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Comm 1010 Informative Outline

Specific Goal: Myaudiencewilllearnaboutthestatistics,andhowatleast50%ofthehomelessinAmericaare

Application: TheaudiencemaylearnwhywehavesomanyhomelessVets,andwhattheycandotohelpwiththe
Audience Assessment: My audience may know that there are things in play to alleviate the homeless Vet problem.
Adaptation to Audience: I will show graphs with the years and the statistic numbers.
Pattern of Organization: Topical in my interdiction, Cause and Effect in the Body.

Hook: I am a disabled Vet.

A. I served in the Iraqi War from 2004-2005 and I came home to a home.
B. There were some who came home but had No home to come home to.


Thesis: Knowing how many homeless Vets there are in America and in our Nation, maybe one day we all
can work together to resolve this problem.

Preview: I will share what I have learned.
A. The causes of homeless Vets
B. What is being done to help the homeless Vets
C. What the Vets are doing to keep from being homeless.

Transition: Now that I have given you a preview, let us look at homeless Vets.

10 Statistics you didnt know about Veteran homelessness.

Transition: There are many different programs out there to help with the homeless Vets.

There are College Programs.

A. Grants for Veterans
B. Voc-Rehab, will assist in training to help get a job.
Assistance in Housing and Healthcare.
A. Veterans Housing Help.
B. Veterans Housing Assistance
C. Utah-National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
D. VA Salt Lake City Health Care

Transition: We often hear, what can we do to help the Homeless Vets?

VII. Knowing what is going on with our Vet, is half the battle, getting involved is the other battle.
A. 6 ways to help Homeless Veterans you didnt know.
B. How you can Help- National Coalition for Homeless Veterans.
C. 9 Simple ways you can Help Veterans.
VIII. Ask yourself this question, do you know a veteran? And if so are they a family member, a friend, or just
someone that you know? Then think to yourself do they have a home, family, or friends that they could live with. There
are many Veterans who does not have the luxury of family or friends who would let them just live with them. We all need
to take a moment and find in ourselves the time to help out where every, whenever to get our homeless Veterans a
helping hand. Remember they gave all so that we all can remain free!
References: I did not have any references to site, at least in my out line. I will have some on my power point.

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