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u10d1 Review and reflection

Review and reflect on the various principles you have learned over the last 10 weeks of the course. What have you
learned about SPSS that you would not have suspected or predicted? How do you envision using SPSS in your
studies and work? What concerns would you have about assuming the role of a data analyst using SPSS?

Response Guidelines
Review the other learner posts and identify any themes you see in the range of posts. Respond to at least two by
comparing the posts you are addressing to the overall theme you identified, noting similar concerns and thoughts.

I came into the course without any prior experience with PASW, and my expectation was to learn
how to perform statistical data analysis using the SPSS/PASW statistical software package. This
course has fulfilled that expectation, although I would have liked to have learned more complex
functions and operations. I envision using PASW in future academic statistical research
assignments and opportunities (i.e. Advanced Inferential Statistics, doctoral dissertation) and for
data analysis when conducting psychological and social research for future publication.
As a data analyst, my main concerns would be: 1) Do I have a comprehensive and functional
understanding of the functions as well as the statistical, data management and documentation
capabilities of the PASW software (i.e. bivarate statistical operations)? 2) Since some complex
applications are not as easily accessible with the drop down menu structure, do I have enough
knowledge of the PASW proprietary syntax language to perform the necessary data
manipulations? and 3) Have I sufficiently backed up any raw data and subsequent data
operations in the event that entry and operational errors may occur when using the software?

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