions, specified by the Expert
Council: recycling used robots, optical technologies, embedded software/hardware,
LED technology, new materials, virtual engineering, prototyping, remote diagnosis,
management and service systems, e-learning and e-training technologies and tools.
The main objective of this work is not to evaluate the German market.
The main objective is to enable the companies to get quickly access to the information they need about this market. And what is more important - the analysis of own
enterprise, determination of achievable marketing goals and the demand for effective relationships within the both clusters - CMA and NiCAT are the real guarantee of
future success.


Bulgarian Association of Electrical

Engineering and Electronics (BASSEL)
BASSEL is a memeber of ORGALIME

Legal No:



31 Kapitan Andreev Str.


1421 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 963 35 32


+359 2 963 07 27


Contact person and


Dr. Rumen Atanasov, President

Type of organization:

Non profit organization

Area of activity:

94.11 Services furnished by business and employers

membership organisations

The companys activities:

In its capacity as the national representative of the electrical engineering companies
in Bulgaria, the Chamber has the following
priority objectives:
To assist its members in their efforts for
integration with the European electrical engineering and in strengthening of their position on international markets, to assist
them in their attempts to improve their
competition capabilities and technological
level with the aim to fill market niches with
new products;
To promote attracting foreign investments, to help establishing joint ventures
and manufactures as well as other forms of
transborder economic co-operation;
To accelerate the harmonization process
of the technical legislation with the European one and the establishment in this
country of a stable system of product certification. BASSEL organizes regular train16

ing courses and issues information and reference materials for the management staff
on the aspects of the New Approach in the
technical legislation;
To enhance the stabilization process of
the local market, not tolerating improper
products, unlawful import and phantomcompanies;
To assist any form of job skill enhancement in order to achieve better professionalism and competence of the managerial
staff, to help establishing loyal and ethical
relations within the branch.
Establishes useful collaboration and contacts with European, national and international branch associations and companies
and supports development of commercial
and technological links between branch
partners. Close relations have already
been established with the most authorita-

tive German organizations as VDE,

VDI, ZVEI, ZVEH, well-known to international circles. Aiming elaboration of
new market perspectives for its members, BASSEL has concluded agreements with the Italian National Association of Electrical Industry, the Italian
Commercial Chamber in Bulgaria, the
Serbian Chamber of Commerce, AENOR (Spain), the Trade and Industrial Chamber of China, the Czech and
Moravian Electric & Electronic Association. Good contacts are maintained
with the respective chambers in the
Balkan region. BASSEL is an active
member of the authoritative international organization INTERELECTRO
with headquarters in Moscow.;
Organizes business visits of foreign
experts and investors to this country
and of Bulgarian specialists abroad,
organizes national and international
meetings, workshops, conferences,

training and professional courses. In

this respect, BASSEL is very active in
organizing regularly presentations of
foreign companies, entering the Bulgarian market. With the financial aid
of a leading local PCB-manufacturing
company, BASSEL is organizing with
German assistance a broad-scaled
vocational training center for specialists in the field of electrical installation
systems and building automation.;
Takes part in consulting councils,
committees and working groups with
the state and public authorities and introduces to the state authorities proposals of new and amended legislative acts in the domain of control of
the economy.In this capacity, BASSEL
acts as an important link between the
Authorities and the private business
sector. With the assistance of GTZ,
BASSEL has elaborated in the last
year the Branch Development Strate-

Bulgarian Association of Electrical

Engineering and Electronics (BASSEL)
gy of the Bulgarian Electrical Engineering, and also, the recently put forward
to the Parliament draft of the Law for
the Branch Organizations.;
Prepares annual analysises of the
state and the tendencies in the branch,
publishes informative and advertising
materials on technological, manufacturing opportunities and human resources of the companies. BASSEL
keeps the Bulgarian electrical engineering society au courant on important branch issues, trends, tenders etc.
and publishes two electronic bulletins
Takes part in several projects for establishment of independent testing
laboratories for product certification,
incl. in collaboration with VDE and assists the public and state authorities in
implementing the European technical
Organizes participation of companies
and maintains own stands at international fairs and exhibitions, incl.
HANNOVER MESSE, LIGHT & BUILDING (Frankfurt), INTEL (Milan) and at national exhibitions and fairs, as ELTECH
(Sofia), PLOVDIV FAIR etc.;

ian Accreditation Service, the Bulgarian Investment Agency, the Bulgarian

Industrial Association, the Bulgarian
Chamber of Commerce and Industry
and many other national institutions.
In the end, it could be summarized that
BASSEL acts as a service structure to
the branch and continuously expands
its activity in that direction.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Organization of joint scientific and
technical activities in the field of automation and informatics with similar organizations.


BASSEL is an active partner of the
Ministry of Economy, the Executive
Agency for the Promotion of Small and
Medium Enterprises, the State Agency
for Metrology and Technical Surveillance, the Executive Agency Bulgar17

Enterprise Europe Network (EEN)

Applied Research And Communications Fund

Arc Consulting Eood


5, Alexander Zhendov Str.


5, Alexander Zhendov Str.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 9733000


+359 2 9733000


+359 2 9733588


+359 2 9733588



Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is Europes largest consultancy and information
support network. The objective of the network is to enhance the innovative potential of the small and medium-sized enterprises and increase their awareness on the
business support policies of the European Commission. It operates in 54 countries
in the world.
The Network in Bulgaria allows for setting up diverse business partnerships by Bulgarian companies, for expanding their activities and for a wider reach-out across the
integrated European market.
EEN in Bulgaria is made fully operational by 14 partnering organizations that ensure
complete geographical coverage of the country. The partners are among the most
active and well known organizations in the respective regions. It provides its services
to the following target group:
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs);
Research organizations;
Branch chambers and associations;
Business-driven and research-driven clusters;
Individual researchers and inventors;

Non-profit organizations and other intermediary organizations, specialized in providing support to SMEs;
Public authorities.
EEN in Bulgaria provides integrated business, information and consultancy
services to SMEs in the following areas:
Business integration on the European market;
Technology transfer and innovation;
Programmes and projects.

Cluster - Horizontally Integrated Technologies &

Systems (HITS)

Legal No:



63 Shipchenski prohod Blvd, Floor 12


1574 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 97116 90


+359 2 970 01 97


Contact person and


Micho Chipev, Chairman of the Management Board

Type of organization:

Technological center

Area of activity:

62.01 Computer programming services

The companys activities

HITS cluster is a set of stand-alone software companies, established in March
Each of them has its own works that are
either unique or one of the countrys leading in their field.
Firms in the cluster are based in Sofia,
but have built strong distribution network
covering more than 30 major cities in the
Products, Services and
Information systems for compliance
with the regulatory requirements in the
daily performance of financial accounting, employment and legal obligations and
the movements of labor and workforce,
compliance with reporting obligations to

the tax, social and statistical authorities,

Marketing information to find new customers and markets, (DAXY BULGARIA
Information for commercial or customs
operations and software for automation of
these processes (Unisoft Ltd.).
Information systems for efficient document management, (USW Ltd.).
Information management system for
business automation management activities planning resource needs and accountability of supply and customer relationships; (STEP SOFT Ltd.).
Accounting programs; Automating warehouse operations, billing software, (STEP
Development of corporate and branch
strategies, new products, new services. Organization of meetings with potential partners and business delegations (MIChO

- Marketing, Information, Chance, Organisation Ltd.)

Development and maintenance of specific economic Bulgaria software for personnel management and calculation of
income from employment and non-employment relationship,
(OmegaSoft Ltd.);
System administration (DANTES -21Antoaneta Yordanova ET).
Over 20 years of successful operation
of the market is proof they have created
successful products and the efficiency of
their distribution networks for sales. Simultaneously for the distribution of software and implementation of new technologies to enter the market are used
modern ways - sales over the Internet
and the creation of cloud applications.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Collaborative software platform combining features of various software products
and accumulated know-how to build the
business systems of member firms
XML Encoder, Decoder and Editor for
the generation, transmission and editing

of heterogeneous data
Universal Business Systems Support providing coordinated joint support services in diverse technology and business systems function
Pre- sales consultancy - accumulated in the cluster know-how in various
fields constitute grounds for promoting
the general planning activities, design
and selection of business systems for
Other needs necessary for future organizations development
Consolidation of knowledge, experience and investment in joint research
and development.
Title offer
Creation of entirely new products
through cooperation.
Abstract of the offer
Collaborative software platform combining features of various software
products and accumulated know-how
to build a Small Business Support
Systems - providing coordinated joint
support services in diverse technology
and business systems function.

Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster (EVIC)
Legal No:



1, Ivan Denkglu str., fl.4 app.13


1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 876 634 872, +359 899 901 699


Contact person and


Ilia Levkov - Chairman of EVIC

Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster /EVIC/

is certified and has a cluster Bronze Label certificate issued by the European
Secretariat for Cluster Analysis - BGR005201306CIP0484.
Electric Vehicles Industrial Cluster was
registered on 25.11.2009 as a private
Non-profit organization.
EVIC is the unique professional organization in Bulgaria, operating in the field of
electric mobility.
The cluster participates in expert level in
directions like - strategic developments,
technological developments, changes in
regulations, higher and vocational education and training, connection with the
central and local governments, etc.
EVIC initiated the creation of the National Programme for electric mobility - Bulgaria 2025.
The main reason for the development of
EVIC is - Electric mobility in Bulgaria with
Bulgarian participation.

EVICs members are primarily companies, operating in the field of design and
production of components, spare parts
and services for conversion and production of electric vehicles.
EVIC clusters together companies, organizations and experts, specialized in
variety engineering, industrial and nonproductional sectors from different regions of the country.

tion of the EV industry and market.

Interchange of materials, raw materials
and technologies.
Combining the capabilities and resources, including the human resources,
as well as the efforts in R&D of applied
science technologies, the efforts in the
sphere of marketing and promotion, services in the sphere of consultancy and
investment attraction.





Cooperation between companies and

organizations, related to the sector.
Supporting the development of a Bulgarian leader in the field of production of
charging infrastructure for Evs.
Supporting the conversion of conventional vehicles to EVs.
Development of new production facilities, in compliance with requirements of
the European and World markets.
Cooperation with all administrations,
related to the development and regula-

Development of administrative body of

the cluster.
Further development and diversification of the offered services.
Attraction of new members and improving the market positions of the companies and their products and services.
Development of sustainable business
Implementation of joint marketing activities.
Development of transnational cluster

Development and promotion of investment projects for Technological modernization and integration of innovations.
Development of investment projects to
strategic investors.
Implementation of programs for improving the work conditions in the companies, members of the cluster.
Improving the educational system and
qualification in order to meet the needs
of the cluster network.

Sustainable development and improved competitiveness of the EMIC
Sustainable and clean environment, in
compliance with the national priorities
and EU regulations.

Bulgarian Association of Business Clusters (ABC)

Tsarigradsko shosee Blvd., 7th kilometer

BIC IZOT, office 209


Sofia 1784, Bulgaria


+359 2 489 97 44


Contact person and


Tsvetelina Gerasimova

The main objectives of the ABC are:

creation of a favourable environment for cluster development in Bulgaria;
promotion of the cluster concept as a tool for increasing the competitiveness of the
Bulgarian economy and contribution of SMEs;
establishment of standards for the management and development of clusters;
presentation of the Bulgarian clusters in the international and European cluster
Activities of the ABC:

The Bulgarian Association of Business Clusters (ABC) is an organization that unites

and protects the interests of clusters in Bulgaria.
The organization was established in 2009 by the leading cluster in the country. Currently the ABC consists of 12 clusters from the following sectors: Information and
Communication Technologies, Automotive and Electric, Health Tourism, Maritime
Industry, Microelectronics and Industrial Electronic Systems, Textiles, Mining and
Manufacturing Industries.
The Members of the ABC are clusters from leading industries: Automotive Cluster
Bulgaria, Bulgarian Cluster Telecommunications, Bulgarian Furniture Cluster, Industrial Cluster Electric Vehicles, ICT Cluster Plovdiv, Cluster Microelectronics and
Industrial Embedded Systems, Cluster Mechatronics and Automation, Maritime
Cluster Bulgaria, Cluster Health Tourism Bulgaria, Srednogorie Med Industrial Cluster, Foundation ICT Cluster and Specialized Cluster and Institute for Clothing and
Textile Dunav.

cooperation and working with the state administration and stakeholders in development of strategies and policies regarding the progress of Bulgarian Clusters;
cooperation with government authorities in developing programs for cluster support and more effective use of the public funds;
organization of seminars, round tables, conferences and trainings for presentation
and promotion of the cluster concept as a tool for competitiveness and innovations;
establishment of a system for clusters accreditation in Bulgaria;
maintenance a network of contacts with international and European partners for
presenting Bulgarian clusters abroad and creating successful partnerships;
promotion of the dialogue and cooperation between clusters in Bulgaria
In October 31st November 1st 2013, the Association of Business Clusters with the
partnership of the Cluster House, Serbia organized the very successful IV Balkan
and Black Sea Cluster Conference Days of Clusters and gathered in Sofia over
100 of the best names in the cluster community from the whole Europe. The Bulgarian capital was the key place where decision-makers from the public administration,
cluster managers and coordinators, facilitators, mediators and support institutions
discussed the present and future for the cluster development in the Balkans.

by Prof. Todor Neshkov
Technical University - Sofia

Mechatronics is a discipline which integrates mechanics, electronics and computer technologies to enhance
the performance of products, systems and processes.
Typical products exemplifying the approach are camcorders, computer disc drives, industrial robots and
motor cars.
Perhaps the simplest definition of mechatronics is that
it is a branch of engineering that deals with combined
mechanical, electronic and software systems. The elements of mechatronics systems include sensors, actuators, microcontrollers (or microprocessors) and realtime control software. The actuators are mainly high
precision electric motors and solenoids. Any of a large
number of sensor types are used according to the intended application, including light, acceleration, weight,
colour, temperature and image. One of the features
which distinguishes mechatronic systems or products
from earlier electromechanical systems or products is
the replacement of some mechanical functions with
electronic and software ones. This results in much

greater flexibility of both design and operation. Another

feature is the increased speed and precision of performance. A third is the ability to conduct automated data
collection and reporting. In addition, advanced mechatronics systems now have the ability to implement
distributed control in complex systems. Mechatronics
systems are used in a large and growing range of applications. Examples include robots, industrial production
machinery, cameras and computer disk drives.
Japan has played an important role in the establishment and development of the field of mechatronics. For
example, the term mechatronics was first coined in
Japan. It was initially used in the late 1960s at Yaskawa
Electric Company Ltd in reference to the application of
electronic control of the companys electric motors. This
term remains popular in Japan, where it usually refers
to a fusion of mechanical parts and a broadly defined
electronics (i.e., including semiconductor control devices, sensors and optoelectronic devices). Japan is the
worlds largest producer and user of industrial robots.

It is also the top manufacturer and user of many kinds

of advanced mechatronics systems for industrial production applications. Japan is also the largest volume
producer of many types of mechatronic components,
including high-performance motors and CCD image
sensors. And it ranks at or near the top in developing
and producing microcontrollers and digital signal processors for these applications.
The term mechatronics has also been widely used in
continental Europe for many years. Although it has been
slow to gain acceptance as a distinct field of study and
practice in the US and UK, its growing acceptance
worldwide is evidenced by the rising number of undergraduate and postgraduate university courses now being offered.
There has always been a close relationship between
mechatronics and robotics, and, in fact, many engineers contend that the former grew out of the latter. A
number of innovations that were first applied to robotics were subsequently applied to other types of high

performance machinery. Examples include sensory
feedback and the coordination of movements, both
of which made robots more flexible and increased
productivity. Mechatronics technology has continued to advance rapidly since the coining of this term.
These advances are concerned largely with precision,
speed, durability, miniaturization, flexibility, safety,
power consumption, intelligence and cost. This is the
result of the swift progress in all of the components
and technologies of mechatronics systems, including
actuators, sensors, microcontrollers and software as
well as materials science, fuzzy logic, lasers, communications, kinematics, machine vision and virtual
One simple way of viewing the development of mechatronics is to look at some of the major technologies that have been added and representative applications for each decade.
In the 1970s, mechatronics was concerned mainly
with servo technology for use in such products such
as automatic focus cameras, automatic door openers
and vending machines.
During the 1980s it became commonplace to add microcontrollers to mechanical systems in order to further improve their performance, reduce size and cut
costs. High growth applications during that decade
included computer disk drives, numerically controlled
machine tools, industrial robots, automobile engines
and antilock braking systems.
A feature of the 1990s was the growing incorporation
of communications technology, thus making possible
systems which could be connected in large networks.
An important trend throughout the short history of
mechatronics has been the continued miniaturization
of components and systems. In fact, some systems
have become so small that they can be built into a
single silicon chip (inclusive of sensor, actuator and

control circuitry) using advanced semiconductor production processes. An example is tiny deceleration
measurement devices that can trigger air bags in automobiles.
Another major trend has been a the rapid growth in
the application of optoelectronic components, including sensing devices (such as CCD image sensors and
LED-based object and distance sensors), activators
(lasers which replace electromechanical activators for
processing materials), communications systems (optical fiber and LEDs for linking subsystems) and display
devices (LCD, fluorescent, plasma and other display
modes) which are widely used nowadays in digital
cameras, computer displays, TV-s, cars.
In spite of the rapid progress that has been made and
the emergence of whole new classes of products, not
everyone is convinced that mechatronics should be
considered as a distinct new field of engineering. This
is because mechatronics is an evolutionary rather
than a revolutionary development. It is just a natural
progression to incorporate sensors, microcontrollers
and other advanced electronic components into mechanical products now that they have become so inexpensive and small that they can be put into even
the cheapest and tiniest of products. Some engineers
point out that the term mechatronics, while once an
appropriate updating of the term electromechanics,
has itself now become somewhat of a misnomer. This
is because the field has swiftly incorporated advances
from a growing number of other fields, and the share
(measured in terms of function, cost, etc.) of mechanical components in individual systems continues to
decrease. Indeed, mechatronics is increasingly incorporating every aspect of engineering. Perhaps the real
key to a system or a product being a mechatronics
one is that it contains moving mechanical parts.




AMK Drives & Controls Ltd.
Legal No:



1, General Nikolov Str.


5300 Gabrovo, Bulgaria


+359 66 819 100


+359 66 819 101


Contact person and


Stefan Deevski, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

62.01 Computer programming activities

The companys activities

Drive and Control Technology
Handling and Automation
Geared Motors

AMK has been moving mechanical engineering ever since its founding in 1963,
and it has established a leading position
in the industry with numerous technological world novelties.

Products, Services and
Servo Inverters
Decentralized drive technology
Geared motors
Frequency inverters


The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

AMKs declared goal is to develop innovative drive and control technology on a
high technological level and with a very
distinct customer benefit and make possible the dynamic economical development and expand the activities to additional markets. Servo motors, intelligent
servo converters, controllers, compres-

sors, drives for power-assisted steering

or geared - are respected in the most
varied sectors of industries - from mechanical and plant engineering up to automotive industry.

AMK Drives & Controls Ltd.

Title offer

trol Functions Service, Training, Application support.

Drive and Control Technology

Title request
Machine Producer

Description of the offer

Abstract of the offer
AMKAMAC PLC controller powerful,
real-time, scaleable.
AMKASYN servo drives Compact,
safety included.
DYNASYN servo motors Dynamic,
compact, customised.
AMKAMART IDT Integrated solution .
SPINDASYN Hollow shaft motors Integrated bearing for heavy load.
AMK Function Library Motion Con-

Our drive and control module systems allows you to quickly and easily solve your
tasks. Because the extensive AMK product program consists of standard products which can be combined individually to suit your application. The modular
system is open and can be expanded at
any time.

Abstract of the request

injection moulding
printing machines
packaging machines
cigarette production machines
paper processing machines
machine tools
metal working machines
textile machines
robotics and handling
machine building in general

Description of the request

Our experience, know-how, and passion produces servo motors with maximum power density. As manufacturers
of innovative servo drives, we offer you
electric motors at the highest technological level. All motors are developed and
produced by us in house. Whether you
are looking for synchronous or induction
motors equipped with liquid or convection cooling, AMK offers a versatile selection of power output classes, designs,
cooling methods, and encoder types to
ensure that you find the right motor for
every application.

Samel-90 JSC
Legal No:



18, Prespa Str.


2000 Samokov, Bulgaria


+359 722 68 203


+359 722 66 337


Contact person and


Dipl. Eng. Aneta Petkova, Deputy Managing Director

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

25.62 Machining

The companys activities

Production of consumer electronics,
systems in the fields of telecommunications, surveillance and guarding, LED
lighting fixtures and systems, incl. monitoring and control, metal sheet products,
precise metal work etc.
Products, Services and
VHF radios; HF/VHF radiojammers; X
and S band sea radars; System for surveillance and guarding of border areas;
Communication and information shelters; Field telephone sets; Range of LED
lighting fixtures and systems; Ferrite and
ceramic components; Tooling equipment; metal sheet products; Diecasting
parts; Ferrites, piezo-ceramic and stea28

tite ceramic components; Metal, plastic

and rubber parts.
Technological capabilities:
R&D activity, production and trading of
Electronic and Electromechanical devices, modules and systems;
SMD and conventional assembly of
electronic components on printed circuit
board (PCB);
Cutting and crimping cables and harnesses;
Design and production of tooling
Metal pressing and precise /fine/ milling and turning working;
Injection molded plastic (thermoplastic)
details up to 250 gr.
Metal sheet products (incl. punched
parts up to 2mm thickness stainless
Welding and laser cutting;
Die casting and machining of alumini-

um and zinc alloys;

Galvanic coating and painting incl.
SAMEL-90s products are high quality
and reliable, guaranteed by the Quality Management and Assurance System
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001.
Since July 2004 SAMEL-90 has been
certified according to the NATO AQAP
2110 requirements by the Bulgarian Ministry of Defense and possesses a certificate CK No. 035/2011.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Partnership for selling LED Lighting fixture, Ferrites, piezo-ceramic and steatite
ceramic components, military products

in third markets.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Marketing training for staff.

Samel-90 JSC
Title offer
R&D activity, production and trading of
high quality electronic and electro-mechanical products and systems, LED
Lamps, ferrite and ceramic components,
tooling equipment and metal work\milling, drilling, turning, laser cutting, etc.\
Abstract of the offer
Production of consumer electronics,
systems in the fields of telecommunications, surveillance and guarding, LED
lighting fixtures and systems incl. monitoring and control, metal sheet products,
precise metal work etc.
Description of the offer
Samel-90 PLC provides R&D activity,
production and trading: VHF radios; HF/
VHF radiojammers; X and S band sea radars; System for surveillance and guarding of the borders areas; Communication
and information shelters; Field telephone
sets; Range of LED lighting fixtures and
systems; Ferrite and ceramic components; Tooling equipment ; metal sheet
products; Diecasting parts; Ferrites, piezo-ceramic and steatite ceramic components; Metal, plastic and rubber parts.
Technological capabilities:
Samel-90 PLC offers high quality products, modules and parts which satisfy
customers requirements at acceptable
prices, with well-made packing, guaranteed assembly and after-sales service in
the field of:
R&D activity, production and trading of

Electronic and Electromechanical devices, modules and systems;

SMD and conventional assembly of
electronic components on printed circuit
board (PCB);
Cutting and crimping cables and harnesses;
Design and production of tooling
Metal pressing and precise /fine/ milling and turning working;
Injection moulded plastic (thermoplastic) details up to 250 gr.
Metal sheet products (incl. punched
parts up to 2mm thickness stainless
Welding and laser cutting;
Die casting and machining of aluminium and zinc alloys;
Galvanic coating and painting incl.
Title request
R&D activity, production and trading of
high quality electronic and electro-mechanical products and systems, LED
Lamps, ferrite and ceramic components,
tooling equipment and metal work, milling, drilling, turning, laser cutting, etc.
Abstract of the request
Production of consumer electronics,
systems in the fields of radiojamming,
telecommunications, surveillance and
guarding, LED lighting fixtures and systems incl. monitoring and control, metal
sheet products, precise metal work etc.

Description of the request

Samel-90 PLC provides R&D activity,
production and trading: VHF radios; HF/
VHF radiojammers; X and S band sea radars; System for surveillance and guarding of the borders areas; Communication
and information shelters; Field telephone
sets; Range of LED lighting fixtures and
systems; Ferrite and ceramic components; Tooling equipment; metal sheet
products; Diecasting parts; Ferrites, piezo-ceramic and steatite ceramic components; Metal, plastic and rubber parts.
Technological capabilities:
Samel-90 PLC offers high quality products, modules and parts which satisfy
customers requirements at acceptable
prices, with well-made packing, guaranteed assembly and after-sales service in
the field of:
R&D activity, production and trading of
Electronic and Electromechanical devices, modules and systems;
SMD and conventional assembly of
electronic components on printed circuit
board (PCB);
Cutting and crimping cables and harnesses;
Design and production of tooling
Metal pressing and precise /fine/ milling and turning working;
Injection moulded plastic (thermoplastic) details up to 250 gr.
Metal sheet products (incl. punched
parts up to 2mm thickness stainless
Welding and laser cutting;

Die casting and machining of aluminium and zinc alloys;

Galvanic coating and painting incl.
Powder coatings.
We would like to receive any RFQs that
could be answered by us on the ground
of our technological capabilities. We
have experience as subcontractor and
have free capacity. We can provide introducing of new technologies, mastering of new product, transfer of know-how


Legal No:



9, Asen Yordanov Blvd.


1592 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 973 87 62


+359 2 979 09 45


Contact person and


Dr. Ventzislav Slavkov, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

28.91 Machinery for metallurgy

The companys activities

SPESIMA Ltd. (Specialized Automation
Systems) is a Bulgarian-German Joint
Venture founded in 1989 and its main
business activity is development and implementation of specialized automation
systems for the industrial production.
Specialized Automation Systems.
Specialized robots for automation of
horizontal die casting machines in Zinc,
Magnesium and Aluminium applications.
Embedded systems.
Electronic test and measurement accessories.
Experimental products.
Distribution, Installation, Training and
Maintenance of FRECH GROUP (DE)

Delivery of Smart Automation Systems
- MPS - for METAL PRES (TR) die casting machines.
Development and Engineering of Turnkey Automation and ITC Systems.
Products, Services and
Extracting manipulators - GRIPMAT.
Dosing manipulators - FEEDMAT.
Smart Automation Systems MPS.
Information systems:
- Displays for automatic direction indication, Illuminated boards for information
- Information boards for dynamic time
Automation for vertical die casting machines - CASTMAN.

Others - CutMat, SCHLEIFMAT.

Experimental products - SPEEDMAT.
High quality products guaranteed by the
Quality Management and Assurance
System ISO 9001:2008, flexibility, full integration - development, engineering,
support for client-specific specialized
automation systems, high qualified staff.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Projects for development and implementation of client-specific specialized
automation and ITC systems.
Partnership for selling die casting machines and specialized robots for au-

tomation of horizontal die casting machines.

Partnership for supplying of high precise metal parts and electronic modules
(CE certified).


Title offer :
Die casting machines and specialized
robots for automation of horizontal die
casting machines in Zinc, Magnesium
and Aluminium applications and specialized automation systems for the industrial production.
Abstract of the offer
SPESIMA Ltd. main business activity
is development and implementation of

specialized automation systems for the

industrial production.
Description of the offer
The company would like to establish cooperation with potential user of die casting machines and specialized robots
for automation of horizontal die casting
machines in Zinc, Magnesium and Aluminium applications or partnership with
companies for development and imple-

mentation of specialized automation systems for the industrial production.

Title request
Partnership for supplying of high precise metal parts, pneumatic devices and
electronic modules (CE certified).
Abstract of the request
Spesima Ltd. produces a variety of specialized automation systems and special-

ized robots and needs supplying of different metal parts, pneumatic devices
and electronic modules in small series.
Description of the request
The company would like to establish cooperation with producers of high precise metal parts, pneumatic devices and
electronic modules (CE certified) for specialized automation systems and specialized robots.

Rommtech-3S Ltd.
Legal No:



3, Ilinden Str.


3000 Vratsa, Bulgaria


+359 92 669 580


+359 92 649 370


Contact person and


Diana Varganova, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

26.12 Loaded electronic boards

[PCBs Assembly and final montage]

The companys activities

Manufacturing of electronics and electromechanical products, including LED
pcbs, plastics and metal details and
We offer complete solution for your projects including:
1. Electronic and Electromechanical devices:
Assemblage of PCBs- conventional
and SMD assembly of electronic components.
Engineering and setting up on Printed
circuit board (PCB).
Software loading and test of products.
Coupling cables, final assembly and
2. Cutting and crimping cables.
3. Injection moulded plastic (thermoplastic) details up to 1600 gr.-9 vertical and

horizontal moulding machine, three of

them with digital control.
4. Metal sheet products (incl. punched
parts up to 3mm thickness). Digital
punch machine. Digital hydraulic press
5. Signal-security and fire-alarm sytems,
video monitoring.
6. LED lighting.
Products / Services and/or
We are High Innovative Company manufacturing electronics, electromechanical
product and LED lighting. We do pcb assembly- SMD+TH, testing, programming
and software, manufacture plastic details
(from 30 g to 1600 g) metal boxes (up to
3 mm sheet material) and final assembly,
as well as, packing, labeling, delivery.

Long term experience in electronics
manufacturing; ISO 9001 certified company; able to manufacture the ready-tomarket product starting from the idea.
Rommtech-3S is in a good position to
offer assembled high-quality product at
the best prices!
We ask for long lasting relationship,
based on high quality and strict delivery
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Rommtech-3S is looking for partners
with good market positions for joint production of electronic and electromechanical products within our production
possibilities. We have free capacity to

work as contract manufacturer .

Also, we offer cooperation in:
1. LED modules development and luminaries. Rommtech-3s has more than
5 years experience in the development
and production of LED based lighting
modules, very good production lines and
skilled engineers .
2. Manufacturing of LED modules and
luminaries. Rommtech-3s offers electronics assembly, plastic molded parts,
metal parts and machines for processing
aluminum profiles and details.
3. Joint production and sale of LED lighting modules.
Other needs necessary for future
Cooperation with international companies to conquer new markets.

Rommtech-3S Ltd.
Title offer
Bringing of patented LED module and
other LED products successfully to market.
Abstract of the offer
Rommtech-3S has recently patented one
of the LED module and is seeking for a
company to jointly implement on the market this module, which has proven characteristics and outstanding performance.
Also need to widen the market positions
of the other LED lamps on the international market.
Description of the offer
The patented module is designed to be
integrated in standard grid lamps. With
equivalent dimensions the T8/T5 LED
produces the same amount of light with
savings of up to 55% of electricity. The
module features unique construction, integrated mirror optics, high efficiency diffuser and the latest LED technology with
efficiency up to 110 lm/W and is completely compatible with all 24Vdc (36 Vdc
optional) LED power supplies.
Due to the high uniformity of the emitted
light and the low overall brightness, T8/
T5 LED is applicable where the unified
glare rating is of importance: schools, offices, hospitals, working halls. Containing
no mercury, lead, or glass, LED modules
do not present risk of area contamina-

tion that is possible with fluorescent lamp

Excellent total cost of ownership with
attractive payback times.
No annoying noises, vibrations and
Unified Glare Rating is lower or equal to
fluorescent tube.
Long-life LEDs (with an average rated
lifetime of 70 000 - 100 000 hours) reduce the maintenance and product replacement costs that are associated with
fluorescent systems.
Significant sustainability opportunity
due to lower energy consumption, reduced waste and elimination of hazardous substances such as mercury and
Overall, the usage of LEDs helps to reduce the internal heating in the premisses.
100% efficiency - directed light which
guarantees that all of the luminosity goes
where you need it.


Legal No:



6, St. L. Kostov Str.


1407 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 962 46 93


+359 2 962 42 38


Contact person and


Mrs. Elena Mincheva, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company
Engineering, automation and electrical construction

Area of activity:

27.12 Electricity distribution and control apparatus

The companys activities

OSKAR - EL is a private company specializing in electrical power, automation,
management and control of technological processes in industrial, energy and
water sectors. The company was established in 1992 as Elena Mincheva ET with
main business activities in automation
sector. With its growth in year 2000 the
company was transformed into OSKAREL Ltd. with three main areas of activities:
Engineering and Automation: full engineering solutions in electrical power
management and automation of industrial and public facilities. Engineering partners of OSKAR-EL in the field of industrial
automation, electrical power and control
and instrumentation are: Siemens, Rittal
Bulgaria, ABB Bulgaria, Schneider Elec34

tric Bulgaria, Rittbul Bulgaria;

Manufacturing of electrical panels:
among OSKAR-ELs longterm clients are
Aurubis Bulgaria, NPP Kozloduy, Enemona and Stomana Industry. For them
OSKAR-EL produces switchboards,
control panels, MCCs, control panels,
boards and SIMOCODEs secondary
commutation. The company provides
electrical installation and maintenance of
high, medium and low voltage electrical
Electrical assembly and electrical installations for new and existing projects:
OSKAR-EL is a turnkey provider offering solutions for comprehensive project
development, implementation and control. OSKAR-EL is certified under ISO
9001:2000, OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO

Products, Services and

Manufacturing of:Distribution panels,
Control and automation panels, MCCs
and MDBs, Repairs and maintenance
panels; Lighting and SIMOCODE panels,
Secondary commutation panels, Heat
tracing panels, Marshalling and PDP
cabinets, PRISMA, Specialized panels
on demand;
Engineering: full engineering solutions in
electrical power management and automation of industrial and public facilities:
Analysis and project design layout
Conceptual, basic and detailed engineering

Communication installations design

Project management
Start-up and commissioning
Design and reconstruction of cranes
Automation: full development and implementation of industrial automation solutions, energy management and configuration and application programming of
PLC and SCADA systems:
Project design solutions
Schematic diagrams
Software solutions
Start-up and commissioning
Operational documentation
Warranty and post-warranty service
Online diagnosis and monitoring
Electrical installations: turnkey provider
offering full range of services related to
the design and construction of electrical
installations in buildings and facilities:

Power and lighting installations.
Installation of earthing and lightning protection
Installation of switchgear and LV switchboards.
Installation of instrumentation equipment.
Installation of communication systems - Modbus,
Profibus, Ethernet, fiber optic routes.
Maintenance, repair and reconstruction of cranes.
Maintenance of high, medium and low voltage
electrical installations.
Experienced company (over 20 years loyal partner
on the global market).
Innovation oriented (several patents being filed or
in process).
Export oriented (60% export activities worldwide)
Quality striving (certified under ISO9001, ISO14001
and OHSAS18001).
Trusted partner (95% customer retention with
long-term corporate customers since 2005).
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
The company is seeking:
Commercial cooperation for Sales/ Distribution.
Commercial partners for implementation of projects in the metallurgy, mining and energy industry.
Commercial partners for implementation of projects in the water sector (construction of waste/
clean water treatment plants).
Commercial partners for implementation of projects in the industrial automation.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Technical collaboration for R&D activities.


Title offer
Manufacturing of electrical panels, engineering, automation and electrical installation solutions.

Abstract of the offer
Manufacturing of: Distribution panels,
Control and automation panels, MCCs
and MDBs, Repairs and maintenance
panels; Lighting and SIMOCODE panels,
Secondary commutation panels, Heat
tracing panels, Marshalling and PDP
cabinets, PRISMA, Specialized panels
on demand.
Engineering: full engineering solutions in
electrical power management and automation of industrial and public facilities:
Analysis and project design layout.
Conceptual, basic and detailed engineering.
Communication installations design.
Project management.
Start-up and commissioning.
Design and reconstruction of cranes.
Automation: full development and implementation of industrial automation solutions, energy management and configuration and application programming of
PLC and SCADA systems:
Project design solutions
Schematic diagrams
Software solutions
Start-up and commissioning

Operational documentation
Warranty and post-warranty service
Online diagnosis and monitoring
Electrical installations: turnkey provider
offering full range of services related to
the design and construction of electrical
installations in buildings and facilities:
Power and lighting installations
Installation of earthing and lightning
protection systems
Installation of switchgear and LV
Installation of instrumentation equipment
Installation of communication systems
Modbus, Profibus, Ethernet, fiber optic
Maintenance, repair and reconstruction of cranes
Maintenance of high, medium and low
voltage electrical installations
Description of the offer
OSKAR - EL is a private company specialized in electrical power, automation,

management and control of technological processes in industrial, energy and

water sectors, including:
Engineering and Automation: full engineering solutions in electrical power
management and automation of industrial and public facilities, energy management and configuration and application
programming of PLC and SCADA systems;
Manufacturing of electrical panels: we
offer Distribution panels, Control and automation panels, MCCs and MDBs, Repairs and maintenance panels; Lighting and SIMOCODE panels, Secondary
commutation panels, Heat tracing panels, Marshalling and PDP cabinets, PRISMA, Specialized panels on demand;
Electrical installations for new and existing projects: OSKAR-EL is a turnkey
provider offering solutions for comprehensive project development, implementation and control, including electrical
construction and maintenance of high,
medium and low voltage electrical installations.
Title request
Commercial cooperation.
Abstract of the request
The company is seeking:
Commercial cooperation for Sales/
Commercial partners for implementation of projects in the metallurgy, mining

and energy industry.

Commercial partners for implementation of projects in the water sector (construction of waste/clean water treatment
Commercial partners for implementation of projects in the industrial automation.
Description of the request
We are interested in finding partners for
implementation of projects in the metallurgy, mining, energy industry and water
sector. We are interested in establishing
strategic alliances and business partnerships, possibly joint ventures.

Legal No:



75, Dondukov Blvd.


1504 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 843 98 91


+359 2 843 98 91


Contact person and


Georgi Angelov, Manager

Type of organization:

Production and Trade company,

Area of activity:

62.01 Computer programming services

The companys activities

PIXEYE Ltd is the only one manufacturer
of megapixel IP Cameras in Bulgaria. The
company has implemented quality management system ISO 9001, which includes all offered products and services.
Our top priority is the exellent quality of
the megapixel Cameras Pixeye which is
guaranteed by using of the most modern
technology solutions and components,
as well as precisely control of the manufacturing process.

Products, Services and

works, software for videosurveillance

and special equipment for control based
on GSM GPRS. For our cameras we
also offer high quality objectives, filters,
stands of the lead world manufacturers
and other components.
PIXEYE cameras were honoured with
Golden Medal award and diploma on the
International Technical Fair Plovdiv.
PIXEYE was ISO9001 certified by AENOR INTERNATIONAL IQNET (certificate ER-1174/2008).

Our product variety includes systems for

video and audio control through IP net37

Vaniko Ltd.
Legal No:

44, Georgi Popov Str.


2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


+359 73 882 002


+359 73 833 412


Contact person and


Sasho Vazharov, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

28.29 Other general-purpose machinery n.e.c.

The companys activities

Main activity of the company is manufacturing of machine parts, units and
machines, designing and production of
tooling (injection dies, extrusion moulds,
punching dies), designing of technologies and technological equipment.

parts, thousands of spare parts and variety of technological equipment.

The services offered are:
Warranty and non-warranty maintenance of rotating equipment;
Designing of new technologies.
Title offer

Products, Services and

More than 50 machines with different
purpose, more than 200 punches and
extrusion dies, more than 300 engineering processes for elaboration of serial

Cooperation by manufacturing of machine parts, units and machines.

Abstract of the offer
Vaniko Ltd. main business activity is

manufacturing of machine parts, units

and machines, designing and production of tooling (injection dies, extrusion
moulds, punching dies), designing of
technologies and technological equipment.

Title request
Cooperation by manufacturing of machine parts, units and machines
Description of the request:

Description of the offer

Company would like to establish cooperation whit partners for manufacturing
of machine parts, units and machines,
designing and production of tooling (injection dies, extrusion moulds, punching dies), designing of technologies and
technological equipment.

Company would like to establish cooperation whit partners for manufacturing

of machine parts, units and machines,
designing and production of tooling (injection dies, extrusion moulds, punching dies), designing of technologies and
technological equipment.

Robotika Ltd.
Legal No:



G. Kirkov Str.


4600 Velingrad, Bulgaria


+359 359 53 550


+359 359 54 058


Contact person and


Emil Dodnikov, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

25.62 Machining services

The companys activities

The company has a tradition in the production of laboratory equipment in the
preparation of units and details on automated lines, the complete details and to
order products, non-standard laboratory
and industrial equipment.
Products, Services and
Medical equipment:
sterilizers, dryers, negativeskops, devices for physiotherapy for dynamic thermo
Laboratory equipment:
water sterilizer, mixer, water baths, sand
Highly efficiently pellet boilers.

Details, automatic production lines,

machines and manipulators - packaging, filling, label, load and more.
Specialized wood processing mashinery.
Complete product design, spare parts
to order.
Industrial and educational manipulators.
In December 2009 the company was
certified for the system of quality management in accordance with the standard EN ISO 9001:2008.


Semis-Tsanev & Co. SD
Legal No:



36, Lerin Str.


1680 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 978 66 64


+359 2 423 33 43


Contact person and


Radoslav Tchipanov, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

28.29 Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.

The companys activities

SEMIS provides complete solutions
for motion control to manufacturers of
machines and helps them in the prototype design and manufacturing. Some
of the recent co-operative projects of
SEMIS are:
Fiber laser cutting and engravimg
machines - co-operative project with
IKIS Ltd. - Sofia
Plasma and/or gas cutting machines
- co-operative project with ADP Ltd.
Another activity of SEMIS is retrofitting and computerization of old machines.
SEMIS products are used in more than
15 countries in 4 continents. The professional design, state-of-the-art com40

ponents, automated surface-mount

technology and the excellent quality control in the company makes the
SEMIS products highly reliable. This is
the reason for the 24 months warranty
period given by SEMIS for all its products.
Products, Services and
SM 485


The company designs and manufactures a product line that is focused on
automation of single or multi axes motion machines (milling and turning machines; laser, gas and plasma cutting
machines, etc.).
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Cooperation with companies manufacturing or retrofitting metal working
Title offer
PC-based CNC systems

DC brush-type servoamplifiers digital

and analog.
Abstract of the offer
TSF and SM485 are PC-based CNC
system, designed to control turning
machines (TSF) and milling, laser/plasma/gas cutting machines (SM485).

Semis-Tsanev & Co. SD

The module organization and standard
PC components make it easy for maintenance and repair
DC4QR (Analog) and DC4QR-D (Digital) Series PWM servo amplifiers are
designed to drive brush type DC motors at a high switching frequency.
Description of the offer
TSF and SM485 features:
PC-based, working under Free DOS.
Up to 32 axis over single RS485 line.
Up to 4 axis simultaneous motion.
Custom designed machine operators panel up to 64 buttons / 16
LCD monitor, PC keyboard.
256 MB Flash Disk.
Up to 96 optically isolated inputs /
64 relay outputs.
Synchronized axis control (GANTRY).
Tool paths graphic visualization.
Embedded NC editor.
G code programming according to
EIA RS-274D standard.
Absolute / incremental programming.
Programmable controller.
Programs loading via USB - flash.
Modes of operation: JOG, AUTO,
Feed rate and spindle override.
Optional block skip, single block.
Torch height control for plasma and
oxy-fuel cutting.
Custom software modifications for
control of non-standard machines.

DC4QR features:
Surface-mount technology, small
size, low cost, ease of use, high reliability.
MOSFET power bridge.
Operation frequency 20 kHz.
Four quadrant regenerative operation.
DIP switch selectable modes of operation: current (torque), velocity (with
tachometer), IR compensation (velocity
without tachometer) loop control.
DIP switch selectable continuous
current one-half or one-third of peak
Torque - speed and I2t motor characteristics simulation.
overcurrent, over-heating, short-circuits
(across motor, ground and power
leads), tachometer signal loss, positive
feedback in the velocity control loop.
DIP switch selectable tachometer
transfer characteristic (V/rpm).

Programmable step multiplier (1-256)

for STEP / DIR mode.
Feedback - digital quad A/B/Z incremental rotary or linear encoder 2.5
MHz counting rate.
Homing modes configurable for
switch or encoder index pulse.
Title request
Request for cooperation with companies manufacturing or retrofitting metal
working machines.
Abstract of the request:
SEMIS provides completed solutions
for motion control to manufacturers of
machines and helps them in the prototype design and manufacturing. SEMIS
manufactures PC-based CNC systems
and DC brush-type servoamplifiers.

DC4QR-D features:
Stepper commands (STEP /DIR)
optocoupled max step pulse rate 100
Serial interface connects to RS232,
RS485 or RS422 communications
ports - jumper selectable. Serial baud
rate: 9600 230400 baud.
Firmware supports multi-drop RS485
network for multi-axis systems.
+/- 10V velocity / torque command.
Programmable P.I.D. control filter
with optional error limiting.

SKF Bulgaria Ltd.
Legal No:



51, 6-ti Septemvri Str.


1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 980 48 91


+359 2 980 16 40

Contact person and

Valeriy Konev, Managing Director

Type of organization:

Wholesale trade service

Area of activity:

Wholesale trade service on a fee or contract basis machinery, industrial equipment, ships and aircraft

The companys activities

Since its foundation, SKF has focused on
growing in the areas of technology, industrial experience and world-wide presence. The combination of these three areas is the powerful source of knowledge
that enables the unique wide range of
SKFs capabilities.
Products, Services and
Actuation systems
Bearings, units & housings
Condition monitoring
Coupling systems
Lubrication sysytems and solutions
Linear motion
Magnetic systems

Maintenance products
Power transmission
Test & measurement equipment
Vehicle aftermarket
As the world leader in bearing technology
for over a century, SKF has developed a
unique understanding of rotating equipment and how machine components
and industrial processes are interrelated. Today SKF provides a wide range of
technologies and products to OEM and
aftermarket customers around the world,
in every major industry, at each phase of
the asset lifecycle.

Systems Automation
Technologies Ltd.
Legal No:



1, Hristo Stefchov Str.


1614 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 957 69 29


+359 2 957 70 19


Contact person and


Valeri Andreev, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

33.20 Installation services of industrial machinery

and equipment

The companys activities

SATs main activities are Engineering,
Design, Manufacturing, Programming,
Training, Erection, Supervision, Testing
and Commissioning of Turn-key Automated Systems for various processes,
departments and whole plants. For the
last 21 years SAT has become a major
Bulgarian supplier of automation systems. SAT is now considered to be the
leader on the domestic market in the field
of automation systems for cement, glass,
concrete, forage, paper, metallurgy, power plants and other industries, whereas
an increasing part of its product range is
being exported both inside Europe and
overseas. From the very beginning, our
foremost concern has been the complex
satisfaction of the needs of our customers by meeting all the specific market demands, combined with uncompromising
quality and reliability of the products offered by us.

Products and Technologies

Weight Belt Feeders
Weigh bridge for trucks and wagons
SATs Standard Software Modules
SAT Ltd. offers full scope of services for
fully integration of SATs systems and
Design according to specific client requirements;
Standard Hardware and Application
software for control systems;
Supervision and Installation of equipment and control systems;
Testing and Commissioning of equipment and control systems;
Training of the Clients personnel;
ISO 9001:2008, OHSAS 18001:2007,
SA 8000:2008.

Saturn Engineering Ltd.

Legal No:



Techno Park Sofia 1, 152 Tzvetan Lazarov Blvd.


1582 SofiaBulgaria


+359 2 480 19 00


+359 2 480 19 10


Contact person and


Spas Spasov, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

26.51 Manufacture of of instruments and appliances for

measuring, testing and navigation.

The companys activities

Saturn Engineering, Ltd. is a full service
engineering design, product development and contract manufacturing company. The area of expertise covers the industrial, medical and consumer markets.
Our staff has extensive experience bringing new products from the initial concept
to production.
Products, Services and
Conceptual Product Design
Electronic Design and Development
Reverse Engineering
Wireless Communications
Engineering Testing and Evaluation

Manufacturing services
PCB Capabilities
Value-added EMS services:
Turnkey Product Manufacturing:
Product Management
Saturn Engineering is a company innovative by nature. The company prides itself with having one of the most capable
teams of software and hardware engineers available anywhere, and with the
quantity of patents and innovations that
span many fields. Saturn can assist you
in many different ways in order to realize
your vision.

Saturn Engineering Ltd.

Title offer
Innovative engineering design, product
development and contract manufacturing.
Abstract of the offer
The range of induction generator, equipment for dental labs, as well services, offered by the company find abroad sphere
of enclosure of numerous branches.
Saturn Engineering is a professional service company, delivering in design, software development, contract manufacturing and post production support.
Description of the offer
The company has performed design
work in power supplies, DC and AC amplifiers, low, medium, high and very high
frequency RF circuits, microcontrollers,
microprocessors, 16 and 32 processors
and DSP. The company developers write
software/firmware in Assembly, (C++, VB,
VISUAL C++). The company addresses every project as a complete system,
including evaluation of package constrains, interfacing requirement, dimensioning & tolerance issues, environmental
constraints, mounting details and shipping requirements, applying their expertise in electro-mechanical design ( Medical, Industrial, Avionic, Communications,
Gaming and Transportation, including
high voltage electric-vehicle enclosures),

sensor integration/ implementation (IR,

acoustic, pressure, accelerometer, video,
barcode) and both structural and thermal
finite-element analysis.
The company provides:
Conceptual Product Design;
Electronic Design and Development;
Reverse Engineering;
Wireless Communications;
Engineering Testing and Evaluation.
CB Capabilities:
Complex double-sided PCB assembly;
Continuous flow SMT lines;
Through-hole and mixed assembly;
Lead-free assembly.
Value-added EMS services:
Kitted or turnkey projects;
Conformal coating with acrylic, silicone
and urethane materials;
Encapsulate and potting in assembly
Cable and harness assembly;
Existing product evaluation and cost
Turnkey Product Manufacturing:
High complexity products;
High mix, low volume assembly;
Box build and final assembly;
Equipment testing and calibration;
Burn-in testing per specs;
Product kitting and packaging.


Legal No:



16, St. L. Kostov Str. Fl. 2


1407 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 439 78 45


+359 2 439 06 51


Contact person and


Maria Bojkova, General Manager

Type of organization:

Wholesale trade services

Area of activity:

46.52 Wholesale trade services of electronic and

telecommunications equipment and parts

The companys activities

Trade and distribution of the components, machines, measurement equipment and electrotechnical products, LED
Official representative for Bulgaria of
CAD/CAE software EPLAN.


Products, Services and

Specialized components, tools and machines for electrical industry, Software
for electrical engineering design, measuring equipment, industrial connectors
and switches, electrical equipment, LED

Kristian - Deni Ltd.
Legal No:



3, Vasil Levski Str.


2700 Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


+359 73 82 877 101


+359 73 82 877 105


Contact person and


Ognyan Pandulev, General Manager:

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

The companys activities:

Kristian-Deni is founded in 1990 in
Moulds & Dies Manufacturing Business,
as the main activity is production of different kind of mould tools; press tools,
such as blanking tools, piercing tools,
forming tools, bending tools, cutting
tools; punchers and stipple gravers.
The company is specialized in manufacturing of sample made precision machine parts and extruders for calibrators.
In the last few years the company has
given prominence to productions of embossed parts, made by sheet metal,
which are mostly applied in systems for
drywall and wood constructions, heating
technology and furniture manufacturing,
included in serial production.

Legal No:



6, Ilijansko Chaussee


1220 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 843 94 06


+359 2 836 01 29


Contact person and


Emanuil Nikolov, Manager

Type of organization:
Area of activity:

Engineering and consulting

71.12 Engineering services and related technical consulting

The companys activities

Engineering and consulting activities;
Projects in the field of the machinery
Projects - production of machinetools;
Automation of manufacturing processes in the field of machine;
Machine tools and equipment.
Products, Services and
Machinery and equipment;
Automated production systems;
Technology for machining;

Machinery and equipment;
Automated production systems;
Technology for machining.
Small flexible company with extensive
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
The company works with a wide range
of companies mainly manufacturing
The company aims to extend contacts
with from the mechanical engineering.

Research Institutions


Institute of Information and

Communication Technologies
Legal No:



Bl. 2, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 870 84 94


+359 2 870 72 73


Contact person and


assoc. prof. Rumen Andreev, Ph.D. - Chiev of Department

Type of organization:

R&D / University

Area of activity:

72.19 Research and experimental development services

in other natural sciences and ingineering

The companys activities

Information and Communication Technologies.
Advanced Computing.
Parallel Algorithms.
Optimization and Control.
Embedded Systems.
Sensor Signals Processing.
Linguistic Modeling.
Fundamental and applied investigations it the area of computer science and
ICT, development of innovative applications.
Basic priorities are:
Growth of the science potential improving the knowledge and skills of the
Improving of the existing infrastructure
advanced computing and smart periphery.

Horizontal integration of R&D in IICT

intelligent periphery, control and optimization
Accelerate of the innovative applications in energetics, ecology, transport,
medicine etc.
The Institute of Information and Communication Technologies is an active participant in a number of EC scientific programs TEMPUS, COPERNICUS, FP5,
FP6, FR7, as well as in the scientific programs of NATO, Volkswagen Foundation,
US National Science Foundation, the
National Science Foundation of Switzerland, etc.. IICT-BAS is in active collaboration with lots of EU research institutions,
as well as with universities and scientific
units in Germany, Great Britain, France,
Finland, Greece, Switzerland, Russia,
USA, Ukraine, Japan, etc.

Products, Services and

Super Computer Applications
Energy Efficient Technologies
New Materials and Nano Technologies
Human Health and Quality of Life
Grid Technologies
High Tech. Scientifically Research and
Industrial Applications of Innovations
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Modern high accuracy data acquisition
devices, renovating of existing computer
technics, special software for modeling
and simulation.

Title offer
Abstract of the offer
Renovating of the working surface of
shafts for extrusion of sheet materials
(Plexiglas, PVC, plastics, aluminium folio)
by creating of the industrial suitable technology as well as design of the relevant
technological line for nigh mechanical resistible and high smooth wash over the
shafts in the extrusion processes.
Description of the offer
The proposed technology for renovating
the work surface of the extrusion shafts
is based on piling and burnishing of new
type high resistible Nickel layers (coating)

Institute of Information and

Communication Technologies
with nano-elements and/or nano-dispersoids: piling of the thin (10-15 m) or
thicker (24-40 m) nickel layer (including nano-diamonds, SiC or Al2O3) to
increase the rigidness and stability.
Title request
Special Objective for Micro Scenes
Abstract of the request

Devices for measuring and registration of following structures and variables:

New type high speed forging hammer using rocket drive.
Thermo image of electronic contours.
Micro and nano size particles in special powders.

Description of the request

For measurements, viewing and registration are suitable following devices:
High speed camera Phantom Gold up to 6000 pictures per second, high
Thermo camera FLIR 640 high resolution thermo image, 0.20C accuracy.
Analysette 22 Nano Tech laser
nano particle sizer in range 10-2000


Institute of
System Engineering and Robotics
Legal No:



Bl. 2, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 873 26 14


+359 2 870 33 61


Contact person and


assoc. prof. Roman Zahariev, Ph.D. - Deputy Director

Type of organization:

R&D / University

Area of activity:

72.20 Research and experimental development services

in social sciences and humanities

Products, Services and Technologies

R&D for specialized sensors, micro and
nano systems, intelligent actuators and
Innovations for biotechnology, eco and
chemical processes in food and pharmacy industry.
Robotized systems and service robotics, computer control of industrial processes.

The companys activities

System Engineering
Energy Efficiency
Bio Technologies
The activity of the Institute of System Engineering and Robotics is directed to:
creation of knowledge, ideas, inventions and know-how in areas like sensors,
micro- and nano-systems, robotics, mechatronics, bioprocesses; measurement
technologies, embedded intelligent systems, etc.
synthesis of new approaches, theories,
models and end technologies in the field
of bioprocesses via the investigation of
the cell functions, acquisition certain syndromes, bio-fuels from renewable

application of new and universal models and frameworks for evaluation of solutions and improvement of the efficiency
of the energy sector, extraction of energy
from the sea waves and rivers.
development of advanced scientific
methods, algorithms and applied means
for intelligent control, including Webbased architecture for tele-control of autonomous mobile objects, wireless communications and technologies, etc.
research and development of mechatronic and robotized systems, executive devices and instruments with microprocessor control.
ISER is an associated member of the
CMS project of CERN the European Organization for Nuclear Research, Switzerland. Specialists from ISER participate
in the building and maintenance of components of the equipment and the instrumentation for the CMS experiment.

High Tech. Scientifically Research and

Development, Industrial Applications of
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Enlargement of the existing and additional new national and international funded
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Modern high accuracy data acquisition
devices, renovating of existing computer
technics, special software for modeling
and simulation.
Title offer
Multi-Role Shadow Robotic System for
Independent Living.

Abstract of the offer

Development and prototyping of remotely-controlled, semi-autonomous robotic
assistants called shadows in domestic
environments. In particular, it will demonstrate a new, practical and efficient solution for personalised home care and e-inclusion.
Description of the offer
The shadow robot is usually required
by elderly people (especially those living
alone), they tend to be discouraged from
adopting existing ambient-assisted-living
(AAL) products by a lack of trust/confi-

Institute of
System Engineering and Robotics

dence, limited functionality or unacceptably high-costs.

Title request
Group control and wireless communications of mobile service robots.

wireless communication protocol must

be available. There are a number of
standards such as Bluetooth and ZigBee, which are targeted at high-speed
data transmission for voice and sound,
wireless networks, low consumption sensors,.

Moments of company mission in

Serbia and Bulgaria

Abstract of the request:

For management purposes and to
achieve social interaction, i.e. implementation of the Society of robots, the mobile
robots can execute separate tasks, such
as other robot to follow the main robot
(Follow the Leader and Clustering), tagging (Tag) and prosecution (Manhunt) and
final task of establishing a farm by service
Description of the request:
For data transfer and synchronization a

Institute of Mechanics
Legal No:



Bl. 4, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 979 64 20


+359 2 870 74 98


Contact person and


prof. Vasil Kavardjikov, D.Sc - Director

Type of organization:

R&D / University

Area of activity:

72.19 Research and experimental development services

in other natural sciences and ingineering

The companys activities:

Research at the Institute of Mechanics
developes in six main areas:
Solid Mechanics
Fluid Mechanics
Bio Mechanics
Physico Chemical Mechanics
Multibidy Mechanics
Modeling and Simulation
Products, Services and Technologies
The Institute of Mechanics has a local network with over than 100 PCs and a LINUXbased grid cluster with the power of 20
CPUs. Many experimental devices are created and used. Among them are:
quipment for measuring displacement

and strain fields by speckle interferometry;

Devices for non-destructive testing of
physical and mechanical properties of materials, joints and constructions
Laboratory equipment and methods for
studying technological processes of hydrotransport and irrigation;
Computer-aided systems for design of
water fountains;
Computer-based system with a rheometre for measuring rheological characteristics of physiological liquids;
Equipment for stretch and stress-relaxation experiments.
High Tech. Scientifically Research and
Industrial Applications of Innovations.

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

Enlargement of the existing and additional new national and international funded
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development:
Modern high accuracy data acquisition
devices, renovating of existing computer
technics, special software for modeling
and simulation.

Legal No:



8, Kl. Ochridski blvd., bl. 3 TUSofia, office 3221


1797 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 965 25 74


+359 2 965 25 74


Contact person and


Assoc. Prof. PhD Georgi Todorov

Chief of Department

Type of organization:

R&D/University, Technological center

Area of activity:

94.99 Services furnished by other membership

organisations n.e.c.

The companys activities

We provide our partners with engineering and consulting:
Services at development and improvement of new products, their prototyping
and industrialization for fast and effective
realization of new ideas and minimizing
the time to market.
Our activities are conceptual design,
design, modeling and optimization, prototyping and interactive documentation.
Creation as well as increasing of the
Technology professional qualification.
Services and Technologies
New Product Development.

Research & Technical Specification.

Conceptual Design.
Engineering Analyses & Simulations.
Detailed Design & Documentation.
Physical Prototyping.
Testing & Measurement.
Engineering Analyses.
Computational Structural Mechanics
Steady State Mechanics
Implicit Dynamics: Modal, Harmonic,
Transient Institutional, Business and
Educational integration in the area of Advanced Technologies and Mechatronics
Explicit Dynamics: Drop, Shock, Impact, Crash Test.
Random Vibration, Response.
Spectrum, Earthquake.
Fracture Mechanics.

Contact and Material Nonlinearities.

Multi Body Dynamics.
Thermal Analyses.
Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Reliability, FMECA, Lifecycle.
Physical & Virtual Prototyping.
FDM rapid prototyping system.
Rapid prototyping of precise features:
- Solid Scape R66+
- Laser milling system LASERTEC 40
- System for selective laser melting SLM
Today, we are continuously developing
and improving our capabilities, using

contemporary CAD/CAM/CAE technologies and the potential of our equip of

highqualified engineers.
Over 90 successful subcontracted projects with West European and USA Companies was developed inLaboratory.
A great number of students are educated
and work in the Laboratory, using contemporary CAD/CAM/CAE technologies.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Main target of the Centre is to develop
sustainable environment for high tech
scientific research, become a natural
and competitive center for innovations,
simulations, prototyping and systems research as well as for MSc and PhD students and young scientists education.

Research Laboratory MECHATRONICS,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Sofia

Legal No:



8, Kiiment Ohridski Blvd.


1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 965 36 10


+359 2 965 26 10

tnesh@tu-sofia bg

Contact person and


Prof. Todor Neshkov

Vice chairman

Type of organization:


Area of activity:

85.42 Tertiary education services

The companys activities

Consultancy and teaching in automation
and mechatronics.
Consultancy advices, methodology for
desigh, exploitation and service of systems for automation and mechatronics.
The only methodological company in the
field of Mechatronics in Bulgaria
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Cooperation in national and international

Title offer
Research, Education and Constancy in
the field of Mechatronics and automation

N G Organizations

Abstract of the offer

The laboratory has more than 10 years
experience in the field of automation of
discrete processes, automation and control systems, robotics, mechatronics and
CAD/CAM and CIM. Education at any levels and methodological aspects of Mechatronics and automation are topics of
a lot of national and international projects.
We can offer consultancy in the Quality
control, Application of European low and
Standardization as well.


Applied Research and

Communications Fund
Legal No:



5, Alexander Zhendov St.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 973 30 00


+359 2 973 35 88


Contact person and


Angel Milev, Program Director

Type of organization:

Non profit organization

Area of activity:

94.99 Services furnished by other membership

organisations n.e.c.

The companys activities

ARC Fund is actively involved in the efforts to shape policies and developments towards information society and
knowledge economy in a national, regional, European and global context. We
pursue this mission by:
Conducting applied research and analyses that assist the development and implementation of public policies;
Introducing new policy concepts and
innovative policymaking tools (e.g. foresight);
Promoting public policy consensus by
bringing together the key actors in government, industry and civil society, and
by forming coalitions and public-private
Building capacity in various professional groups by providing specialized trainings and facilitating the transfer of knowledge and international good practice;
Enhancing the capacity of companies
to innovate by providing technology brokering and consulting services;
Designing innovative solutions to development problems by initiating pilot
projects that demonstrate the values of
technologies, including ICTs, in strengthening democratic governance, empowering civil society, and developing competitive businesses.
ARC Fund is the coordinator of Enterprise Europe Network in Bulgaria. It is
part of the biggest global network for

business development and technology

transfer. Through its partners in more
that 60 countries the Fund is able to intermediate for establishing of business
contacts and support licensing and
transfer of new echnologies. The services are oriented to all the spectrum of
researchers, inventors, SMEs, big
companies, NGOs and public organizations.
ARC Funds activities serve a wide community of policymakers and practitioners
in central and local governments, businesses, industry associations and civil
society. Over 5,000 client organizations
currently benefit from ARC Funds innovation incubation and business support
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
ARC Fund is looking for partners for cooperation in the fields of its activities:
intermediation for establishing of business contacts and support licensing and
transfer of new technologies;
shaping regional and national policies
in the field of R&D and innovation and
smart specialization;
technology forecast and Foresight;
analysis of the business and innovation
oint participation in cross-border and
EU programmes such as INTERREG,
HORIZON2020, COSME, etc.

Bulgarian Robotic Society (BRS)

Legal No:



Bl. 4, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 979 27 23


+359 2 873 15 09


Contact person and


Prof. Dr. Dimitar Karastoyanov,

Secretary of BRS

Type of organization:

Non profit organization

Area of activity:

94.11 Services furnished by business and employers membership organisations

The companys activities

Joining scientists and popularization of
Organizing of scientific events.
Publishing of scientifical journals.
Training Courses.
Business trips, exhibitions.
Products, Services and
Non profit organization, flexible organization for scientific events, exhibitions,
courses and publishing.

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

BSR needs for membership in worldwide organizations in the area of robotics and mechatronics.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Modern office technics, renovating of
existing computers, special software for
data bases and publishing functions.
Title offer
Mobile robotized wireless platform.
Abstract of the offer
Development of a kind of autonomous

mobile robots, intended for work and

adaptive perception in unknown and
unstructured environment. The way of
locomotion is wheel/chain-driven, with
electro drive mechanisms, sensors and
end effectors. Modular system for the
mechanical construction of the mobile
robots is proposed. Electronic module
for the wireless communication on the
base of ZIgBee as well as the specific
software are developed.
Description of the offer
The objective are robots, dedicated for
multisensory environment perception
and exploration, like measurements
and samples taking, discovering and
putting a mark on the objects as well
as environment interactions transportation, carrying in and out of equipment
and objects. The areas of application
are: scientific investigations, environmental monitoring, antiterrorism protection, suspicious objects manipulations.
Title request
Modules for mechanics, drives and
electronics using in mobile robots.
Abstract of the request
Mobile platforms (with or without manipulators) can use for investigation
purposes transport of measuring
units, taking of samples, etc. Other
aspect is the investigation of environ-

mental parameters (air, water, soil) for

its protecting. Mobile systems can also
be used for observation in harmful and
dangerous conditions. Important application area is suspicious objects detecting and handling. One of the most
frequent methods of terrorist attacks is
leaving explosives in unattended objects (cars, luggage, bags etc.). An effective solution could be found in robotics. Robots have been credited with
saving countless lives in war zones and
various dangerous areas (explosives,
radiation etc).
Description of the request
The tasks execution of a mobile robotic
system is stable moving on getting or
choosing trajectory, and also execution
of ordered operations on the trace or
in the target point. The operations execution is a task for the control system
of the manipulator, based on the platform. The control system of the platform solves other problems - jumping
over the roughness and avoiding the
obstacles. The task for avoiding the
obstacles is a task for image recognition and changing the trajectory. More
interesting is the situation with avoiding the obstacles. The main question
here is (except the servo and the steer
control), the stability of the mobile robotized platform against overturning in
roughness terrain conditions, declination when overcoming of the obstacles,

John Atanasoff - Union of

Automation and Informatics (UAI)
Legal No:



108, G. S. Rakovski Str.


1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 987 61 69


+359 2 987 93 69


Contact person and


D-r Benislav Vanev, deputy chairman

Type of organization:

Non profit organization

Area of activity:

94.11 Services furnished by business and employers

membership organisations

The companys activities

The Union of Automation and Informatics (UAI) is a nongovernmental creativeprofessional society of the specialists in
the field of automation and informatics in
Bulgaria. It was founded in 1990 by initiative group of leading specialists in this
scientific and professional area.
UAI strengthened its position as the biggest scientific and technical organization
in the country. The most prominent Bulgarian scientists and specialists in the
area of automation and informatics are
members of UAI. A lot of scientific and
educational organizations and departments, private and state companies all
over the country are also members of
The Union is foundation member of the
Federation of the Scientific Engineering
Unions (FNTS) and a member of CEPIS
(Council of European Professional Informatics Societies); trough FNTS UAI is a
member of IFAC and FEANI (European

Federation of National Engineering Associations). The Union has a contract for

collaboration with IEEE. UAI makes contacts and collaboration with related societies and institutions in the country and
Basic activities
1. Organizing scientific symposiums,
conferences, workshops, discussions.
2. Spreading scientific and technical information, and publishing literature, reference books and other information materials:
Journal Automatics and Informatics (it
has been issued since 1967) deals with
the problems of the applications of scientific and technical achievements into
practice, business, and scientific and
technical policy of the country in the
whole area of automatics and informatics. Announcements of new production,
technical systems, control instrumentation and business information are published as well.
Journal Information Technologies and

John V. Atanasoff
was born on October 4, 1903 in Hamilton , New
York , USA in the family of Bulgarian immigrant from
Boyadjik, Yambol Region, Bulgaria.

Control (it has been issued since 2003

in English) publishes original scientific

and applied surveys, analyses and papers by Bulgarian and foreign authors.
3. Business-information services, presentations and seminars of companies
and activities, professional contacts, advertisements, etc.;
4. Training and re-qualification;
One of the new and most notable activities is applying the European standard
for computer skills (ECDL). ECDL is recommended by the European Commission as a basic certificate in computer
skills of inhabitants of European Union
countries. As a member of CEPIS and
of a consortium ECDL Bulgaria, compound by organizations within the FNTS,
UAI participates actively in applying the
standard in Bulgaria.
5. International Conference CompSysTech.
6. Days devoted to John Atanasoff, together with the International Conference
Automatics and Informatics.

7. International conference Robotics,

Automatics and Mechatronics (RAM)
8. Club UAI monthly meetings in Sofia,
Plovdiv and other cities in Bulgaria.
9. International collaboration
Products and Services
Automatics and Informatics,
Information Technologies and Control
Holding of technical-scientific events
(conferences, seminars, lectures, etc.).
Prestigious, creative and professional
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Organization of joint scientific and technical activities in the field of automation
and informatics with similar organizations.

Bulgarian Industrial Association Ltd.
Legal No:



16-20, Alabin Str.


1000 Sofia, Bulgaria


+ 359 2 93 209 11


+ 359 2 987 26 04


Contact person and


Kiril Zhelyazkov, Director General

Type of organization:


Area of activity:

The experience of BIA - Ltd. in the assistance of the SMEs

development gave an opportunity for realizing activities towards stimulation of entrepreneurship and development of

The companys activities

As a subsidiary of the BIA the biggest
Bulgarian Employers Organization BIA
Ltd. offers analyses of all sectors of the
Bulgarian industry made upon clients
request. Industry reports are prepared
on a quarterly and annual basis and contain information about the main trends of
development in the respective industrial
sector, sales, production, import, export,
as well as information about major producers, exporters/importers, key foreign
and domestic markets for the respective
Services and consultations on Industrial

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

BIA needs the partners from abroad for
organization of joint seminar forms of
education, including training of lecturers
in the areas of industrial politics; preferences for employers, when tenancy of
work force; energy efficiency; tax legislation; public procurements and offset
schemes; financing sources; international standards and financial report in EU
countries, etc.

Other needs necessary for future

organizations development
Networking with similar organizations
and companies from all over the world.


Legal No:



177, Europe Blvd.


1331 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 925 13 65


+359 2 925 13 65/116


Contact person and


Jeanette Popova, Manager

Type of organization:
Area of activity:

Production company
32.50 Manufacture of medical and dental instruments
and supplies

The companys activities

AMET Ltd. is a company specialized in development, design, manufacturing and distribution of medical
electronic equipment and modules.
Products, Services and
Electrosurgery: AMETOM 810/820
- a compact high-frequency electrosurgical device applicable in all
branches of surgery and microsurgery
Medical instruments
Sauna cabin devices:
LCD touch screen controller
Sauna control LOTOS
Sauna equipment

AMET Ltd. is certified for production
of medical equipment, as defined in
ISO 13 485 by MDC medical device
certification GmbH - Stuttgart. AMETOM is the first product line in Bulgaria developed and manufactured
in accordance with the EU 93/42/
EWG (Apendix II) directive for medical
equipment production and is given
CE-mark by the certifying authority.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
AMET Ltd. as a company specialized
in design, manufacturing and distribution of electronic medical equipment and modules, mechanical parts
and units for incorporation is looking

for cooperation for developing new

products and for expanding of the
sales network.

Apronecs Ltd.
Legal No:



87, Treti Mart Blvd.


5300 Gabrovo, Bulgaria


+359 66 819 300


+359 66 819 302


Contact person and


Tzvetan Nedkov, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

28.99 Other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.

The companys activities

The company is a leading manufacturer in the area
of power electronics, automation and engineering.
Products, Services and
Power electronic - power supplies, generators for
induction heating, induction brazing, hardening
machines, exciters accessory.
Engineering - industrial furnaces, Projects
Industrial Control termocontrollers, timers,
counters, controllers, special controllers
Ultrasonic - ultrasonic welding, sewing-cutting,
cleaners, special cleaners, generators, transducers, service.
Laboratory equipment - casting machines, cleaners, muffle furnaces, electropolishing, tube furnaces, dryer oven, Electrolysis apparatus

Legal No:



Bitov combinat, fl. 2, Roman Avramov bul., Mladost 4


1715 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 974 51 96


+359 2 974 43 24


Contact person and


Alexander Savov, CEO

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

72.19 Research and experimental development services

in other natural sciences and engineering

The companys activities

Industrial Automation.
Turn-key solutions for automation of industrial processes and systems: design
by certified designers, production of
control panels, assembling, PLC, HMI &
SCADA software, warranty and after sell
Production of ZigBee modules for wireless communication, interface converters (RS232, RS485, RS422, current
loop), telemetric and embedded controllers, solar controllers, programmable
logic controllers (PLC) and remote I/O,
signal conditioners, transmitters, signal
R&D of hardware, firmware and software
for industrial automation based on specific client specifications.

Implementation of Energy Management

Implementation of PLC, HMI and SCADA
(Schneider Electric, Allen Bradley, Siemens, 7T, Iconics, Kepware, Comicon),
including SIL3.
Telemetric systems for wireless control
and monitoring of remote installations.
Design and delivery of video wall systems for control rooms and other applications.
Supply of fire and gas detection products
and systems for critical industrial applications.
Products, Services and Technologies
ZigBee modules for wireless communication
Interface converters (RS232, RS485,

RS422, current loop)

Telemetric and embedded controllers
Solar controllers
Programmable logic controllers (PLC)
and remote I/O
Signal conditioners
Signal devices
Wide knowledge in the field of wireless
industrial communications, control and
monitoring of industrial processes, control rooms, videowall systems. ISO certified company since 1999 year.

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

We are looking for partners engineering companies for common projects
and also implementation of our products.

Title offer
Z series devices based on IEEE 802.15.4
and ZigBee and designed to provide reliable and secure wireless transfer of analogue, discrete and serial signals.
Abstract of the offer
Z series devices work with Sensors, Actuators, PLCs, HMI, SCADA systems.
Functions of Z Series devices are replicate analog or digital signals from a remote location wirelessly and/or wireless
connection of serial interfaces.
Advantages of Z series devices are:
Overcome rivers, roads, railroads without construction work.
Easy and fast installation.
Reliable work indoor and outdoor.
Low cost of installation and maintenance.
Flexible approach to building up of new
and extending of existing systems.

ZMIO line wireless remote Modbus input/output modules.

ZCIO embedded controllers with built
in ZigBee communication and different
functionality on demand. Some applications of ZCIO controllers are system for
reduction of steam consumption (in clothing factory), Modbus master of a network
with ZMIO modules, wireless control of
conveyor, etc.

Description of the offer

Z series consists of 7 lines of products:
ZPIO and ZPIOM lines both offer the
same functionality analog and digital
inputs at one end are replicated to the
corresponding outputs at the other end.
Each device can have: up to 8 digital inputs; up to 8 digital outputs; up to 2 analogue inputs; up to 2 analogue outputs,
up to 2 serial interfaces.
Zserial, ZUSerial and Zrepeater lines industrial radio modems.

Legal No:



87-89, Pernik str




+359 2 822 03 80 +359 888 215 265



Contact person and


Dimitar Goranov, manager

Type of organization:


Area of activity:

Design, supply, integration of SCADA systems

The companys activities

SCADA-based solutions and automation
Telecommunication systems
Fail-safe secure systems
Consulting services and education
Products, Services and
DISIM-E SCADA based client-server
oriented software whose main purpose
is to automate all processes and devices
in Metropoliten Sofia energy department;
DISIM-T SCADA based client-server
oriented software whose main purpose
is to automate all processes and devices
in Metropoliten Sofia train department;
little real-time server side software which

is responsible to inform Metropoliten Sofia customers about the timetable of every train;
DD-100 radio information system
integrated in every train of Metropoliten
Sofia. Its main purpose is to provide passengers with all necessary information;
Semi automatic block system the
main purpose of the system is to provide
security and safety to all passengers using BDZ transport, ensuring that there is
no possibility of train collisions.
Open-minded team possessing rock solid set of skills in different IT areas, who
can provide different solutions of a single

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

Dissy Ltd. is interested in participating in
international projects and programmes in
its research area. Collaboration interests
include analyzing, developing and finding
solutions regarding integration, monitoring and control systems of the railway,
road transport or other similar area of
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Collaboration with more international


Title offer
DISSY Design, Supply, Integration of
SCADA systems
Abstract of the offer
Telecommunication systems.
SCADA based solutions and automation.
Fail-safe security systems.
Consulting services and education
Description of the offer
DISIM-E: SCADA based client server
oriented software whose main purpose
is to automate all process and devices in
railways/metro energy departments.
DISIM-T: SCADA based client server oriented software whose main purpose is to

automate all process and devices in railways/metro train departments.

DISIM-PIS: Part of DISIM-T SCADA little real-time server side software which is
responsible to inform railways/metro customers about the time table of every train.
DD-100: radio information system integrated in every train of Metropolitan Sofia. Its main purpose to provide passengers with all necessary information.
Semi-automatic blocking system: The
main purpose of the system is to provide
security and safety to all passengers using railway transport , ensuring that there
is no possibility of train collisions.
Title request
Desing, Supply, Integration of SCADA

Abstract of the request

DISSY is interested in participating in
projects under EU FP7 as well as other
international programmes in its research
area. Collaboration interest include analyzing, developing and finding solutions
regarding integration, monitoring and
control systems of the railway or road
transport as well as other similar area of
automation systems.
Description of the request
Telecommunications systems;
SCADA-based solutions and automation;
Fail-safe secure systems;
Consulting services and educations.

BioEviBul Ltd.
Legal No:



4A, Barzaritsa Str.


1618 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 955 95 39


+359 2 955 95 39


Contact person and


Petar Vulkov, Managing Director

Type of organization:

Other: Services

Area of activity:

74.90 Professional and technical support and

consulting services n. e. c.

The companys activities

Innovative product, ideas and technologies, offering service with a good quality/price report, meant to bring improvement to the quality of life, and therefore
participating in building and developing a
lasting society.
Products, Services and
1. PCBs and Electronic devices assembly and test with customers components and assembly specification - CEManufacturing.
2. Screen printing of panels, boxes, stickers, etc. stencils.
3. Technological projects for PCB assembly, procurement of equipment and consumables, training.

The internal R&D activities with satisfactory qualification of the R&D staff.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: communication, negotiation, sales
and IT.
Training: Marketing, EU market and legislative; Quality standards and CE mark,
Intellectual property rights, Energy efficiency, Environment protection
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Finance of the internal R&D activities
by more specialised fund, support programmes and international programmes.

Legal No:



7th km, Tsarigradsko shose Blvd.


1784 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 9743458


+359 2 9743458


Contact person and


Dimitar Dragoev, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

72.19 Research and experimental development services

in other natural sciences and ingineering

The companys activities

Design and development of:
Automation equipment with high reliability for power projects, refineries, oil
platforms, buildings etc.;
Protection and management systems for the above listed objects
Hardware and firmware for incorporation into other systems
Development of software for distributed monitoring and management systems. Design of systems for protection
and management. Development and
application of models and simulators
of construction sites.

Products, Services and

Reactor Power Control System Nuclear Power Plant
Control System of the Sebim PilotOperated Safety valves
Control System of the Sebim PilotOperated Safety valves
Computer based System for Operator Support
Integrated Monitoring & Control System for Oil Refinery
Fiber Optic Transceiver
Integrated building block of Machine
Island Surveillance
Operator logging System
Steam Generator Wtaer Level Control System
LonWorks Based Means for Distributed Control and Monitoring

Control Systems for Safety Valves

Device for the Function Protection
against Cold Overpressurization
Integrated supervisory Control and
data Acguisition System


Electroinvent Ltd.
Legal No:



43, Cherny Vrah Blvd.


1407 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 862 14 06


+359 2 962 52 63


Contact person and


Julian Torchanov, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

Development and production of products used in the fields

of electronics and power electronics

The companys activities

The basic activities of the company are
development and production of products
used in the field of electronics and power
Frequency Inverters (U/f and Vector
control) for AC motors
AC Servo Drives for Brushless motors
Production of electronic modules for
assembling in different products in the
field of power electronics (assembling
and test)
PCB assembling - SMD and TH assembling line
Assembling of electrical cabinets
Import and distribution of electrical
components and electromechanical
components for automatisation systems
Production of inverters for Solar installations

Products, Services and


Production of inverters for Solar installations


The basic activities of the company are

development and production of products
used in the field of electronics and power
Frequency Inverters (U/f and Vector
control) for AC motors
AC Servo Drives for Brushless motors
Production of electronic modules for
assembling in different products in the
field of power electronics (assembling
and test)
PCB assembling - SMD and TH assembling line
Assembling of electrical cabinets
Import and distribution of electrical
components and electromechanical
components for automatisation systems

Highly qualified personnel, technical support, possibility for cooperation, competitive prices, flexible lead times
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Highly qualified personnel, technical support, possibility for cooperation, competitive prices, flexible lead times
Other needs necessary for future
New technologies connected with drive
system for AC, DC, brushes and other
type of motor, power electronics devices
connected with the Solar application.

Legal No:



4, A. Lyapchev Blvd.


1756 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 817 60 00


+359 2 974 40 61


Contact person and


Simeon Ilinski, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

27.12 Electricity distribution and control apparatus

The companys activities

System integration and engineering
projects in factory monitoring, control
and automation.
Design and manufacturing of specialized machines.
CNC machines: design, manufacturing and retrofit.
Complete solutions for wastewater
plant automation.
Building automation and facilities monitoring systems.
Developing of test benches for engineering purposes and tuning of gas meters and prepayment systems.
Development and manufacturing of
test and calibration test benches for min-

iature circuit breakers.

Design and manufacturing of industrial applications in transportation, dosing,
sorting and diagnostics.
Design and manufacturing of Low Voltage panels, distribution panels, switchboards, operator and automation panels.
Citec-software for industrial automation and visualization systems.
System integration and control of machines.
Special machines and equipment.
Switchboards and control panels.
Gas distribution.
Electrical apparatuses and management.
Protection, control and alarm systems,
Electric switches and sockets, apartment boards, switchboards, industrial
Optical and acoustic alarm devices.

Flexible cable tubes, cable leading

Electrical assemblage


Legal No:



18, A. Saharov str.


9009 Varna, Bulgaria


+359 52 730 794


+359 52 730 796


Contact person and


Yordanka Ruseva, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

27.33 Wiring devices

The companys activities

Our main area of experise is focused on
cable products harnesses and commutations. In this area there are no secrets for us. We can manufacture almost any cableware imaginable from
the simplest cable form, through various
types of bundles to finished products for
the end consumer for exmple candlelike lamps for one of our clients in EU.
Due to the elevated interest of our clients
from the middle of 2012 our company
began expanding the product line and
implementing machines and technologies for metal processing machining
on automatic lathes of materials up to 40
mm in diameter and pressing on eccentric presses 6,3 and 40 t. Our potential
for pressed details is unlimited due to our

ability to manufacture specialized matrices and tools.

The range of pressed metal work is unlimited because for each product we
make specialized tools and instruments.
Our partners in this field are companies
with rich experience in the design and
development of tools and instruments for
metal and plastic processing.

Products, Services and
Cable ware
Connecting conductors and cables
Cable harnesses and commutations
Metal processing
Turned metal products
Pressed metal products

We guarantee 100% quality for our products. This is possible due to the implemented and certified quality control systems ISO 9001:2000 and AQAP 2120,
as well as our quality control department making 100% quality check of the
incoming materials, current production
and ready products.

Legal No:



133, Tsarigradsko shousse" Blvd., 7th km


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 9718419


+359 2 9718419


Contact person and


Petya Petrova, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

27.12 Electricity distribution and control apparatus

The companys activities

Measuring and regulating devices in the
field of power engineering, test stands
for water and thermal meters
Products, Services and
Electricity Products
Test Systems
Energy Standards
Meter Test Benches
Current Transformer Testers
Meter+ CT Test System (new)
Water Products
Portable Water Meter Testers
Water Meter Test Benches

Three- and mono-phase Electricity Meter Standards for calibration and verification purposes
Three- and mono-phase Phantom Loads
for the purposes of electricity metering
Stationary and mobile Electricity Meter
Test Benches with up to 20 meter positions
Instrument Current Transformer Test
Portable Network Analyzers and Testers
Test Systems for testing the complete
system electricity meter + current transformer

Legal No:



92, Komatevsko shosse Str.


4004 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


+359 32 277171


+359 32 672476


Contact person and


Ognyan Zarev, Executive Director

Nonka Cherpokova, Executive Director
Ivan Kukov, Chairman of the Management Board

Type of organization:

Trade company

Area of activity:

46.90 Non-specialised wholesale trade servises

The companys activities

Delivery, distribution and sales of cable
products, electrical equipment and automation products of Schneider Electric
and Siemens, MV- and HV- equipment
and cable fittings, lighting equipment
and installation materials.
Engineering - design, manufacturing
and installation of complete electrical appliances and automation of sites, lines
and facilities, electric metering panels,
production of lighting fixtures.

Products, Services and
Cables and Wires
Cable Accessories
Electrical Equipment

Electrical Installation Materials
Renewable energy sources

The company is working on a certified
integrated management system including quality management environment,
health and safety in accordance with
ISO. 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004 and
OHSAS 18001:2007.
The quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2000 was certified in 2002 and re-issued in 2005 and
Our clients are companies from the power production, transmission and distribution sector, and from the communica-

tions, construction, power engineering

and trade sector. Important to us clients
are foreign investors and executors of
strategic facilities and sites, Bulgarian
SMEs, economic and public associations. Confident of our products and services are Bulgarian and foreign companies.

Legal No:



2, Parva Bulgarska armia Blvd.


1220 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 831 20 45


+359 2 931 00 29


Contact person and


Rayna Stamenova, Chairman of the Management Board

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

28.22 Lifting and handling equipment

The companys activities

Full range of electrical equipment and
spare parts for electric cars, forklift trucks
and general elecric appliances,
explosion-proof equipment for the chemical and mining industries.
Products, Services and
The company maintains good traditions
and is specialized in the manufacture of:
Explosion-proof appliances (Ex) with
highly graded dust and humidity protection; aluminum and plastic terminal boxes, single-phase switches, push button
switches, signal, energy saving and fluorescent luminaries etc.
Electrical equipment for battery and
motor-operated lift trucks - signal light-

ing units, all types of cables & bundles,

reversers, single-phase emergency stop
control units, battery discharge indicators, fuses & bases, resistors, contactors
and controller boards, panels for motoroperated trucks, pin-plug connectors,
auxiliary switches, emergency control
Low intensity obstacle lights;
Snap-action switches SAS 00 (S800);
All types of active resistances ranging from 100W to 200kW, based on flat
resistance components are being produced.
General appliance articles:
LED lamps, limit control switches, cable
tips, 380V isolators, air exhausters for car
braking systems etc.
Inland & foreign trade with spare parts for
all types of electrical and motor-operated
lift trucks.

ISKRA SILATRONIC envisages capacities for increase of production and possesses the following competitive advantages offered to our partners:
Very reasonable prices.
Well-trained technical staff in design
& implementation of electrical products
for battery and diesel-operated fork lift
trucks and explosion-proof equipment.
Abundant machine park and state of

the art technologies.

We only use high-quality materials and
components, with technical parameters
complying to international standards.
All products are subject to testing in authorised laboratories and are accompanied by a quality certificate.
Our goals have been confirmed in 2000
by the introduction of the quality system based on EN ISO 9001:2000 certificate No. HU 04/ 0443., now EN ISO
9001: 2008.

Legal No:



15, Tintyava Str.


1113 SofiaBulgaria


+359 2 962 93 85


+359 2 962 93 86


Contact person and


Alexei Stratev, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

28.99 Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.

The companys activities

Manufacturer of automated systems for
electronics production for Bulgarian and
global markets.
IVAS Tech supplies a wide scale of solutions and service, which will higher quality and flexibility of the working process.
Products, Services and
IVAS Tech offers four main products:
PLM200, HBSM, BTO and SPM100.
PLM2000 Pick and Place platform
handles extremely high component mix.
HBSM is the most advanced, multiflexible system for automated Hot-Bar
soldering of Luxeon type power light
The BTO is a series of reflow ovens

with air convection. They are as perfect

for small and mid productions of SMT as
well as hybrid PCBs. The heating zones
are micro-controller operated, which
gives higher precision over the temperature profiles.
SPM100 is a manual stencil printer for
laying on soldering paste on PCBs with
the use of pre made stencil. The construction of the printer restricts the operators actions so that the process is repeatable.
Equipment with flexible and advanced
technological systems that guarantee
high quality of your production.
Highly qualified staff, which can offer
specific solutions that meet the specific

requirements of every client.

Technological solutions developed entirely tailored to your manufacturing.
Fast reaction from our staff in case you
require technical or software help.
Guaranteed high quality of the technical support.
Because of dynamic innovations, guaranteed reliability and high quality our
products are highly appreciated both in
the Bulgarian and international markets.
Our clients are companies from Germany, England, Russia, France, Spain, Italy,
China, Argentina and Taiwan.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
IVAS Tech supplies a wide scale of solutions and service, which will higher quality and flexibility of the working process.

The firm is able to resolve a wide range

of manufacturing problems and to supply the right technological solutions.
IVAS Tech is currently working on several
projects, including faster pick and place
machine and an automatic stencil printer.
Our aim is to become a manufacturer of
full line of equipment for automated assembly of PCBs.

Machinointelekt Ltd.
Legal No:



Mladost I, Bl. 54A, E. G, Office 7


1784 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 492 39 03



Contact person and


Ivaylo Ivanov, Manager

Type of organization:

Publishing services

Area of activity:

Publishing services of journals and periodicals

The companys activities

House Ltd offers its Bulgarian readers
the following specialized editions: Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
journal, Almanac of the Priority Sectors
of the Bulgarian Engineering Industries,
Catalog of Members of the Bulgarian Association of Electrical Engineering and
Electronics, Manual Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Subcontractors, Machines.
The main objectives of the magazine are:
To provide priority of the Bulgarian developments with applied character in the
field of the technical engineering, the
technologies, the efficiency of the production, the ecology, etc.;
To discuss the industrial production
and the process of cooperation and
partnership with foreign companies, the
opening of new markets, etc.;
To assist the transfer of technologies

on the grounds of the ongoing with the

world economy integration processes;
To participate into international forums
(exhibitions, congresses, trade fairs) by
means of special issues in English or in
other foreign languages.
Products, Services and
The Machinebuilding & Electrical Engineering magazine
Conventional Rubrics:
Engineering & Construction
Foreign experience
Bulgarian development;
Electrical Engineering Electronics Subcontractors Machines catalogue etc.
The Machinebuilding & electrical engineering magazine is distributed by

means of subscription, as well as on

specialized Trade fairs, Exhibitions, and
other forums, home and abroad, and is
sold at the Technical Bookstores.
It is issued with the aid of the Brach
Chamber of Machine Engineering, the
Branch Chamber in Electrical Engineering, and the Scientific and Research Union in machine engineering.
Althoug the Bulgarian machine engineering has experienced difficulties for
the last 10 (ten) years, the number of our
subscribers - 4000 for the country and
abroad, is sufficiently high for a similar
specialized edition. What is more, the interest of newly established market subjects, towards us is gradually increasing.
Among the keen readers prevail the
company directors - 39%, auxiliary management personnel (Chief Executive Officers) - 32%, research scientists - 18%,
and others - 11%.
The greatest and the most stable is the
auditory among the people at the age of

33 - 49 years. Into this group the keen

readers are 2/3.
Over 75% of the ongoing Bulgarian enterprises with personnel exceeding 50
people and established more than 10
years ago acknowledge the magazine these are over 50% of the keen readers
and advertisers, and the newly established market subjects and foreign representatives with us are 20%.
About 30% of the edition is distributed
abroad - mainly in Germany, Australia,
the Russian federation, Greece, Turkey,
and also in China, the USA and into other
The aforesaid magazine has its own
page on the Web, where every interested
reader could acquire information about
the edition.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Cooperation with related issues and
sharing information with them.

Mechatronica JSC
Legal No:



7, R. Daskalov St.


5301 Gabrovo, Bulgaria


+359 66 817514


+359 66 817501


Contact person and


Miroslav Hinkov, Chairman of Board of Directors

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

28.99 Other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.

The companys activities

Mechatronica SC is a modern machinebuilding plant with high-qualified staff capable of solving any problem related to
Products, Services and
Development, design and manufacture
of Lines for Production of Laminated
Tubes and Tube Filling Automatic Machines.


Metal In Ltd.
Legal No:



1, Assenovgradsko Shosse str.


4023 Plovdiv, Bulgaria


+359 32 631 142


+359 32 631 142


Contact person and


Milka Yordanova, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

25.99 Other fabricated metal products n.e.c.

The companys activities:

After 1999 the company focused its activity on the manufacture of metal products, parts and components from sheet
and solid material and pipes of various
types of steel, as a subcontractor of European companies. In production are
introduced modern high-tech machinery that enables the supply of high quality products at competitive prices. In the
process of introducing a system of quality management ISO 9001:2000.
In cooperation with other companies we
can also offer chrome-plating and galvanizing.
METAL IN Ltd. manufactures metal prod-

ucts for customers drawings, but also

design and construct such on his contract.
Products, Services and
Steel sheet metal working.
Metal tube articles and constructions.
Metal components and devices for furniture.
Turning details.
Milling details.
Powder coating and wet painting.


Legal No:



65, Zahari Stoyanov Str.


4500 Panagyurishte, Bulgaria


+359 35 764 125


+359 35 763 090


Contact person and


Anna Filipova, Marketing Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

26.70 Optical instruments and photographic equipment

The companys activities

Design and manufacturing of optical,
opto-mechanical and opto-electronic
assemblies and devices for military and
law enforcement applications.
Products, Services and
Optical, opto-mechanical and opto-electronic assemblies and devices for military and law enforcement applications.
Title offer
Integrated Systems for Surveillance
Abstract of the offer
Autonomous mobile or stationary ther80

mal vision systems for surveillance and

security of terrestrial, river and coastal
areas. The systems monitor, detect and
track people and vehicles, illegally entering the areas of strategic sites or performing other offences, detect signs of
preparing of breaches. The systems include a reliable communication system
for data exchanging, real time transmission of commands and video stream.
Description of the offer
Autonomous mobile or stationary thermal vision systems for surveillance and
security of terrestrial, river and coastal areas. The systems monitor, detect
and track people and vehicles, illegally
entering the areas of strategic sites or
performing other offences, detect signs
of preparing of breaches. The systems


include a reliable communication

system for data exchanging, real
time transmission of commands
and video stream.
The system manages the accumulated database and allows for
timely appropriate and adequate
countermeasures. Depending on
the specific geographic location of
the protected object, its size and
special features that it performs industrial or military a specific tech-

nical solution of the system is built.

When protecting a military establishment OPTIX integrates technical equipment with military performance, covering all mechanical
and climatic requirements and are
licensed by the military standards
(explosion-proof equipment - cameras, sensors and accomplishing
of galvanic separation of power,
communication and video line.


Opteco & Partners Ltd.
Legal No:



9, Veselin Hanchev Str.


1360 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 927 71 76


+359 2 925 96 36


Contact person and


Nikola Dimitrov, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

26.70 Optical instruments and photographic equipment

The companys activities

Opteco & Partners Ltd produce highquality optical elements. In close cooperation with our clients, we offer complex
solutions to their ideas - from the calculation phase, through the construction, the
control and finally - to the manufacture of
complex optical systems.
Opteco & Partners Ltd are specialized
in the manufacturing of spherical optical
elements (lenses, doublets and triplets).
We use block glass or pressings, pro82

duced by the leading manufacturers in

the world. We also use fused silica.
Products, Services and
The technical cycle counts in the whole
sequence of operations: from the grinding of block glass to the lens cantering,
antireflection coatings, bonding with UV
Parallel with the permanent control, during the manufacture process, Opteco &
Partners Ltd exercise final control over

the optical elements.

As a small company, Opteco & Partners
Ltd has the chance to manufacture in
short terms and for reasonable prices,
both sample series of a few details and
large serial quantities.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: communication, negotiation,
sales and IT.

Training: EU market and legislative;

Quality standards and CE mark, Intellectual property rights.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Finance of the internal R&D activities
by more specialised fund, support programmes and international programmes.

Omegasoft Ltd.
Legal No:



51 Al. Malinov Blvd., Metro City Mall, entr. 1, office A10


1712 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 439 68 60


+359 2 439 68 65


Contact person and


Mrs. Elena Mincheva, General Manager

Type of organization:

Production company, e - services

Area of activity:

62.01 Computer programming services

The companys activities

Development, distribution and support of
software solutions to automate the activities of personnel management.
OmegaSoft is a leading provider of software solutions for the automation of personnel management and payroll calculation.
Over 4500 organizations trusted
OmegaSoft in their choice of partner to
optimize management operations staff.
OmegaSoft partnered with over 70 organizations in customer service on a regional basis.
So, for the last few years, we work continuously to create enhanced integration
with other economic software products
in various business spheres, such as fi-

nance and accounting, BI, access control.

Products, Services and
Omeks 2000 is an integrated software
package for automation management
activities personalai salary calculation
Support more than 100 bank form
Links to all popular business software
Automatic input / output to other software systems
Omeks Enterprisee is a web based
software system from new generation
automation management activities of

OmegaSoft is a high performance company that works in the rapidly changing
business environment.
We develop and apply proven practices to be at the top of our field.
We continuously encourage the development of skills and knowledge of our
We are a responsible employer who
cares for a modern social policy and
comfortable working conditions for their
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Making top quality software is no longer enough to be the most desired and

preferred supplier. Being the best in one

sphere turns to be quite insufficient if you
do not have equally good business partners. OmegaSoft Ltd. would not have
reached its position on the Bulgarian
market were it not for our highly-qualified employees. So we dedicate a lot of
resources to regular training and qualification programs to maintain and further
improve our associates skills and knowledge.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
We aim to establish close working relationships with like-minded companies
who understand the importance of process integration for the future of business.

Legal No:



Bl. 29A, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


1574 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 873 1207


+359 2 873 2070


Contact person and


Evgeni Gazinski, Director

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

61.10 Wired telecommunications services

The companys activities

R&D and service for hardware, software for industrial applications.
Research, development and service of
large electromechanic systems.
Renovating of industrial devices.
Vibration control for large electro agregates.
Products, Services and
1. Industrial Automation process control. Hardware and software for PLC: GE,
2. Data acquisition systems - BENTLEY
3. Power supplies and drives EURODRIVE, OMRON, GE POWER.

Title offer

High level of specialized technics, motivated staff, good position on the market.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Innovations in ore production.
High temperature materials including
nano particles.
Methods and means for digger teeth
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Cooperation with scientific organization
for work in joint projects

Innovative technology for production of

high temperature materials and alloys
contains nanoelements.
Abstract of the offer
The innovative technology allows:
Reduction of oxides of metals like
Tungsten, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Nickel,
Iron, Copper.
Synthesis of carbides, nitrides, silicides.
Production of instrumental materials
(hard alloys) and instrumental devices
contains super hard materials (nano diamonds, boron nitride and boron carbide).
Methods and means for quality control
of materials contains nano particles.
Description of the offer
The production of materials and alloys is
in the following areas:
Production of micro grainy powders
and powders of nano particles;
Production of materials by hard, wear
resistant coatings including nano elements for high temperature processes;
Scorching of devices from high temperature materials (carbon nitrides, silicon nitrides, Al2O3);

Production of graphite fibers by continuously drawing out trough the hot

zone of natural or artificial fiber materials.
Title request
Innovative technology for production of
high temperature materials and alloys
contains nanoelements
Abstract of the request
Electrically head high-temperature tube
furnace, design NERNST-TAMMANN,
projected and built according to the
standards of IEC 519 / EN 60519, EN
746, ISO/EN 12100 construction similar
to the ones shown in our brochure HighTemperature Furnace Plants.
Description of the request
The system for high temperature production includes:
Microprocessor-controlled temperature regulator, range 1150 - 3000 0C;
Infrared measuring system 110 - 3000
C with observation sight;
Protective gas hoods, type SGM, for
protective gas purging;
Power gas supply aggregate;
Cooling water distribution station.

Sisco Set Electronic Ltd.
Legal No:



7 Filip Kutev Str.


1407 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 920 85 95


Contact person and


Frank Vestner, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

26.51 Measuring, testing and navigating equipment

The companys activities

Production of electronic modules providing all kind of actual production processes and infra structure required in the
electronic assembly.
ESD flooring, air conditioning, lead-free
wave- and reflow-soldering, high-speed
SMD assembly, wire-dressing, in-circuittesting, coating, manual and automatic

responding know-how for design of test

The company is certified according
ISO9001:2002 and already passed successfully twice the re-audits.
Since middle of 2006 the certification according ISO-TS 16949:2002 was
achieved and four recertification audits
have been succesfully passed.

The young and motivated team of employees has a profound and detailed
knowledge as a supplier of mass production goods, from the technical side,
project management, development, harmonizing production processes and cor85

SKA Ltd.
Legal No:



13A, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 809 02 60


Contact person and


Stoyan Kraev, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

33.20 Installation services of industrial

machinery and equipment

The companys activities

SKA Ltd. a Bulgarian 100% private enterprise. The company was founded in
1992 and its main business activity is
development and production of specialized electronics for industrial automation,
security and information systems, PCB
manufacturing and development.
The company has about 10 highly qualified employees.
SKA Ltd. has a high capacity production line for manufacturing Printed Circuits Boards ( single and multi layer FR4
boards) and aluminium boards as well.
The overall performance is up to 2 m2/h.
Screen printing, stencils production, assembly and SMD services are also provided.
The company has also a development

and research laboratory.

Our products could be highlighted as
high technology and sophisticated, developed and manufactured by SKA Ltd.
Car parks information system deployed in biggest shopping center in
Varna, Bulgaria and Sofia Airport. This
system monitors in real time free and
occupied car spaces, displays the the
counts on information board and provides graphical representation in dispatchers centre. The system has been
developed in cooperation of Spesima
Products, Services and
Hospital SOS information and emergency system deployed in several Bul-

garian hospitals.
RFID based Access control systems.
Specialized controller for plastic cups
System for remote reading of water
and energy meters.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

SKA Ltd. has interest in area on:

SRD (Scientific research and development);
Introduce on innovation products,
technology and services;
Jointly cooperation in the production;
Representation, respectively in Serbia
and in Bulgaria and together going out
on third markets.

Step-Soft Ltd.
Legal No:



63 Shipchenski prohod Blvd, Floor 12


1574 SofiaBulgaria


+359 2 971 16 90


+359 2 870 0197


Contact person and


Sterju Sterev, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company, e-services

Area of activity:

62.01 Computer programming activities

The companys activities

Development and implementation of client-specific customizable ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems for the
management of trade, merchandise,
logistics (SCM, Supply Chain Management), warehouses (Warehouse Management), production, manufacturing,
services (Project Management) and
company finance, tying all levels of the
business together. Furthermore, the SOffice solutions provide the necessary BI
(Business Intelligence) tools for a perfectly fitted, supremely informing and adequately advising system.

Products, Services and

S-Office is a modern software solution,
which offers a variety of ready solutions
for optimization and automatization of
different companies and organizations
from sphere of merchandise, production,
services, or public administration. In essence, the product presents a cuttingedge technology, which allows for elaborate information systems. The main areas
of applications in S-Office:
Customer Relations and Sales Managements - clients, suppliers, and subcontractors
Logistics - management related to provisioning and transfer of goods
Warehouse Management
Manufacturing and Cost Management
Business Intelligence and analyses
Accounting and Financial Management

S-Office is an integrated platform of business tools, which encompasses all aspects of company resource management. The main advantage of the system
is its superior flexibility, allowing for building individual solutions, adapted to the
needs of a variety of processes, through
chains of documents, reports, and
events that encompass all company activity. This also allows for building vertical
solutions for companies in different
branches of the economy.
Consequently, Step-Soft is the preferred
partner for organizations in various industries and of various sizes.
So far, the company has over 5000 users
of the free accounting program
DDS-W Free and more than 500 clients
of the Professional and Branch solutions.

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

Through versatile solutions and superiour consulting services, Step-Softs
team seeks to be useful to every company interested in optimizing its trade, manufacture and accounting. Consequently,
Step-Soft is the preferred partner for organizations in various industries and of
various sizes.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development:
Step-Soft OOD is looking for Partners
and Customers they need solutions for
optimization and automatization in the
sphere of merchandise, production, services, or public administration.
Cooperation and proposals for common
projects are welcome.

Teletec Electroniks JSC
Legal No:



14A, Srebarna Str.


1407 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 969 48 00


+359 2 962 52 13


Contact person and


Valentin Stoitzev, Chairman of the Management Board

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

27.90 Other electrical equipment

The companys activities

Teletek Electronics manufactures a full
range of Intruder and Fire Alarm solutions, as well as Communication modules and Software applications for use in
Security Systems and Monitoring Centers. We strive at providing not only seperate security product
Products, Services and
Teletek Electronics manufactures a full
range of Intruder and Fire Alarm solu88

tions, as well as Communication modules and Software applications for use in

Security Systems and Monitoring Centers. We strive at providing not only seperate security product.

Teletek Electronics efforts are dedicated
to its customers. We are proud we can
provide effective Customer Support by
Requests processed on the day they
are received;

Help desk for customer technical support;

Training - In-house, On site.

than 65 countries all over the world.

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

As a recognition for its high quality and

reliable production Teletek Electronics JSC is awarded with ISO 9001:2008
Certificate. All our products are tested
and labeled in accordance with the European Community standards.

The company would like to cooperate

with innovative R&D companies with
which to develop together innovative solutions in the sphere of the security (intruder and fire alarm solutions).

Teletek Electronics JSC has already established itself as a company with traditions and reliable decisions in intruder and fire alarm system solutions - our
products are already well known in more

The company would be interested as

well as in any contemporary educations
that could benefits for its employees.

IGD Security Ltd.

Legal No:



3, Kap. D. Spisarevsky Blvd., 6th floor


1592 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 979 49 49


+359 2 979 49 25


Contact person and


Dragomir Bojkov, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

80.20 Security systems services

pending technology behind UNIdentity

provides high level of security based on
utilization of an advanced hardware token (UNItoken) with biult-in fingerprint
recognition as a second and third authentication factor, and RFID-facilitated
automated login. As a corporate solution targeted predominantly at small and
medium-sized organizations, UNIdentity
offers scalable security environment at a
very competitive total cost of ownership.

The companys activities

IGD Security Ltd. is an information security firm. It offers advanced identity and
access management solutions that prevent theft and protect important personal
and corporate information.
Products, Services and
IGD Securitys flagship product - UNIdentity - brings to the enterprise market
advanced security and access management features, including automated twoand three-factor authentication, univer-

sal Web and Enterprise single sign-on

extendable to resources external to the
enterprise, and modular functionality extendable to multiple authentication services (e.g. physical access). The patent-

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

Skills: communication, negotiation, sales
and IT.
Training: EU market and legislative; Quality standards and CE mark, Intellectual
property rights.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development

The internal R&D activities with satisfactory qualification of the R&D staff.

Finance of the internal R&D activities

by more specialised fund, support programmes and international programmes.

Isomatic Lab Ltd.
Legal No:



4, Andrey Lyapchev Blvd.


1592 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 974 30 66


+359 2 975 30 32


Contact person and


Katya Kojarova

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

27.11 Electric motors, generators and transformers

The companys activities

Electrical and Electronic Engineering and
Information Technologies.
Isomatic Lab. operates a production line
for standard and custom built transformers resistance and arc welding transformers, toroidal and current transformers, and low cost coil winding services.
Isomatic Lab. has a production line for
standard and custom built transformers
(including the ISO10656 integrated welding transformer range for robot guns),
resistance welding equipment and low
cost coil winding services. It also manufactures 3 phase converters from 4 kW
upwards and wind turbine parts as a

Products, Services and

Phase converters, transformers, cores,
wind turbines, water turbines.
Isomatic offers low price laminated, Ccore, toroidal, ferrite and resistance
welding transformers and coil winding.
Ampair offers wind and water turbines
plus 3 phase converters
Isomatic Lab. works in close collaboration with the Technical University in Sofia and other Bulgarian and foreign academic institutions as well as leading
European and US companies.
Isomatic has participated in European
Commission funded projects with 24

partners from UK, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria,

Romania, France, Greece and the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: communication, negotiation,
sales and IT.
Training: Marketing, EU market and
legislative; Quality standards and CE
mark, Intellectual property rights, Energy
efficiency, Environment protection
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Finance of the internal R&D activities by
international programmes and more specialised fund and support programmes.

Laser Product ST
Legal No:



7km Tzarigradsko Chausee Blvd, BAS,


1784 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 974 40 10


+359 2 974 31 17


Contact person and


Stoil Gergov, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

25.62 Machining services

The companys activities

Laser Product is started development
with service activities of laser systems
with helium-neon lasers.
Products, Services and/or Technologies
In the period 1991-1993 they made several development for medical purposes
with metal vapors lasers- for ophthalmology with copper bromide laser and for
oncology with gold vapors laser.
Since 1995 the company successfully
started production of laser systems with
solid wire source with power of 120W.
Since 2006 we produce and offer machines with CO2 laser source from com-

pany Coherent.
The company uses new technologies for
laser systems Production.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
IT skills;
Training: Quality standards and CE mark,
Energy efficiency
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development:
Finance of the company activities by specialised fund or support programmes.


LTM Electronics Ltd.
Legal No:



6, Goritsa Str.


1618 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 965 84 15


+359 2 986 52 81


Contact person and


Mariana Kovacheva, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

26.12 Loaded electronic boards

The companys activities

Design and manufacture of keyboards;
Design and manufacture of PCBs;
Design and manufacture of control
Products / Services and/or
Membrane, Silicone and Capacitive
Single sided and Double sided PCBs,
Multilayer and Flexible PCBs, In combination PCBs;
Control boards on Metal, Plastics,
Polycarbonate and Polyester foil, Glass,
PVC and other materials.
The internal R&D activities with satisfac92

tory qualification of the R&D staff.

The new technologies in the company
are result of own R&D; external sources
with/without adaptation
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: communication, negotiation,
sales and IT.
Training: Marketing, EU market and
legislative; Quality standards and CE
mark, Intellectual property rights, Energy
efficiency, Environment protection
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development:
Finance of the internal R&D activities by
international programmes and more specialised fund and support programmes.

Microna Ltd.
Legal No:



Bl. 4, Acad. G. Bonchev Str.


1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 979 64 83


+359 2 870 74 98


Contact person and


Assoc. Prof. Tihomir Tjankov, Ph.D, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

72.19 Research and experimental development services

The companys activities

Healthcare; Functionality enhancements
(materials, engineering & fabrication
Investigation, development and manufacturing of robotized technological systems and mechatronical devices and
modules for automation of micro and
nano technologies.
Robot technology for micro & nano biomedical applications combines high performance robotic tools as precise manipulators with submicron resolution;
mechatronic handling or feeding devices; vision servoing system to detect either micro objects or to control the motion of the technological end-effector;
force sensing & robot system control.
Products, Services and
The developed Hydro-MiNa robot technology offer robots, froce sensors, grip-

ping and feeding devices for cell immubilization, manipulation, fixing, injection,
surgery and characterization of cells.

Other needs necessary for future

organizations development

SpiCy-MiNa robot with 7 degrees of freedom (DoF) is developed as modular robotic system with a large working range
for automation of cell injection process,
high precision and integrated two-dimensional vision control.

Finance of the internal R&D activities

by more specialised fund, support programmes and international programmes.

The internal R&D activities with satisfactory qualification of the R&D staff.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: communication, negotiation and
Training: Marketing, EU market and
legislative; Quality standards and CE
mark, Intellectual property rights.

Title offer
Robotic System for Micro and Nano Manipulations.
Abstract of the offer
Bulgarian start-up company has developed a robotic system for micro and
nano manipulations. The robotic system
could be applied mainly for cell manipulation and reproductive medicine. The
company is looking for industrial companies for integration of the system in their
manufacturing process.
Description of the offer

and local structure thus expanding the

working range and increasing the resolution in nano-range. The micromanipulator is actuated by stack piezo-actuators that are suitable for micro and nano
manipulations because of their high dynamics. The proposer has applied for
a patent. There is a real physical robot
available for demonstration.
The innovative aspect of the robotic system is that it allows full automation of the
micro and nano manipulation process as
cell injection thus increasing the productivity and decrease the potential damage
of the injected cell. The advantage is that
the operator will be out of the working
process thus increasing the accuracy,
repeatability and success rate. The other
advantage is the possibility to move the
injection glass micro-pipette fast enough
using stack piezo-actuator with very high

The robotic system consists from reginal


NG Technology Ltd.
Legal No:



1 Samokov Blvd., Fl.10, flat 47


1528 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 884 005 578


+359 884 005 578


Contact person and


Georgi Stoichev, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

27.11 Electric motors, generators and transformers.

The companys activities

Design, construction and installation of
technical system.
The object of the company is: design,
constructions and installation of transformer substations power boards to
4000A; design, supply, construction and
placing in service of photovoltaic systems. Manufacture of metal structures
and laser cutting.
The company provides a full implementation of electrical, lightning arresters,
structured cabling, electrical equipment
of buildings and power stations.
Products, Services and
Transformer compact station;
Power boards 4000A, main power me94

ters, switchboards;
Photovoltaic systems.
The company uses modern technologies
for design, construction and installation
of technical system.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: communication, negotiation, sales.
Training: EU market and legislative, Quality standards and CE mark, Energy efficiency, Environment protection.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Finance of the company activities by specialised fund or support programmes.

Point L-Bulgaria Ltd.

Legal No:



133, Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd.,

BIC-IZOT, Corp. 1, Office 298 A


1784 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 974 03 07


+359 2 974 03 98


Contact person and


Petar Petrov, Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

62.01 Computer programming activities

The companys activities

Industrial/building automation
Software packages for optimized design, engineering support through network and visualization of process control
Complete range of hardware devices for creation of distributed automated
systems - intelligent controllers of electric and pneumatic actuators, digital and
analogue inputs/outputs, gateways, specialized hybrid intelligent modules, etc.;
Intelligent sensors for special applications;
State-of-the-art complex industrial and
building automation solutions;
Engineering of Industrial process control systems with distributed logic based
on LonWorks standard network.
Software products for automated de-

sign, monitoring and support of process

control systems; Intelligent I/O devices,
Non-contact positioning devices, Gateways, Sensors, Specialized control devices: Engineering.

Other needs necessary for future

organizations development:
Finance of the internal R&D activities
by more specialized fund, support programmes and international programmes.

High functionality, quality and safety of
the products and services; competitive
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: Communication, negotiation,
sales of IT.
Training: Marketing, EU market and
legislative; Quality standards and CE
mark, Intellectual property rights, Energy
efficiency, Environment protection.

Prima-Tech-Pro Ltd.
Legal No:



7km, Tzarigradsko Chausee Blvd., BIC ISOT Building


1784 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 971 84 92


+359 2 971 81 98


Contact person and


Kiril Dragostinov, Quality Control Manager

Type of organization:

Production company

Area of activity:

26.12 Loaded electronic boards

The companys activities

Manufacture of PCBs and Electronic devices:
1. PCBs and Electronic devices assembly and test with customers components and assembly specification - CEManufacturing.
2. Screen printing of panels, boxes, stickers, etc. stencils.
3. Technological projects for PCB assembly, procurement of equipment and consumables, training.
Electronic Assembly including delivery of
PCBs, metal parts, transformers, cables,
test, packages from local sources if required.
Products, Services and

1. The company has IVAS-TECH, TWS
Automation and FRITSCH pick and
place automatic and manual equipment
for SMD assembly and light-beam semiautomatic stations for conventional /T.H./
assembly. The capacity is 4000-5000
SMD-components per hour.
2. Screen printing equipment EKRA and
3. TWS Automation line for reflow soldering and adhesive curing.
4. HEEB INOTEC lead free and GRASMANN WLS wave soldering machines.
5. EBSOMAT and STRECKFUS for cutting, bending etc. preparation of T.H.
components for assembly.
6. Carl Zeiss, PACE, Leister, Weller
Equipment for visual inspection and repair.
7. Functional test equipment.

The internal R&D activities with satisfactory qualification of the R&D staff.
The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.
Skills: communication, negotiation, sales
and IT.
Training: Quality standards and CE mark,
Energy efficiency.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Finance of the internal R&D activities
by more specialised fund, support programmes and international programmes.


SG Laboratoria Ltd.

Legal No:



8, Assen Jordanov Blvd.


1592 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 2 978 42 26


Contact person and


Hristiyan Stoyanov, Manager

Type of organization:

Other: Production company

Area of activity:

26.11 Electronic components

The companys activities

Development and manufacturing of
equipment, RF and microwave modules.
Products, Services and
Development and manufacturing of
equipment, RF and microwave modules.
Title offer
RF and microwave communications.
Description of the offer
Design and development of custom
CATV and RF and microwave communication devices.


Techno-Yota 2001 Ltd.

Legal No:



11a, Prof. Tzv. Lazarov Blvd., VTU T. Kableshkov


1574 Sofia, Bulgaria


+359 886 173 907


+359 2 970 93 76


Contact person and


Atanas Yonevski, Production Director

Type of organization:

Other: Production company

Area of activity:

28.99 Other special-purpose machinery n.e.c.

The companys activities

Custom made details from stainless
steel, black steel and aluminum.
Techno-Yota 2001 Ltd. is specialized in
the production of precisely build details
with complex configuration, bended and
welded constructions for machinery industry made from stainless and black
steel. Some of our production processes
Products, Services and
Laser cutting: We use laser cutting machine TRUMPH L3030, able to cut up

to 10.0 mm INOX, 20.0 mm black steel,

4.0 mm aluminum. Maximum dimensions of cutting sheet 3000X1500mm
Designing on software products such
as: AutoCAD, SolidWorks, CAD Design
Cutting: We use digital hydraulic guillotine, cutting up to 4mm thickness INOX
and 6mm black steel. The maximum
length of cutting is up to 3 meters and
the maximum deviation is +/- 0.3 mm.
For more sophisticated details we use laser machines;
Bending: It is made on digital hydraulic bending presses, generating up to
175 tons of pressure, length of bend is

up to 3 meters. We have on our disposal

large variety of bending instruments e.g.
prisms and instrumental knifes with
various radiuses in order to obtain the
desired complex shapes, which is guarantee for full satisfaction the client needs.
Punch machine able to punch up to
2.5 mm sheets. We have various instruments.
Due to their experience in the fabrication
of custom made details, the company
can respond to the high demands of their
client, e.g. level of quality and deadlines

The companys needs for cooperation, educations, skills etc.

Skills: communication, negotiation,
sales and IT.
Training: Marketing, EU market and
legislative; Quality standards and CE
mark, Intellectual property rights, Energy
efficiency, Environment protection.
Other needs necessary for future
organizations development
Finance of building and setting companys own factory.

Project 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-29 Institutional, Business and Educational integration in the area of Advanced Technologies and Mechatronics (ATM) with beneficiary Cluster Mechatronics and Automation is cofunded by EU through the Bulgaria-Serbia IPA Cross-border Programme.
This document was created and co-funded by EU through the BulgariaSerbia IPA Cross-border Programme. The sole responsibility for the content of this document lies with the Cluster Mechatronics and Automation
and under no circumstances can be assumed that this document reflects
the official position of the European Union.
Design concept and realization:
Uncle Podger Advertising and Design Studio - Sofia.
Photos and illustrations:
N. Peev,,, http://www., web sites of presented companies and organizations.



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