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EDUCATION Lesson Plan Format



DURATION: 5 lessons 180 minutes

Eucharist: Structure of the Mass

In the Eucharist, then, Jesus Christ offers himself to the Father - and enables those who are his members to offer their own lives also, in
thanksgiving to his (and their) Father. (WDAU, 6.32).

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy n.56 reminds us of the unity of word and sacrament when it states that the Liturgy of the word and the
Eucharistic liturgy are so closely connected with each other that they form but one single act of worship.

The form of the Eucharist has evolved during the past two thousand years. At the heart of this action is Gods constant desire to nourish and speak
with us.

The assembly - the community (the Church, the body of Christ) - celebrates the presence and action of Jesus in the Eucharistic celebration. It is
here that we retell, re-enact, remember and celebrate the story of Jesus. We believe when people gather in his name, that Jesus is present.
Celebrating the Eucharist is central to the life of the faith community. In the Eucharist, the Christian community, gathered in the Holy Spirit,
remembers and celebrates Jesus presence in the Word, in the assembly, in the person of the priest and especially in the Eucharistic species of
bread and wine. Knowing the ritual of the celebration enables fuller participation.

Introductory rites

When we gather we are one in the Body of Christ. We are welcomed and forgiven, ready to listen. We pray that our eyes, ears and hearts will be
open to the presence of Jesus among us; to discover the real hope and power for good that is there in our gatherings. We praise God in action and
in word.

Liturgy of the word

The word of God is proclaimed. We listen with our hearts and minds and then reflect upon Gods message. During this time we listen and respond.

The readings we share are encouraging, challenging, healing, active and direct. Through the Scriptures, God personally speaks to the faith

community. Jesus is present through his word and through their responses the people make Gods word their own.

The Sunday readings are divided into a three year cycle - Matthew (Year A), Mark (Year B) and Luke (Year C). John is read on some Sundays in Lent,
after Easter and on some Sundays in Cycle B. The weekly readings usually consist of two readings - the first readings vary over a two year period
while the gospels remain fixed.

Just prior to the proclamation of the Gospel, small crosses are made on the book, the forehead, the mouth and the heart - gestures expressing our
intention of opening the mind to Gods word, speaking Gods word to the world around us and keeping Gods word alive in our hearts.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

The sharing of a meal and sitting down at table are important in the ministry of Jesus. He ate with sinners (cf. Mt 9: 9-13); he celebrated at a
wedding feast (cf. Jn 2: 1-10) and on the night before he died, Jesus gathered for a meal with his friends (cf. Lk 22: 15 -20) and asked us to do the
same in memory of him. On the road to Emmaus, the disciples recognised Jesus in the breaking of the bread (cf. Lk 24:13-35). In accounts of the
life of early Church communities, we read of the importance of the gathered community celebrating the presence of Christ (cf. 1Cor 11: 23-27 and
Acts 2:42, 46-47).

In our homes, when family and friends gather, we prepare food and drink and come together around the table to share. We renew our love and
faith for each other and offer words and gestures of support.

In the Eucharist, after the gifts have been prepared, we give praise and thanks and repeat the actions of the Last Supper. The bread and wine
become the Body and Blood of Jesus. We break bread and share as a community. We receive Jesus in Holy Communion (the sacrament of the
Eucharist) (cf. CCC 1373-1377).

The teacher needs to assist the childrens developing understanding of the presence of Jesus and of the Eucharist as memorial meal and sacrifice.
There is a variety of suitable literature that highlights the significance of memory and memorial. Anzac Day, eg, is a celebration of a form of
sacrifice. Qs. How can we assist children to understand the concept of sacrifice?

How can we assist the children to understand how Jesus can be present in the assembly and priest, the Word and Sacrament?

Concluding Rite

We conclude with a blessing and we go forth to live what we have celebrated. Celebrations of every kind come to an end. We go back to our
homes and communities strengthened by the sharing, joy and love we have for each other. We go from the Eucharist with the blessing of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are sent forth to our homes, communities and work places to continue Jesus mission of service, justice and love.

(See the Directory for Masses with childrenDMC.)


nn. 11131129
The Paschal Mystery in the Churchs sacraments
nn. 13221405 Sacrament of the Eucharist

The Eucharist has a pre-eminent place in Catholic life. It is the heart and summit of the churchs life. (CCC 1407)

The Mass is at the same time, and inseparably, the sacrificial memorial in which the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuated and the sacred banquet of
communion with the Lords body and blood. (CCC 1382)

Syllabus Outcome(s):

recall and sequence the key parts of the Eucharist
explore the meanings of the main symbols and actions in the
celebration of the Eucharist


Mt 26: 17-30

Indicators of Learning for this lesson:

By the end of this lesson, the students will:
Have an understanding that Prayer is a very important way through which we grow in
closeness to God
Understand and can convey the action of
and the liturgical year

Gods people in the celebration of the Mass

Melissas website
Craft materials
Material or costumes
Ipads or laptops
Internet access
Open work space for drama and dance work
Butchers paper for word/idea wall

Teaching Strategies / Learning Experiences:
(How it is taught)
Write detailed steps showing what the teacher will do and what students will do.


LESSON 1 - 40 mins

T takes note of the thinking of the
Children have already completed Outcome 1 they have explored celebrations what they look like, who children and how they portray the roles of
they celebrate with and why.
their chosen person in the role play.

T Reads Mt 26: 17-30
Use this as a pre-assessment to gauge
Give children a moment to reflect on what they have heard
understanding of the celebration of The
S watch the Last supper video
Last supper was before Jesus death.
T ask ss to reflect on what they have seen and heard

Do the Ss make the connection that Jesus
who was Jesus with?
was gathering his friends and family to
What were they celebrating?
celebrate his life, not to mourn his
Why is the last supper a celebration?
impending death.

Ss moving into pre-assigned groups Ss are to make a 1min role play of the Last supper and use different
view points.
What did the disciples think was happening?
How did they feel?
What sorts of conversations would have been happening?
Ss have preparation time
T to purposefully roam to assist with role play and provide Ss with thought prompting questions. Ss should
be encouraged to look deeper into the story and explore the feelings of others at the table.
Ss present role plays to class
T encourage other Ss to give positive feedback to each group

LESSON 2 30 mins

Ss visit the Church to explore to signs and symbols we see during a Eucharist celebration

Observe Ss interaction and questioning to
ensure they are involved in the session.

Ss can use their Mass booklet as a guide as the priest takes them through the things they will see and hear
during a mass.
Ask the priest to draw special attention to the meaning of the prayers we use during mass. Also point out the
signs and symbols the Ss will later be researching in details
Laying of hands
White Garment

Encourage Ss to take notes, ask questions and draw pictures of thoughts, feelings and any information they
find interesting.

Observe the notes, pictures that the Ss

have drawn or written to ensure they are
participating and benefiting from the
information they are receiving


Using resource page from Website access Signs and Symbols (Together at one alter)
Ss will be assessed on the inclusion and
T demonstrate to Ss how to access the page and go through each element briefly drawing on past representation of each sign and symbol
experienced during the sacrament of
knowledge from their time in the church with the priest.
Ss are to form assigned groups and build a diorama that shows the signs and symbols used during the

Eucharist celebration.
The assessment will be based on the
Ss should use website to assist in making sure they show all the elements
physical diorama, the expert information
relayed to the class depth of research
T assign each group one element to become the expert of.
and understanding of the sign or symbol
Laying of hands
and its application during the mass. Also
what it means to us what does this sign
or symbol represent in our lives

The level of participation and
presentation techniques.
White Garment

LESSON 3 and 4: 80 mins in total


Will use together at one alter to research their sign or symbol

They must know its use where, when, why and who

They need to give a scenario to the class showing the where, when, why and who

Ss are encouraged to interact with other

groups to ensure they have all the
elements and offer assistance where

Ss are given materials to assist in building the diorama.

They are to use a small cardboard box and construct inside.
Ss are given 2 lessons to prepare, research and build their diorama
Toward the 2nd half of lesson 4, bring Ss together and have each group present their diorama and expert
information and scenario to the class.

As each group presents make a word or ideas wall for each sign or symbol so it can be displayed around the
room for later use.

By the end of the 2 lessons, Ss would have created an alter showing the signs and symbols, heard expert
researched information and seen how and where they occur suring mass, and assisted in creating a
word/ideas wall

LESSON 5: - 30 mins

It is important that Ss understand the value of music in celebrating and reflecting.
As Ss enter the room have soft reflective music playing to set the tone of the lesson.

T have Ss come to floor
T ask Ss to give examples of where they hear music
What type of music?
How loud or soft is it?
What are people doing while the music is on?
Why would we use music during mass?
What benefits does it have for us while we are at Church or celebrating with God?

Show Ss the Music resource page on Melissas website.

Use this as a post assessment to see if Ss
have understood the reverence required
when celebrating the Eucharist.

Movements should be appropriate to the
joyous yet reverent time that we are
sharing with our families and faith

Ss can also self assess to see if they are
now appreciating the sacrament more
now then they did in the beginning.

There are 6 songs that could be used during Eucharist

After having explored the mass, the signs and symbols we see and hear

Ss can now create a liturgical dance to show the celebration of Eucharist.

T encourage Ss to use movement that is appropriate to the celebration eg. should they be using fast vibrant
movement or soft and gentle.

T give an example of the types of movement and speed they should be using.

Ss can be as creative as they wish. Keeping in mind not to lose the focus of the song. The main objective is to
compliment the words and how the importance of sharing Eucharist with God and one another.

Each group presents to class a short piece preferably the chorus which is repeated several times
throughout the song


By limiting the amount of writing and worksheets during this unit, Ss are able to have an interactive and
hands on experience while learning how the Eucharist fits into their lives. This unit will allow the children to
look deeper into their own faith whilst drawing upon past experiences within their own families. This will
allow the link between their own lives and Jesus life on Earth to be made clearer.

Many other KLAs require Ss to be restrained to a desk and give answers to questions. The opportunity to
creatively interact with the unit will allow children who may not always get to display talents in this way to
be an active participant. There is some theory in the way of research and the presentation, so covers many
learning styles within the classroom.

By encouraging the children to Peer assess and assist each other, it promotes a sense of community and
aligns with the sacrament of Eucharist and the idea of sharing with your faith community and God.

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