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Research Project Lesson #1


In groups of 4-5, you will be researching an ongoing conflict to present to a class of
seniors. You and your groupmates will have roughly 4 weeks to gather, compile, construct,
and rehearse before your final presentation. The conflict you and your group research is
your choice, as is the way you present your final project. During the next few weeks, you
and your group members will be completing various mini-projects (lessons), towards your
final presentation.

Elements of Project & Presentation: (This is a suggested order).
1. Definition of conflict in relation to your Research Question and individual Sub
a. The Group Research question leads to your groups thesis. (This should be
answered during the presentation).
i. Individual Sub-Questions lead to your individual claim. (These should
be answered during the presentation).
2. Identification of conflict type and its significance (Why is it important?).
a. Class, Racial, Resource driven, Religious, etc.
3. Outline the underlying causes of your conflict. (There may be multiple).
4. Discuss how the scale of conflict impacts how it is perceived.
a. Local, Regional/National, Global
5. Argue how media has formed public perception of conflict.
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of responses to your conflict and provide your own
7. Predict the eventual outcome based on evidence.

Other requirements:
o Every group member is expected to speak during the final presentation.
o Presentation time should be approximately 12-15 minutes in length
o MLA citation will be needed throughout.

Project Rubric:
Conflict Project Rubric

Time: ____________ Conflict_________
Presentation Tool: 15 points
Relevant images and/or video: All visuals are
introduced and discussed.
Grammatically correct.
MLA citations and format (When Applicable)
Content & Organization: 65 points

Sub Total 15/____________
Introduction: Definition of conflict in relation to
7 - 6
your Research Question and individual Sub

Identification of conflict type and its significance.

4 - 3

Outline of the underlying causes of conflict.

Discussion of how the scale of conflict impacts
how it is perceived and subsequent impact.





Argument of how media has formed public

perception of conflict and its importance.



Evaluation of the effectiveness of current

responses to conflict and groups





Prediction of conflict outcome based on


Thoughtful response to Thesis and subquestions.

Presentation Skills: 20 Points

Sub Total 65/____________
Verbal: volume, rate, clarity, and vitality. Absence
of filler words. (Um, Like)
Non- Verbal: poise, posture, and appropriate
Preparedness: Obvious time went into rehearsal,
clearly not reading from the presentation, but
used as a guide.
Questions: Demonstrates understanding of issue
by answering relevant questions from audience.
Sub Total 20/____________
Total group anchor score 100/__________________________
(The total score above is used as an anchor from which individual scores will stem from. Meaning if the group earns
a 80, some members may earn a higher or lower grade based on individual performance).

Group BLOG:

Throughout the unit your group will be curating a BLOG. This is a space for you to
share your work to a larger audience, during and after each mini-project/lesson your work
will be posted for future access and review.

Below is an outline and sequence of mini-projects/lessons to be completed,
with the corresponding artifacts to be posted to the Group BLOG.

NEED to ADD how to collaborate Manual Lesson 6

Group Blog Rubric:

Individual BLOG:

This is a place for you to share your individual work and reflect on your own
learning process. What have you learned during the lesson? What aspects have you found
particularly interesting? What is working for you and what is not? Further questions you
have after each mini-project/lesson etc.
Below is an outline and sequence of mini-projects/lessons to be completed,
with the corresponding artifacts to be posted to your Reflective BLOG.

Reflective Blog Rubric:

Conflict Essay: (Possible Extension)

After projects are presented, individually, you will compose a formal essay responding to
the driving question: What are the inherent causes of conflict and the effectiveness of the
attempts to resolve them?
You are to use your own research and the information provided by your peers in their
final project presentations

Lesson #2
Defining Conflict and Causes

You and your team members will conduct a short online research lesson, where you
look into the causes of three current conflicts. These conflicts could be global (between
countries) or national (inside of one country). Your group will need to display the
information you have gathered through the creation of a digital infographic using

Once complete you will post your final draft to your group BLOG and participate in a
walk-around (Gallery walk) in class, where you share what you have learned as well as
collect information from other groups using the organizer provided. Using your groups
research and the data gathered from other groups you, individually, will need to compose a
CEA paragraph answering the following prompt: What is the root cause of Conflict?

Your paragraph should be posted to your individual BLOG along with your reflection
on the lesson.

Infographic Requirements:
Group definition of conflict.
Content clearly presented.
Text and images should be used.
o Map indicating location of conflict.
In your own words, not copy and pasted.
Correct Grammar and Spelling.
Your sources should be cited using MLA.

Infographic Rubric:

Walk-around (Gallery Walk) Graphic Organizer

CEA Paragraph Requirements:

Clear claim
Evidence supports claim
Analysis that connects evidence with claim.
Content clearly presented.
Correct Grammar and Spelling.
Your sources should be cited using MLA.

CEA Paragraph Rubric:

Lesson #3
Constructing a Research Question
and Sub-Questions

Individually and in your groups you are going to attempt to create a research
question and sub-questions for your overarching Research Project. The groups research
Question or RQ you create will become your teams focus over the next few weeks, while
your individual sub-question will be for you to answer during your final project

After you and your group have completed the modified KWL chart, use the following
video resources to revise your research questions.

Developing a Research Question #1

Developing a Research Questions #2
Guidelines in Constructing a Research Question

Once your group has created a first draft RQ and SQs, post to the class discussion board
for peer review and feedback. Each team is required to respond to two peer groups. Taking
into consideration the feedback provided, revise, and post your finalized RQ & SQs to the
group BLOG. Post a reflection on your individual BLOG along with your individual SQ.


Discussion Board Rubric:

Lesson #4
Evaluating Online Sources

In groups you will evaluated the online sources you compiled during Lesson #2. As a
group work through the evaluation scenario found at Website Evaluation Process Student
Interactive then use this evaluation rubric to evaluate the sources you have already
gathered and used. Produce a vetted list of sources and post them to your group BLOG with
a detailed rationale for at least four of your sources (Why do you believe own sources to be
relevant and creditable). From this point forward you and your group are to use this
evaluation rubric for all of your online sources, adding them to your group BLOG as you
move closer to your overarching project (#1).

Website Evaluation Form:

Lesson #5
Scale and Conflict Types

In partners, you will conduct online research in an attempt to categorize recent and
ongoing conflicts into scale and type. Using the organizer provided as a guide, create an
online Mindmap using, This information will be posted to your
group BLOG and used in the creation of your final project presentation.
Examples provided for each category
Brief summary and reasoning for categorization
Use of text and images
Proper grammar and mechanics
Content Organizer:

Mindmap Rubric:

Lesson #6

Now that you have had a chance to reflect on collaboration and teamwork, you are
going to generate a How to effectively collaborate manual, using the Google App
Lucidpress, which will be posted on your group BLOG. Accompanied by a group reflection
about any issues that have arisen over the course of the unit and a plan for how you are
going to resolve issues in the future.

Claim: Why is the ability to collaborate important?
Evidence: Supporting your claim
A minimum of 5 elements of effects collaborators.
Integrate Images and Text
Correct Grammar and Spelling
MLA Citations
Manual Rubric:

Lesson #7
Media and Conflict

There are usually two sides to every story and in conflict each side believes they are
in the right. In partnerships you are to research one side of your groups conflict in depth,
through the lens of media coverage. In pairs you will need to prepare a position briefing
arguing for your side of the conflict. These position briefings will be posted to your group
BLOG and used as reference material for and in class debate. Individually you will compose
a short argumentative essay, using your own research and the understandings taken from
being an audience member of the debates focusing on how media shapes perceptions of
conflict. Your essay will be posted on your individual BLOG along with a reflection on your

Position Brief Prompt: Why is your side in right and how do they perceive themselves in
relation to the other side? How has media been used to support their claim and shape

Position Brief Requirements:
Claim: Your sides perceptive
Evidence: Supporting your claim
Evidence and explanation of media coverage has shaped perception of conflict.
Correct Grammar and Spelling
MLA Citations

Position Brief Rubric:

Debate Format: Your groups will open by steaming your claim and evidence as to why
your side is correct in this conflict and attempt to establish credibility. After hearing the
opening statement of the opposing side your side will attempt to argue against it. Then
offer a closing statement attempting to reaffirm your initial claim.

Debate Requirements:
Clear statement of claim
Evidence supports claim
Discussion of role of media
Effective counter-argument
Proper use of tone and gestures

Debate Rubric:

Argumentative Essay Prompt: In what ways does media shape perception of conflict?

Argumentative Essay Requirements:
Claim: Establishes how media impacts perception.
Evidence and explanation of media coverage has shaped perception of conflict.
Uses at least three conflicts as examples.
Correct Grammar and Spelling
MLA Citations

Argumentative Essay Rubric:

Lesson #8
Public Speaking

In your groups you will be researching elements of effective public speaking, once
established your will be creating a rubric to help evaluating good public speaking. Using the
rubric your group has created you are to find 4 examples of public speaking online and
evaluate them, please provide two great examples along with two of lesser quality posted
to your group BLOG. After becoming experts in the elements of effective public speaking
you are to create a 3 minute How to video designed to help people become better public
speakers This video will be posted to your group BLOG for future reference as you will
want to use what you have learned for your overarching project presentation #1.
Individually you will post to your reflective BLOG.

Creating a Rubric: You are to create a rubric in evaluating effective public speaking. You
will need to use the class generated list in addition to online resources to guide you. Please
utilize the following link, Make a Rubric to help you in creating an effective rubric.

Rubric Requirements:
Clear objective (What are you trying to evaluate?)
Objective is broken in a minimum of 5 elements (Criteria)
Simple but effective descriptions of objectives (What are you measuring)
Simple but effective descriptions of point values (What does a 1 look like compared
to a 4)
Logical progression of points allotted
Formally written and proofread (Grammar and Spelling)

How to Video: Organize and create a 3 minute video, based on the rubric you have
created that illustrates the elements of effective and non-effective public speaking in
helping others become better public speakers.

How to Video Requirements:
Rationale (Importance of effective public speaking)
Clear depictions of effective elements
Clear depictions of non-effective elements
3 minutes in length
Use of text, images, and audio-visual components.
Clear use of transitions.

How to Video Rubric:

Lesson #9
Responses to Conflict
Your group will conduct short research project, presenting your findings in a formal oral
presentation. You are to discuss one historical example of conflict resolution, two current
attempts, and provide a group generated suggestion for solving conflict, which will then be
posted to your group BLOG. There will be two drafts or rough presentations, were you will
rehearse your presentations in front of two of your peer groups, using the Public Speaking Rubric
from Lesson #8. After the presentations, using your own research and knowledge gained from
being an audience member for peer presentations you are to individually compose a position
paper where you attempt to answer whether or not conflict can truly be resolved.
Responses to Conflict Presentation: In groups you are to research one historical example of
conflict resolution and its impact today, two current attempts and progress, while providing a
group generated suggestion for solving conflict based on your research. You may choose to
present using any online format you wish.

Presentation Requirements:
One historic example of conflict resolution
Two ongoing attempts to solve conflict
A group created solution for one of the ongoing conflicts chosen.
7 minutes in length
Use of text and images to covey meaning.
Elements of formal speech; appropriate tone, gestures, etc.
All team members speak

Presentation Rubric:

Position Paper Prompt: Is it possible to resolve conflict?

Position Paper Requirements:
Claim: Clear indication of your thoughts on conflict resolution.
Evidence: Supporting your claim (4 source minimum)..
Correct Grammar and Spelling
MLA Citations

Position Paper Rubric:

Lesson #10
Constructive Feedback
In groups, you will research and create a 3 minute How to video outlining how to give
constructive feedback, by showing positive and negative examples. The final product will be
posted on to your group BLOG. Ultimately you will be using your new understandings of
feedback, along with public speaking, to help your peers prepare for the final project
How to Video: You and your groupmates will need to research the elements of constructive
feedback, organizing and filming a short 3 minute instructional video, first arguing for the
importance of constructive feedback, but provide a description and examples of good and bad
How to Video Requirements:
Rationale (Importance of constructive feedback)
Clear depictions of a minimum elements of constructive feedback
Positive examples
Negative examples
3 minutes in length
Use of text, images, and audio-visual components.
Clear use of transitions.
How to Video Rubric

Lesson Resources
(n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
Create Easy Infographics, Reports, Presentations | Piktochart. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04,
2016, from
How Mass Media Affect Our Perception of Reality - Part 1 - Brain Connection. (2001,
December 04). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
How the news distorts our worldview. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
Inquiry on the Internet: Evaluating Web Pages for a Class Collection - ReadWriteThink.
(n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
MindMeister: Online Mind Mapping and Brainstorming. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016,
O. (n.d.). Make a Rubric. Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
Research Guides. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from

Why wars happen. (2008, December 16). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from

Why we should invest in a free press. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
EGFI For Teachers Marshmallow Design Challenge. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016,
L. (2013, October 03). Developing a Research Question. Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
N. (2014, July 28). Developing a Research Question. Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
The path to ending ethnic conflicts. (n.d.). Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
T. (2012, December 08). Critique and feedback - the story of austin's butterfly - Ron Berger.
Retrieved August 04, 2016, from
U. (2009, May 31). IMAX Cosmic Voyage. Retrieved August 04, 2016, from

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