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Josh Kagie

Kelly Ternbeaugh
English 1010
July 22, 2016

Annotated Bibliography
Guns are a very controversial topic in the states with many people weighing
in on this subject. The answer may not be as clear as some people think it is, where
do most people stand on this topic? Thats what I have set out to find in my
research, what needs to be done and what will be done with guns in the US. I
myself am a little conflicted with this topic as well so I set out to figure the answer
out for myself as well as what do others think on this topic.

1.Krieg, Gregory. "Gun Control in America: How We Got Here." cnn (2016): 1.

Summary- This paper talks about the different laws that have been set by our
current and past presidents to control guns in the US. The paper talks about past
shootings and past crimes that lead to the control of firearms and why the
presidents in the past did something about them. The paper also touches on recent
events that have taken place, that may have taken the debate to a higher level of

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Evaluation- The author doesnt quite take a stance on the topic whether he prefers
more gun control no gun control or no guns, but he does touch on the history of
guns in the US. I found this to be important to this topic, because we need to
understand it to make an opinion. The author touches on all the history of gun
control in America and what the presidents in the past have done. This is important
to the topic because it explains what the presidents have said about gun control and
what they thought.
Reflection- I thought this paper was very well written the author didnt take a
stance on the topic but the author didnt need to, to get the point across. The author
was un bias and had no personal opinions in this paper and it made him a better
more credible source with me. I enjoyed this paper and thought that it was
beneficial to understanding the topic better.

2. Lepore, Jill. Battleground America. NewYorker. 2016. Internet.

Summary- in this paper the author starts out with a detailed image of a school shooting.
The author then goes into talking about the issue at hand, talking about the many school
shootings and the mass number of guns in the US. The author also talks about the amount of
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guns men own verse that of girls. In the paper the author talks about the number of guns
Americans own verse any other country.
Evaluation- the author keeps an un bias feel throughout the paper and touches on all the
aspects of gun control in the US. When the author starts out with a vivid description of a school
shooting, gives the reader a very dark feel. The author defiantly wants the reader to see the evil
of school shootings and wants the reader think about the gun issues in the US.
Reflection- this paper is very well written and I liked the way the author plays on the
feelings of the reader. The author gets the readers to feel a want to change things, but not by just
presenting one side of the argument but by presenting both but having one side clearly pull on
the heart strings of the readers.
3. Ballard, Gabe. That Time Mob Violence Inspired Gun Control in America. National
geographic. 2016. Internet.
Summary- in this paper author talks about how gun violence is glorified in the old days
starting with the tommy gun and mob culture all the way up to todays world. The author talks
about all the media attention guns get and the glorification that the US culture has given gun
violence, in mediums such as TV, movies, music, and other medias. The author analyzes all the
good and bad that has come out of the depiction of gun glorification in the US.
Evaluation- The author of this paper used good use of time to get across their point and to
tell the story of guns in the US. The author did a very good job at telling the story of the old mob
culture all the way up to now days with gang violence and movie violence. This paper takes a
different take on all the gun violence from all the other papers claiming that we as Americans are
to blame as we have glorified guns.
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Reflection- I enjoyed reading the new take on gun violence and it was very interesting to
see how he tied us to the glorification of guns. When you see all the guns in TV and in movies
and them glorifying them like they are a sense of power, we need to step back and think to
ourselves that maybe this is a problem. Thats exactly what this author does too, he made the
readers think that maybe we should stop making guns look like a sense of power.

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