Guo and Sanchez

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Guo and Sanchez (2005), defined

communication, as the creation or exchange of

thoughts, ideas, emotions and understanding
between sender(s) and receiver(s).
Communication process is the procedure where
a sender and a receiver communicate. This
scheme incorporates the encoding-decoding
operations and describes the usual transfer of
the message.
In communication process, feedback is
considered an indispensable component, since it
contributes correctively to the new inputs of
information, or even works towards the
adjustment of sender and receiver.
These are the ways that messages and
information travel around the verbal
communication, (b) the non-verbal
communication and (c) the technology-aided
communication, which accommodates e-mailing,
instant messaging, micro-blogging, ontology, and communities of practice.
Different surveys have shown that non-verbal communication channels covers the 70% or even the
90% of workplace communication (Dumbrava and Koronka, 2009; Gabbott and Hogg, 2001).
Why is Non-Verbal Communication Important?
1. Research shows it takes 4 minutes to make a first impression.
2. According to studies by UCLA professor Albert Mehrabian, body language accounts for 55% of a
first impression; 38% comes from tone of voice; 7% comes from our actual words.
3. Non-verbal cues are important when communicating feelings and attitudes.
4. When your verbal and non-verbal communication are incongruent, people will believe the nonverbal.
Some Notes:
5. Body language is culturally dependent gestures that are acceptable in one culture can be
offensive in another culture; gestures that are acceptable in one culture are offensive in another,
6. Individual gestures can indicate more than one thing (crossed arms can indicate anger or being
7. Your attitude can follow your body language sitting/standing in a closed position will result in a
more closed attitude.
In addition, Butkeviciene et al. (2008) highlighted the importance of use of non-verbal components for
business purposes as they have greater impact. The impact and reliability of non-verbal communication
is higher than the spoken word, but it is conditioned to proper interpretation and the ability to place it
effectively in a framework of wide communication which includes other channels as well.
Communication barriers are considered anything that filters, blocks or distorts the message or the
information during the process of encoding-sending-decoding.
1. Distance Head offices and overseas staff; problem in the understanding of a common context
and the remote reality. The domestic mindset restricts organizations performance and creates
barriers which directs some time to alienation.
2. according to Vijaya and Tiwari (2010), is the lack of cross-cultural adaptation and understanding.
In order, for the organization to achieve an effective framework, special focus should be given in
its intercultural effectiveness. Abe and Wiseman (1983) identified four dimensions of intercultural
effectiveness: (a) the ability to communicate interpersonally, (b) the ability to adjust to different
cultures, (c) the ability to adjust to different social systems, and (d) the ability to establish
interpersonal relationships.
Business memorandum or memoranda also called memo or memos are specially formatted written
communications within your business. A memo's format is typically informal (but still all-business) and
public. Memos typically make announcements, discuss procedures, report on company activities, and
disseminate employee information. If you have something confidential to communicate, dont do it in a

The tone of memos usually is informal and friendly. Although you dont need to be curt, officious, or
patronizing, a certain succinctness is acceptable. Structure the memo so that the most important
information comes in the first paragraph and that subsequent paragraphs spell out what's discussed in
the first paragraph.
All memos are structured similarly. They have the following elements:
1. An addressee: Flush left, in capital letters, near the top of the page
2. The sender: Flush left, in caps, immediately below the addressee
3. Date: Flush left, in caps, immediately below the senders name
4. Subject: Flush left, in caps, immediately below the date
Use suitable paper for your memos white bond, either note size or standard to fit most desk inbaskets.
Some people appear to think that memos, because they're public, are effective management tools.
Although memos are effective for direction and suggestion, criticism and praise are best given in person.
Even though the majority of information today is conveyed via e-mail, you still need to use the correct
style when sending a memo in the body of an e-mail. When youre conveying larger amounts of
information, send that information as a properly formatted memo attachment. The message itself can
contain the correct headings, numbered items, and other formatted information that an e-mail does not
allow as easily.
Importance of Communication in business
Typically, managers spend 75 to 80 percent of their time engaged in some form of written or oral
Although often termed a soft skill, communication in a business organization provides the critical link
between core functions.
NFI Research, a private organization that regularlysurveys over 2,000 executives and senior
managers, found that
94 percent of the members rank communicating well as the most important skill for them to succeed
today and tomorrow. Th is skill is needed for entry-level jobs, too. Th e companiesincluded in
BusinessWeek s 2009 list of best places to launcha career cited communication skills as the most
desirable trait in a job candidatemore desirable than any other trait besides college major.
Formal Communication
The messages that move along its prescribed and regulated pathways are known as formal
communications. The content of these messages concerns the work and the other related activities of
the organization. Formal communications may be verbal, nonverbal, or written and may take many forms
such as e-mail, fliers, phone calls and others. Messages originate with people who act as senders. From
the sender, the messages move along designated routes to other people who need to know the content
of the message.
As a general rule, all formal communications are recorded and filed and become a part of the
organization's records. File copies are retained by the officers that need to stay informed.
The network of formal communication in an organization with accompanying filing places serves several
purposes. First, it helps to define the routes over which all important messages will travel. Second, it
provides a road map for senders and receivers of information to follow. Third, it indicates the route to
those who should act and also those who must be kept informed of planned action, work in progress and
work results. Fourth, it provides a place for the storage of information that may be required for planning,
operations and control. Finally, it delineates a way to keep each other informed.
Informal Communication
The gap between the needs of the formal system and those of the total system is bridged by an informal
communication system. This consists of a large number of messages, bits of information, opinions, and
expressions of feeling among people and groups over paths and by means that are chosen for
convenience and necessity. It is impossible to describe all of the types of informal messages that are sent
and received, or the paths over which they move in the organization. It is safe to say, only, that without

informal messages, work would not be accomplished, and that the organization itself, could not continue
to function.
Rumours, by the way, seem to flow in the greatest volume when uncertainties affecting a number of
people in the organization rise above normal levels of concern. Each type of communications could be
classified as meeting social or emotional needs, as expressions of hopes, fears, and feelings about
events or about other members, or as communications that "short-circuit" the formal communication
network for the sake of expediency.
Downward communication comes down a hierarchy. People at the top of an organizational hierarchy send
messages to those at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Upward communication goes up a hierarchy. People at the bottom of an organizational hierarchy send
messages to those at the top of the hierarchy.
Horizontal communication occurs when people on the same level or rung of the hierarchy are engaged in
interactions with each other

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