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Computer games have always been

a part of my life. I can remember

playing with my brother until the
joints in our thumbs hurt. My
favorite ones to play were extreme
sports and adventure/fantasy,
complete with magical weapons,
levels, and evil henchmen.
Jogos de computador foram sempre
uma parte da minha vida. Posso me
lembrar de brincar com meu irmo
at as articulaes de nossos
polegares doerem. Meus jogos
favoritos eram os de esportes
radicais e aventura/fantasia, que
tinham de incluir armas mgicas,
nveis e muitos viles.

But many times while gaming, I would either

encounter a particularly difficult level, come up
against an adversary with seemingly no
weakness to exploit, or find myself in a chamber
or room that had no way of escape. During
those frustrating moments, my characters
would pace back and forth, completely lost, or
Id lose and have to start the chapter over. When
it got to a point that I just couldnt take it any
longer, I would pause the game, go online, and
look up what gamers call a walkthrough.

Mas muitas vezes, durante os jogos, eu

encontrava um nvel particularmente difcil, um
adversrio que parecia no ter nenhuma fraqueza
ou me via em uma cmara ou quarto sem
nenhum escape. Nesses momentos de frustrao,
meus personagens ficavam andando para frente e
para trs, completamente atnitos, ou eu perdia e
tinha de recomear a fase. Quando eu no
aguentava mais, pausava o jogo, conectava-me
internet e procurava o que os gamers chamam de

A walkthrough is a meticulously detailed log or video from a gamer (usually a very good gamer) who
has already played and beaten the game. He or she will describe exactly how to get past certain
points. They will go on to explain how to best get past the bad guys, tell you special things to look out
for, as well as give clues and hints to discover hidden treasures you would have previously missed. By
following the instructions, one can breeze through levels that would otherwise have caused hours of
Em poucas palavras, um walkthrough
um registro detalhado ou vdeo de um
gamer (geralmente muito bom) que j
venceu o respectivo jogo. Ele ou ela
descreve exatamente como passar
determinados pontos, como melhor
superar os viles, coisas com as quais
devemos ter cuidado, alm de oferecer
pistas e sugestes para descobrir
tesouros escondidos que o jogador
tpico no encontraria. Seguindo as
instrues, possvel
passar rapidamente de
nveis e se poupar
muitas frustraes.

The Bible is my walkthrough. And I have my very own Grand Master. Anything that I go through in my
life, Jesus understands. It was tough for Him too, and at one point, it almost seemed like Hed lost the
game. But then, in a dramatic comeback three days later, He obliterated His enemy and triumphed as
the undisputed Victor. So He truly knows the score and is more than happy to share His tips,
comments, and suggestions. Not only that, but He has a vested interest in my success.
A Bblia meu walkthrough. E tenho meu prprio gro-mestre. Jesus entende tudo que acontece na
minha vida. Foi difcil para Ele tambm e em um determinado ponto, quase parecia que tinha
perdido o jogo. Mas, em um retorno dramtico, trs dias depois, obliterou Seu inimigo e triunfou
como o vencedor
indiscutvel. Ele
realmente conhece
o jogo e est mais
do que feliz em
compartilhar suas
dicas, comentrios
e sugestes. No
s isso, mas ele
tem um grande
interesse em meu

As a young and amateur gamer in life, I dont know what my next trial will be, or even what next
month will bring. But I do know that when Im really stuck, when Im totally and completely at the end
of my rope, Im going to stop, pause the game, and look up a walkthrough by my Best Friend and
Gaming Champion.

Sou jovem e amador no

game da vida, no sei qual
ser meu prximo desafio,
ou mesmo o que acontecer
no prximo ms. Mas sei
que sempre que estiver em
apuros, sem encontrar uma
sada, posso pausar o jogo e
pedir um walkthrough ao
meu melhor amigo e
campeo de jogos.

Text courtesy of Activated! magazine. Used

by permission. Art TFI. Featured on

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