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Dance (Lesson Three - Old and New Dances)

Year level: Year 6

Topic: Dance
Content description (ACARA):
Explore movement and choreographic devices, using the
elements of dance to choreograph dances that
communicate meaning (ACADAM009)
Develop technical and expressive skills in fundamental
movements including body control, accuracy, alignment,
strength, balance and coordination (ACADAM010)
Perform dance using expressive skills to communicate a
choreographers ideas, including performing dances of
cultural groups in the community (ACADAM011)

Year level: Year 7

Topic: Dance
Content description (ACARA):
Combine elements of dance and improvise by making
literal movements into abstract movements (ACADAM013)
Develop their choreographic intent by applying the
elements of dance to select and organise movement
Practise and refine technical skills in style-specific
techniques (ACADAM015)
Structure dances using choreographic devices and form
Rehearse and perform focusing on expressive skills
appropriate to style and/or choreographic intent

Unit Objectives:
1. Help students to become used to moving their bodies in
different ways
2. Encourage students to dance with partners
3. Help students listen to and follow dance instructions
4. Encourage students to demonstrate and perform
acquired dance skills
5. Help students to work together to create original dances
6. Use familiar dance routines and songs to encourage
engagement with dance and body movement
7. Have fun!

Group engagement/management strategies:

- Use a whistle
- Demonstrate dance moves/skills up the front
- Split students (90 students) into smaller groups
- Set definite time limits for group work
- Have clear expectations of what is wanted from groups eg. best group routine will be able to instruct class

Lesson 3 - Old and New Dances

1. Set up (3mins)
2. Intro (5mins)
- Clear expectations of student behaviour, listening, noise
3. Warm up (15mins)
- Stretching circles (groups of 8)
- Criss Cross game* (instructions >)
4. OLD DANCES (20mins) [teach the moves before every
- Cha cha slide
- Heel and toe (partner dance - demonstrate with Tash or
- Mexican hat dance
5. NEW DANCES (15mins) [teach the moves before every
- Whip Nae Nae Dance - get 2 student volunteers to come
up and help teach the moves
6. Warm down (5mins) [IF TIME]
- Progressive muscle relaxation/dead fish
TIME OF LESSON = approx. 1hr and 5mins

*Criss Cross Game

Set up:
Divide students into 4 teams
Each team to start in different corner
Aim of game:
To see which team can get to the opposite (diagonal)
corner the fastest using the designated method that the
leader calls out
First team to 5 wins!
Crossing methods:
Crab Walk
Backwards walk
Waving hands in the air
Zig zagging

Ipod (with hours of appropriate music)
Use of the Hall and its sound system

Things to remember:
Keep it moving!
Make instructions very explicit and repeat them
Have consequences for unruly behaviour
Have a sense of fun
Make sure all kids are being involved
Be aware of tiredness levels/distraction levels
Use the microphone, stop the music and use whistle if needed
Have clear expectations in regards to safety

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