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Alexandra Safonina
David Hubert
POLS 1100
5 Aug 2016
Climate Change Persuasive Essay

The United States efforts with climate change has been more progressive with President
Obamas term in office. Global climate is a serious issue that will affect every country in the
world if it is not taken seriously. Unfortunately, many people are simply in denial and chose to
believe that climate change is a myth, without ever doing any credible research. Denial does not
change the fact that the earth is changing, and not for the better. Humans leave an imprint on the
earth, and in recent decades that imprint has had devastating effects. Greenhouse gases are being
released into the atmosphere in very high concentrations despite all of the attempted efforts that
world is trying to make. World leaders have the power to instill changes that can help, but it is
crucial for world powers to team together in order to combat the devastating effects that human
have on the earth.

The U.S has been very involved in efforts to make policy reforms, but more has to be
done. The Climate and Clean Air Coalition focuses on improving air quality by reducing the
emission of carbon dioxide. The five year action plan that they have in place does not go into
very much detail on exactly how they plan to improve air quality. The action plan does not
specifically address what efforts are going to be taken and how it will directly affect the country
and its citizens. It needs to focus more on explaining how they want to implement lifestyle
changes that people will need to make. Vehicles have been a target with the issue of emissions,


but the solutions have not been very practical for everyday people. Not everyone is able to afford
a hybrid vehicle, and the suggestions for carpooling and biking to work does minimal to help the
issue. Solar powered houses are a great idea in theory, but the average person does not have the
financial capability to implement that change into their lives. A change that leaders could make
would be to make hybrid vehicles and solar panels more affordable and accessible to its citizens.

President Obamas efforts for producing clean energy is crucial and its efforts should be
continued. Obamas program titled: Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy should be
expanded more and implemented into the everyday lives of citizens. It is very smart that the
Obama Administration is proposing vehicles to have a minimum standard of 54 MPG for
vehicles in order to reduce fuel consumption, but that will only help a small portion of the
population who is able to afford a new vehicle. It seems nearly impossible to provide the entire
nation with a new environmentally friendly vehicle, especially when vehicles are so expensive. A
proposal would be to make them more affordable in order for more people to own them, but that
would require a bigger budget for the leaders to be willing to spend on their people.

The U.Ns efforts in climate change play a crucial role in countries uniting to fight global
warming. Countries like the: U.S, U.K, Russia, China, Germany, Canada, and Australia to name
a few have the ability to help fight climate change on a global level. They should focus more on
making the needed reforms in order for their countries to change their lifestyles. One country
implementing reforms is not enough. Unity and putting political differences aside to unite for the
greater good of the planet is key. Every nation on this planet is at risk, and just as no one nation
is responsible for climate change, no one nation can address it alone.- President Barack Obama.


The nations can come together economically in order to implement the needed changes to
conserve the environment.

Arguments made against the efforts of addressing global climate change is that it does not
exist. Claims from various scientists have argued that the models and data are inaccurate, or that
the change in temperature is a natural occurrence for the earth. While scientists are prone to
making mistakes, the rise in natural disasters and the devastating effects it has on nations is
concerning. The evidence was strong enough for the U.S and other world leaders to be
concerned, and to begin efforts against it.

Global warming is more than an environmental issue, it makes politicians think about
more than just global politics. It takes strong leaders to work together towards a cause that affects
every nation in the world. The policies put into place today are a great start, but can use some
improvements so they can be even more effective. They need to be improved by making the new
technology and methods of conservation accessible to every citizen. Implementing the solutions
that have been proposed is going to be difficult which is why having the strong minds of political
scientists and world leaders is crucial. They have been educated in analyzing and understanding
different people, cultures, and viewpoints, and having that knowledge can be the key to
providing long term solutions.

Works Cited:
"Climate Change." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2016.
"Home Page." The New Climate Economy Report 2015 Home Page Comments. N.p., n.d. Web.
05 Aug. 2016.


"CCAC Five Year Strategic Plan." Climate & Clean Air Coalition. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2016.
"Major Economies Forum on Energy and Climate." U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department
of State, n.d. Web. 05 Aug. 2016.
"Is Global Warming Real? Top 5 Arguments in Favor and Against It - Conserve Energy
Future." ConserveEnergyFuture. N.p., 16 Dec. 2014. Web. 05 Aug. 2016.


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