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Psychology Syllabus

Mr. Jacobi
Classroom Rules:
The classroom guidelines are expressed in the Student Handbook. Clarification of the rules are as follows:
Students are expected to be in their seats beginning class work when the bell rings with the following:
-- charged Laptop with One Note program
Psychology textbook: a book cover is not required by highly recommended
ready to participate (completed homework, alert, good attitude)
Failure to do so results in loss of participation points.
Students will respect one another and the teacher. Each person is created in Gods image. Interrupting,
demeaning, or disrespecting someone elses thoughts and/or comments will not be tolerated.
Discipline Policy:
Students attending Morrison Academy are expected to be able to conduct themselves according to classroom
rules and guidelines. When this does not occur, the following procedures will be followed:
1st offense warning
2nd offense participation points lost
3rd offense conference with the teacher after school or during lunch and a call home to parents
4th offense referral to the office
Laptop use: you will be using your laptop daily to take notes -- including looking for information and images
on the internet. The expectation is that students will be using technology to help promote a learning
environment. Chatting, gaming, doing other course work, email & other social networking is NEVER an
appropriate use of technology in class. Students will be deducted participation points (without warning).
Repeated violations will be dealt with accordingly.
Homework Policy:
Unless teacher directed, all homework is to be done by the student, without the help of other students or
adults. Any assignment where cheating (plagiarism, copying, etc.) occurred will result in 0 points being awarded.
Students suspected of cheating will be asked to meet with the teacher during lunch or after school. If it is
established that cheating did occur, the incident will be referred to the Principal and discipline board.
Homework will be marked off 10% for each day that it is late, with not more than a 50% deduction. However, it
is still important to turn in assignments. Course credit cannot be received unless every assignment has been
submitted each quarter. Excused absences will be treated according to the Student Handbook.
Students who will be absent are required to seek the information ahead of time (i.e. off-island tournaments,
mission trip, college visits). Students will not be able to make up any work until it can be verified that the
absence was an excused absence. In the event of an unexcused absence, work will be handled according to the
late work policy in a minor instance and in extreme incidents the work may receive a zero.
All assignments will be posted on PowerSchool and (less frequently updated) the class Weebly page
Grading Policy:
Grades will be awarded by the following system:
Tests (approx. 4 per Quarter)
Interactive Notebook - One Note
Annual Edition Reports/Papers (1-2 per Quarter)
Class Participation
Students should anticipate a test roughly every 1.5 weeks in addition to the daily reading and two article
summaries a quarter.
Open Door Policy:
If a student would like some extra help with the material or a project, PLEASE contact me. I am more than
willing to find time to help. Find me during my free periods or email me at

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