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Unit 5 CAM Assignment

Positive Thinking 101

Course Syllabus
General Information
Instructor: Lindsey Culver
Course Meeting Times: Monday Evenings from 7-8:30 p.m.
Course Meeting Location: The Longmont Recreation Center
Credit Hours: TBD
Course Description
This course will not only teach you the innate power your mind has over
your health and physical body but also the importance of positive
thinking. This course will explain the physical effects of both positive and
negative thinking patterns on your health as well as give you the
information and practice you need in order to help guide you in having
positive thought patterns on your own.
Course Prerequisites
The desire to feel better!
Course Objectives
1. To understand the basics of the mind body relationship
2. To understand the impact thoughts can have
3. To learn techniques for positive thinking
4. To feel motivated in moving forward with positive thinking patterns
to create a happy and healthy life
Required Materials
Seligman, Martin E.P. 2006. Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind
and Your Life. Vintage Books.
Seaward, Brian Luke. 2015. Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for
Health and Well-Being. Eight Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
*Both texts are available in hard or soft copy via Amazon.
Meeting Preparation:
Bring the following to every class: Both required texts (or e-reader to
access text), notebook, pen/pencil, water bottle, yoga mat, and small
blanket. Wear comfortable clothing.

Grading will be based upon a cumulative score of participation,
understanding, and assignments but Im feeling pretty optimistic that
everyone will get excellent grades!

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