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Tapping Guide

Manual, Exercises and Worksheets


Copyright Magnus 2007

The right of Magnus to be identified as the author of this book has
been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988.

Note to Filesharers
Every PDF of this file is stamped with an ID unique to the person
who bought it.
As with any method of self-improvement, Tapping takes a
significant time investment. The cost of this e-book is small
compared to the cost in time that you will spend studying it and
implementing the ideas.
In the grander scheme of things, the idea behind this book is that it
will save you time and thus money by making your personal self
development journey a smoother one.
Please consider buying it if you can afford to.


When to Tap......................................................................... 6


How to Tap........................................................................... 8
Notice how you Feel............................................................... 8
Tapping Procedure................................................................ 11
Look for any change ............................................................. 13
9-Gamut Procedure............................................................... 14
The Basic Recipe .................................................................. 15
Feeling Good ........................................................................ 16
Emotional Integration ........................................................... 16
Tapping on Beliefs................................................................ 17


Tapping a Memory............................................................. 20
Anatomy of a Memory.......................................................... 21
What Moment Jumps Out? ................................................... 22
I dont want to think about it ................................................ 23


Tapping towards Goals and using the Worksheets ............ 24

Asking the right Questions ................................................... 24
Eliciting the right Answers ................................................... 28
Avoiding moaning ................................................................ 29
Using the Worksheets ........................................................... 29

Exercises ...................................................................................... 31

Chakra Clearing ................................................................. 32


Mirror Exercise .................................................................. 35


Eye Contact Exercise (With a Partner) .............................. 36


Personal Space Exercise (With a Partner).......................... 38


Body Tension Exercise ...................................................... 39


Background Feelings Exercise........................................... 40


Attributed Meaning Exercise ............................................. 41

Worksheets .................................................................................. 42
Unlocking Depression Worksheet...................................... 43
Procrastination Worksheet ................................................. 44
Cravings Worksheet........................................................... 45
Forgiveness Worksheet ...................................................... 46
Emotional Detox Worksheet .............................................. 47
Sleep Worksheet ................................................................ 48
Happiness Worksheet......................................................... 49
Confidence Worksheet ....................................................... 50
Meeting Men Worksheet.................................................... 51
Meeting Girls Worksheet ................................................... 52
Sex Worksheet ................................................................... 53


When to Tap

In an ideal world, any time you felt a negative feeling, you would
tap it away. However we usually dont think of doing this and we
dont always get the chance. It is also a little odd to tap in front of
other people if they dont understand the value of it.
When you have the opportunity, tap negative feelings as they arise.
When you are unable to do this, make a mental note or write one
down, to tap the feelings or the subject later.
When you have time later for a tapping session, revisit the note,
and walk yourself through other events throughout the day where
you didnt make a note.
A tapping session could last one round of tapping, or it could last
two hours. You can do as many sessions as you can fit into a day,
any time you have a spare moment.
When you wake up, consider how you will feel during the day
ahead of you, and tap away any negative feelings. This is a good
time to tap because when you wake up your mind automatically
starts thinking about the day ahead.
When you are preparing to sleep, run through whatever stressed
you that day and how you feel about it. This is a good time to tap
because, again, your mind automatically starts thinking about the

After a cleansing period of three to six months tapping every

negative feeling and upsetting memory they can find, most people
will start finding it hard to find new memories, and will be forever
calmer and more in the moment.
At that point you shift gears into a maintenance period, where
you just tap the few things that still come up from time to time,
usually in situations you do not encounter day to day.


How to Tap

The best way to learn Tapping (EFT - Emotional Freedom

Technique) is to be taught it by a real live person.
If you dont know anyone who uses it, and are unable to visit a
trained practitioner, watch my tutorial videos at The
video on the front page will teach you the basics.
For more detail on the procedure, and more information on the
psychology behind EFT and the workings of the bodys energies,
get the original manual from the creator of EFT, Gary Craig:
Note that I teach EFT slightly differently to Gary, I miss out a
couple of tapping points, under the arm, and under the breast. Its
been my experience that they are not needed for EFT to work and
that they often put people off tapping. If you prefer to use them for
completeness, or you find that tapping only works if you do, then
of course you should include them.
For revision and further detail beyond my videos, these
instructions will take you through tapping a feeling.
Notice how you Feel
The effects of tapping can be subtle, so take a careful note of how
you feel before and after. Make yourself comfortable and free
from distraction. Peace and quiet is helpful, particularly do not
have music playing or the television on while you tap.

Make sure you are feeling good, and that you are awake and
clearheaded. Avoid heavy meals just before tapping sessions, and
if possible avoid taking pharmaceuticals also.
Find a negative feeling you would like to be free of. Maybe a
recent stressful memory, or something about someone around you
that annoys you. It could be something phobia-related, like the
way you feel when you see a spider or are up high. Perhaps you
want to find a strong emotion, like anger, hate, or hear, and think
of something related to that. Probably if you are interested in
tapping you already can think of a feeling you want to deal with.
Focus on the memory or thought that brings that feeling up in your
body. Realise that you are sitting safe and comfortable right now
and allow that feeling to come up and sit with it.
Write down or make a mental note describing the feeling, and be
very precise:
Where do you feel it in your body?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how intense is it?
If it had a colour, what colour would it be?
Does the feeling have a shape?
Is there a texture or sensation to it?
Could you choose one word to describe it?

We will use EFT to tap the feeling away. Focus on the feeling as
you follow the instructions. It doesnt matter which hand you use
or which side of the body you tap on.
If you cant locate a feeling at all, dont worry. It is enough to
imagine or remember what the feeling is like. Failing that, you can
still use tapping on thoughts and beliefs. In fact, each feeling is
connected to a belief, and each belief is connected to a feeling.
We dont always notice the feeling attached to a particular negative
thought or belief, because the feeling may not be very strong.
When we have a strong feeling we may not notice the thought or
belief that is attached to it.
We will discuss tapping beliefs directly later in this chapter.


Tapping Procedure
i. Find the Karate Chop point the point on the side of the
hand where you would Karate Chop something.
Tap it while repeating Even though I have this feeling, I
deeply and completely accept myself. Say this calmly and
with feeling, two or three times while tapping the Karate
Chop point.
ii. Now just repeat a reminder phrase This feeling once for
each of the following points, which you should gently tap
about 7 times in a row each. Dont worry about getting the
precise point, as long as you get the general area, that will be
1. The side of your thumbnail (outside of your hand)
2. The side of your forefinger nail
3. The side of your middle finger nail
4. The side of your little finger nail
5. Your collarbone
6. The indent on your chin
7. Just under your nose, above your lip
8. The corner of your eye, by the bridge of the nose
9. The opposite corner of your eye
10. On the bone under your eye
iii. Take a deep breath and relax



Look for any change

Now go back to the same feeling you had before. Think of the
same thing you thought of to bring the emotion up in your body.
At this point some people often say Well Im thinking of
something different now, which is a clear sign that the Tapping
has worked.
Look for any change in the precise details you noted down before,
particularly the intensity and where you felt the feeling in your
body. Any change is good, it shows that the Tapping has done
For example, you may have had an intensity 8, hard, red feeling
in the front of your head, and now you have an intensity 5, brown,
furry feeling throughout your whole skull. Or maybe it was like
there was a wall in front of your chest, intensity 7, and now the
intensity is still 7 but it is a small stabbing feeling in the centre of
your chest.
This is an indication that the original negative emotion is in fact
completely removed from your mind and body. Like peeling
layers of an onion, when you remove one emotional layer, the next
is exposed. For any particular subject there may be many layers,
but they cannot last forever. Once you tap all the layers away, that
situation or person or whatever it was you were tapping on will
hold no negative emotion for you.
Repeat the tapping process for the next feeling.


9-Gamut Procedure
The 9-Gamut Procedure further strengthens the effect of the
tapping by waking up your system and making sure every part of
your brain is focused on the feeling.
Find the Gamut Point, on the back of either hand in line with the
gap between the ring finger and little finger. Tap this continuously
while you:

Close Your Eyes for a few seconds (and then open them)


Look hard down to the left (just with your eyes keep
your head still)


Look hard down to the right


Roll your eyes


Roll them the other way


Hum a few bars of Happy Birthday to You


Count out loud: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Hum a few more bars


Take a deep breath

Rolling your eyes accesses different parts of your brain, like when
you look up to remember something, or look down when you feel
bad about something.
Humming activates your creative brain circuits, counting activates
your logical brain circuits.

The Basic Recipe

The tapping procedure and the 9-Gamut combine to create a Basic
Recipe that works powerfully and consistently.
The full basic recipe for EFT is as follows:

The Setup: Tap the Karate Chop point and repeat the full
affirmation three times. For example; Even though I
have this feeling, I deeply and completely accept myself


Tap all the points, while repeating the reminder phrase.

For example this feeling.


The 9-Gamut procedure rolling your eyes and

humming/counting, as described above.


Tap all the points again, while repeating the reminder


Sometimes you will only need steps i and ii for a particular feeling,
you tend to only need those two steps when tapping a belief. The
full recipe clears collections of feelings quickly as you gain
experience you will get an understanding of how this works.


Feeling Good
In any work with the emotional system, feelings will be moving
through the body. Allowing these feelings to hang around may
make you uncomfortable and can disturb the work.
Start and end every session by asking How do you feel? and
tapping away everything that doesnt sound totally positive. Be
specific even with this question ask Whats stopping you feel
good right now? You may want to do this mid-session as well.
Sometimes the emotion you tap away was covering another
emotion, which has now arisen in the body. If you notice this,
simply tap it away.
Drink lots of water before, during and after sessions. I have known
one client to literally get through 5 litres of water in 2 hours. Your
brain uses lots of water to work and emotional integration is
particularly intensive.
Emotional Integration
Tapping releases stored emotional energy, and afterwards your
mind will have a lot of reprocessing to do. You may notice that
you have crazy or intense dreams when you sleep after a session.
Particularly when strong beliefs or emotion has been shifted, this
may result with a cloudy or tired feeling in the session that cant be
tapped away. In this case, try the following Brain Gym
breathing exercise, called Hook-Ups.



Cross your legs.


Hold your arms out in front of you, palms facing away

from each other.


Cross your arms and clasp your fingers.


Turn your arms downwards and inside out until your

clasped fingers are against your chest.


Take five deep, slow breaths.

Tapping on Beliefs
The other way to use tapping is on a thought or belief, instead of
on a feeling. Rather than saying even though I have this feeling,
simply voice your negative belief.
As an example, if you didnt like tomatoes, you could imagine
eating a tomato, find the feeling that it gave you, and tap that.
But, if your imagination wasnt good enough to bring up the yucky
tomato feeling, you could simply ask yourself, what dont I like
about tomatoes?, and turn the answers into tapping statements as
Even though tomatoes are yucky
Even though tomatoes make me feel sick
Even though I dont like the texture
Even though my mother always made me eat them
Even though I dont like eating the seeds


Each of these thoughts is connected to a negative feeling, so even

if you cant feel the feeling as you tap it, it will work just fine and
release the feeling.
You can use tapping in this way to remove the negative beliefs that
stop you achieving your goals.
Think of a goal you would like to work on. Perhaps you would
like to double your salary, or be able to walk up to a group of girls
in the street, or just be happy. Hold your goal in mind and give the
first answer that comes to mind when I ask you this simple
Whats stopping you?
Just go with the very first answer that comes to mind, even if it
doesnt make sense. Make up a tapping phrase based on your
When you have tapped, ask the question again youll come up
with a different answer. Again, there may be many layers to the
onion, so tap again and again until the answer is Nothing, and
then that will be the truth.
For example,
Q: Whats stopping you be comfortable public speaking?
A: I worry what the audience is thinking of me
Tap Even though I worry what they are thinking of me

Q: Whats stopping you be comfortable public speaking?

A: There are usually people there who know more than me about
a particular subject
Tap Even though they know more than me
Q: Whats stopping you be comfortable public speaking?
A: I dont like the way everyone sits there looking at me
Tap Even though they sit there looking at me
And so on, until
Q: Whats stopping you be comfortable public speaking?
A: um Nothing really the idea doesnt seem to bad any



Tapping a Memory

At the root of our negative feelings and beliefs, are upsetting

For every feeling that we associate with a particular place, person,
or event, there will be the memory of the first time we felt that
For every negative belief, there will be a memory of the first time
that we thought that thought and learned the belief.
It is not necessary to trace a feeling or belief back to the
originating memory every time you tap. However it is useful to do
this to understand yourself, and sometimes it is the only way to
finally deal with things that keep coming back after you tap them.
Note that a memory need not necessarily be traumatic to affect
you. Any negative feeling in a memory can affect your behaviour.
There is no value in second-guessing what memories do or do not
influence you. If you find a memory that brings up even slight
negative feelings, it is best to tap it.


Anatomy of a Memory
Our entire lives are recorded in our memory, but our memories
tend to be divided into individual events that tell a story



As an example, this story might describe the emotional experience
of what happens after your older sister saw you talking to a girl in
the school playground when you were 9 years old.
A. Your sister laughs at you and teases you for having a
girlfriend. You feel a little embarrassed and angry, and tell
her to shut up.
B. When you get home, she tells your mother even though you
asked her not to. You feel deeply embarrassed.


C. At dinner, your mother tells your father, who winks at you,

and tells you thats my boy, making you feel even more
D. When you are falling asleep you lie awake worrying about all
the embarrassment that talking to girls caused you, and
decide not to talk to girls again.
What Moment Jumps Out?
We order our thoughts by their emotional intensity. The moment
with the strongest emotion is the one that your attention is
automatically drawn to.
As an adult, the boy in the example would feel embarrassed any
time he talked to women. If you were to ask him, when did you
first feel embarrassed about talking to girls? he would think of
moment B; when my sister told my mum she saw me talking to
a girl at school.
Then you would ask How did you feel? and he would reply;
Deeply Embarrassed.
After tapping Even though I felt Deeply Embarrassed, his
attention would shift to the next most emotionally significant
moment, moment C. Then he would tap Even though my dad
made me feel more embarrassed, and then moment D would jump
To thoroughly tap an upsetting memory, repeat the process until no
moment in particular jumps out, and you can tell the whole story

without feeling even slightly upset. Some memories will actually

end up making you laugh.
I dont want to think about it
For particularly upsetting memories, we learn not to even visit
them in our minds in the first place.
At any point, in order to work on the memory, you only need to
find the next feeling to tap. So it is not necessary to fully immerse
yourself in the memory, just pull out whichever feeling you can
deal with.
You can start by tapping Even though I dont want to think about
it or Even though its upsetting or whatever. Then move on to
the specific emotional content Even though I felt awful and so
Eventually you will feel comfortable enough to work through the
memory moment by moment.
For particularly traumatic memories, I recommend having a friend
present or seeing a professional EFT practitioner. It is of course
possible to do it all by yourself, when you have a particularly
upsetting memory it is often at the back of your mind all the time,
so visiting the feelings one last time to tap them away is not such a
big deal.
I frequently receive heartwarming stories from people who find my
Memory Release video on, and use it because they
cannot afford professional assistance.


Tapping towards Goals and using the Worksheets

There is no right or wrong way to use Tapping. The basic idea is


Find something to tap


Tap it

You should do this as much as possible until you are getting the
results you want in life.
In a focused session you can do about 100 rounds in an hour. A
normal, reasonably happy person will see dramatic results in their
life after about 500-1,000 rounds. A chronically depressed person
may require a few thousand rounds to reach a level of functioning
that most people consider normal, it is just a matter of
The worksheets in this book describe how to find things to tap in
sessions, whether you do them sitting down on your own, with a
partner, or in a group. This is the best way to start tapping. As
you become experienced in this and start to be more aware of how
limiting beliefs hold you back, you will start to spot things to tap in
your daily life. If you can, tap it there and then. If it would be
inappropriate to tap it at that time, write it down or remember it,
and tap it later.
Asking the right Questions
With a goal in mind, if you ask the question Whats stopping
you?, your mind will find precisely the right answers. Sometimes
when you actually find yourself in a situation where you are

working towards the goal, more things to tap will turn up, but
generally your imagination is good enough to find everything you
need to tap. In fact, if you are thorough and specific with your
question you will probably find yourself tapping more than you
need to, and when it comes to real life, you will not only achieve
your goal but do so effortlessly.
Making the Goal Stronger
We are so used to struggling in our lives, sometimes when we
answer the question our line of thought is well, it wont be easy,
but I guess Ill achieve my goal, and the conclusion is that
nothing is stopping us. But this is missing out a whole load of
things to tap.
The easiest way to be thorough is to make the goal stronger. For
example Whats stopping you do it faster? or Whats stopping
you do it effortlessly? or Whats stopping you be completely
relaxed when you do it?
Breaking the Goal into Steps
Sometimes you need to make the goal more specific in order to
find the right things to tap. There may be a few things stopping
you move towards the overall idea of something, but just tapping
those wont be sufficient if there are beliefs stopping you achieve
the first step towards the whole.
Say you are a photographer who wants to get higher paying jobs.
You might break this down into several goals; Become Better at

Networking, Put my Portfolio Together, Get a New Agent, Buy

Better Equipment. Note that circular beliefs may show up at this
point. For example you might not be able to afford better
equipment until you get the higher paying jobs, but to get the
higher paying jobs you feel you need better equipment. The truth
is that neither belief is true you could put the equipment on your
credit card, and you dont actually need it for the higher paying
jobs. But youll only realise this after youve tapped both beliefs
away. In this example, it would probably be worth splitting
Become Better at Networking into further component goals.
Forking off new lines of questioning
Sometimes an answer will indicate that you need to fork down a
new line of questions. There are two reasons this may happen.
The first is that you are tapping away something you are worried
about, without actually solving it. From the example above,
Whats stopping you Become Better at Networking? might elicit
the response I dont like approaching people. Tapping Even
though I dont like approaching people would stop you worrying
about that, but you really need to fork off a new goal What stops
you approaching people?.
The second, similar reason, is that the answer you give might just
be a label for a whole collection of limiting beliefs. In this case,
the answer will often come up twice in a row.


For example:
Whats stopping you from being Happy?
Im depressed
Even though Im depressed
Whats stopping you from being Happy?
Im still depressed!
There is no point in tapping Even though Im depressed again.
Instead, just ask the Tapper to Be more specific. A new answer
will arise, like No-one likes me or Im useless etc.
Another repeat offender in this area is Procrastination. Tapping
Even though I procrastinate is pretty useless even the first time.
The only reason we procrastinate anything is because there are
negative feelings associated with doing it. But we label that
collection of negative feelings as Procrastination. The solution is
to be specific, find those feelings or beliefs and tap them.
As well as removing negative beliefs that stop you doing things,
its also important to remove the relevant beliefs stopping you
being what you want to be.
The biggest issue here is when you want to be something that you
subconsciously dont like. For example, say you want to be
wealthy. What are your actual feelings about wealthy people?
When someone drives past in an expensive car do you think its
cool or are you jealous? If you have any negative feelings at all for

people who are in the position you want to be in, your subconscious mind is moving you away from being like them.
Another example, say you want to become more successful at
Networking, but you see people who are successful at that as being
manipulative and false. That is your minds representation of
charisma, and it is not a healthy one.
So it is essential to tap away any answers to Whats stopping you
be X? and also What dont you like about people who are X?
Eliciting the right Answers
It is important that people tap using their own words. If your
Tapping partner is having trouble finding the right words, give
them time, do not put words in their mouth.
Sometimes 2 or 3 things to tap will come up in one sentence.
e.g. A: Sometimes people dont listen to me and it makes me
feel ignored
Even though people dont listen to me
Even though I feel ignored
Hold the belief that anything can and should be tapped. You cant
tap away anything positive, it simply doesnt work like that. Even
if a problem seems unsolvable, tap it anyway. Ask more questions
about how you feel about it, and break it down and tap specific
components of it. Even if you are stuck in a particular
uncomfortable situation, Tapping can help you feel better about it.

Avoiding moaning
In sessions I like to say were either Tapping or wasting time.
During a Tapping session, or indeed in all of life, you should never
say anything negative without Tapping it.
So if you find yourself or your partner starting to dwell on
negativity, push the train of thought towards finding something to
Using the Worksheets
Every person is different and has different things they want to
achieve in life or different areas of themselves that they want to
work on. The worksheets cover the main areas that most people
want to look at.
Once you have understood how the worksheets work you should
start asking your own questions to discover your limiting beliefs.
Use your intuition in asking the questions, and be careful to keep
them positive. Focus on asking about goals, rather than asking
about problems, where possible. Where it is absolutely necessary
to ask about a problem, ensure that you ask about a goal afterwards
to keep the focus positive.
A worksheet section looks like this:
This marks a particular group of questions
These are questions you might actually ask.
Feel free to paraphrase them.
But always ask them as they are printed as well.


Continue asking each question until the answer is Nothing or

equivalent. If the same answer comes up twice, ask for a more
specific answer. If there is a particular recurring issue or theme to
the answers, this may indicate you need to work on a different area
or worksheet first, in which case do that and then return to the
current worksheet.
How to mark the worksheets
Each time you tap something, count it on a tally chart: llll llll llll llll lll
Then mark a tick when you answer nothing: llll llll ll 9
Always go back until you have two or three ticks: llll llll lll 9 lll 9 9





Chakra Clearing

Visit for an instructional video:
In chapter 3, page 37 of Tap Yourself Happy I talk about how we
tend to hold feelings in certain areas within our body. These
feelings correspond to the locations of the chakras, which are
originally a Hindu idea and now adopted by the New Age
Rather than focusing on feelings as they relate to thoughts or
memories, if you focus on the chakra itself you can clear whatever
feelings happen to be floating around in your body at the time.
You may not be aware of these feelings unless you put your
attention in that chakra. But you will notice when you have tapped
them away. Most people feel very relaxed, and yet alert and in the
moment, after this exercise.
Some days I will do this exercise several times a day on its own.
Its also a good way to finish tapping sessions, I tend to finish
group workshops with it.
There are many meditations and other exercises for clearing the
chakras, I have tried several of them and found none to be as
effective as using Tapping.


Place the centre of the palm of either hand directly over each of the
seven chakras as shown in the picture. For each chakra, tap
through all the tapping points.
You do not need to say anything, just be careful to focus your
attention on your body below the palm of your hand.
Work up through the chakras, from bottom to top. Work down
through the tapping points, from top to bottom.
Be careful to place the centre of your palm directly above the
chakra, not the fingers or the knuckles. There is a chakra in the
centre of your palm and the idea is to align that with one of the
seven main chakras.
Root Chakra: Place
your palm over the
pubic bone.
Second Chakra:
Place your palm just
below your belly
Solar Plexus
Chakra: Place your
palm at the point
where the two sides


of your rib cage meet.

Heart Chakra: Place your palm between your breasts.
Throat Chakra: Place your palm to the front or to the side of your
Third Eye Chakra: Place the centre of your palm directly between
your eyebrows. You do not need to tap the eyebrow point.
Crown Chakra: Place your palm directly at the top of your head.
(The diagram is slightly misleading)
For each chakra, start with the eyebrow point, then the corner of
the eye, below the eye, above the mouth, the chin, and the collar
As you have one hand on your chakra, use the fingers of the spare
hand to tap the points on the thumb and fingers of the same spare
hand. This is confusing at first but you get used to it.
If you like you can repeat the exercise for each eye, and the soles
of each foot, as there are chakras there too.

All credit goes to Nicola Quinn for discovering this use of EFT.



Mirror Exercise

Take about five to ten minutes at a time to do this exercise, and

repeat it as long as you can still find things to tap.
Look at yourself in a mirror and tap whatever thoughts come to
Some people will find it hard to even look at themselves in the
mirror in the first place. Some will enter a sort of staring
competition with themselves and their mind will go blank.
If your mind goes blank, tap even though my mind has gone
blank. If you get angry, tap even though Im angry. If you start
to feel sad, tap even though I feel sad.
If memories start to surface, work through other feelings in the
memory and then resume looking in the mirror.
If you find yourself getting upset, walk away from the mirror. Tap
any residual feelings. Take deep breaths, look around the room,
take a power nap or a short walk.
When you reach a point where you are comfortable looking in the
mirror at yourself, start saying I love you out loud, to your
reflection. Tap any feelings or negative thoughts that come up in
resistance to doing that.
Finish with the chakra clearing exercise.



Eye Contact Exercise (With a Partner)

This is a great exercise for improving your ability to comfortably

be around other people and look them in the eye. You will
Sit comfortably opposite each other in straight-backed chairs, look
into each others eyes, tap any negative feelings or thoughts that
arise. You are allowed to blink.
Note any slight uncomfortableness or tension, and tap it.
If you find yourself looking away, find the feeling that tells you to
look away, and tap it.
If you start laughing, understand that it is nervous laughter it is a
sign that you are not completely comfortable. Find the feeling that
tells you to laugh, and tap it.
It is not uncommon to feel intimidated by or aggressive towards
the other person. If you feel like you are being attacked or like you
want to attack, do not be embarrassed just tap it. If you feel
embarrassed you should tap that also.
If you start to feel like the other person is noticing things about you
that you would rather they didnt, tap it. If you find yourself
judging things about the other person you should tap that, you may
prefer to tap those in your head.
The exercise is complete when you can comfortably gaze into your
partners eyes indefinitely.

If possible, repeat the exercise with several different partners of

both sexes. You can also try the exercise standing up.
You can take the exercise further by occasionally telling the other
person I love you.



Personal Space Exercise (With a Partner)

This can be a curious exercise.

Start by standing up to 15 feet part, facing towards each other. Use
whatever available space you have, less than 15 feet is fine.
One partner stands still, the other will walk towards the standing
one. Agree which of you is which.
When the standing partner looks comfortable, the walking partner
should begin walking towards the standing partner at a gentle pace.
When the standing partner feels any sort of negative feeling, they
should say stop and the walking partner should stop. The
standing partner only should tap the feeling.
You are looking for any alarm within your body that you are being
Repeat the exercise until the standing partner is comfortable with
the walking partner walking right up to them until they are almost



Body Tension Exercise

You can do this exercise lying down, sat in a comfortable chair, or

while you are walking.
Take some deep breaths and allow your body to relax.
Do not make any effort to consciously relax particular parts of
your body, just send the instruction throughout your body relax.
When you notice tension in a part of your body, tap it.
You may notice an emotional quality to the tension, and memories
may arise relating to the tension. Tap the memory if so.
You may need to repeatedly tap the tension in a particular area.
You can trust that you are removing one layer of tension each time
you tap. One way to tell this is that when you have tapped tension
in one area, you notice tension in another, even though the first
area is still tense.
Understand that tension in some areas of the body can cause
secondary tension in other areas. If you find that particular areas
of tension return a short while after you tap them, look for the
primary tension that is causing it. If you focus on what you
suspect is secondary tension, your intuition will usually guide you
to the primary source of it.
You may prefer to use the Tick Tock Meditation to conduct this


Background Feelings Exercise

This exercise is similar to the Body Tension exercise, but this time
you are looking for emotional feelings rather than physical tension.
If you prefer you can combine the exercises, you will probably find
yourself doing this anyway.
Calm your mind and relax your body, and just ask yourself how
you feel. Tap whatever feeling is there.
If you feel fine, look for negative feelings underneath that fine
feeling. Normally in life you would want to focus on feeling fine,
but it is ok to focus on the negative long enough to tap it.
Particularly look for feelings of boredom. It is possible to
completely tap away boredom.
Be wary of feelings that tell you to get up and do something else,
and tap them. If you need to, set a precise time period for the
exercise and use a countdown timer or decide what time you will
This exercise is a good way to condition yourself into tapping
negative feelings semi-automatically as they arise.



Attributed Meaning Exercise

This is an advanced exercise.

Take a few minutes to sit down and do this exercise, but also do it
randomly throughout your day. You may find yourself doing this
Bear in mind the golden rule of tapping; anything that can be
tapped should be tapped, and you cannot tap away the truth.
Look at this exercise as an experiment in tapping everything, and
see where it leads you. You may need to persist with it or return to
it later.
Sit down and relax with your eyes open. When your eyes rest on
something, notice the first thought that arises in relation to that
If a memory arises, tap the memory.
Tap any thought that arises, without debate. If you think it is
pointless to tap that particular thought, tap it anyway and notice
how your thoughts change.
Repeat the exercise until you understand.
If you get frustrated or angry, on this occasion it is optional to tap
those. If they stop you continuing with the exercise you should tap
them. You may find they lead you to deeper insight.



Unlocking Depression Worksheet

Barriers to Improvement
What stops you believing you can change?
What stops you believing you can get better?
What stops you believing you can be happy?
Help from Others
What stops you accepting help from others?
What stops you accepting compliments from others?
What stops you asking for help from others?
Helping Yourself
What stops you helping yourself?
What stops you looking for help?
Trying New Things
What stops you trying new ways to think?
What stops you trying new ways to help yourself?


Procrastination Worksheet
Being Tidy and Clean
What stops you tidying your room?
What stops you keeping it tidy?
What stops you tidying your desk?
What stops you keeping it tidy?
What stops you cleaning the kitchen or bathroom?
What stops you keeping it clean?

Repeat for every task you can think of that you currently procrastinate.
Getting Round to it
What stops you starting it?
What stops you finishing it?
What stops you enjoying it?
What would stop you doing it right now? (or when you get home)


Cravings Worksheet
It may be helpful to have the object of your addiction in front of you while you tap. You
can use your imagination, but having an actual cigarette or chocolate bar in front of you
will activate your senses to trigger the relevant feelings.
You might start with a box of cigarettes or a wrapped up chocolate bar, and work up to
taking one drag or one bite. You are looking to reach the point where you can take it or
leave it.
How badly do you want a cigarette?
Can you make yourself want it more?
Where do you feel that in your body?
What stops you seeing yourself as a non-smoker?

How badly do you want the chocolate?
Can you make yourself want it more?
Where do you feel that in your body?
What stops you seeing yourself as someone who isnt addicted to chocolate?

This worksheet is intended to help with socially accepted addictions like chocolate or
cigarettes. While the principle will work for other addictions, it is strongly suggested
that you seek professional help from a practicing Emotional Freedom Technique


Forgiveness Worksheet
For those who already have a good relationship with their family
If anything, what sometimes bugs you about your mother?
If anything, what sometimes bugs you about your father?
If anything, what sometimes bugs you about your brother/sister?
Your Mother
What stops you forgiving your mother?
What stops you accepting your mother?
What stops you liking your mother?
What stops you trusting your mother?
What stops you loving your mother?
Your Father
What stops you forgiving your father?
What stops you accepting your father?
What stops you liking your father?
What stops you trusting your father?
What stops you loving your father?
Your Brother/Sister (including half/step brother/sister)
What stops you forgiving your brother/sister?
What stops you accepting your brother/sister?
What stops you liking your brother/sister?
What stops you trusting your brother/sister?
What stops you loving your brother/sister?
Your Ex-wife, Ex-girlfriend (all of them!)
What stops you forgiving your ex?
What stops you accepting your ex?
What stops you liking your ex?
What stops you trusting your ex?
What stops you loving your ex?


Emotional Detox Worksheet

Think of a time when you felt Anger.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Fear.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Sadness.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Pride.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Desire.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Grief.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Apathy.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Guilt.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?
Think of a time when you felt Shame.
Can you feel it now?
Where do you feel it in your body?


Sleep Worksheet
Falling Asleep
What stops you falling asleep?
What stops you falling sound asleep, like a baby, as soon as your head hits the pillow?

Getting Up
What stops you getting out of bed?
What stops you jumping out of bed with joy and energy to start a new day?

Going to Bed
What stops you going to bed?
What stops you going to bed at the time that you choose?


Happiness Worksheet
Being Happy
Whats stopping you from Being Happy?
Whats stopping you be Happy all the time?
Feeling Good
What's stopping you from Feeling Good?
What's stopping you from Feeling Great?
Liking Yourself
What's stopping you from Being Yourself?
What's stopping you Like Yourself?
What's stopping you Love Yourself?
What dont you like about Happy people?


Confidence Worksheet
Faith in Your Own Ability
What stops you having faith in your own ability?
What stops you believing you can handle any situation?
What stops you handling any situation?
What you Want
What stops you making your needs clear to other people?
What stops you standing up for what you want?
What stops you demanding to have your needs met?
What stops you doing what you want?
What other people think
Why do you care what other people think?
What's stopping you Be Honest?
What's stopping you Be Honest all the time?
What's stopping you Be Honest with everyone?
Eye Contact
What's stopping you hold Eye Contact?
What's stopping you be completely comfortable holding Eye Contact?
What stops you being comfortable being centre of attention?
Being Loud
What stops you speaking clearly?
What stops you speaking loudly?
What dont you like about Confident people?
What dont you like about Loud people?
What dont you like about people who always seem to get what they want?


Meeting Men Worksheet

Meeting People
What stops you getting out more?
What stops you meeting more people?
Law of Attraction
What dont you like about the men that you meet?
What turns you off about the men that you meet?
What stops you being attracted to the men you meet?
Your Ideal Man
What stops you being comfortable around your Ideal Man?
What stops you believing you deserve your Ideal Man?
What stops you getting your Ideal Man?
Men you are very attracted to
What stops you being comfortable around men you are very attracted to?
What stops you believing you deserve men you are very attracted to?
What stops you getting men you are very attracted to?
Showing Interest
What stops you showing interest in the men that you like?

There are more men, of the kind you like, than you can ever possibly meet
- David DeAngelo (paraphrased)
Abundance Mentality
What stops you believing that statement?
What conflicting beliefs do you have?
Is it true? Why not?

Suggested further work:

Forgiveness (Ex-Boyfriends, Ex-Husbands)


Meeting Girls Worksheet

Meeting People
What stops you getting out more?
What stops you meeting more people?
Law of Attraction
What dont you like about the girls that you meet?
What turns you off about the girls that you meet?
What stops you being attracted to the girls you meet?
Your Ideal Girl
What stops you being comfortable around your Ideal Girl?
What stops you believing you deserve your Ideal Girl?
What stops you getting your Ideal Girl?
Girls you are very attracted to
What stops you being comfortable around girls you are very attracted to?
What stops you believing you deserve girls you are very attracted to?
What stops you getting girls you are very attracted to?
Showing Interest
What stops you showing interest in the girls that you like?

There are more girls, of the kind you like, than you can ever possibly meet
- David DeAngelo
Abundance Mentality
What stops you believing that statement?
What conflicting beliefs do you have?
Is it true? Why not?

Suggested further work:

Forgiveness (Ex-Girlfriends, Ex-Wives)


Sex Worksheet
What, if anything, makes you think sex is wrong?
What stops you believing sex is a good thing?
What stops you seeing sex as healthy?
Enjoying Sex
What stops you enjoying sex?

What stops you taking your clothes off in front of your partner?
What stops you being comfortable naked in front of your partner?
What stops you enjoying being naked in front of your partner?
What stops you being proud of your naked body?
For Men
What sometimes stops you becoming aroused?
What sometimes stops you having an erection?
What sometimes stops you having an orgasm?
For Women
What sometimes stops you becoming aroused?
What sometimes stops you having an orgasm?


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