Civic Engagement

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Marcos Garcia

Theresa Simonsen
HUMA 1100

Civic Engagement
Catholic Community services of Utah St. Vincent De Paul Dining Hall has been providing
hot meals to those who are hungry in the community. The help anyone, no matter the age,
religion or any other personal circumstances, they help anyone who need the help. They
serve a mid-day and evening meals to anyone who is hungry. Also Catholic Community
Services offer emergency assistance.
I decided to do my civic engagement here because I like to help people. Basically what I
did here was to prepare all the food with other volunteers put everything in order, then wait
for the homeless to come in, and the help to serve the food in trays and then give it to the
homeless people. We had to interact with everyone there I met a lot of people there, finally
when the people finish their food we have to clean all the kitchen and then the tables were
the homeless ate. All this process took around two hours.
Here in Salt Lake City we can found a lot of homeless people, especially in Downtown.
Many people complain about the big number of homeless in the city, and when I came to
Salt Lake City I was amazed to see many homeless in the city and I also feel bad. But I
never did anything to help them. After I did the volunteer in the Catholic Community
Services. Homeless people are humans like everyone else, people treat them like trash

sometimes and they dont deserve that, they deserve to be treat it like everyone else in this
world. Everyone deserve equality. Is very important to help this people, see them very great
full and happy makes me feel happy too. I saw old people, women, men and children, and
is very sad to think that this people and families suffer of hungry every day. Is important to
help this people in every way.
I enjoyed a lot doing this civic Engagement and Ill back to be a volunteer again to the
Catholic Community services of Utah St. Vincent De Paul Dining Hall. I met a lot of
people and help this people makes me feel happy. I learned a lot from there people deserve
equality and help we have to treat everyone equal, because no one in this world is better
and we are all equal.

Humanities Reflection

Humanities for me was a very unique class. Every class talk about something different, I
really enjoy in this class. Some people maybe think that humanities is very easy, but to be
hones for me it wasnt. Every assignment was very interesting, I learned a lot from those
assignments, sometimes I had to read like one or two pages, but sometimes I had to read
like eight to ten pages. And some reading was really long and hard to understanding. But
for the first time I reflexed about my assignments I took time to think about what I felt and
reflex about the readings
We talk about many topics like equality, freedom, happiness, love. Equality is maybe the
unite that I enjoyed the most. Discussed equality in the society. Racisms is a big problem in
our society in this days. Reading about how people felt about racism and how people
suffered because of their race. Also happiness it was very interesting because I learn about
the concept of happiness in different religions. Other people beliefs and I also I can
integrate some of those concepts of happiness in my life. Love was the last unit and I was
very open to think about what is love? Love is also a topic that is very debatable and talk
about my own meaning of love helped me to open my mind.
Humanities is a class that opened my mind and taught me how to think more deeply and
reflex about what I think and feel. Is a class that I enjoyed too much.

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