Short Talk Topic Cards - EGC 1 (U 1-5)

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Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 1A & B

Talk about the clothes a classmate is wearing.
You should say:
what clothes he/she is wearing
whether they suit him/her well, why or why not
whether you like the clothes he/she is wearing, why or why not
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 1C

Describe a famous person who you admire.
You should say:
what the person is
why he/she is famous
why you admire this person
what you would do if you met this celebrity
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 1D & E

Describe how to be healthy.
You should say:
what you should eat and drink to be healthy
what you shouldnt eat or drink to be healthy
what you should & shouldnt do to be healthy
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 1F

Talk about your favorite portrait.
You should say:
whose portrait you like
what he/she is doing in the picture
how he/she looks/seems
why you like the portrait
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 2A & B

Describe your first day at school.
You should say:
when/ where it was
what it was like
what happened to you
what you were told to do
how you felt and why
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 2C

Describe your important day.
You should say:
when it was
what happened on that day
why it was important
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 2D & E

Talk about the last time you were sick.
You should say:
when you were sick
what symptoms you had
what you did to feel better
what the typical remedies are
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 2F

Talk about a situation when you did something good/bad to your friend/family members.
You should say:
what you did
when/where you did that
why you did the action
how the person reacted to your action
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 3A & B

Talk about a job you would like to have.
You should say:
what your job is and what responsibilities that the job has
who you work with
how much that job pays
why you would like to have that job
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 3C

Talk about rules at your university.
You should say:
what you cant do in class
which rules you agree or disagree and why
what additional rules you would like to suggest and why
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 3D & E

Talk about gender and work.
You should say:
what jobs men and women had in the past
what jobs men and women have nowadays
why you think there is a change
how you think it would change in the future
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 3F

Describe an interview that you have had.
You should say:
what the interview was for
how you prepared for it
what questions you were asked and how you answered them
how you felt about the interview
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 Unit 4A & B

Talk about an activity that you do to keep yourself healthy.
You should say:
what this activity is
when you can do it
where you can do it
whether you would recommend this to others and why
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 4F

Describe something healthy you enjoy doing.
You should say:
what you do
where you do it
who you do it with
why you think doing this is healthy
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 4C

Talk about a form of exercise you used to do but no longer do now.
You should say:
what sort of exercise it was
how long you did it
why you stopped
if you would like to do it again or not and why
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 4D & E

Describe a way to relax that you find effective.
You should say:
what you do
where & when you usually do this
who you usually do it with
why this is relaxing for you
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 5A & B

Talk about the important invention before the age of computer.
You should say:
what the invention is
what it is used for
why you think it is very important
other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 5C

Talk about your education and career.

You should say:
what you did before going to university
why you decided to go to university
how you will make your career successful in the future
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 5 D & E

Talk about how Vietnam will change in the future.
You should say:
what will change
how it will change
why you think it will change
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 1 - Unit 5F

Talk about your intentions in the future.
You should say:
what your intentions are
how you are going to make your intentions come true
what is the most difficult to do and why
and other relevant information (if any).

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