Six Factors Associated With Cataracts: Some Factors Contributing To The Appearance of Cataracts

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Someone in the eye is the window to see the world. However, sometimes we do not
realize how important the function of the eye until there is a problem or health problems in the
There are various problems that can affect the quality of eye sight, and one of them is
cataracts. Cataracts can occur when the protein is in the eye blocking the view. Cataracts can turn
into a serious condition, it can even be one of the common causes of blindness.

Some factors contributing to the appearance of cataracts

There are several factors why cataracts can occur, such as:
1. Age
Age is one of the main causes of cataracts. Proteins in the eye lens will decrease with age.
In addition to these factors, environmental factors can also be a cause of cataracts.
2. Eye trauma
Eye trauma can result in thickening, swelling, and the appearance of white color on the
lens fibers. The white color is formed could eventually lead to cataracts.
3. Genetics
Genetics can also be one of the factors causing cataracts. This is due to chromosomal
abnormalities can affect the quality of the lens of the eye.
4. Skin disease
Some skin diseases such as eczema, pemphigus, ichthyosis, and atopic dermatitis may
affect the condition of the eye lens. This in turn will also increase the risk of cataracts.
5. Infection
Certain types of infections such as cysticercosis, toxoplasmosis, and leprosy can lead to
the appearance of cataracts. Therefore, if you experience one of these types of infection,
immediately treat the infection before it spreads further.

6. Diabetes
Diabetes is often thought to be a disease that can lead to cataracts. This is because the
enzyme aldose reductase in the body that diabetics can memicul occurrence of cataracts.

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