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Topic: Section 17.

Power of Control
Section 17. The President shall have control of all the executive departments,
bureaus, and offices. He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.
He shall ensure that the laws be faithfully executed.
The president has the power to change or modify the decisions of
members of the Cabinets and all officials under him. He may use his own
judgment and act directly on any function entrusted to such officials. He may also
investigate suspend, or dismiss erring officials.
In short, the President controls all the executive departments,
bureaus, and the offices.
However, the President may not directly remove or suspend, even with just
cause, any officer or employee belonging to the civil service. This power or
responsibility lies with the Civil Service Commission.
The primary function of the President is to enforce the laws
. He is policeman number one. Before assuming office, he is required to take an oath
or affirmation to the effect that as President of the Philippines, he will among
others, execute its laws this means that he shall insure that the laws be
faithfully executed
This function of the President is more of a duty than a power, to be discharged by
him personally and through subordinates under his control or supervision. He is not
permitted to ignore a law merely because he does not like it. The enforcement of law
may require the President to do something as well as stop others from certain
actions, even if he himself does not agree with the wisdom or necessity of such law

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