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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/s: Sabina Simon

Level: 800 WC

Date/Time: 1/20/2016 1:00 2:50

Goal: Introduce students to objectives and writing a response essay

Objectives (SWBAT):
Students Will Be Able To
1. Provide evidence to support a claim
2. Understand the requirements of the course
3. Begin to understand what a reaction paper is and the purpose of one
4. Diagnostic


Review or
Preview (if

Linking & Transitioning to rest of lesson:

Activity 1:
Warm Up

1.1 Pre-Stage: Introduce self to students, have them stand up in 2

lines to quickly get some discussion going (to start thinking in
English) . Ask questions:
1. What are you the most excited about experiencing/doing while
you are in CA?
2. What are you the most nervous about doing/experiencing while
you are in the US?
3. What do you miss the most from home?
4. What do you expect to have learned by the end of these 8 weeks
at International Gateways?
1.2. During Stage: Have students sit down and then get into groups
of 3 (To start writing in English). Have students in their group of 3
play the writing game write one sentence, then pass it to the
right. Then write the next sentence, fold over previous sentence,
then pass, etc. When it gets back to main person, read stories and
laugh (can be about anything).
1.2 Post-Stage: Go over syllabus.



Activity 2:
Evidence to
support a

2.1 Pre-Stage: Put question on board: How many of the students in 1:20
this class have ever lied in their entire lives?
How many of have lied this week?
How students discuss: how do we justify telling lies? What do we
do to argue in favor of telling lies? What are some of the key ways
in which we do this? (Split students into groups)
Come back and discuss as a class.
2.2. During Stage: Split students into groups of 3. Have students
each be given a copy of the article to read. Have students answer
the basic comprehension questions:
1. What is the purpose of this article? (Why did the author write
this article?)
2. What is the main point of the article? What is the authors
message about lying?
Hand students the 10 lies that are present in the article. Have them
in their groups rate and discuss which lies are the most acceptable,
and which lies are the least acceptable. Have students then come up
and put what they believe on the board and compare with everyone.
Discuss the lies, and why they are acceptable/unacceptable.
2.3 Post-Stage: Because this is a writing class, you will have to
practice writing persuasively, including information from sources,
etc. Have students pick the one that they thought was the most
acceptable and the least acceptable (from either end) and practice
justifying both of them (do this visual on the board if necessary).
Students can practice justifying both of them by including:
- reasons
- facts
- examples
Students are allowed to use their phones in order to look up
data/information to justify these facts.
Discuss as a group. Note the justifications, etc.

Activity 3:

3.1 Pre-Stage: Hand students lined paper, and give them the
prompt. Tell them this is a diagnostic so that I can gauge what level 2:30
they are at, and what kinds of things I should focus on for this
Tell students they may outline and brainstorm, but that I am
expecting them to write a full in-class essay in 30 minutes (similar
to the SWEET).
3.2. During Stage:
3.3 Post-Stage:

Activity 4:
What is a

4.1 Pre-Stage: Have students take out their greensheets and look at 2:30
the first major assignment that is due in the calendar portion of the 2:50
syllabus. Response Essay, due 2/3. Have students briefly discuss:
what is a response essay?
Hand out copies from book (p. 14). Note: Responses are very
subjective (this is very different from when you have to prove
something with facts). This is more about how you reacted to the
paper, rather than summarizing the paper.
4.2. During Stage: Have students discuss: do they think university
tuition should be free? Discuss why/why not briefly in groups.
Hand students the reading and have them think about their reaction
to itif they were to have a conversation with this writer, what
would it sound like? What would they say? Would they
agree/disagree? What do they think of this?
4.3 Post-Stage: Have students discuss in groups.
Note HW: Needs Analysis on Canvas due Friday (to help me tailor
the class to their needs).



Lesson Evaluation Procedures:

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