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Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 ala 6.
A continuacin de le presentan dos textos que usted deber leer con atencin, EXCLUSIVAMENTE
con base en ellos, contestara las preguntas de esta parte.
At her death in 1695 Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz left a remarkable body of writing-religious, courtly,
and popular poems in a wide of verse forms; intellectual treatises; religious and secular plays; a
long epistemological poem, Primero sueo; and an autobiographical essay, the Respuesta a Sor
Filotea, which, to date, remains the most realible literary portrait we have of this woman of genius.
What we know of Sor Juana merely awakens our appetite for further information. We are unsure of
the date of her birth. We do not know whether she ever knew her father. We know approximately
when she was sent to Mexico City to live with her mothers sister, but not why. We can approximate
the dates of her life in court under the protection and patronage of the Marqus and Marquesa de
Mancera, but we know nothing of the everyday details of those years. We can only speculate as to
why at the height oh her popularity and in the full flush of her beauty she left the court to enter the
convent. In addition to thes guesses we can make from her writing, and besides the
autobiographical Respuestas, and the nearly contemporary biography written by Father Diego
Callejas, we have only a handful of birth, death, and marriage records relating to her family, and a
few papers concerning Sor Juanas entrance into and subsequent professions of faith of faith in first
the Carmelite Order, and then the Convent of Saint Jerome, where she died.
Sor Juana Ins by Margaret Sayers
1.According to the text, biographical material on Sor Juana is
A) accurate in its general content,
B) abundant in chronological information.
C) distorted for the study of her work.

D) insufficient for understanding her life.

2.The reason Sor Juana entered the convent are
A) clear.
B) dubios.
C) unknown.
D) mystical.
3.When the autor says the most reliable literary portrait, he means that
A) the information is true
B) the details are perfect
C) the details are correct
D) the information is trustful.
Who was Dame Agatha Christie? Her father a rich American financier, but she grew up in the
English countryside among the genteelupper middle-class society she describes so well in bar
books. During the Firs World War, she married Colonel Christie and served as a nurse. From her
experience in hospitals at the time, she developed an intereset in poisons which was to be so useful
to her later in many of her stories, She divorced her husband in 1928 and a few years later, married
Sir Max Mallowan, a Young archaeologist. She accompanied him on many of this expeditions and
drew from them plot of several oh her novels.
Agatha Christie started writing just after Worl War I, as a kind of challenge. She had no success
with her first book, which no Publisher wanted to take and which did not sell very well. It was only
with the publication of The Murder of Roger Ackroyd in 1926 that she suddenly became well-know
and started to reach fame.
4.Which of the following ideas is present in the text?
A)Agatha Christie became the fisrt husbandsnurse.
B)The critics rejected Agatha Christies first books.
C)Books oon archaeology were written by Agatha Christie.
D)Agatha Christies Works provide a good portrait of the British bourgeoisie.

Esta parte de la prueba consta de 10 preguntas, de la 1 ala 10, en las cuales deber elegir la
opcin que completa correcta y lgicamente las expresiones o dilogos incompletos que se le
1.-I had never seen such a _____________________________ dog before. It must be newly born.
a)Tiny_narrow mnimum decreased.
2.-You shouldnt______________________________________your time like that.
a)Ease chat boast waste
3.-The baby was__________________________________up block to form a tower
a)Spreading breeding arousing piling.
4.-The glasses didnt break because I packed them_____________________________________.
a)Straightly permanently carefully respectively.
5.-If was Jhon who hid our books. Theres no_____________________________________about it.
a)Doubt foal guiad toll.
6.-They have an interesting___________________of photographs at the Museum of Modern Arts.
a)Output feature display_d)ornate
7.-Harry is a very________________________________person.He is always jind and considrate.
a)Think thinking thoughtfully thoughtfull.
8.-Helen expected to receive an enormous Stone in her engagement ring, but she only received a
a)Mayor tiny mild huge.
9.-The candidates for best actos are Bert Rainbows and Roger Bedfor. I__________Roger Bedford.

A)am for stand for_stand on am on.

10.-Jack left because he couldt____________________________for the infidelity of his wife.
A)Set pay look stand.
Esta parte de la prueba consta de 6 preguntas, de la 1 ala 6.A continuacin de le presentan dos
textos de Usted deber leer con atencin y, EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en ellos, contestara las
preguntas de esta parte.
Few men have been admired and glorified in recent time as the American astronauts. In the 1960sa decade of assas sinations, campus violence, and a war in a distant land- the citizenry the U.S.A
was in deperate want oj hroes, and the spacemen filled that need.
But NASA(the national)Aeronautics and Space Administration) was not content simply to have
astronauts respected for what they were: courageous men experiencing many of the same
pleasures and pains as other human beings. Instead, the astronauts were 2sold as a unique kind
of supermen. It was one of the most ambitious and successful public relations campaigns in history.
From the beginning, the media treated the astronauts as exceptional individuals. In its first article
abput the original Proyect Mercury astronauts.Time said:from a nation of 175 million they stepped
forwards last week:seven men cut of the same as Columbus, Magellan, Daniel Boone, Orville and
Wilbur Wright.
1.-which of th following ideas is present in the text?
A.America transformed normal men in a exceptional kind of superman.
B.American spacemen are the most admired men in mordern history.
C.American spacemen ware formed through an intelligent propaganda campaing.
D.American needed hroes to contrast the bad image of the sicxties.

2.-Wich of the following titles best suits the text?

A.NASA:right or wrongThe dangers of publiucity
B.A new race of conquerors_ Exeptional men or ordinary people?
3.-Astronauts were admired ; however

A.NASA was not satisfied._They ware quite popular.

B.They didnt like to be sold.Public relations worked well.
Hachi went to a Tokyo railroad station to see his masteroff for work, as usual, one day in 1925. That
evening at 5 oclock, he went to meet the train on which his master always came home. The dog
had no way of knowing that his master had died in the city. Never giving up hope, hachi went to the
railroad station every day for the next ten years-then, when of this life-and waited for the 5 oclock
train.Then people of his master didnt appear, he went sadly home. The people of Japan had
waited and sent small replicas to all the schools in the Empire.
Taken from The Peoples Almanac.
4.-Which of the following ideas is present in the text?
A.Master and dog deserved a statue. Hachi outlived his master ten years.
B.Hachis master was killed in the city. The dog liked to see hsi master at work.
5.-Which of the following titles best suits the text?
A.A Glorius Deaththe habits of a dogan unexpected deaththe loyalty of a dog
6.-In the phrasenever giving up hope, the expression giving up could be replaced by.
A.Losing. Forgetting Putting away.Thoriwing away.

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