English 3 Cpa Syllabus 2016-2017

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English 3 CP

Class Location:
5th Block:

Room 113
Ms. Michelle Williams [amwilliams@oconee.k12.sc.us]
Monday 3:15-4:20 (also by appointment Tuesday-Thursday)
A-day second block (9:40 11:00); B-day first block (8:00-9:30)

Course Description:
English 3 is a survey of American literature from Native American traditions to contemporary authors. As we read, we
will pay particular attention to the social and historical forces that have shaped the American experience. At times,
literature will serve as the springboard for formal essays and creative writing. We will also delve deeply into the art of
argumentative writing as we explore contemporary topics related to each unit.
Pencils and Blue or Black Pens
1 pack of assorted colored ball-point pens for annotating (highly recommended)
Loose leaf paper (college ruled)
Binder or folder
Grading Policy
Grading Scale: A= 9-100; B= 80-89; C= 70-79; D= 60-69; F= 0-59
Minor assessments are worth 40% and major assessments are worth 60% of a students grade each quarter.
Major tests may be retaken once. Students must meet with the teacher for extra help before retesting.
Essays may be revised once after submission for an improved grade. Resubmissions will be accepted only after
the student has interacted with the teacher concerning the essay in question.
Late and missing work
Work submitted after the due date may be penalized 10% per day, up to 50% of the possible points. Students
have five class periods or ten school days in which to submit late assignments. If the student does not complete
the work within this time frame, a zero will be recorded. Acceptance of work more than two weeks late is
reserved for extenuating circumstances at the teachers discretion.
Students may be assigned detention or mandatory 5th block if they are in danger of failing due to missing or
incomplete assignments. If you are assigned a mandatory 5th Block session, you must attend or you will receive
an administrative referral.
Extra help
I am always happy to help you. Please let me know in advance if you would like help after school.
Plagiarism Policy (See School Policy for Details)
1st offense will result in one day of ISS, where the assignment will be redone for a maximum grade of 70. Parents
will be notified by the teacher and administrator, and the incident will be documented in the students discipline file.
2nd offense will result in 2 days of ISS. No credit will be given for the assignment/test, and a grade of zero (0) will be
recorded. A parent conference will be held, and the incident will be documented in the students discipline file.
3rd offense will result in 2 days of OSS, with a Behavior Contract required upon return to school. No credit will be
given for the assignment/test, and a grade of zero (0) will be recorded. A parent conference will be held, and the
incident will be documented in the students discipline file.
Attendance & Make-up Work
Please do your best to be in class every day. If you must be absent, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for finding out what you
have missed in class. Please check the class website, ask a conscientious friend, or speak with me before/after class.
Keep in mind that excessive absences can lead to failure and/or loss of credit for the course. Please note: the district no
longer allows attendance retrieval beyond 10 days.
Im looking forward to a GREAT year! Go Bobcats!

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