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Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 6A & B

Describe a story that you remember from your childhood.
You should say:
what the story was about
how you first heard this story
why you remember this story
whether it is still popular today
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 6C

Tell a crime story.
You should say:
who committed the crime
what happened
when/where it happened
how you feel about the crime
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 6D &E

Describe the plot of your favorite story.
You should say:
what the genre of the story is
what the setting of the story is
who the main characters are
what the plot is
why you like this story
other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 6F

Tell a surprising, curious, or moving story you have read or seen on the news.
You should say:
what the story was about
when and where you read/saw it
what makes it interesting, curious, or moving
how you feel about the story
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 7A & B

Talk about the most important person in your family.
You should say:
who he/she is
what the person is like and why he/she is important to you
what you and that person have in common
what you have done together recently
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 7C

Describe a book that you enjoyed reading.
You should say:
when you first read it
what it was about
why you enjoyed it
whether this book is popular in your country
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 7D & E

Talk about what you would do if you won 100 million dollars.
You should say:
what changes you would make in your life after having the money.
what you wouldnt change even after having the money
if you would donate your money, how much and to which charity.
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 7F

Talk about your favorite restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City.
You should say:
what it is
where it is
what the differences between the restaurant and others are
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 8A & B

Talk about popular means of transport in your town.
You should say:
what means of transport is popular in your town
why it is popular
what you think about it
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 8C

Describe an exciting experience in your life.
You should say:
when the experience took place
where the experience took place
what happened exactly
how you felt about the experience
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 8D & E

Describe your last holiday.
You should say:
where/when your last holiday was
what town/people/hotel/food/ weather was/were like
how your feelings were during that holiday
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 8F

Talk about a bad service you experienced.
You should say:
what bad service you experienced
what made the service bad
how you reacted to the bad service
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 9A & B

Describe something special that you saved money to buy.
You should say:
what it was
why you bought it
how long you saved money to buy it
why it was important to you to buy it
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 9C

Describe an advertisement you like.
You should say:
what the type of advertisement it is
what product it advertises
where you first saw it
why you think this advertisement is effective
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 9D & E

Describe what you would do if you were a millionaire.
You should say:
what you would do if you were a millionaire
how your life would change
how you would help other people
whether you would spend or save most of the money
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 9F

Describe your favorite paragraph.
You should say:
where the photo was taken
who took the photo
what can be seen from the photo
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 10A & B

Talk about your favorite music program or music concert.
You should say:
what it is
how often you see it
where you usually go to see it
why you like it most
whether it is better than other music programs or not
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 10C

Talk about your favorite festival.
You should say:
what the festival is
where and when it is held
how long it lasts
what everyone does there
what activities everyone can do during the festival
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 Unit 10D & E

Talk about your greatest achievement.
You should say:
what you have done successfully
how you did it
how you felt about it
why it is your greatest achievement
and other relevant information (if any).

Short Talk Topic Card EGC 2 - Unit 10F

Talk about your wishes.
You should say:
what you wish for
why you wish for these things
what you need to do to make your wishes come true
and other relevant information (if any).

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