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UGPA1223 / UGPA2233 Materials Science and Engineering

May 2015
Tutorial 4 (Question)

Quenching and annealing is a common heat treatment process carried out to alter the physical and
mechanical properties of carbon steels. Based on the given information.

Define quenching and annealing process.


By referring to the produced microstructure upon heat treatment, compare the effect of
quenching and annealing process on the hardness of carbon steels at metastable state.


List the four classifications of steels. (b) For each, briefly describe the properties and typical


In your own words describe the heat treatment procedure that can be carried out to produce steel
of the following microstructure from austenite phase:









Tempered martensite
The following is a list of metals and alloys:
Magnesium, Gray cast iron, Tool steel,
Platinum, Aluminum, Stainless steel, Titanium alloy
Select from this list the one metal or alloy that is best suited for each of the following
applications, and cite at least one reason for your choice:
a. Engine block for internal combustion
b. Condensing heat exchanger for steam
c. Blades of jet engine turbofan
d. Drilling bits
e. Cryogenic (i.e., very low temperature) container

As a pyrotechnic (i.e., in flares and fireworks)

g. High-temperature furnace element in oxidizing atmospheres

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