Assignment1 BC20

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Business Computing - Assignment 1

PGP 20 2016
Submit by 22/07/2016, 10 PM

Marks 32

This assignment is an individual exercise and you are expected to complete

this on your own without any consultation
File submission instruction
Put your Roll Numbers in the space indicated in the workbook (top Left of the first
sheet) Name the solution file as PGP20-BC_A1_ RollNo (eg. PGP20-BC_A1_000)

Note: Use the formulas covered in class so far (including the chapters covered
in the syllabus till session 4). Use the appropriate formats for each column e.g.,
date format for the date column, currency format for the currency values etc.
Also clarify the format you are using dd/mm/yy or mm/dd/yy.
Wherever possible use names for ranges and cells

Download the workbook Data_BC20_Assignment1.xlsx for the following exercises from

VC . Note there are two sets of separate unrelated Data in Sheet 1 and Sheet 2.
Create a copy of the original worksheet before starting with question 1 and name each
worksheet you create based on the corresponding question nos you are answering in each
worksheet. For example, if the worksheet has answer to questions 1 and 2 name the
worksheet as Q.1_Q.2, if it has answers to Q,3,4,5 then name it Q.3_Q.4_Q.5 and so on.
You can use the worksheet you used for answering one question to answer another
question by making a duplicate copy of the worksheet. For example, you will use the Q.
1_Q.2 worksheet, make a copy of the worksheet, name it Q.3_Q.4 to answer Q.3 and Q.4
in the same worksheet.

I. Vigilante Enterprise is a small computer security contractor that provides computer

security analysis, design, and software implementation for the US government and
commercial clients. Viigilante competes for both private and US government computer
security contract work by submitting detailed bids outlining the work the company will
perform if awarded the contracts. Because all the work involves computer security, a
highly sensitive area, almost all of Vigilante tasks require access to classified material
or company confidential documents. Consequently, all of the security engineers
(simply known as engineers within the company) have US government clearances of
either Secret or Top Secret. Some have even higher clearances for the 2 percent of
Vigilante work that involves so-called black box security work. Most of the employees
also hold clearances because they must handle classified documents.
Ms. Shania Mendelez is Vigilantes human resource manager. She maintains all employee
records and is responsible for semi-annual review reports, payroll processing, personal
records, recruiting data, employee training, and pension option information. At the

heart of an HR system are personnel records. Personnel record maintenance includes

activities such as maintaining employee records, tracking cost center data, recording
and maintaining pension information and absence and sick leave record keeping.
Although most of this information resides in sophisticated database systems, Shania
maintains a basic employee worksheet for quick calculations and ad hoc report
generation. Because Vigilante is a small company, Shania can take advantage of Excels
excellent list management capabilities to satisfy many of her personal information
management needs.
Shania has asked you to assist with a number of functions (she has provided you with a
copy of her trusted personnel data):
Perform the following exercises for assisting her (To be performed with data provided in
Worksheet 1 - Vigilante_Data)

Name the data provided as VE_employee.

(1 Mark)


Name all columns with the corresponding column headers

(1 Mark)


You want to approve employees to work on a high level security assignment.

Set up the worksheet (see format below) where Shania can determine the
eligibility (based on the clearance he/she has) of an employee to work on a project
by entering the employee's ID.
(2 Marks)



You would also like to provide the full name of the employee as a third column. Set
up the output in the output of Q3 above so it fulfils the requirement. The output
would now have three columns.
(2 Marks)


Using formula determine what is the clearance status for the employee with the
highest salary?. (Assuming there is only one person with the highest salary). (2


Display a report on employees whose birth date is from 6/16/1960 (mm/dd/yyyy)

to 09/06/1962.
(2 marks)


Calculate the total salary expenditure for each department using formulas. Your
output should be arranged as follows:
(4 marks)

Total Salary


You want to determine if average male/female salaries are at par with each other
across all departments. How will you do it applying formulas? Format should be as
follows. (3 Marks)




Find the employees with title CSR that are amongst the top 20 paid employees (2


List the names of employees whose salaries are above average and who are eligible
to work on Top Secret assignments using Advanced filter
(4 Marks)


Determine with the help of icon sets () which employees were between the age
range of 45-50 approx. at the time of hiring.
(3 Marks)

II. Given to you in the second worksheet of the Data_BC20_Assignment1.xlsx file named
Data_Scores.xlsx. Suppose you are the HR manager of the 57 employees and you have
a score for each employee based on their performance ratings by their respective
managers on a monthly basis. The file has the names of the employees and their
respective scores for the three months of Jan, Feb, and March marked out of 20 points
each. Perform the following exercises.
Q. 12. How will you present the data in one sheet so you are able to show the top 10
employee scores for Jan, Feb and Mar all in one work sheet in the same report. Are
there any consistent performers who fall in the top10 for all three months? Indicate
the name(s) of the person by highlighting it in the sheet (use fill option). (3 Marks)
Q. 13. Based on the total scores of the three months out of 60, the employees will be
given a one-time bonus. The details of the bonus will be determined as follows:

Bonus (%)









List the employee-wise bonus received for each employee.

(3 Marks)

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