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Accelerometer Based Hybrid Screen Lock for Android Device

Submitted By: Parmar Nareshkumar D.[121060753012], GTU PG School

Wireless & Mobile Communication
Guided By:
Prof. Gopal M. Pandey ,HOD IT, Gov. Polytechnic ,Ahmedabad
Propose storage method

1. Introduction
Now a day cell phone is not only for calling purpose but so many things
included in that. Because of waste usage, cell phone becomes smart with the
help of new technology. Now a day everybody have cell phone and it contain
users sensitive information. Smartphones and tablets have now become
mission-critical business tools for employees in all markets and geographies
around the world. This way security of smart device is much important.

Android smartphone pattern password store in gesture.key file and it is in

encrypted form. Normally we cannot access that directory.
We will simply store in text form like 4589This password will stored as
4L5L8D9L Then apply SHA1 hashing algorithm. Hash is a single direction function
so reverse process is too much difficult and finally we achieve strong security.
Algorithm of Proposed technique
A.Set Lock Pattern
Check for existent pattern
If exist then
Ask for draw current pattern,
Else Add new pattern
3.1 Start getting sensor value for
3.2 Temporary store pattern
3.3 Ask for confirmation
3.4 If conformed then
Remove old pattern and save new

In many embodiments, a process to use a combination of gestures including

glyphs entered in a touch screen (which may include single touch or multi-touch
capable touch screens), sounds captured by a microphone, and movements
registered by motion sensors may be used in place of a standard text-based
password for use with a mobile computing device. The term "gesture" will be
applied to any user entered combination of glyphs, movements and sounds that
the user enters into the mobile computing device through input devices.
Smartphones have a rich cocktail of features: an array of sensors, network
interfaces, and multiple radio as well as gigabytes of storage and powerful
processors. They are often within a meter of their owners 24 hours a day. In
fact, smartphones have realized many aspects of the vision of ambient
intelligence that includes.

2. Literature Survey
Discuss &
Shoulder Shuffling Free Prevent from With the help of
IJARCS Prof. V.J. Kadam,
Graphical Locker for
some limited key 2013
Taj Mohammad
Android Graphical
surfing attack. values we can
Pattern Lock with Text
unlock the system,
Support for Android
Number of colours
Devices [2]
are only three
Sushant B. Patil
Process on Access is difficult GJAET Bassam Sayed,
Authentication Using GUI data and when we frequently 2013
Issa Traore,
Mouse Gesture
store it.
use device
Isaac Woungang
Dynamics [1]
IJITEE Kailas I Patil,
Graphical Password
security will be
using Knowledge Based surfing
increase but
Authentication System resistant
feasibility of
the system will goes
for Mobile Devices [3] password

[Fig. flow diagram]

B.Set Lock Pin

Check for existent pin
If exist then
Ask for draw current pin,
Else Add new pin
3.1 Enter pin
3.2 Temporary Store PIN
3.3 Ask for confirmation
3.4 IF Conformed then
Remove old pin and save new PIN


C.Unlock Lock
Press power button
Start drawing pattern using sensor
Retrieve stored pattern
Match patterns
If both patterns matched
Ask for pin
Go to step 3
Retrieved stored pin
If both pin matched
Display Home screen
Go to step 5

3. Proposed Methodology and Implementation

Our propose method works only for Android device. To recognise gesture
device will be needed that recognise the gesture. In our case Accelorometer
sense the gesture. There is no requirement of any addition device or sensor to
recognise the gesture. We are proposed hybrid method for authentication.
Numeric authentication method is already there. We design our method such a
way that add numeric authentication concept in gesture authentication.
Combine those two concept and try to fulfil current requirement and design
efficient technique.
Our propose method works only for
Android phone. We have virtual grid
with 20*20 matrix, Gestures on each
cell have four possibilities left, right,
up, or down.

[Fig . Enter Pattern]

[Fig . Wrong Pattern]

[Fig . Pin Screen]

5. Conclusion
If we try to design more accurate system then false rejection rate will be increase
because no one can draw same gesture at every time. To overcome this thing
accuracy will be decrees but if accuracy will goes down then false acceptance rate
will increase and this is very dangerous for the system security. We should balance
those both values. Users gesture input performance improve with practice.
[Fig. Gestures of cell]

By using this way calculate number of cell covered by gesture. When user
try to unlock system and draw the gesture on phone at that time gesture
value match with database and then get access based on gesture value.
It might be possible user will not draw gesture on four direction but if he prefer
any corner then we must decide rule for that also I propose that angle
between 315 - 44 consider as Left , 45 - 134 consider as Up, 135 - 224
consider as Right , 225 - 315 consider as Down. So now user can draw
gesture in any direction it is automatically consider as either up, down, left or

6. References
[1] Bassam Sayed, IssaTraore, Isaac Woungang and Mohammad S. Obaidat,
Fellow. Biometric Authentication Using Mouse Gesture Dynamics IEEE systems
journal, Vol. 7, no. 2, June 2013
[2] Prof. V.J. Kadam, Taj Mohammad A. Raheman, AjinkyaAjagekar, Sushant B.
Patil Shoulder Shuffling Free Graphical Locker for Android Graphical Pattern Lock
with Text Support for Android Devices In International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Science, March 2013.
[3] Kailas I Patil, JaiprakashShimpi A Graphical Password using Token, Biometric,
Knowledge Based Authentication System for Mobile Devices In International
Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Volume-2, Issue-4,
March 2013

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