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Dieudonne Musare
History 2710
With the time of the course , 1877 to present , American Men
and women had learned more from the post-civil war even 9/11
crisis in 2001 . Both book American People and Changing
Interpretations guide me to study and have lot knowledge about
the Vietnam War, civil war, the realities of Rural America, Great
Depression and new deal. By American people : Creating a Nation
and a Society , Volume 2 on page 518 The late nineteenth
century brought turbulence to rural America.
The Indian problem, which had plagued American for 200 years,
was tragically solved for the while, but not without resistance and
bloodshed. The history of USA in 1877 which look like start
yesterday, It help me really get a feel of things I didnt know , and
had more detail about American history 1877. The book has a
quick synopsis of American History and the chronological of the
events are described in such a way. As an example in Changing
Interpretation chapter 8, Source 1, One-third of the population of

the south is of the Negro race. No enterprise seeking the material,

civil, or moral welfare of this section can disregard this element of
our population and reach the highest success. This show
chronologically the American History , advantage and
disadvantage for the people compare to how, the present
American citizen live in the same neighborhood without problem.
Political and social this event the race question has a lot thing to
learn special on how the information in 1985 was really hectic
than today. In same chapter 8 , source 3 In respect of civil right ,
common to all citizens , the Constitution of the United States does
not , I thing , permit any public Authority to know the race of the
entitled to be protected in the enjoyment of such rights.
This Showed me How American of today and American of 1877
are completed different when it goes to race. American of present
white and black may choose one thing together but 1877 it was
very hard because white race deems to be the dominant the
personnel and thought the black wasnt allow by USA constitution.
The history played the key role in racial division among the USA
citizens and categorized the class among American. In Chapter 8
changing Interpretation Source 5 Our legislature was composed

of majority of negro most of who could neither read nor write.

They were the easy dupes and tools of dirty a band of vampires
and robbers as ever preyed upon a prostrate people. The racial
against black people as second class citizen was very scary in
American history I 1877 , compare to today how black has
freedom to vote as others citizen , black has all right as white
people. Abolitionists of inferiority has made black people
discovered new life. The African American has been involved
longtime but some party could not allow them, then then majority
of African American support Democratic Party across the south.
Black American had maintains to improve their life but since there
was KU Klux Klan which was ok with violence against black and
many African American were killed so bad. These teach us today
how now life of African American are getting much better than
1877. In changing Interpretation Chapter 8 Source 7 God
Almighty never intended that the Negro should with the white
man in the government of this country.
Campbell, J. (2013). The Death of Frank Wilson: Race, Crime, and
Punishment in Post-Civil War Pennsylvania. American Nineteenth

Century History, 14(3), 305-323.

ROBINSON, S. (2014). "To think, act, vote, and speak for
ourselves": Black Democrats and Black "Agency" in the American
South after Reconstruction. Journal Of Social History, 48(2), 363382.
History Review, (65), 38.

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