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1. utilized as method in searching the prisoner for possession of contrabands inside the prison cells
and compound.
a. Frisking
b. Body search
c. Greyhound operations
d. Body search
2. If the scientific method is utilized in segregation, what is the method employed in the diagnosis
and treatment of the convicts?
a. Individualized method
b. Casework method
c. Scientific method
d. Individual Therapy
3. It enables the prisoner to roam outside the prison for a minimum period per day to make work out
arrangement for his release.
a. Pre release leave
b. Individual or group counseling
c. Leave for work
d. Granting greater freedom
4. This activity is undertaken to minimize the anxiety of the offender in returning to the free society.
a. Pre release leave
b. Individual or group counseling
c. Granting greater freedom
d. Leave for work
5. It prescribes the means to be utilized in carrying out the treatment programs for convicted criminal
a. Admissions summary
b. Admissions procedure
c. Classification meeting
d. Case summary
6. This type of prison labor is state controlled and products from the prison are mainly used by the
a. Public account system
b. Lease system
c. Price per piece system
d. State use system
7. It is the primary objective of custodial and security division?
a. To prevent riots
b. to prevent escapes

c. to implement discipline
d. To help in the reformation of prisoners
8. This states that incarceration should establish in the convicts the will to lead law abiding and selfsupporting lives after their release in prison.
a. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners.
b. Indeterminate sentence Law
c. Prison Law
d. Probation Law
9. Which among the following are not part of the requisites of a valid commitment order.
a. Signature of the judge
b. Seal of the court
c. Signature of the clerk of court
d. Valid identification of prisoner
10. It is the largest prison facility in the Philippine considering the number of inmates accommodates.
a. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
c. Davao Penal Colony
d. Sablayan Penal Colony and Farm
11. It is regarded as the most important aides in the rehabilitation of prisoners.
a. Recreational program
b. Religious program
c. Educational program
d. Employment of prisoners
12. Minimum number of times in counting the inmates on a daily basis.
a. two
b. three
c. four
d. five
13. Person who are deemed instrumental in the reformation of prisoners due to their daily contact with
the inmates.
a. Chaplain
b. Warden
c. Psychologist
d. Prison guards
14. It is a continuing state of good order.
a. Discipline
b. Morale
c. Communication
d. Loyalty
15. It is a relationship in which one endeavors to help another understand and solve his problems of


Preventive discipline
All of the above

16. It is a method of punishment resorted to an extreme cases when lighter penalties are ineffectual.
a. Bartolina
b. Solitary Continement
c. Close Confinement
d. All of the above
17. A prisoner serving his fourth year of incarceration may avail of the good time conduct allowance
for every month of his continued good behavior. How many days of credit would be given him for
a period of one year during his fourth year of service?
a. 60 days
b. 98 days
c. 120 days
d. 180 days
18. Which among the following is not considered by Presidential decree 29 as a prisoners?
a. Municipal Prisoners
b. Provincial Prisoners
c. Insular Prisoners
d. Detention Prisoners
19. It is given to prisoners who have returned to their places of confinement within 48 hours after a
a. Good conduct time allowance
b. Special time allowance
c. Visitation privilege
d. All of the above
20. Felino Habagat a former member of the PNP was convicted of numerous count of estafa. He was
sentenced by final judgement to serve a term of imprisonment for 20 years. While serving his fifth
year of imprisonment an earthquake rocked the New Bilibid prison and several inmates escaped.
Nr. Habagat returned a day after the earth quake, how many years would be deducted from his
a. 4 years
b. 8 years
c. 12 years
d. 16 years
21. It is charged with the function of personnel including recruitment and training and procurement of
a. Business management division
b. Custodial Division
c. Classification and Treatment Division
d. Medical Division

22. A person convicted to serve a sentence of 5 years of imprisonment would be classified as what
kind of prisoner?
a. Municipal Prisoners
b. Provincial Prisoners
c. National Prisoners
d. Detention Prisoners
23. Which among the following is not part of the inhere4nt duty of a prison or jail warden?
a. Decision Making
b. Control of operation and activities
c. Public Relations
d. Personnel Program
24. Ariel Manghihipo a gym instructor was accused of 6 counts of sexual harassment. He was
detained at the Manila City jail for 5 years while his case was pending. He was convicted and
made to serve a sentence of reclusion temporal in its maximum period. How many years would be
deducted from his punishment after availing the benefits of R.A. 6127?
a. 1 year
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. 12 years
25. A person arrested for theft may be held under custodian investigation for a maximum period of
how many hours?
a. 12
b. 18
c. 38
d. 48
26. It is a primitive justification of punishment in the sense that it is in the form of personal vengeance
or putting the law into one's own hand.
a. Retribution
b. Deterrence
c. Expiation
d. Reformation
27. This theory emphasized that punishment has a redemptive purpose.
a. Judean Christian theory
b. Classical theory
c. Neo classical theory
d. Positivist theory
28. Who among the Italian advocates of the Positive theory wrote the book Theory of the
Imputability and Denial of the Free will.
a. Ferri
b. Garofalo
c. Lombroso
d. Becarria

29. It refers to anything which are against or contrary to the rules and regulation of a prison of jail
a. Jewelry
b. Dangerous Drugs
c. Deadly weapons
d. Contrabands
30. It is one of the forerunners of modern correctional systems wherein they confine the prisoners in
single cells at night but allow them to work in congregate shops during the day?
a. Auburn system
b. Pennsylvania system
c. Elmira Reformatory
d. All of the above
31. He advocated the progressive system of Irish system which is considered by many as one of the
most famous contributor to the reformatory movement?
a. Alexander Maconochie
b. Walter Crofton
c. Z.R. Brockway
d. Evelyn Ruggles Brise
32. It has been regarded as the forerunner of modern penology due to its extensive use of parole social
case work and training school type of institution.
a. Pennsylvania system
b. Auburn System
c. Elmira Reformatory
d. Borstal Institution
33. It has been noted as the best reform institution for young offenders?
a. Pennsylvania system
b. Auburn System
c. Elmira Reformatory
d. Borstal Institution
34. It is regarded as one of the finest open penal institution in the world.
a. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. Davao Penal Colony
c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
d. Sablayan Prison and Farm
35. Considered as the most persistent problem in almost all prison facilities which contribute to failure
of the reformation programs.
a. Idleness
b. Deplorable conditions
c. Riots
d. Escapes
36. It is an institution intended to detain or house intended to detain or house political offenders.
a. Iwahig Penal Colony

b. Davao Penal Colony

c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
d. Sablayan Prison and farm
37. Transportation of prisoners was utilized by what particular country?
a. Spain
b. Portugal
c. England
d. France
38. It is considered as the highest income earner among the Philippine Correctional Institution.
a. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. Davao Penal Colony
c. San Ramon Prison and Penal Farm
d. Sablayan Prison and Farm
39. It was made as an alternative for corporal punishment and death penalty.
a. Transportation of prisoners
b. Imprisonment
c. Parole
d. Probation
40. Pol Duling was convicted to serve a penalty of 6 years of imprisonment for usurpation of a person
in authority due to his frequent introduction of himself as an NBI agent, what would be his
classification under PD 29?
a. Detention prisoner
b. Municipal prisoner
c. Provincial prisoner
d. National Prisoner
41. What is the height requirement of walls for a maximum security facility?
a. 8 to 12 feet
b. 12 to 24 feet
c. 18 to 20 feet
d. 18 to 25 feet
42. This type of institution is usually constructed without a fence?
a. Minimum Security Institution
b. Medium Security Institution
c. Maximum Security Institution
d. Open Institution
43. What is the main objective of segregation?
a. Diversification by Age
b. Diversification by sex
c. Diversification by degree of imprisonment
d. Prevention of physical and morel contamination
44. It is the original intention of imposing prison labor?



45. It refers to the formulation for the tentative rehabilitation program of the convict.
a. Diagnosis
b. Treatment Planning
c. Execution of Treatment Program
d. Re-classification
46. It is mainly responsible for the implementation of a prisoners treatment program?
a. RDC
b. Warden
c. Classification Committee
d. All of the above
47. It is part of the classification wherein the prisoners are examined and tests are administered to
check on the physical and mental condition of the prisoners.
a. Diagnosis
b. Treatment Planning
c. Execution of treatment programs
d. Re-classification
48. This forerunner of penology considered and made emphasis on physical characteristics as basis for
a. Lombroso
b. Becarria
c. Ferri
d. Garofalo
49. What particular country first utilized prison as detention facilities?
a. United State of America
b. England
c. France
d. Spain
50. Credited for introducing the use of jails.
a. Europeans
b. Americans
c. Asians
d. Cavemen
51. It refers to an act of grace of the chief executive which grants general pardon to certain class of
offenders, but requires concurrence of congress.
a. Amnesty
b. Pardon
c. Commutation
d. Reprieve

52. The temporary stay in the execution of the court, ordered by the president verdict to enable review
of the merits of the case.
a. Appeal
b. Pardon
c. Reprieve
d. Commutation
53. It is a change in the court's verdict made by the president which lowers the degree of penalty
imposed by the court.
a. Amnesty
b. Pardon
c. Communication
d. Reprieve
54. Suspension of sentence of convict after serving the minimum term of indeterminate penalty
without granting pardon.
a. Parole
b. Reprieve
c. Communication
d. Fine
55. It refers to a sentence of imprisonment for the maximum period defined by law subject to the
termination by the parole board at anytime after service of the minimum period.
a. Indeterminate sentence
b. Good time conduct allowance
c. Parole
d. Probation
56. Deduction to the term of imprisonment due to the convict's exemplary behavior while in prison.
a. Indeterminate sentence
b. Good time conduct allowance
c. Parole
d. Probation
57. a law which mandated that offenders as punishment would have serve a portion of their sentence in
institutions and thereby released to undergo probation.
a. Huber Law
b. Split sentence Law
c. PD 968
d. Indeterminate sentence Law
58. A method undertaken to allow prisoners opportunity for normal sex life.
a. Visitation
b. Masturbation
c. Sodomy
d. Conjugal Visit
59. Commonest form of sexual perversion in prison and jail facilities.


Pseudo Marriages

60. An writ issued by the court ordering the confinement of person so named in penal institutions.
a. Probation order
b. Bail
c. Detention order
d. Commitment order
61. The most challenging problem that confronts the administration of penal institution worldwide.
a. Over crowding
b. Unsanitary conditions
c. Sex
d. Lack of funding
62. A means of social control.
a. Penalty
b. Punishment
c. Retribution
d. Atonement
63. Group vengeance as a justification for imposition of punishment.
a. Retribution
b. Expiation
c. Deterrence
d. Protection
64. Primitive punishment of the transgressor carried out trough personal vengeance.
a. Retribution
b. Explanation
c. Deterrence
d. Protection
65. It paved the way for exempting law violators from their criminal liability by reason of insanity.
a. People Vs. De Vera
b. M'Nathan Case
c. Sursis
d. Furlough
66. Its main objective is to prevent unnecessary custodian risk and prevent physical and moral
contamination from one group to another.
a. Diversification
b. Segregation
c. Discipline
d. Classification
67. Ideal number of days for proper classification of newly convicted offenders at the RDC.


15 days
30 days
45 days
60 days

68. Smeti8mes referred to as Case conference or Guidance conference wherein the tentative
formulation of rehabilitation program is conducted with the inmate concerned.
a. Staff Conference
b. Admission Classification Meeting
c. Classification Meeting
d. Staff interview
69. Calls the attention of inmates for certain misconduct or positive traits manifested while serving
a. Post sentence report
b. Behavior report
c. Misconduct report
d. Admissions summary
70. A written report detailing particular inmate and the violations incurred with reference to the rule
a. Post sentence report
b. Behavior report
c. Misconduct report
d. Admissions summary
71. Oldest penal institution operated under the Bureau of Corrections.
a. Iwahig Penal Colony
b. Davao Penal Colony
c. San Ramon Prison and penal Farm
d. Sablayan Penal Colony
72. An inherent responsibility of a warden in seeing to it that he continually motivates his staff and
personnel to perform at their best.
a. Control of prison operation and activities
b. Decision making
c. Personnel program
d. Executive leadership
73. First juvenile court established in 1899.
a. Chicago
b. England
c. Massachusetts
d. Valencia, Spain
74. Golden age of penology.
a. 1860 to 1870
b. 1870 to 1880
c. 1880 to 1890

d. 1890 to 1900
75. The IPPC, an intern governmental organization established in 1875 held congress every five years
for cooperation and exchange of techniques in correctional administration, it was abolished in the
year 1950, what organization took up its responsibility?
a. International Prison Congress
b. Social Defense Section of the UN
c. Human Rights Commission
d. League of Nations
76. Place wherein a newly convicted prisoner is housed for at least a minimum period of one week to
ten days for the conduct of medical examination, vaccinations, X-rays to prevent physical
a. Reception diagnostic center
b. Medical center
c. Infirmary
d. Quarantine unit
77. An exponent of the classical school of penology who advocated that society must reward those
who accept responsibility and punish those who do not.
a. Bentham
b. Becarria
c. Lombroso
d. Ferri
78. It starts from the admissions report of individual inmates and serves as the basis in granting parole.
a. Admissions Summary
b. Behavior Report
c. Misconduct Report
d. Cumulative Case Summary
79. Issued by the court to a correctional facility indicating the basis for the confinement of a prisoner.
a. Mittimus
b. Detention order
c. Bail
d. Probation order
80. School of thought advocated by Dr. Lombroso, Ferri and Garofalo.
a. Modern clinical school
b. Italian school
c. Neo classical school
d. Classical school
81. Country wherein the last recorded burning at stake was made.
a. England
b. USA
c. England
d. France

82. A nation who pioneered banishment as a form of punishment.

a. England
b. Spain
c. France
d. Rome
83. A code which adopted the principle an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth.
a. Code of Kalantiaw
b. Hammurabi's code
c. Bible
d. French code
84. year when the League of Nations adopted the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of
a. 1932
b. 1934
c. 1936
d. 1938
85. Year when the first International Prison Congress was Held in London.
a. 1870
b. 1872
c. 1876
d. 1880
1. A procedure by which prisoners are selected for release on the basis on individual response and
a. Probation
b. Parole
c. Pardon
d. Amnesty
2. Derived from a French word meaning word of honor.
a. Probation
b. Parole
c. Pardon
d. Amnesty
3. A method of helping the parolee by altering environmental conditions to bring out satisfactory
social adjustment.
a. Manipulative technique
b. Executive technique
c. Guidance and Counseling technique
d. Casework technique
4. This type of prison labor is state controlled and products from the prison are sold in the open

a. Public account system
b. Lease system
c. Price per piece system
d. State use system
5. This states that incarceration should establish in the convicts the will to lead law abiding and selfsupporting lives after their release in prison.
a. United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the treatment of prisoners
b. Indeterminate sentence Law
c. Prison Law
d. Probation Law
6. Refers to those who are confined in correctional facilities awaiting verdict on their cases.
a. Probationers
b. Detainees
c. Parolees
d. Youth offenders
7. It is regarded as the most important program that aides in the rehabilitation of prisoners.
a. Recreational program
b. Religious program
c. Educational program
d. Employment of prisoners
8. It is a continuing state of good order.
a. Discipline
b. Morale
c. Communication
d. Loyalty
9. It is the alternative for jail confinement in modern penology.
a. Parole
b. Probation
c. Pardon
d. Amnesty
10. It is a relationship in which one endeavors to help another understand and solve his problems of
a. Preventive Discipline
b. Communication
c. Counseling
d. Positive Discipline
11. He advanced the progressive system of Irish system which is considered by many as one of the
most famous contributor to the reformatory movement?
a. Alexander Macanochie
b. Walter Crofton
c. Z.R. Brockway

d. Evelyn Ruggles Brise

12. It was made as an alternative for corporal punishment and death penalty.
a. Transportation of prisoners
b. Imprisonment
c. Parole
d. Probation
13. What is the man objective of segregation?
a. Diversification by Age
b. Diversification by sex
c. Diversification by degree of imprisonment
d. Prevention of physical and moral contamination
14. It is the original intention of imposing prison labor?
a. Punitive
b. Afflictive
c. Reformatory
d. Business
16. Mainly responsible for the implementation of a prisoners treatment program?
a. RDC
b. Warden
c. Classification Committee
d. All of the above
17. It is part of the classification wherein the prisoners are examined and tests are administered to
check on the physical and mental condition of the prisoners.
a. Diagnosis
b. Treatment Planning
c. Execution of treatment programs
d. Re-classification
18. It refers to a disposition after which the defendant after conviction and sentence is released, subject
to the conditions imposed by the court.
a. Parole
b. Probation
c. Pardon
d. Amnesty
19. Regarded as the father of Philippine Probation.
a. Ramon Bagatsing Sr.
b. Teodulo C. Natividad
c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
d. Juan Ponce Enrile
20. Signed into law R.A. 968, an Act establishing Probation in the Philippines.
a. Ramon Bagatsing Sr.
b. Teodulo C. Natividad

c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
d. Juan Ponce Enrile
21. He was referred to as the father of English Probation.
a. Matthew Devenport Hill
b. Edward Savage
c. John Augustus
d. Alexander Rice
22. A Boston shoe maker who advocated in behalf of alcoholics and youthful offenders and known as
the father of probation.
a. Matthew Devenport Hill
b. Edward Savage
c. John Augustus
d. Alexander Rice
23. In the year 1887, this former Boston Chief of Police was appointed as the first probation officer in
the whole world.
a. Matthew Devenport Hill
b. Edward Savage
c. Alexander Rice
d. John Augustus
24. What particular law established probation in the Philippines for the time?
a. PD 968
b. RA 968
c. Act 4221
d. RA 4221
25. Amount pegged by law as the prisoner's per capita per day.
a. 20 pesos
b. 30 pesos
c. 40 pesos
d. 50 pesos
26. Celebrated case which paved the way for the abolition of the first probation law.
a. People Vs. Vera, 376 O.G. 164
b. People Vs. De Vera, 376 O.G. 164
c. Vera Vs. People, 376 O.G. 164
d. De Vera Vs. People, 376 O.G. 164
27. Historic signing of PD 968 which transported Philippine Criminal Justice system to the 20th
a. July 22, 1976
b. July 23, 1976
c. July 24, 1976
d. August 7, 1935
28. Within how many days after verdict must a petitioner file his application for probation?


10 days
15 days
30 days
120 days

29. Maximum number of probationers under supervisions of a probation aide?

a. 3
b. 5
c. 7
d. 9
30. Maximum period of probation for a person convicted to suffer prision correctional.
a. 2 years
b. 4 years
c. 6 years
d. 8 years
31. It serves as the basis in granting probation for qualified petitioners.
a. Post Sentence investigation Report
b. Pre Sentence Investigation Report
c. Admissions Summary
d. Behavior Report
32. Minimum number of days given to probation officers in accomplishing PSIR.
a. 30 days
b. 60 days
c. 90 days
d. 120 days
33. After receiving the PSIR, within how many days must a judge decide whether to grant or deny
a. 5 days
b. 15 days
c. 30 days
d. 60 days
34. It refers to a suspension of sentence after which the convict is released upon serving the minimum
sentence imposed by law and subject to his good behavior and positive reaction to rehabilitation
a. Petitioner
b. Probationer
c. Probation Officer
d. Convict
35. It refers to a suspension of sentence after which the convict is released upon serving the minimum
sentence imposed by law and subject to his good behavior and positive reaction to rehabilitation
a. Probation
b. Pardon

c. Parole
d. Amnesty
36. A person placed under probation for the maximum period imposed by law would have to report to
his probation officer how many times per month?
a. once
b. twice
c. More than twice
d. All of the above
37. It entails one to endeavor of helping others resolve their personal problems.
a. Rehabilitation
b. Guidance
c. Corrections
d. Counseling
38. RA 4225 created what particular government agency?
a. Department of Justice
b. Bureau of Corrections
c. Probation Office
d. Board of Pardon and Parole
39. Maximum term of office for those appointed to serve as members of the Board of indeterminate
a. 3 years
b. 4 years
c. 5 years
d. 6 years
40. Who is the granting authority in giving probation to qualified petitioners?
a. court
b. probation officer
c. president
d. board of indeterminate sentence
41. Under the Indeterminate sentence law, who acts as chairman of the board of pardon and paroles?
a. DILG Secretary
b. DOJ Secretary
c. PNP Chief
d. President
42. Minimum period of probation provided for by law.
a. 1 year
b. 2 year
c. 3 year
d. 4 years
43. it refers to the community's reaction to convicted offenderds.
a. Corrections

b. Probation
c. Rehabilitation
d. Parole
44. Under rules and methods employed by probation, what is the maximum number of minor
violations that would result in the revocation order?
a. 5 violations
b. 4 violations
c. 3 violations
d. 2 violations
45. The merging of supervision of parole and probation is mandated by what particular law?
a. Executive Order 392
b. Executive Order 292
c. PD 968
d. RA 4221
46. Probation is a privilege granted to deserving and qualified petitioners, when does it become a
matter of right?
a. After the submission of the PSIR.
b. When the convict files a petition for probation
c. When no appeal was undertaken
d. When his probation is approved
47. Under our laws when will probationer report to his designated probation officer?
a. Upon initial interview
b. Upon the completion of the PSIR
c. Upon the court order
d. Within 72 hours after probation order has been granted
48. A US law which allowed convicts to be gainfully employed during the days while residing in
a. Huber Law
b. Harbard Law
c. Split Sentence Law
d. Furlough Law
49. It refers to the continuing relationship between the probationer and the probation officer.
a. Initial Interview
b. Post Sentence Investigation
c. Supervision
d. Orientation
50. Before travel of probationer outside the jurisdiction of the City/Provincial Probation Office,
application for court approval should be filed within how many days?
a. 45 days
b. 30 days
c. 15 days
d. 5 days

51. A French and Belgian innovation to probation which requires no supervision on the condition that
the probationer would not commit an offense within prescribed period.
a. Split sentence
b. Sursis
c. Furlough
d. Parole
52. Within how many days should the request for outside travel shall be filed by the probationer to the
probation office, prior to the date of his intended departure?
a. 5 days
b. 10 days
c. 15 days
d. 30 days
53. It refers to the note given to police agencies which signifies that the probationer is under the
supervision of his designated probation officer.
a. Chrome Card
b. Kardex Card
c. Flash Sheet
d. Field Sheet
54. The maximum period of probation when the sentence is not more than one year.
a. 6 years
b. 4 years
c. 2 years
d. 1 year
55. When will the court deny application for probation of a petitioner?
a. Petitioner is a foreigner
b. Petitioner is a drug dependent
c. Petitioner violates the condition
d. Petitioner can be treated well in an institution
56. When will you close a probation case?
a. When the probationer absconds the place
b. When he incurred violations
c. When there is recommendation for revocation
d. When the termination order is approved
57. Under PD 603, should a juvenile offender becomes incorrigible during his reformation period, he
is brought to the court for _________.
a. Release
b. Pronouncement of judgement
c. Probation
d. Pardon
58. It refers to the relation between CPPO and SPPO and the Probationer.
a. Supervision

b. Courtesy supervision
c. Executive supervision
d. Administrative supervision
59. the probationer is not exempted from the legal effects of his punishment upon final discharge.
a. Penalty
b. Fine
c. Civil liability
d. Criminal liability
60. The unprecedented achievements of martial law which transported the Philippine corrections
toward the modern system of convict rehabilitation.
a. Price control
b. Peace and order
c. Probation law
d. Infrastructure of programs
61. Probation started in what particular country in the year 1841?
a. England
b. France
c. United States of America
d. Spain
62. Sponsored House Bill 393. An act establishing Adult Probation in the Philippines.
a. Juan Ponce Enrile
b. Teodulo C. Natividad
c. Ferdinand E. Marcos
d. Ramon Bagatsing Sr.
63. Effect executive Order 292.
a. Courtesy Supervision
b. Administrative Supervision
c. Creation of the Board of Pardon and Parole
d. Merging Supervision
64. Created the Board of Pardon and Parole.
a. Indeterminate sentence Law
b. Executive order 292
c. Probation Law
d. House Bill 393
65. it is the supervision undertaken by other probation office which is not permanent in nature.
a. Merging Supervision
b. Courtesy Supervision
c. Transfer Supervision
d. Operational Supervision
66. Brief of an investigation conducted by probation officer not within the jurisdiction of the court.
a. Post Sentence Investigation Report

b. Pre sentence investigation report

c. Courtesy investigation report
d. Initial Investigation report
67. The preliminary form filed up by the probationer within 72 hours after the release of his probation
a. Work Sheet
b. Filed notebook
c. Flash Sheet
d. Chrome Card
68. This decree mandated the disqualification of the petitioner's application for probation is an appeal
is perfected.
a. PD 603
b. PD 968
c. PD 1990
d. PD 1257
69. A probationer on medium supervision should report to his probation officer how many times a
a. once
b. twice
c. thrice
d. more than four times
70. The primary purpose of probation.
a. Rehabilitation
b. Welfare of the community
c. Retribution
d. Punitive sanction

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