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With increasing population, demand for energy increases. Power failures are also elevating at
greater proportion, especially in suburban India. In addition, use of fossil fuels creates
unnecessary pollution harmful to atmosphere, biosphere and hydrosphere of earth. Thus, there is
a need to develop a power system, which is sustainable, reliable, cost effective, efficient, and
creates no pollution. India is currently experiencing strong economic growth, while at the same
time attempting to extend modern power services to millions still in poverty. Expanding
electrical capacity is a fundamental step.
In India, solar energy is under-utilized and demand for designing power systems based on
renewable energy, especially the abundantly available solar energy is increasing. Thus, we have
designed a power system utilizing solar energy through photovoltaic panels for requirements of
one household in suburban areas. We have calculated average daily power requirement and
designed standalone SPV system to meet those requirements. In addition, efforts are made to
design it as rugged, compact, economical and portable.
In our project, we have fabricated a prototype of the above mentioned device which will support
an LED light, a low power fan, and charging for cellphones. A 15W solar panel charges a battery
and with proper configuration of PCB of inverter and a transformer, it can be used for desired
applications within range. This project will help us in concluding that solar photovoltaic systems
are a much needed energy systems, especially now when the effect of fossil fuels are causing
irreversible climate change, hole in ozone layer, pollution, etc. This project also highlights the
practicality and cost of setting up a PV system for a suburban house.

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