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Busy in the states,,,

July was a whirlwind

of counseling appointments and a Marriage
Intensive. There is no
lack of ministry.
We have been in contact with a new to us
Sending Agency and
their leaders are very
interested in what we
are doing. We will be
doing a Marriage Intensive with them in
September so they can
experience it themselves. We are also
training a couple here
in Austin to start up a
Marriage Ministry in
their church.

Volume 6, Issue 8

August 3, 2016

Testimony From Ministry Trip!

My husband and I have been married for almost 15 years and weve
not done anything much for marriage maintenance during that
time. Weve lived overseas for 13.5
of those years and in that time have
experienced some major external
stressors. Because we have responded very differently to those stressors, it has caused for some miscommunication in our marriage. I canMore to come on some not say enough positive things
very exciting upcoming about our time at the marriage inopportunities. Pray for tensive in Selcuk. To be able to foguidance & provision. cus on just our marital relationship
for three days was an absolute gift.
To be so tirelessly listened to and so
obviously cared for by the staff was
an honor. Their modeling for us before every activity was the perfect
amount of practical help.

The food was amazing and the

location felt so homey and personalit was a great atmosphere for
the soul work that was necessary.
This intensive is not something
that we as workers would have
been able to afford. We are so incredibly grateful that we got to
experience this blessing with only
the cost of travel to pay for. The
communication in our marriage
has definitely improved in the
last month since we returned
home from the intensive. I feel
like we both understand each other better now. Our marriages are
supposed to be examples of Christ
and the church to this dark place.
Thanks for investing in something that impacts eternity.

We now have a Website if you would like to maybe share with others.
Also for your convenience anyone can go online to make a donation.

1. Go to this link

2. Select Give on Line


3. Go to drop down box and select Haven of Hope.

Page 2

Prayer Requests:
Pray for protection of the local Pray for the Lord to keep the
Answers to Prayer!
churches because of bomb
doors open to bring the Good
shadow couples to assist and rethreats and political unrest.
News to Turkey.
ceiving further training.
Pray for safety for the people
Pray for continued training of Duplication by:
of Turkey as they gather in
Mentor Couples and expanMentor Couples in Turkey doing inpublic areas.
tensives with Global Workers and
sion of Haven of Hope InterTurkish couples
Pray for the economy of Tur

key; the tourism industry has

taken a real hit.

Pray for worker couples on the


Pray for financial support to

increase as the cost of ministry this year has increased.

Fully Trained couples doing Intensives International

Turkish translated materials are in


Mission Trip 2016!

Orthodox Church in Romania

Catholic Church, Bandon, Ireland 1700c

Wymores Church in Bandon, Ireland!

Monastery in Trabzon, Turkey 350c

Contributions can be made to:

Haven of Hope
13427 Pond Springs Rd. Austin, TX.
Or Online Donations
1. Go to this link http://
2. Select Give on Line
3. Go to drop down box and select
Haven of Hope.
U.S.A. Phone Number!
512/573-8400 Mark

Calling for
Prayer Partners
& Financial
We would like to ask
you to consider partnering with our work in the
following ways

Interlaken, Switzerland in 2011

Mark w Lion Cubs, Tunis, Tunisia in 2009

Prayer is the most

important thing you can
do to help us. Would you
please contact us via
email to sign up to become a prayer partner of
Haven of Hope.

Financial Support
We continue to give Marriage Intensives to Global
Workers as a gift
(housing, food and the
intensive) both stateside
as well as Internationally. Please prayerfully
consider supporting Haven of Hope. Any amount
helps. Thank you!
Notre Dame, France in 2012

Excavation at the Gate Beautiful, Jerusalem 2010

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