Civic Engagement V

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LGBT Issues

The struggle against ignorance

and the unknown

Veronica Gomez-Quintero
August 5th, 2016

I have chosen the issue of LGBQ issues. LGBTQ stands for Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender and either Queer or questioning. Recent events have put many
of the issues and challenges that the LGBTQ community faces. Issues that sadly I was
oblivious to. On August, 2 I attended the Live & Let Live AA Group meeting at the time
8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. However, I also wanted to attend another support group and on
August 4 from I attended the LGBTQ+ Twentysomethings Support Group from 7:00 pm
to 8:00 pm. Additional Information can be found at the following website: The events were held at the Utah Pride Center which is
located right in the heart of Salt Lake City Utah at the address 255 E 400 S Salt Lake
City, UT 84111. The Utah Pride Center offers a vast amount of ways to contribute which
include anything from dating cash to volunteer. Also, there are many support groups
that are available. I chose to attended the AA group because it is the subject and issues
are issues that I have personally dealt with. My goal was to understand our similar
issues from the perspective of a person that is LGBTQ. This group meets anonymously
and shares personal experiences. Many of the experiences are very hard to listen to
because of the devastating effect of many of our actions. I also attended the Event
which focused on slightly different issues. Later in my paper I will share a story that was
shared. I have obtained permission to share this story without sharing this persons
name or any identifying factors. Confidentiality is extremely important and I want to
ensure that I am respectful. Each event focused a lot on the importance of being
respectful of others. The events were very welcoming and shared an common theme
which is support.

To gain additional insight I watched the LGBT History and History of

Homosexuality Documentary and available on Youtube at the link:
These events related to my topic by providing real life experiences and the
available support system. In the flesh support networks to provide support, guidance
and acceptance that some people would normally get from a religion. However, many
people experience rejections from the very religion that should provide support. The
documentary LGBT History and History of Homosexuality Documentary provided a
historical perspective and historical information. This information allows me to see the
progress we have made and understand the progress we must make in the future. It
was important for me to understand in detail the issues that people have experienced.
Being gay was often referred to as a disability, as an illness or as a defect.
The Stonewall Riots were discussed and historical information provides a
perspective of this event. At a club known as the Stonewall Inn, a police raid resulted in
a riot against police. Both gay individuals and gay supporters rioted and protested
against police.
According to Gallup, 57% of Americans opposed gay marriage in approximately
May of 2009. In May 2015, this number increased to 60% approval of gay marriage in,
from a previous amount in 2009 of 43% approval of gay marriage. It is important to
understand that people are more likely to support gay rights if they know someone that
is gay. The lack of knowledge and understand seems to be the key to supporting gay
rights. As we continue to grow and become knowledgeable these numbers will continue
to move to greater support. This is one of the reasons that I felt that it was important to

understand many of the issues that are experienced by the LGBTQ community.
Knowledge, information, and acceptance must continue to spread through our state, our
country and ultimately the world.
I believe that attending these events has made me more responsible for our
freedom. It is the pursuit of our freedom because although our preferences may be
different, we are all equal. There is no separation or distinction. We must have the same
rights; we are entitled to the same rights. I say this because I now believe that I have a
responsibility to express myself and my support in action toward people that may be
dealing with alienation, discrimination, aggression from gamily members and strangers.
I have always verbally expressed my support for gay rights, I have verbally expressed
acceptance. However, my actions have not translated any of this information. In fact,
after listening to many personal stories I believe that my inaction has had the opposite
effect of support for gay rights. My actions have not expressed acceptance of friends
that are gay. Many of these fears are reasons why people choose to feel unable to
come out.
One of the greatest benefits of attending both of these meeting which pertain to
LGBT issues and how they affect the community is that I have obtained a great
understanding of issues that I would have otherwise not understood. An individual
discussed how the issue of discrimination and hate for his status as a gay man had
affected his life and ultimately forced him to change his career path.
Early in his life, he knew he wanted to teach. He knew and understood was his
passion. He embarked on his mission of achieving his dream to become a teacher and
teaching the you of America. First completing many of the requirements for his degree.

After many sleepless nights he achieved his dream of becoming a teacher. Soon after
he landed a job at a local high school doing exactly what he loved. Unfortunately for him
members of the school faculty and students discovered he was gay. This created an
environment that was unacceptable for him. He felt rejected because he was a gay
man. Slowly his dream of being a teacher slipped away from him. Eventually, he had to
leave the school and quit his job as a teacher.
I have absolutely enjoyed the events that I attended, as well as the documentary.
I believe that I gained an incredible amount of understanding from these events. At
many times I was absolutely shocked to learn some of these facts. One, in particular,
that I found to be the most shocking was that many individuals do not have the support,
guidance and acceptance that most people get from religion. This is something that I
hadnt previous given enough thought. During this class alone, I have attended mass at
church various times. From each mass, I receive a lot of love, support and guidance. Its
difficult to comprehend that some people do not have that possibility because they feel
very rejected by many religious groups. I have many friends that are gay and having
become aware of the rejection and need for the support, I will find ways to volunteer at
gay clubs, express my support with in person actions and not just verbally. Alienation is
defined on Websters Dictionary as withdrawing or separation of a person or a person's
affections from an object or position of former attachment : estrangement
<alienationfrom the values of one's society and family S. L. Halleck> that is a cruel
form of treatment. Although, I wasnt aware of the fact that I contribute to that feeling of
alienation, I know that it is time to act in support.

"Knowing Someone Gay/Lesbian Affects Views of Gay Issues." N.p., 29
May 2009. Web. 05 Aug. 2016. <>.
Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2016. <>.
"Record-High 60% of Americans Support Same-Sex Marriage." N.p., n.d.
Web. 05 Aug. 2016. <>.
"The Stonewall Riot." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2016.

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